Wed, 9th July, 08


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia

News Thread Here for you all :flowers:

Today is hump day! (wednesday) meaning we've hit the hump in the week and it's all down hill running to the weekend! :punk:

Sooo on with today's news thread! :kickass2:

Michael Jackson News:

I haven't got anything jusssst yet :D but come back soon and hopefully I'll have something :lol:

Michael Jackson Mentionings:

Another news article rehashing the same old stuff with Ne-Yo

Ne-Yo: Gentlemen's Etiquette

Published: Wednesday - July 9, 2008
Words by Tonya Raymond

Photo: Def Jam He's the guy that every rapper wants on their hook and every R&B singer wants their songs written by. He was the mastermind behind Mario's Let Me Love You, yet we didn't know who he was until In My Own Words came out in 2006 and sold more than 300,000 copies in it's first week.

MJ related question: Finally, What's in next for you after the album drops?

Ne-Yo: I'm writing for a bunch of people. John Legend is on the way; Robin Thicke is on the way; I got one on Usher's album right now; Jennifer Hudson's single that's out right now; Ciara [is] coming soon; PussyCat Dolls coming soon; Lindsay Lohan coming soon; [and] Michael Jackson. I won't say coming soon, but I'm definitely writing songs for him.



No to "cola-nization": patriotic Russians take to traditional refreshment Kvas

(Associated Press WorldStream Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) ZVENIGOROD,

The company ran ads featuring look-alikes of Michael Jackson and Kiss singer Gene Simmons scaring Russian children and bathers while holding up cola. Then the look-alikes reveal themselves to be "real Russians" and begin drinking kvas.

"No to cola-nization. Kvas. To the health of the nation," the voiceover says.

The pitch appears to have worked. Launched in 2005, Nikola soon became Russia's second-largest kvas seller and retooled the traditional image of the drink.

"In our family we have a full ban on Coca-Cola, for both the kids and the adults," Olga Beglyarova said, after purchasing a bottle of fresh kvas from the monastery.

Coke and other soft-drinks, she claimed, "spoil and harm your health."


Michael Jackson HIStory:

1971 - The Jackson Five began taping its first TV special, "Going Back To Indiana."

1981 - The Jacksons began the 36 city "Triumph Tour."

2004 - The judge in the Michael Jackson child-molestation case ordered the prosecutor to take the stand and explain a raid on a private investigator's office. The investigator worked for Mark Geragos (Jackson's lawyer at the time) and the judge questioned whether Jackson's attorney-client privilege had been violated.
How many years has Ne-Yo written songs for the Michael album now again?
Just a lil thing, MJ is mentioned in The Times newspaper today on page 4.

" Michael Jackson entreated people not to 'blame it on the sunshine' in his 1978 hit 'blame it on the boogie', but scientific research suggests that his appeal was misguided. Decades of analysis show that warmer temperatures are a contributing factor in riots, road rage and the likelihood of swedish bus drivers crashing."

Rest of the article is about accidents in hot weather. Looks like the author had MJ on the mind. lol
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beware of new pictures taken of mj and the kids on 7th july coming out in the coming hours. a self proclaimed fan who follows mj and takes pictures and sells them to the tabs just posted this info on kop board.once again the tabs will have a field day
no idea the pictures are of mj and the kids coming out of a book store.
I can't answer your questions Datsymay, but I just want to thank you for posting the video, I really loved the guys voice and he really sounded sincere in the telling. I wish more people could see this. Thanks

Turning 50: Three all-time pop icons are turning 50 this year. Prince reached the milestone on June 7. Madonna hits the Big 5-0 on Aug. 16. Michael Jackson follows suit on Aug. 29. All three of these superstars peaked in the mid-1980s-Jackson with Thriller, Prince with Purple Rain and Madonna with Like A Virgin. So which of these stars has sold the most albums in the Nielsen/SoundScan era? That would be Madonna, who has sold 25,995,000 albums since 1991 (placing her #31 among all artists). Jackson is next, with sales of 21,072,000 (good enough for a #49 ranking). Then comes Prince, with sales of 16,430,000 (he is ranked #90).
Loved that video! nice narrative too and is'nt it great to hear someone acknowledging his skin disorder?
^Wow, there are few documentaries that don't focus on the controversy. This documentary looks great! Thanks so much for posting that Datsymay!
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Christian Audigier: The Nightclub at Treasure Island in Vegas

