was michael the most famous human ever to have lived?

in the yr 2679 mj will still be the greatest superstar off all time. i feel happy to know tht a was around when he was.
Michael was probably one of the most famous people born during our time period. But the most famous person ever? I disagree. Take Alexander the Great for instance. He came into power around 336 BC. His accomplishments have been taught in history classes up until this point. Over the course of history more people have heard about Alexander the Great than Michael Jackson. Give Michael a few thousand years and see where he stands.
If Elvis and Mozart can do it then Michael can do it. I agree about Alexander the Great though, he was a fellow Greek and was one of my childhood historical heroes. He also died young at 33, just when he had conquered the known world and was considering if he should go even further or return home; he didn't make it. Kinda reminds me of MJ a bit...
Michael was probably one of the most famous people born during our time period. But the most famous person ever? I disagree. Take Alexander the Great for instance. He came into power around 336 BC. His accomplishments have been taught in history classes up until this point. Over the course of history more people have heard about Alexander the Great than Michael Jackson. Give Michael a few thousand years and see where he stands.

I think you are reading too much into the statement. Alexander the Great in your terms is more famous than Michael strictly because he has been around longer. I don't think that is what the OP was asking. If that was the case, Fred Flinstone would be the most famous person to ever live, lol.

I think the OP meant, is Michael the most famous person that ever lived, while living. The answer is yes, he is. The reason why he is the most famous person is because of the development of technology and the ability to communicate quicker and to a broader audience. Look how fast news traveled last week Thursday. Anways, I agree that Jesus should be left out. He was, and still is, more than just a human being.
yeah a dont wanna bring anything religious to it, as the last person said,we are at a time where every1 knows who mike was, i mean be honest during the 80s, for me then michael jackson was the most famous ever person. he reached ppl from 6 to ppl at 96.

u could go to another country and say billie jean or do a moonwalk and tht person would hit out with "michael jackson"
During his lifetime
Yes he was

He was the most successful international star ever.
Everyone in the world knows him.

We have to keep the legacy going on
MICHAEL JACKSON was the most famous person to have ever lived bar none!

But heres a question for you, Who is the most famous person alive TODAY!?
Michael definitely is/was the most famous! :yes: Jesus and/or Religion are figments of people's imagination...Science reveals that. Funny how certain Religious types are all for Science when it comes to curing a disease or ailment that they themselves or a family member etc may have. But when it comes to disproving 'Religion', in a sense where the Human Race as a whole can move forward, these people shun Science!
He's probably up there between the most famous faces.. with Jesus Christ.. and Adolf Hitler.
No I dont know what you mean, Jesus was a man in history, thats a fact, great Scientist would agree with that, the evidence is right in our face, most shcolars and scientist acknowledge that, its whether you believe hes the son of GOD, but lets not get onto that debate. But yeah Michael jackson is one of the most famous people ever.
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Michael Jackson was not only the most famous, but most cherished man that ever lived.

Most people never even met him or really knew him but still felt this great, deep affection and love for him.

He touched peoples lives with his message of love and I believe that people were drawn to his innocence.

No I dont know what you mean, Jesus was a man in history, thats a fact, great Scientist would agree with that, the evidence is right in our face, most shcolars and scientist acknowledge that, its whether you believe hes the son of GOD, but lets not get onto that debate. But yeah Michael jackson is one of the most famous people ever.

No, where's the evidence? I find it very strange that historic people that lived during the same time as Jesus never wrote a single thing about him. What could be more fascinating to take notices of than a dude who can walk on water, be resurrected and send to heaven. The only source for Jesus is the bible.
Well, I personally want to believe that Jesus is the most famous, but Michael comes right behind him. I can't think of anyone else who would come between these two.
Yes the Romans and The Bible all claim Jesus existed. The Quran claims Jesus was actually The Prophet Muhammed. QUOTE]

Excuse me? You are dead wrong!! It shows you know nothing about the Quran. The quran never claims Jesus is or was the prophet Mohhamed( peace be upon them) We loved them the same.

Some of the comments in this thread are offensive and hurtful.

We shouldn’t compare Jesus to Michael Jackson .We believe that Jesus was a prophet and a Messenger of God. And that he’s alive. .. (Peace be upon him)

Michael is the most famous man in the world.period ,But let us go too far with this...
I would say now he is. The world wide media coverage of his death and the internet makes is possible for his to be the most famous person in the world. You have media outlets covering the medias reaction to his death so that is double coverage for people who are not tuned in to certain news broadcast. I know where I work, there are all types of people from different races and nationalities talking about Michael. Young and old are talking about how sad they are about Michael. People who can barely speak english talks about Michael. I have heard other people speaking with friends or family members in there own native language and I can't understand a word they are saying, but I hear Michael Jackson and I know who they are talking about. So I will say he is the most famous celebrity there is and he will be for a long time.
yes. and not just because he passed. he was the most famous while alive, because, now, that he passed, everbody seems to know his story...and are spinning their own yarns based on it. these are people who said they never paid attention to him while he was alive.

whenever something happened in his life, which was negative, he outscored the pope in the ratings. he got more coverage than world leaders. and selling out fifty concerts after being inactive for so long, proved his being the most famous. he has the greatest sales of all time, before his death, and now it can only get greater. he was always on the UK charts, per every generation of new artists. and of course people in the most remote parts of the earth knew who he was while alive...a feat never before accomplished by an artist.

i kinda wish that some would admit that while he was alive, but, some tend not to like to do those things.
yes. and not just because he passed. he was the most famous while alive, because, now, that he passed, everbody seems to know his story...and are spinning their own yarns based on it. these are people who said they never paid attention to him while he was alive.

whenever something happened in his life, which was negative, he outscored the pope in the ratings. he got more coverage than world leaders. and selling out fifty concerts after being inactive for so long, proved his being the most famous. he has the greatest sales of all time, before his death, and now it can only get greater. he was always on the UK charts, per every generation of new artists. and of course people in the most remote parts of the earth knew who he was while alive...a feat never before accomplished by an artist.

i kinda wish that some would admit that while he was alive, but, some tend not to like to do those things.


This is true. Michael was certainly the most famous celebrity that ever lived and always has been ever since the 80's. It has nothing to do with him passing. He's been the most famous person on the planet for 25+ years now.
Of course he was/is.
Jesus is God in human form so it doesn't count.
Of course he was/is.
Jesus is God in human form so it doesn't count.

Jesus was 100% man and he never claimed divinity in the bible. The Muslim view on Jesus is the correct view.

Atheist btw, I just know a thing or two about religion.
I'm from a TINY ass town in the lil country of Dominican Republic. I was raised in NYC.. but I have family in that TINY ASS town.. and by tiny. I mean everyone knows each other.. they JUST recently got electricity about 4 yrs ago.. thats how *in the mountains middle of nowhere they are* and the local church.. well they held a mass for MJ this past sunday.. I know cus my relatives from there attended. The whole town attended. (which is only about 500 people max) So yeah.. he defintitely is wordwide.
Exactly. It doesn't matter where you come from, if you have your sense of hearing with you and have heard his music, you know that he was something special.