Was Mr. Michael Jackson a Christian?

What gain did Jesus and his disciples have in preaching His Gospel, if you think it was a man-made lie?
A number of people with epilepsy, particularly those with temporal lobe epilepsy, have reported experiencing religious feelings during their seizures. Some experience a feeling of perfect harmony, the presence of God or a state of ecstasy.
There is now some evidence that a number of religious people, including prophets, saints, and cult founders, may have had temporal lobe seizures.
im trying to keep an open mind, but i am genuinely confused as to what you are trying to explain.
how i am understanding this (and correct me if im wrong) but to me it sounds like you believe that Jesus could have had epilepsy (which hasnt been proven btw) and in having these "seizures" people believed they were miracles and thought him to be holy?
im trying to keep an open mind, but i am genuinely confused as to what you are trying to explain.
how i am understanding this (and correct me if im wrong) but to me it sounds like you believe that Jesus could have had epilepsy (which hasnt been proven btw) and in having these "seizures" people believed they were miracles and thought him to be holy?
pictures or these miracles didn't happen
it was a different time when religions were founded
im sorry if i sound judgy, but im genuinely curious.....why do believe the miracles didnt happen?
im sorry if i sound judgy, but im genuinely curious.....why do believe the miracles didnt happen?
These miracles are inventions to secure influence and power for religions.
I find it amusing that religious people react like addicts when you try to stop them from their addiction.
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that there is no evidence
Religions live from assertions
what are holy books or sacred writings, the Bible, the testimonies of nurses and doctors who have witnessed their dying patients feel sensations of fire or the singing of angels or the dying satanist founder who said, "“Oh my, oh my, what have I done?!”. what about the fact that we cannot perfectly replicate life? we cannot create? what are the dead sea scrolls, the temple, the mount zion, the torah, the wall of Jerusalem? what do those mean? what about morals?
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Anyone who needs religious drugs should consume them. For me religions are on a par with astrology and Santa Claus.
Anyone who needs religious drugs should consume them. For me they are on a par with astrology and Santa Claus
I respect your opinion :) I think you're directing that comment to me, correct? I'd sure appreciate it if you didn't talk to Applehead like that, our sister love runs a little too deep for snide remarks to be made at her, thanks & much love.
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I respect your opinion :) I think you're directing that comment to me, correct? I'd sure appreciate it if you didn't talk to Applehead like that, our sister love runs a little deep for snide remarks to be made at her, thanks & much love.
My answers are not addressed to anyone in particular. It's just my opinion, but it could also be wrong.
If you think about what a strange structure the universe is and what came before it - that opens up a wide scope for interpretation
what do you mean no evidence?
Are we not to count the 500+ men who had come to see the scars on his hands and feet? that isnt even counting the women or children
What about saul who saw the resurrected Christ who asked y saul was persecuting Him? Saul didn't even know he was talking to Jesus when he called him Lord at first.
If my memory serves me right, it takes at least 700-1000 years before legends start to pop up, the new testament was written in a 40-50 year time span after Jesus was ascended into heaven
May i remind you that the people who were there to witness his death on the cross are still alive at this time so they would have quickly corrected anything that was not what they would have seen, making it impossible for them to make anything up
The passing of Jesus also was during Pentecost right outside the city of Jerusalem. this was an extremely busy time, Jews from everywhere would go to Jerusalem if they could
What about all those old testament prophecies? some are repeated, so we are gonna say that on the lower end there were about 456 prophecies and Jesus has fulfilled around 300 of those.
For a man to fulfill one of these prophecies, just one, is like covering texas in a foot of quarters and putting an x on one of them, while blindfolded you fly across the sky and randomly choose where to jump. you get one chance to pick a single quarter and you grab the only one with an x.
Jesus didnt fulfill just one of these prophecies, he fulfilled 300. some of them he couldnt even control, like where he was going to be born
The reason he hasnt fulfilled all of them is because he is coming back again to fulfill the rest

I am so glad you are pushing me to dig deeper into my belief, thank you so much! I can also find some evidence that is not written in the Bible if you would like.
Here is a blog post by Karen Faye about when Michael had to leave the religion he was brought up in.
Leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion reproved Michael Jackson's occult/supernatural imagery (such as, his 'Thriller' music video), his on stage magic visual effects, his sexually suggestive dance moves, the way he was dressed, and so on.

Michael Jackson was becoming an embarrassment to the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, and thus he was asked (by its leaders) to leave that religion.
I thought it was because he was shooting a gun in Smooth Criminal
Like others in this thread have said, only God knows what the condition of Michael's heart was toward Him when he passed. With regard to him "being spiritual but not practicing religion", that can mean almost anything; its extremely broad. I realize that selfish people across all of history have used various faiths (including Christianity), to falsely justify doing the most wicked and unspeakable things to their fellow man...but that does not automatically determine whether any one faith is true or not, or how deep the impact is for a believer of that faith.