[COLOR=#999999! important]By -- Steve Friess [/color]
[COLOR=#999999! important]July 10, 2008 [/color]
DESIGNER Christian Audigier was a few hours from opening his first nightclub last week, a swanky spread that looks out at the Las Vegas Strip from Treasure Island, but he was already moving past all that. He's got loftier plans.

Much loftier. An airline, in fact.

"It's going to be nice, comfortable, with nice waitresses and nice food, a cool drink and a nice movie," Audigier says, igniting one of three cigarettes laid out neatly for him by an assistant along with a yellow lighter. "I'm talking to different people. I'm not ready yet, but I'm going to do that."

Uh, OK. It's hard to comprehend how a fashion impresario -- even one responsible for the stunningly successful Von Dutch and Ed Hardy lines -- could pull off such an endeavor. Then again, as he explained this, he was sitting on the terrace of his eponymous nightclub. He also has a development deal to build a 36-story hotel with his name on it in Dubai.

So, really, who's to doubt the man at the center of one of the most meteoric rises in fashion history, a designer unknown to Americans a decade ago but who in May was regaled at his 50th birthday by the likes of clients Snoop Dogg, Fergie and Macy Gray? Michael Jackson showed up unexpectedly, declared Audigier the new King of Fashion and is now in talks for a Jackson-branded Audigier line.

"It's gonna be the new look of Michael, of course," Audigier says. "He's preparing a new album and a new tour, and I'm working on a collection to celebrate all the icons of rock, pop and funk. This is what I want to do in my collection for him."

After that, he says, clothing lines involving Madonna and Britney Spears may follow. In fact, the marriage between his clothes -- T-shirts emblazoned with elaborate and often Goth-inspired designs, going for more than $250 -- and the rock 'n' roll culture fits neatly into Audigier's earliest ambitions. He says as a teen he wanted to be Mick Jagger, and now, "Mick Jagger is wearing my clothes."

The nightclub makes Audigier the first designer to delve into the Vegas night life scene as an entrepreneur. He's partnered with Pure Management Group for a berth with an outdoor terrace facing Treasure Island's lagoon, where a pirate show takes place every 90 minutes. Inside, the space is tricked out with rhinestone-encrusted skulls and two 1,000-gallon tanks of 30 jellyfish each. The aim, he says, is "to instill a fashionable night life."

"When you're going into a club, you want to see sparkling and glitter and rhinestones," he says. "This nightclub opening is a big achievement for me, because having a nightclub in Vegas is not something I was dreaming in my life."

As Audigier moved about the place, two cameramen and a photographer tracked his every move, as they have for six years for a planned documentary he hopes to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May.

"This is really a success story, an American dream," says Audigier, who arrived unemployed in the U.S. in 2001. This year, his company is expected to gross $200 million in sales, and he owns homes in L.A., Miami, Paris and Brazil.

"I came to Los Angeles, and it was a struggle in the beginning. To put your mark on a line was very difficult, so I needed to do my own. Now look at where I am. It is amazing."

Steve Friess co-hosts the podcast "The Strip" at

WHERE: Treasure Island Hotel-Casino, 3300 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Las Vegas

WHEN: Opens 10 p.m. Thursdays-Sundays

PRICE: Cover charge is $30 for men, $20 for women

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I keep on hearing TOUR from people Michael is working with.


Oh sh*t, if he's going on tour, I'm getting my ass off this chair and buying myself a ticket where I could actually see him up close. I don't even care if he does it in Antarctica or Alaska... I'll punch Eskimos in the face if I have to. I'm determined.
I'm excited about a new album and tour but also scared it will fail... his a lot older now & he didn't put much aura in Invincible...