was michael the most famous human ever to have lived?

Of course he was/is.
Jesus is God in human form so it doesn't count.
We are all God in the human form. That's what Jesus was trying to teach people before he was killed. Buddha also taught that we have the power that's behind this Universe right inside of us. Only a few people ever come to this Earth understanding this. And you notice they always die young!!!
We are all God in the human form. That's what Jesus was trying to teach people before he was killed. Buddha also taught that we have the power that's behind this Universe right inside of us. Only a few people ever come to this Earth understanding this. And you notice they always die young!!!

Pamarella, how do you reconcile God's immortality with man's mortality? Divinity is not finite but infinite.
Pamarella, how do you reconcile God's immortality with man's mortality? Divinity is not finite but infinite.
I believe it's all one in the same. We are just a shell while we are on this Earth but the spirit or our life force is God. I am not a Christian, so I don't believe in the Bible or Christianities version of what is Divine and what is not.
So far what I have gathered from this thread:




"Jesus was real but he was this rather than that..."

"No no no, my religious beliefs say that Jesus was actually something else and I'm right."

As for my answer, I think he was the most famous person to be alive in the time he had. If we're talking about the most famous person EVER, then there are a few historical figures who have longevity over him, so it's a wait and see thing. ... But we'll all be dead by then :).
i think he deffo was. ppl will say god,jesus etc, but the life of michael jackson was fact, if u know what a mean.

jesus, buddah, muhamed, got a headstart on him. they got thousands of years to accumulate a larger number of people who either follow them or at least know who they were, so really it's gotta be those three. After them I'd say it's definitely MJ.
He is. I remember I read somewhere (and I heard on the TV few days ago) that MJ is the most famous human in the world.
I believe he is the most famous person known TODAY.

But the stories of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddah, etc.. have been reaching the lives of millions around the world for thousands of years...you can't say so with MJ..i mean he ain't that old. lol.

But, I believe MJ will be the talk for generations to come. This is what makes Michael a legend :yes: