was michael the most famous human ever to have lived?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i think he deffo was. ppl will say god,jesus etc, but the life of michael jackson was fact, if u know what a mean.
i think he deffo was. ppl will say god,jesus etc, but the life of michael jackson was fact, if u know what a mean.

I know what you mean. I honestly believe he is the most famous human being to have ever lived.
Yeah... and he was without question the most loved one throughout all different cultures we have in the world.
I mean he had armies walking with him in Asia, Europe and where ever he went. - Whenever have you seen an entertainer come to a country and have the country's army guarding you.

I mean... from children to adults, from black to white, from rich to poor... everyone loved Michael Jackson.
michael had the power of the people,thts why i think the media etc turned against him. he was a force of good in the world.
Yes, I think he was/is. I just watched the tribute from the dancing inmates, and it made me cry. I just have a question and maybe someone could help me. Do you think that Michael might know about any or all of what people have said/done after his passing or did he just go to Heaven and knows nothing about it? Do people who pass on just go somewhere and know nothing of people on earth anymore? I know nobody knows for sure, but I'd like opinions please. I just really hope he knows. He would have loved all the tributes so much.
Various prophets, magnates and other personalities outrank Michael but Michael is no slouch in that department. If we're talking about the last 100 years or so, I think it would be safe to say that Michael is indeed among the most famous for this specified period. All time we're looking at top 50 easily. Michael did well for a little boy from Gary Indiana. He'll be talked about and celebrated for millennia to come (if humans are still around).
Yes, I think he was/is. I just watched the tribute from the dancing inmates, and it made me cry. I just have a question and maybe someone could help me. Do you think that Michael might know about any or all of what people have said/done after his passing or did he just go to Heaven and knows nothing about it? Do people who pass on just go somewhere and know nothing of people on earth anymore? I know nobody knows for sure, but I'd like opinions please. I just really hope he knows. He would have loved all the tributes so much.
Michael must be aware of all this! :yes: Don't worry! Spirits know more than we do, lol, trust me!
Actually, MJ is more famous then Jesus. Jesus is from Christianity and not everyone in the world are Christians. Most are Muslims but we have a variety of people with different religions.

Also, these religious characters from scripture have never been documented as ever having existed, so MJ outranks any religious character when it comes to being known.

I am sure if you go to some tribal cultures in Africa or South America you will find people who never heard of Jesus, but know very well who Michael Jackson is. I have read about people visiting such tribes and playing MJ's music and the villagers knew who it was. They however had not heard of Jesus.
Actually, MJ is more famous then Jesus. Jesus is from Christianity and not everyone in the world are Christians. Most are Muslims but we have a variety of people with different religions.

Also, these religious characters from scripture have never been documented as ever having existed, so MJ outranks any religious character when it comes to being known.

I am sure if you go to some tribal cultures in Africa or South America you will find people who never heard of Jesus, but know very well who Michael Jackson is. I have read about people visiting such tribes and playing MJ's music and the villagers knew who it was. They however had not heard of Jesus.

Your totally right, and also not all the people in the world have a religon in particular or they're are athiest as it's in my case.
All the people who at leart have a radio or TV knows who Michael is
Actually, MJ is more famous then Jesus. Jesus is from Christianity and not everyone in the world are Christians. Most are Muslims but we have a variety of people with different religions.

Also, these religious characters from scripture have never been documented as ever having existed, so MJ outranks any religious character when it comes to being known.

I am sure if you go to some tribal cultures in Africa or South America you will find people who never heard of Jesus, but know very well who Michael Jackson is. I have read about people visiting such tribes and playing MJ's music and the villagers knew who it was. They however had not heard of Jesus.

The life of the Prophet Muhammad is well documented and entirely historical unlike the Prophets Solomon, Moses and the like. Also, you say that certain people in South American and African nations may be unaware of Jesus, and while that may be true to some extent, Christian missionaries have done quite a bit of work in such areas so I am sure more and more people are becoming aware of Jesus in these areas by the minute.
Jesus has been documented as an EXISTING person in Roman scribes and letters unrelated to the Bible. Whatever you think of him he's not imaginary.

But I do understand why MJ could be more famous even than Jesus.
Jesus has been documented as an EXISTING person in Roman scribes and letters unrelated to the Bible. Whatever you think of him he's not imaginary.

But I do understand why MJ could be more famous even than Jesus.

Yes the Romans and The Bible all claim Jesus existed. The Quran claims Jesus was actually The Prophet Muhammed. Some religious scriptures claim there was no prophet and God never spoke to mankind, but these documents/claims can not be verified, so the question of the factual state of these claims remain open till this day.
Yes the Romans and The Bible all claim Jesus existed. The Quran claims Jesus was actually The Prophet Muhammed. Some religious scriptures claim there was no prophet and God never spoke to mankind, but these documents/claims can not be verified, so the question of the factual state of these claims remain open till this day.

No no no. The Quran makes no such claim. Both Jesus and Muhammad are prophets of equal status within Islam.

Edit: Sorry for helping to derail this topic. This is about Michael and yes, he is among the most famous people in the history of human existence. This is indisputable.
M.J. must have been - and for good reason.
He deserved all the attention he got; to be known by so many people :) .
Funny to find this. I was thinking about this when I woke up this morning!

I think he is, definitely yes. And certainly the most loved in his own lifetime. We have more population now than ever before in the history of the planet and nearly everyone on every continent knows about him. Even non-fans know his songs and would recognize his image instantly. I was thinking of who in the past was known all over the entire planet, and a planet with this many people and loved, not just when they died because of the shock and tragedy, but deeply loved every day before that by so many. No one. And Michael is so loved.... albeit in varying degrees from totally to casually, like "oh, I really loved Thriller". So yes, most loved in his lifetime.

Imagine if every single person on the planet in Jesus's time would have known Jesus, the population was so tiny compared to nowadays. I bet the number of people who really love Michael is more than that. Crazy, huh. And so to quote Jesus Christ Superstar:

"Why'd you choose such a backward time in such a strange land? If you'd come today you could have reached a whole nation! Israel in B.C. had no mass communication."

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NO MICHAEL JACKSON is not the most famous person that ever lived. maybe he is in this century.

Jesus of course is the greatest and most famous person to have ever lived.
In my lifetime, Ive never witnessed such a monumental, global outpouring of grief. Id say even moreso than Princess Diana. Michaels reach and influence stretched the world over.

Why is it though that we celebrate and value people more in death than we do in life? A lot of people who dont consider themselves fans are now suddenly shocked by their own emotions and how they feel about Michael passing, its evident in the huge sales we've seen since last week.

You dont know what you have til its gone...so true.
Honestly, I think we should just leave Jesus out of it. Jesus wasn't just a human being, and we are talking about people. And yes, Michael was/is the most famous person that's ever lived. Even moreso than other leaders, etc. because not everyone knows them at all.
Michael for sure.

God, Jesus and all those other fairtytale characters are NOT REAL
The most famous: he ranks up there.

The most loved: He's definately at the top.

Michael is America's child; he is the world's child. It goes back to the fact that he grew up in the public eye. He is widely known with a career that expands decades. He is quite literally History.
Can we leave religion out of this topic guys.

We are talking about human beings and I would say that Michael is the most famous person the world has known, the only other person who comes close is the Queen.