Weekly Sunflower Arrangements for Michael

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Below are the today’s photos from the third delivery of ‘Sunflowers for Michael‘!

You’ll notice a couple of very sweet, new touches this week:

First, one arrangement contains 4 roses: a pink one for Michael, and three yellow roses, one for each of the children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

Second, Michael has received a lovingly created fan-made card formed from a beautiful piece of artwork and a poem! These were generously and lovingly submitted by two of Michael’s fan-mily! Christine Wallden created the Sunflower drawing, and J. Michelle Gold wrote the sweet poem!

Roseo, the wonderful person at Forest Lawn Flower Shop who creates Michael’s bouquets for us, says she will be changing up the arrangements in following weeks just so they’ll be a bit different each week instead of the same all the time. But don’t worry! They will STILL contain LOTS of ‘Sunflowers for Michael!

The arrangement with the roses: Pink for MJ, 3 Yellow ones for Prince, Paris, and Blanket

Close-up of the roses

2 Bouquets Plus a Beautiful Fan-made Card.

Close-up of the Gorgeous Artwork and Poem

2nd View of Fan-made Card. It's gorgeous!

Fan-mily Names of Donors (1)

Fan-mily Names of Donors (2)

Fan-mily Names of Donors (3)

Fan-mily Names of Donors (4)

Fan-mily Names of Donors (5)

Both Arrangements + Card

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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I don't know what to say anymore...:(.

when it gets down to it none of these stupid flowers will bring Michael back....so why keep putting them there??.....If I sound a bit angry thats because I am...I just cannot take anymore of the stupid flowers. In my opinion all it is now is a publicity stunt...Blah flowers wont bring him back..
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Thank you :flowers: :cry:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I don't know what to say anymore...:(.

when it gets down to it none of these stupid flowers will bring Michael back....so why keep putting them there??.....If I sound a bit angry thats because I am...I just cannot take anymore of the stupid flowers. In my opinion all it is now is a publicity stunt...Blah flowers wont bring him back..

Publicity? What for? These are flowers from the fans.

Anyway...they are pretty. Thank you to the fans who contributed in making this possible. MJ should always be surrounded by beautiful flowers. Always & Forever.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

its doesn't take a speech or a blog to Keep MJ Fans for loving him I love you all for your brave and hard work continue to show the media that MJ is loved throughout the world
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Publicity? What for? These are flowers from the fans.

Anyway...they are pretty. Thank you to the fans who contributed in making this possible. MJ should always be surrounded by beautiful flowers. Always & Forever.

yes i know....I think I am just REALLY feeling my emotions getting out of control right now...like the rest of you I have anger right now and I dont know how else to express it other than to pick apart the flowers....I am sorry to all the fans who did send the flowers....they are beautiful. I just am feeling really low right now with the 25th right around the corner. I didnt mean to offend all of the fans who did a beautiful thing.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Try not to look at whats wrong with the flowers, appreciate whats right about it. It's a nice thing to do. Michael is not here physically now but he should always be appreciated. Even if its with just a simple flower. I think its nice. Id rather that than nothing for Michael. I think he'd think it was sweet.

Michael should be celebrated in every possible way forever!!
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Try not to look at whats wrong with the flowers, appreciate whats right about it. It's a nice thing to do. Michael is not here physically now but he should always be appreciated. Even if its with just a simple flower. I think its nice. Id rather that than nothing for Michael. I think he'd think it was sweet.

Michael should be celebrated in every possible way forever!!

Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

don't get me wrong its a good idea & all but does anyone think its a good idea to have so many of them?? Is there even anyone who waters them and takes care of them ??
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

For those who seemingly don't know, these are flowers sent by fans through a special program worked out directly with the Forest Lawn Flower Shop. :flowers: All fans who can and want to contribute to the weekly delivery of sunflowers do so and if the cost is met the flower shop delivers two big vases of sunflowers and a card into Holly Terrace to be placed near Michael. Just two vases, which are kept in reserve just for him. No one's getting bothered and no one's pushing their nose to the windows with video cameras or hollering around or disrespecting anyone. Personally, I don't care if they're sunflowers, roses, wildflowers or what, just that they're pretty and fill the area with the lovely scent of fresh flowers and the feeling of love, reverance, and beauty. I think it's wonderful. Thank you to Sandy, Seven, Irene and everyone else who makes this possible :heart:
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Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I agree but was just askin if the flowers are taken care of- as they should be.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I agree but was just askin if the flowers are taken care of- as they should be.
Hmm, from what I understand, according to the F.L. shop, flowers are removed when they have begun to wilt, usually around 5 days. (Ok, just looked up info about care for sunflowers. Fresh cut ones can last up to 2 weeks when cared for correctly, wow. Advice is to make sure the vases are tall enough for adequate water, keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight and preferably change the water every couple of days.) I can't imagine water is being changed everywhere, which is too bad since they could last much longer, but the vases should be deep enough to be adequate for some days. I guess that's the best guess, that they'll stay nice looking for at least a few days and will be removed when they are wilting.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

Hmm, from what I understand, according to the F.L. shop, flowers are removed when they have begun to wilt, usually around 5 days. (Ok, just looked up info about care for sunflowers. Fresh cut ones can last up to 2 weeks when cared for correctly, wow. Advice is to make sure the vases are tall enough for adequate water, keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight and preferably change the water every couple of days.) I can't imagine water is being changed everywhere, which is too bad since they could last much longer, but the vases should be deep enough to be adequate for some days. I guess that's the best guess, that they'll stay nice looking for at least a few days and will be removed when they are wilting.

F.L shop will get more money if they don´t take care correct of the flowers.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

F.L shop will get more money if they don´t take care correct of the flowers.
Yeah, I know. I thought of that earlier too. But then, and maybe I'm wrong about this, but I don't think that cemetery flower shops generally go around caring for all arrangements throughout the whole place. "Continued care" of flowers bought from them isn't part of the deal. I think it's basically like you order flowers for your loved one, they're delivered and that's that. At least that's how it works for where my grandparents are. None of us family live close enough to take care of anything personally, so the flowers just stay until they wilt. It's still something, though, for those who feel the need and have the money to do it. Of course it's a profitable business for any flower shop, but that's the world, isn't it? :mello:

Too bad F.L. doesn't allow silk flowers, but if they did you'd probably be able to see the mountain of silk flowers from space by now :angel:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I think the idea of bringing there flowers from all the fans is wonderful. It's not about sunflowers. It could be any other flowers, roses etc. But it's just so nice to see that the fans from all over the world are brought together in this. In remembering and honoring Michael. And it's done respectfully and gracefully. It's beautiful. I hope this project will continue. I will donate every month.

When you bring flowers to your loved one who passed, you show them that you remember and love them. I don't see anything wrong about fans showing that to Michael.
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

i told myself i wouldnt go in threads like this cause it upsets me to much. but i always end up here. *sigh*
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I am loving the flowers and the messages. They are beautiful and thank you to the fans who went to all the trouble of putting them together :)
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

beautiful!!! Thank you for posting! :cry:
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I for one am happy that the fans are able to continue showing their love and respect for Michael. It still is a sad situation, one that I don't know that I'll ever reconcile with, but I will forever love Michael and whatever I can do to show my continued support and appreciation I will do.

Flood him with sunflowers!
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

It makes it so real seeing flowers at FL :(. He's really gone :(
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

yes i know....I think I am just REALLY feeling my emotions getting out of control right now...like the rest of you I have anger right now and I dont know how else to express it other than to pick apart the flowers....I am sorry to all the fans who did send the flowers....they are beautiful. I just am feeling really low right now with the 25th right around the corner. I didnt mean to offend all of the fans who did a beautiful thing.

i told myself i wouldnt go in threads like this cause it upsets me to much. but i always end up here. *sigh*

:hug: hugs to both of you

I got what xthunderx2 said... it's nothing against the flowers, not against the fans, not against anyone, but against the fact Michael is gone. And that hurts like crazy :(
Re: New Sunflower Arrangements Today

I just love the sunflower arrangement mixed with the roses. Its just so beautiful and I'm sure Michael is just loving them.