Wed, 9th July, 08

It's the same premise terrell. It's the victim being blamed for the attackers actions, plain and simple. I used an extreme example so you would get it. It was a choice to go against the grain in the 60s for civil rights, just as it is a choice to act in public as you want, even if it doesn't fit in. People being prejudiced against because of how they look or how they dress or their race is all based in the same principle. If you get beat up for fighting for civil rights, it's the same thing in a less sever form if you get called a freak because you act or dress differently. In fact, being attacked for having a differing perception is the base prejudice in which almost all others are born from. And that's the basic reason for why Michael is attacked. Because he thinks differently, which just takes form in differnt ways of his lifestyle.
Sorry but it is not the same. One issue your are in control while the other one you are not in control. I can change clothes and fit right in with society rule on dress code but I can not change my skin or being human (even as light as Michael is, he is still black and the DNA will still say it).
I think at this point, this is an issue we will agree to disgree.
That's not the point terrell. The point is that those people CHOSE to fight against the laws and they payed the price. It was a choice. It's not about their race, it's about choosing to be different and then getting blamed for being attacked when they are. It's the same principle, you just aren't understanding it.
That's not the point terrell. The point is that those people CHOSE to fight against the laws and they payed the price. It was a choice. It's not about their race, it's about choosing to be different and then getting blamed for being attacked when they are. It's the same principle, you just aren't understanding it.
I was born at the end of that era and experience some of it even when the laws on the book were there (the laws were not always enforced), I understand VERY WELL (and I am black). There is no comparison to CLOTHES to COLOR/RACE treatment.
No, you don't understand my point. I'm not talking about them being black. I'm talking about them choosing to go against the grain and speak their minds on a particular subject. It's the same premise as choosing to live your life differently or act differently then what is the norm. I'm not talking about being born black and being unable to change your race, I'm talking about the chose to not conform to what is deemed appropriet out of fear. It IS the same, you just are taking it as the broaching or racial issues and taking the discussion away from the initial point. Prejudice is prejudice, in any form. Michael is attacked because he doesn't do what everyone else does or is supposed to do. Civil rights activists were attacked because they didn't do what they were supposed to or act like they were supposed to.

And what's more, if you THINK differently, you can do no more to change that then to change your race. Should Michael have to cover up the fact that he may see things a little differently simply because it doesn't go with what everyone else thinks?

Thanks for GeniBottle and laurenjayne, by the way. I'm glad you got what I meant.
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No, you don't understand my point. I'm not talking about them being black. I'm talking about them choosing to go against the grain and speak their minds on a particular subject. It's the same premise as choosing to live your life differently or act differently then what is the norm. I'm not talking about being born black and being unable to change your race, I'm talking about the chose to not conform to what is deemed appropriet out of fear. It IS the same, you just are taking it as the broaching or racial issues and taking the discussion away from the initial point. Prejudice is prejudice, in any form. Michael is attacked because he doesn't do what everyone else does or is supposed to do. Civil rights activists were attacked because they didn't do what they were supposed to or act like they were supposed to.

And what's more, if you THINK differently, you can do no more to change that then to change your race. Should Michael have to cover up the fact that he may see things a little differently simply because it doesn't go with what everyone else thinks?

Thanks for GeniBottle and laurenjayne, by the way. I'm glad you got what I meant.

Yep. Rastafarians were considered outcasts and pariahs in Jamaica. They had no jobs and no one would rent them a home to live. They had to live in the hills on the fringes of society. My uncle was one of them, My mother disowned him because of his beliefs and dress code. He had long nappy hair and long beard.

All they wanted to do was to be allowed to practice their religion in peace, but society said NO. Bob Marley was a part of that group of outcasts. Now we celebrate the legend. Who would have thought that Bob marley was an oitcast in his own country.

Now we have rastas in every profession and we even teach rastafarianism in schools.
Prejudice is ignorance. MJ isn't breaking any laws, we shouldn't tolerate any people who would seek to call him names just because he is different.:no: