We sould all go again, and again.

Me too. I think "This Is It" is only like the second movie i've ever gone to see more than once in my entire life. But it's Michael so of course I don't mind. I'm so glad I saw it a second time. I loved it even more the second time around.
I plan to go again on Monday. But this time, I want to check it out at IMAX. Once wasn't enough for me. There's soooo much going on, I swear, I think I have to see it at least 2 more times. This is a two week only show, people. After this, we're not going to see this in the big screen with surround sound anymore. :(

Better make the best of it!
I said to myself before I saw it that I would only see it once.

Cut to me going yesterday for the second time.

I would go again today if I had the money.
I was not planning to see it multiple times but when I left the cinema I already wanted to see it again.. not for any other reason except I enjoyed it and wanted to watch it in the cinema again. I've never felt that for any other movie.
seen it twice and plan on seeing it a few times more. Really bothers me when people say they would rather illegally download it, someone on this site said they was going to record it in the cinema too :mad:
I'm not even a big movie goer. It takes a lot to drag me out of the house. And it takes a special movie for me to watch more than once...Grease, Titanic were a couple. I rarely have the patience to sit through two hours or whatever of a movie. But I wouldn't mind doing it again for TII and MJ.
I'm not even a big movie goer. It takes a lot to drag me out of the house. And it takes a special movie for me to watch more than once...Grease, Titanic were a couple. I rarely have the patience to sit through two hours or whatever of a movie. But I wouldn't mind doing it again for TII and MJ.

I have never been to a film twice before and i have to say i liked it better the second time plus i knew to stay until after the credits. I'll be going a couple of more times before the two weeks are up.
Good work, you probably notice different things every time, i'm just back from seeing it and i can't wait to go again.
no.... one time is enough for these sony assholes.
i wil download a torrent, and later the dvd/blue ray.

I find it hilarious (and pathetic) that people are using MJ's disagreement with Sony (Which ended long ago when Tommy Mottola left the company) as an excuse to steal from Michael & his children.

MJ worked with Sony on Number Ones, and he had agreed to work with them on an "Off the wall" 30th anniversary edition. And that was after the 2002 disagreement.

Better find another excuse, and stop milking the Sony beef.
I find it hilarious (and pathetic) that people are using MJ's disagreement with Sony (Which ended long ago when Tommy Mottola left the company) as an excuse to steal from Michael & his children.

MJ worked with Sony on Number Ones, and he had agreed to work with them on an "Off the wall" 30th anniversary edition. And that was after the 2002 disagreement.

Better find another excuse, and stop milking the Sony beef.

He also made up with T Mattola and even visited his house once.
I find it hilarious (and pathetic) that people are using MJ's disagreement with Sony (Which ended long ago when Tommy Mottola left the company) as an excuse to steal from Michael & his children.

MJ worked with Sony on Number Ones, and he had agreed to work with them on an "Off the wall" 30th anniversary edition. And that was after the 2002 disagreement.

Better find another excuse, and stop milking the Sony beef.


just came back from my third viewing. the theater was packed with people of all ages. there were a lot of older people.... they loved it. the 50+ ladies next to us was going crazy during Billie Jean.




I guess I will make up for some of these people as I will be going to my 4th show tomorrow and 5th on Sunday.

Eh... I know I said I'm only doing it once, but I take that back.
Now that I've seen it - and I'm hurting just as much as I thought I would - I have this overwhelming need to do it again.
It was the most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long time, so yeah - got tickets to three more screenings.

I had an 85 year old and a 79 year old sitting in the theatre in front of me today - them two old ladies jammin' to "Billie Jean" and crying when Michael sang Ï'll be there"... I'll never forget that. It deffo added to the experience
I plan to go again on Monday. But this time, I want to check it out at IMAX. Once wasn't enough for me. There's soooo much going on, I swear, I think I have to see it at least 2 more times. This is a two week only show, people. After this, we're not going to see this in the big screen with surround sound anymore. :(

Better make the best of it!

You're right :agree:
and... It's soooo sad :cry:

I'll go and see it again tomorrow..
Can't today cause I'll be seein Thriller Live :cry::punk:
I saw it for the first time last night, I can't see it again until Wednesday, but I'm already itching for it!!! It's like I need my fix.
Do you guys have friends who like it too or are you going alone?
I really need to see it again and maybe even 2 times but I have noone to ask to go with me.

Of course I'll be buying the DVD too but the big screen thing is something else you know!
Do you guys have friends who like it too or are you going alone?
I really need to see it again and maybe even 2 times but I have noone to ask to go with me.

Of course I'll be buying the DVD too but the big screen thing is something else you know!

awww- fly to dc and you can go with our mjjc crew. we have 5 girls that meet up to go. its so much better with other fans. :hug:
No one will take me to see it :(
Its the worst thing that anyone could do to me at the moment, I want to seem him desperately, but no one will take me to the cinema :cry:
Wanting something so bad hurts, :(