Was Michael chubby at this time? *2002*

lol at this thread. :lol: I don't think Michael would ever had let himself get "chubby." He definitely doesn't look chubby in those photos. More filled out and bulkier, but not chubby.
I remember more pictures where you can see he has a belly (if that's the right word for it, in dutch it is) in dutch we say 'Hij/zij heeft een buikje' . lol.
relax people! the poster didn't mean to insult Michael or anything, so chill out. and FYI shocking as it may be to some of you, not everyone speaks perfect English! Don't be ignorant!
let's just say that he had more weight in those days...just watch the huge legs he had in the American music awards of 2002, and during the bet wards of 2003.....HUGE LEGS.....
what i like about the title is that it is not very common, lol

...and personally, i don't see him chubby in the pix. Thank you!
Umhh, ok.. First off; LOL @ this thread! Compared to his usual thin figure, yeah, I think he was a bit thicker. Not fat by any standards though.
And he definitely did NOT have man tits :shock: :lol: None of this stuff really matters, but I had to throw in my comment since I found this thread quite amusing.

I mean, come on.. man tits? On Michael? Compare these two pics and decide for yourself.

Picture No 1.: A respectable pair of MTs

Picture No2.: "Chubby" MJ

geez.. again with the looks and fat and thin and blah. even some of his fans put him under the microscope.
That was probably Michael at his heaviest but even then he was probably only 150 pounds, which is light for a man.
He was very sensitive about his weight damn near anorexic at times because of his image of himself. I don't think this is appropriate to talk about because this was something he battled with his entire adult life. Man tits. No offense is distasteful.

Gotta say I agree. I know no one meant any harm by this, but I'm just sayin' - I'm very particular with my looks as well and just the thought of other people having a thread with heavier pictures of me, discussing my weight and whether or not I was chubby or fat, makes me want to stick my head in a hole and die. Seriously. =(
Pictures like:




Was Michael little chubby/fat at this time? Because you can see on the first pic that he have little "man tits" or maybe I'm so used to seeing him thin (?)

By the way, is it any video of this perfomance ?? :)

I don't think he was every chubby or fat. Heavier than usual? Yes. Could be from medicine or whatever.
I liked it though. Michael looked cute no matter what his looks/weight :)
He was HOT...I've always preferred him with a little more meat on his bones.

Me too. I loved his "chubby" phases BEST. I just call it hunky because that's what chubby was on MJ. The fuller face, bigger muscled thighs,...don't get me started!
Pictures like:




Was Michael little chubby/fat at this time? Because you can see on the first pic that he have little "man tits" or maybe I'm so used to seeing him thin (?)

By the way, is it any video of this perfomance ?? :)

Fat????? LOL Michael was never fat or even chubby.. so he ate good that time lol what's wrong with that? in the history era he wasn't thin too, he looked healthy and well built..I think that was his sexiest era. but to me he looked always good.
He was a little bit heavier than the usual, but he's never been chubby or fat.

Also man tits? :lol: