Weekly Sunflower Arrangements for Michael

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Because sunflowers became a part of recent tabloid circus this particular order had to be changed imo to a different kind of flowers in order not to continue the story. There is nothing wrong with sunflowers (I love them myself) but not in this case. And I am not against the idea of sending flowers to his grave from fans. I think it is sweet and nice idea.

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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I am not surprised. For some LMP supporters it still hard to understand what was wrong with the whole idea of making this story public.

And who are the LMP's supporters?

Take a bow...your previous post was ridiculously funny. Hold up to it.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I don't know what to say anymore...:(.

when it gets down to it none of these stupid flowers will bring Michael back....so why keep putting them there??.....If I sound a bit angry thats because I am...I just cannot take anymore of the stupid flowers. In my opinion all it is now is a publicity stunt...Blah flowers wont bring him back..

Lmao sorry but this made me laugh. I think the flowers are beautiful.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Lmao sorry but this made me laugh. I think the flowers are beautiful.

well let me clarify what i was getting at yesterday when I posted this. First of all let me say that I was having an emotional time yesterday. so yeah I kindda went on a rant yesterday...:(... My point about the sunflowers was that why put them there...we can put all the flowers we want there and they will not bring Michael back...like I said I was having a rough time of it yesterday.. So anyway..then another poster reminded me that the flowers were put there by fans to show their love for Michael. I thanked that poster. In my grief..I forgot that very important point. Let me add..I am glad you found joy in my pain....and yes the flowers are beautiful..the fans do a wonderful job.
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

well let me clarify what i was getting at yesterday when I posted this. First of all let me say that I was having an emotional time yesterday. so yeah I kindda went on a rant yesterday...:(... My point about the sunflowers was that why put them there...we can put all the flowers we want there and they will not bring Michael back...like I said I was having a rough time of it yesterday.. So anyway..then another poster reminded me that the flowers were put there by fans to show their love for Michael. I thanked that poster. In my grief..I forgot that very important point. Let me add..I am glad you found joy in my pain....and yes the flowers are beautiful..the fans do a wonderful job.

you just need one magical :hug: .it happens we are all on roller coaster ride of emotion .just buckle up and be ready we have a bumpy ride ahead.:praying :angel:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

you just need one magical :hug: .it happens we are all on roller coaster ride of emotion .just buckle up and be ready we have a bumpy ride ahead.:praying :angel:

Thank you..:hug:....yes that is what I need. ...you are correct..we have a LONG road ahead of us...thank you for understanding..
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

You are the one who supported LMP public idea and we ended up with tabloids.If you still do not see what was wrong with all this I have no comments. There is nothing funny when stupid stories like this go on and on nonstop. His grave is not a circus. To stop this "sunflower news" this partucular order had to be changed. I do not find it funny at all.

Who cares about LMP? MJ is getting beautiful flowers weekly....deservingly so.
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

:wild: :hysterical::hysterical: I bet Michael is just laughing at this point. Chicks going nuts. And you're right, people are not doing it because they want to make brownie points with LMP, but because it would be nice to send him flowers. And because it is a wonderful gesture of the florists to accommodate grieving MJ fans, who have a chance to donate a small amount and get their name on a card that gets taken inside. It means a lot to people who simply can't go there. Something very nice actually came out of the sunflower thing. Many people can't afford a 60 dollar bouquet through the online vendors, it's a lovely thing to do.
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Michael recieved flowers regularly, and nothing was said. If LMP kept this quiet, we would not be still talking about this publicity stunt.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

oh come on. not this again. let's just enjoy the flowers, shall we? it's not about LMP anymore. it's only about MICHAEL
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

This is a lovely.

Do the flowers get taken inside next to his grave?
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

So beautiful. :angel:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

flowers are sooooo pretty. I hope hes enjoying them all.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

^ I am really proud of the work MJ's estate executors have been doing. Despite various roadblocks, they have been doing a fantastic job cracking down these greedy bastards.

MJ was a very smart man for picking them. The best possible choice.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Update from their website:

"Below are the photos from the fourth delivery of ‘Sunflowers for Michael‘ The arrangements this week are gorgeous and include not only sunflowers, but beautiful red roses and delicate purple irises.
And once again, Michelle Gold has donated one of her lovely poems and Eliza Lo donated a piece of amazing artwork to go with the card. Michael had a HUGE list of fan-mily donors this week and we’re thrilled to be able to bring all this beauty and love to him from everyone!
The flowers are stunning, the poetry and artwork are beautiful and it’s all for our Micheal from his loving fan-mily! We LOVE you Michael!





You can see more of the pictures and closeups of the cards at

We love and miss you soooo much, Michael :heart: :cry: :angel:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Such a beautiful arrangement
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

omg so beautiful. :weeping: :cry: :cry:
I miss him so much.
Sunflowers - 5th Week Delivery

This week, due to the amazing generosity of MJ’s Korean fan-mily, we were able to provide THREE magnificent bouquets of flowers for Michael: Two gorgeous sunflower ‘trees’ plus a mixed arrangement with love-pink lilies, red roses, innocent white flowers, and ivy.
And, as with previous weeks, our fan-mily artist Christine Wallden of Sweden and our fan-mily poet J. Michelle Gold have donated beautiful artwork and poetry for Michael’s card.

We DO spoil our angel and he deserves it! Below is the eye-popping beauty for Michael this week from his loving fan-mily!:

ALL PHOTOS ARE © 2010, SANDY LEE SCOTT AND ‘Sunflowers for Michael Program


Lilies and Roses
More Lilies, Roses and Sunflowers in Bouquet #3
A Sunflower Tree - Perfection!
View of two bouquets from the side, outside Holly Terrace
Another side view of our mixed bouquet
Fan-mily Names of Donors (1)
Fan-mily Names of Donors (2)
Fan-mily Names of Donors (3)
Fan-mily Names of Donors (4)
Fan-mily Names of Donors (5)
Fan-mily Names of Donors (6)
Christina's Artwork, Michelle's Poetry, and a Teddy Bear!
Our Bouquet Trio for Michael - Gorgeous!
Center Shot of #3 Nestled Between Sunflower Trees

MJ loves sunflowers but I wish they would periodically send variety of flowers, like the centre bouquet as pictured. They look much nicer.
Once again, thanks to all the fans who continue to make this a possiblity, I almost started to cry just now looking at those beautiful flowers.
beautiful. it's wonderful that fans continue to support this project. I talked to Sandy, she said that so far there's enough money for 10 weeks.
awwww just look at those cards, messages and flowers...so sweet :cry:
Wow they have enough for 10 more weeks?