Was Mr. Michael Jackson a Christian?

@Hot_Street, in his final years, Michael Jackson also used to wear Islamic Prayer Beads around his neck.

Michael Jackson died as a Muslim man, given also the fact that an Islamic Prayer Beads was found on his death bed.

Islamic Prayer Beads are used by Muslims for recitation of prayers.
Why do you say pictures when you know well that they didn’t have pictures in the first century? The Bible has eye-witness accounts to Jesus. Even if you don’t believe a word that Jesus says in there, it’s still a history book.
to me the bible is the biggest selling fantasy book
but that might just be the opinion of a stupid forum idiot
I would also like to say that the Bible contains a lot of instructive information about how people live together - completely independent of the question of the truth of the miracles presented there.
I would also like to say that the Bible contains a lot of instructive information about how people live together - completely independent of the question of the truth of the miracles presented there.
What else would you want it to say? Now it’s just a matter of “this is how I want the Bible to look like for me to believe”. It is literally eye-witness testimony.

Edit: also, this may read as passive aggressive and I’m sorry for that, it’s not my intention.
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What else would you want it to say? Now it’s just a matter of “this is how I want the Bible to look like for me to believe”. It is literally eye-witness testimony.

Edit: also, this may read as passive aggressive and I’m sorry for that, it’s not my intention.
Miracles are not supported by verifiable evidence and cannot be reproduced. For this reason they either didn't happen, were misperceived, or were mythologized in the retelling. The choice is yours.
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Miracles are not supported by verifiable evidence and cannot be reproduced. For this reason they either didn't happen, were misperceived, or were mythologized in the retelling. The choice is yours.
Actually, some of them are. Take the Flood of Noah for example. There's tons of geological evidence which suggests that at some point in the distant past, a massive amount of water had a monumental impact on the structure of this planet. That it never happened again is beside the point; if miracles happened all the time, we wouldn't pay any attention to them. As for the Resurrection, no one ever finding Jesus' body after centuries of searching is a very good starting point, and there's also the witnesses to consider. Whether you like what they said and wrote or not, the fact remains that very few people will give their own lives or allow themselves to be murdered, over something they know to be a lie. So the often alleged argument that the Apostles made the whole thing up, has to incorporate a known conspiracy by definition. How many people do you know, who can keep anything like that going for very long? The last Apostle to die was John, who passed from old age in 100 A.D. - that's almost 70 years after the Ascension. All his friends were martyred, except for Judas Iscariot who committed suicide. The rest selflessly accepted their deaths, for one reason only - they knew they had seen Jesus die, and they also knew they had seen Him come back.
In his final years, Michael Jackson used to attend Islamic events, he also used to express his admiration for the Islam's beliefs/religious practices, and so on.

During that period, Michael Jackson was even seen wearing black abaya robes and veils.

Christian people certainly do not do such things.
well see, now you are painting with a broad brush
this is gonna sound judgy, but i promise im not trying to, but have you met every Christian to be certain that nobody else does that?
we are still humans so we still screw up, sometimes you cant even tell if they are living for Jesus or for themselves like the rest of the world
Im not certain, so correct me if im wrong, but if i remember correctly he didnt wear it to say, "hey, i identify with this religion", but was wearing it because of the culture. he has worn other cultural clothing before, hasnt he (im pretty sure he has)? then why judge him on this one and not the other?
to attend an event, doesnt mean you fully partake or agree in said event either
sorry, i kinda did all that backwards
Even the Devil believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
giiiiiiirl, i was gonna say the same thing
the devil didnt just believe he rose again either, he knew it
the key here is to believe he is Lord, King, your Ruler
just talking about Jesus dont verify you as a Christian, just like talking about Allah dont mean im a Muslim
SCARBOROUGH: Yes. Is Michael, though—I guess my question is, is Michael a traditional Christian? Does he believe that Jesus is his personal savior, or is he more of a universalist, as some would say?

JACKSON: He is a traditional Christian. He‘s a Jehovah‘s Witness.
I have a problem with that, and here is why
A JW doesn't believe Jesus is God or Lord, they consider him either an angel or a prophet, but i dont remember which (i think angel)
either way, you are not supposed to worship either and JW understands that so they dont worship him
so should JW even be considered Christianity?

In 2009, a minister named Marilyn Sewell interviewed the acerbic atheist Christopher Hitchens. Trying to exempt herself from Hitchens's criticisms of Christianity, Sewell said, "I'm a liberal Christian, and I don't take the stories from the scripture literally. I don't believe in the doctrine of atonement (that Jesus died for our sins, for example). Do you make a distinction between fundamentalist faith and liberal religion?"
Hitchens replied, "I would say that if you don't believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ and Messiah, and that he rose again from the dead and by his sacrifice our sins are forgiven, you're really not in any meaningful sense a Christian."
How interesting: an avowed atheist could see this simple truth, and a self-proclaimed minister could not.
I have a problem with that, and here is why
A JW doesn't believe Jesus is God or Lord, they consider him either an angel or a prophet, but i dont remember which (i think angel)
either way, you are not supposed to worship either and JW understands that so they dont worship him
so should JW even be considered Christianity?

No, they believe he is Lord and the Son of God, and use the Biblical name of God ( Jehovah) . They don't believe in the trinity which was a later doctrine not found in the New Testament but was formulated in the 300's. I did a Bible study with them.
Leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion reproved Michael Jackson's occult/supernatural imagery (such as, his 'Thriller' music video), his on stage magic visual effects, his sexually suggestive dance moves, the way he was dressed, and so on.

Michael Jackson was becoming an embarrassment to the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, and thus he was asked (by its leaders) to leave that religion.
not true.
MJ left of his own accord
I have a problem with that, and here is why
A JW doesn't believe Jesus is God or Lord, they consider him either an angel or a prophet, but i dont remember which (i think angel)
either way, you are not supposed to worship either and JW understands that so they dont worship him
so should JW even be considered Christianity?

In 2009, a minister named Marilyn Sewell interviewed the acerbic atheist Christopher Hitchens. Trying to exempt herself from Hitchens's criticisms of Christianity, Sewell said, "I'm a liberal Christian, and I don't take the stories from the scripture literally. I don't believe in the doctrine of atonement (that Jesus died for our sins, for example). Do you make a distinction between fundamentalist faith and liberal religion?"
Hitchens replied, "I would say that if you don't believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ and Messiah, and that he rose again from the dead and by his sacrifice our sins are forgiven, you're really not in any meaningful sense a Christian."
How interesting: an avowed atheist could see this simple truth, and a self-proclaimed minister could not.
Any confusion is cleared up here
Yes they did reprove of Thriller and Smooth Criminal etc but they didn't kick him out. Michael wrote a letter asking to be disassociated from the religion.
not true.
MJ left of his own accord
Michael Jackson was basically forced by Jehovah's Witnesses leaders to write a letter that he disassociates himself from that religion.
well see, now you are painting with a broad brush
this is gonna sound judgy, but i promise im not trying to, but have you met every Christian to be certain that nobody else does that?
we are still humans so we still screw up, sometimes you cant even tell if they are living for Jesus or for themselves like the rest of the world
Im not certain, so correct me if im wrong, but if i remember correctly he didnt wear it to say, "hey, i identify with this religion", but was wearing it because of the culture. he has worn other cultural clothing before, hasnt he (im pretty sure he has)? then why judge him on this one and not the other?
to attend an event, doesnt mean you fully partake or agree in said event either
sorry, i kinda did all that backwards
There were also press reports (at that time) that Michael Jackson officially converted to Islam in a ceremony that took place in Los Angeles in 2008.
There were also press reports (at that time) that Michael Jackson officially converted to Islam in a ceremony that took place in Los Angeles in 2008.

Cat Stevens, who was supposedly at that ceremony, debunked it:

Contrary to persistent press rumours, I was not at any kind of conversion ceremony for Michael Jackson. Nor, I believe, was Dawud Wharnsby or any of the others mentioned in connection with the story. Granted, I was in Los Angeles at the time these rumours first appeared – but I was busy filming a video for a new song, Boots & Sand. I have met Jermaine Jackson, Michael’s older brother, who became a Muslim some years ago. As for Michael himself, I hope that he finds inner peace and can return to making the kind of music that has inspired generations. - From his website

See Also:

Michael Jackson’s New York lawyer, Londell McMillan, took the opportunity to trash a British press report that Jackson has become a Muslim. “That’s rubbish. It’s completely untrue,” McMillan told reporters.
Michael Jackson was basically forced by Jehovah's Witnesses leaders to write a letter that he disassociates himself from that religion.

There were also press reports (at that time) that Michael Jackson officially converted to Islam in a ceremony that took place in Los Angeles in 2008.

Michael wrote a letter himself because they disfellowshipped LaToya and he couldn't reconcile not speaking to her with his faith.
Miracles are not supported by verifiable evidence and cannot be reproduced.
Actually, that is quite the opposite
I will be coming back to that, but first I have a little experiment that I want to try that I learned. It's quite interesting.
Would all those reading like to take part in this? It is more for the non-Christians, but feel free to read along and such, I just need to find my notes and research and stuff. I'll make a new forum for it if enough people are interested. Love y'all

Edit: if yall are interested, just put a like plz
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Michael Jackson’s New York lawyer, Londell McMillan, took the opportunity to trash a British press report that Jackson has become a Muslim. “That’s rubbish. It’s completely untrue,” McMillan told reporters.
Note that Michael Jackson's legal representatives and publicists kept denying many things that were being reported about him during that period.

These things later proved to be true.

For example, Raymone Bain denied press reports which reported that Michael Jackson was taking painkillers and he was on medication.

Or, Dr. Tohme Tohme who described press reports, which reported that Michael Jackson had lung health problems, as total fabrication.