We sould all go again, and again.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We should all go again and again because come on we all want to go again and it's our last time ever seeing Michael on the big screen plus sony have said they expect a drop in attendances this weekend because of Halloween, we can buck this trend and give the film a massive weekend.
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you should keep bumpin this thread so noone misses it, alot of ppl really have been going like two and three times
I only went once and won't be going again, I'm just going to get it on DVD and enjoy watching it snuggled up in bed :)
no.... one time is enough for these sony assholes.
i wil download a torrent, and later the dvd/blue ray.
I'm not wasting my Money seeing it more than once, if i see the same thing more than once in such a short period i'll start to get really board of it haha
I know I will.

I have now seen it 3 times and counting! :)
seen it twice... and plan on seeing it TWO more times by the end of the weekend.

and i am not supporting Sony... I am supporting Michael. TII album and movie will break records... that will be a testament to Michael.

I understand my loyalty and commitment to Michael will also benefit Sony...... so what.

Michael's legacy to me takes precedence over what I am contributing to Sony indirectly.
Michael's legacy to me takes precedence over what I am contributing to Sony indirectly.

Hear, hear!! I too will see this at least 2 more times for a total of 3. Of course I will buy the dvd, but there is nothing like seeing this film on a GIANT screen with surround sound. Home theaters just won't cut it for me.
I only went once and won't be going again, I'm just going to get it on DVD and enjoy watching it snuggled up in bed :)

no.... one time is enough for these sony assholes.
i wil download a torrent, and later the dvd/blue ray.

I'm not wasting my Money seeing it more than once, if i see the same thing more than once in such a short period i'll start to get really board of it haha

I have to admit...with all due respect to you all as fellow MJ fans...I honestly do not understand your thinking on this matter.

Why not go see it repeatedly? I'm sure all 3 of you have your reasons individually, but I honestly cannot comprehend what legitimate reason there could be to not see this move over and over again and help solidify Michael's legacy worldwide.

Please explain why you won't go buy more tickets to see it again and instead will either wait for the dvd or illegally download the movie on torrent sites. Please do explain your reasoning. Thanks. :)
Hear, hear!! I too will see this at least 2 more times for a total of 3. Of course I will buy the dvd, but there is nothing like seeing this film on a GIANT screen with surround sound. Home theaters just won't cut it for me.
this is so true. I saw it today second time. I didn't know where the time has gone. It is fascinating and sad, very. Strangely I was sadder than the first time. I had to cry several times, especially when he sung "Earth song", and when he directed his last and lasting message to us, to care for the planet and love each other ... lovely Michael.

Sunday I go again with some others.

But as long as the movie is playing at the theatre I will go as often I am able to go.

he dvd/blue ray.
you don't want to give Sony the money, but from whom will you BUY the DVD, that would be interesting to hear.
I've seen it twice since opening day.

Will go 4 more time this weekend. total of 12 :unsure: :cry: Tomorrow &
Sunday. I'm going to see Thriller Live on Halloween Night :)
I wathced it yesterday and I will definetely see it one more time, probably Tuesday!!!!:) But then I will wait for the dvd!!
I have to admit...with all due respect to you all as fellow MJ fans...I honestly do not understand your thinking on this matter.

Why not go see it repeatedly? I'm sure all 3 of you have your reasons individually, but I honestly cannot comprehend what legitimate reason there could be to not see this move over and over again and help solidify Michael's legacy worldwide.

Please explain why you won't go buy more tickets to see it again and instead will either wait for the dvd or illegally download the movie on torrent sites. Please do explain your reasoning. Thanks. :)

I prefer just to wait for the DVD, so I can relax and watch MJ over and over again and rewind to the bits I want to watch. I don't feel like I have to prove anything to anyone about me being a good fan or not. Plus we all can't afford to pay to go to the cinema over and over again (shock, shock!). I saw him on the big screen once, it was a special experience and I want to keep it that way.
I understand my loyalty and commitment to Michael will also benefit Sony...... so what.

Michael's legacy to me takes precedence over what I am contributing to Sony indirectly.

I agree I am going to see it for a second time. I want to see Michael and support his legacy

It would be nice if they played Thriller before the movie on Halloween.:wub:
Hear, hear!! I too will see this at least 2 more times for a total of 3. Of course I will buy the dvd, but there is nothing like seeing this film on a GIANT screen with surround sound. Home theaters just won't cut it for me.

I agree I am going to see it for a second time. I want to see Michael and support his legacy



there's nothing like seeing Michael on big screen and surround sound!
I don't know why, but I've just felt so depressed today. All I can think of doing to cheer up is to see him again. I will go and see it again tomorrow and probably on the weekend and next week too. I want to see it everyday for the rest of my life. Man, I'm counting down the minutes till I see it again tomorrow...
I went 4 times yesterday, starting at 4. O clock in the morning, again at 11.30 then straight after at 2, then at 7 o clock, me an my friend agreed that we would dedicate yesterday to Michael, take the day of work. We wasn't intrested in the cost or who is cashing in or not cashing in. We just wanted to see our Michael, we both loved it, he looked good, sang amazing an moved with that same magic that we always remembered. I am so proud to say that i'm a fan of his, an have been for 24 years since i was 7. I thought i'd spend the day crying but i couldn't find a tear. I was just so amazed to see the things he had planed for his concerts. However on the 3 rd showing at the end a lil boy from the back row shouted "we love you Michael "an that was it i felt the tears rolling down my face an my heart sink to my feet. I could stop myself from shaking, an i just sit looking at the floor untill everyone had left there seats, we decided that our new saying from now on will be "It's all for love", can't wait to go again on sunday with my family.
Went to see it yesterday, wanted to see it again strainght away! Were goin to see it again monday YAY!
I dont no if i can wait till then might have to go tomorrow if i can, He He !!!
Just back from my third showing, got a free postcard and poster on the way in! :D

It's brilliant to see it a few times, you see things you didn't before, see things again in better detail and know where to look and what to expect! One thing I did find was that during MITM I didnt want the free-frame end to come... because then it's over... :(
I feel like watching it over and over again for the rest of my life :( The last new footage of Michael we'll ever see... God, it's so depressing.
i am going to see it as many times as i can! Dont know what i am going to do when its finished at the cinema.. its going to be a loooooooooong wait till it comes out on DVD and Bluray! lol! :)
I'm going to see it tomorrow, and I'm all for making it huge, but I don't think I'd be able to sit through it more than just this once... It's gonna be too painful.
Deadly glad to see everyone is making the most of it,
i know some people have said they won't go again they will just wait for the DVD but it's just not the same. This is probably the only chance we will ever get to see Michael on the big screen and it's not just that, this is one last big MJ event, a lot of people never got to experience a big worldwide MJ event because it has been so long since he toured or performed but this is our chance so we should make the most of it because in a year from now we will be wishing we had the chance to see Michael on the big screen again.
I wanted to see it on an IMAX screen but the closest theater has only one showing at 10:15pm...too late. I may see it again on a regular screen. I think we chose seats too close to the screen the first time. I want to sit a little further back and take it all in again and watch for things I may have missed the first time.
I've seen it twice so far and I plan on seeing it a few more times hopefully. But money is tight right now so that might be kinda impractical for me, but I will definitely be seeing it at least once again for sure.
I'm gonna see it later again at 1pm, then I'm going saturday with my mum and little brother :timer: I think next week halfterm break ends so all the annoying kids should be gone from the cinemas and back at school, so I plan to see it during the early afternoon on as many weekdays as I can next week, so I can be there when the cinema is emptiest. Though my local cinema has suspended freelist on some days next week and are only showing it once or twice a day in the late evenings which SUUUCKS :bugeyed
Seen it twice already :)
Will see it again next week! I don't wanna ruin it's specialness though by watching it too many times! I can very rarely watch something a second time around! Michael is the exception :)