I'm a Christ follower too, but very far from a perfect one. I struggle almost every day, with extreme emotions and a wide variety of temptations. And if anyone was in a position to face something similar to the Nth degree, it would be Michael. He practically had the world at his feet one moment, with most people loving him like crazy...and then for the last 16 years of his life, he fought tooth, nail and claw to avoid being branded a pedophile. I personally suspect his faith was probably a very important avenue for him to use in escaping a lot of that, or at the very least coping with it. Songs like "Keep the Faith", "Will You Be There", "Earth Song", and "Heaven Can Wait" all contain lyrics tied to faith, and I'm sure you could find more if you pay close attention. I hope Michael accepted Jesus before the end, because I hate to think about someone with such a bright light inside of him being condemned instead of redeemed. But ultimately, that's between him and God - no one else can change it.
The thing that I love about Michael's faith is that he was very open about it. If he was asked in an interview about prayer he was always unafraid to state his belief in prayer and how important it was to him. And yet he never evangelised or preached at people. I think he got the balance just right, acknowledging the source of his artistic inspiration but not trying to push it down people's throats. Sure, as a member of JW he did the door-to-door thing but, as a pop star, he never got up on a soapbox about his faith which I think was sensible.

Ultimately, his faith and his beliefs, at every stage of his life, are his own private business and no-one else can really know where he was with his thinking on this.
The thing that I love about Michael's faith is that he was very open about it. If he was asked in an interview about prayer he was always unafraid to state his belief in prayer and how important it was to him. And yet he never evangelised or preached at people. I think he got the balance just right, acknowledging the source of his artistic inspiration but not trying to push it down people's throats. Sure, as a member of JW he did the door-to-door thing but, as a pop star, he never got up on a soapbox about his faith which I think was sensible.

Ultimately, his faith and his beliefs, at every stage of his life, are his own private business and no-one else can really know where he was with his thinking on this.
EXACTLY. We know he was brought up in the Church of JW. We know he incorporated Church music and Bible verse in his work. We know he was knowledgeable about many different religions and Churches.

Thast is what he shared with us, that is all he wanted us to know. Anything else is his private business. When people project their religious views and opinions onto Michael, they are creating a fantasy figure, molding him to what THEY want him to be, which wrong.
When people project their religious views and opinions onto Michael, they are creating a fantasy figure, molding him to what THEY want him to be, which wrong.

When he uses the Biblical name for God and regularly studies the Bible and believes Jesus is the son of God, that makes him a Christian. It doesn't make him a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, even if he studied those beliefs out of curiosity. His own brother even confirmed his Christian identity. By the same token, if you say that he is spiritually ambigious, you are also molding him into whatever you wish. Even in 1995, after he had stopped attending the Jehovah's Witness church, he still stated in Earth song :
"What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son? "
and "You'd crucify the Lord" in Tabloid Junkie. In an interview from 2001, in Rabbi Boteach asked do you have a relationship with Jesus, he said Yes. That isn't some vague spirituality.
Like others in this thread have said, only God knows what the condition of Michael's heart was toward Him when he passed. With regard to him "being spiritual but not practicing religion", that can mean almost anything; its extremely broad. I realize that selfish people across all of history have used various faiths (including Christianity), to falsely justify doing the most wicked and unspeakable things to their fellow man...but that does not automatically determine whether any one faith is true or not, or how deep the impact is for a believer of that faith.

I'm a Christ follower too, but very far from a perfect one. I struggle almost every day, with extreme emotions and a wide variety of temptations. And if anyone was in a position to face something similar to the Nth degree, it would be Michael. He practically had the world at his feet one moment, with most people loving him like crazy...and then for the last 16 years of his life, he fought tooth, nail and claw to avoid being branded a pedophile. I personally suspect his faith was probably a very important avenue for him to use in escaping a lot of that, or at the very least coping with it. Songs like "Keep the Faith", "Will You Be There", "Earth Song", and "Heaven Can Wait" all contain lyrics tied to faith, and I'm sure you could find more if you pay close attention. I hope Michael accepted Jesus before the end, because I hate to think about someone with such a bright light inside of him being condemned instead of redeemed. But ultimately, that's between him and God - no one else can change it.
I love everything you said!!
When he uses the Biblical name for God and regularly studies the Bible and believes Jesus is the son of God, that makes him a Christian. It doesn't make him a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, even if he studied those beliefs out of curiosity. His own brother even confirmed his Christian identity. By the same token, if you say that he is spiritually ambigious, you are also molding him into whatever you wish. Even in 1995, after he had stopped attending the Jehovah's Witness church, he still stated in Earth song :
"What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son? "
and "You'd crucify the Lord" in Tabloid Junkie. In an interview from 2001, in Rabbi Boteach asked do you have a relationship with Jesus, he said Yes. That isn't some vague spirituality.
In his final years, Michael Jackson used to attend Islamic events, he also used to express his admiration for the Islam's beliefs/religious practices, and so on.

During that period, Michael Jackson was even seen wearing black abaya robes and veils.

Christian people certainly do not do such things.
In his final years, Michael Jackson used to attend Islamic events, he also used to express his admiration for the Islam's beliefs/religious practices, and so on.

During that period, Michael Jackson was even seen wearing black abaya robes and veils.

Christian people certainly do not do such things.

Jermaine Jackson wants Michael to convert to Islam​

By Reuters
August 9, 20079:10 PM UTCUpdated ago

LONDON (Reuters) - Jermaine Jackson said on Monday he wants his brother Michael to convert to Islam; and he believes the reclusive superstar has given it serious thought.
"Michael, I feel, needs to become a Muslim because I think it's a great protection for him from all the things that he's been attacked with, which are false," said the former Jackson Five singer who now lives in Bahrain.
"There's a strength and protection there," Jackson told BBC Asian Newtwork after finishing runner-up to Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty in the "Celebrity Big Brother" TV reality show that was marred by accusations of racist bullying.

Jackson said he believed his brother had given conversion "serious thought" during long spells in Bahrain.
"I was the reason why he had gone there because I wanted him to get out of America and just go somewhere it's peaceful and quiet and people pray five times a day which is beautiful."
Michael Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in June 2005.
He has said he plans to move to Europe in a bid to resurrect his musical career as the "King of Pop" and has indicated he will release a new album in 2007.

Jermaine Jackson said his faith helped keep him sane in the enclosed confines of the British reality TV program where the contestants are kept cooped up under 24-hour surveillance.
"If I didn't have Allah and my prayer rug, I would not have survived and the reason why is because it kept me focused, it kept me calm," he said.
When he uses the Biblical name for God and regularly studies the Bible and believes Jesus is the son of God, that makes him a Christian. It doesn't make him a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, even if he studied those beliefs out of curiosity. His own brother even confirmed his Christian identity. By the same token, if you say that he is spiritually ambigious, you are also molding him into whatever you wish. Even in 1995, after he had stopped attending the Jehovah's Witness church, he still stated in Earth song :
"What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son? "
and "You'd crucify the Lord" in Tabloid Junkie. In an interview from 2001, in Rabbi Boteach asked do you have a relationship with Jesus, he said Yes. That isn't some vague spirituality.
Even the Devil believes that Jesus is the Son of God. It's not enough to decide for yourself who He is to you, you need to put your faith in the Gospel - you are a sinner separated from God and deserving Hell and eternal separation from the grace, love and goodness of God. Jesus who is fully God became man, to buy our souls back. His death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was the payment for our sins once and for all and enables us to have communion and direct access with/to Him, and eternal friendship and eternal life - knowing Him forever and Heaven as our home - that is what makes you a Christian. Michael Jackson did use a lot of biblical allusions, was moral and had conservative/religious values. You can be Christianized or have a form of spirituality, just like the Jewish religious Pharisees. Jesus said of them, "You are whitewashed tombs on the outside...but in the inside you are full of dead men's bones and everything defiled" (Matthew 23:27). They knew the Torah front and back, paid their dues, condemned anyone for breaking the Sabbath or Ten Commandments, they were the religious of the religious, only to be inwardly hypocritical and hateful/ignorant of the Truth of the Gospel. I'M NOT SAYING MICHAEL MIRRORED THEM IN ANYWAY BECAUSE I DID NOT. Michael Jackson was humble, modest and not forceful with his spirituality but its the Truth only that sets you free, not a version or likeness to the Truth. Only God knows where Michael Jackson's heart was :) I pray it's with Him.

❤️ Love You & Miss You Michael ❤️
Interview with Reverend Jesse Jackson from March 17, 2005

SCARBOROUGH: Now, who does Michael Jackson pray to? Does he pray to Jesus, Jehovah? I knew he was a Jehovah‘s Witness before. What is his spiritual bent?

JACKSON: Well, you know, prayer is such a serious act of devotion, communicating with God. Suffice it, he is sincere in his prayer, and God hears and answers prayer.

If you approach God with a contrite heart and sincerity, God hears prayer. And so prayer—when you are going to a storm, what do you turn to? Not to yourself or even to your own understanding, but you turn to God. And, of course, that family is in prayer as they go through a storm. They feel they are being much maligned as a family.

I remember talking with them the night after the prosecutor invaded the home with the 70 deputies and ransacked the house and had the big sensational press conference, asking for more witnesses.


JACKSON: They felt very violated. Yet, they knew they had to go through this ordeal, and they are going through it with strength because of prayer.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes. Is Michael, though—I guess my question is, is Michael a traditional Christian? Does he believe that Jesus is his personal savior, or is he more of a universalist, as some would say?

JACKSON: He is a traditional Christian. He‘s a Jehovah‘s Witness.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes. Is Michael, though—I guess my question is, is Michael a traditional Christian? Does he believe that Jesus is his personal savior, or is he more of a universalist, as some would say?

JACKSON: He is a traditional Christian. He‘s a Jehovah‘s Witness.
