Was Michael chubby at this time? *2002*

Compared to Dave Navarro...But he thickened up a bit from the Invincible release up until '03, but he was never "fat" or "chubby", in fact, some people may take offense to that, so you should choose your wording a bit more wisely. This was a healthy weight for Michael as this is how he looked up until the trial, which took a drastic toll on his body.
He was never ''fat'' or ''chubby'' in his entire life. He had put on a bit weight compared to his standards.
hey people, take it easy. I don't talk english so good, so I didn't find a real word for what I mean. Sorry for misunderstanding :p
Just answer the question stop hatin' on threads like this.. damn
I could be wrong but I thought his medications for his lupus or something else caused him to gain a little weight. I heard something like that so I don't know at all if that's true. I thought he looked just fine.
what the hell?



No... his weight fluctuated a lot - yes... but he was always thin.
At times, very skinny > Thriller Era, Trial Era (obvious reasons), and This Is It Era... (he is very very skinny in TII era)
At times, not > i.e. HIStory era.

This is also part of the reason why his appearance looks different. Added to that would be the countless hairstyles in each of the era (afro, jheri curl, normal curls, short straight cut, long straight, curly long, etc.)

This is what people don't get.
That he did not have the mounds of surgery people say he did.

It was his nose and the cleft on his chin.

He also grew up. And people change as they grow.

So, NO he was never "chubby" ( lol wow).
Chubby!!!.....Noway..Michael was fine in both those pics....:blush:......He looked absolutely beautiful with a little meat on his bones...:love:
Michael looks good a bit heavier. He's a normal, natural weight here.
Aww Michael's never been fat or chubby...he was just a little more filled out at this time than he normally is. I like it. Just another look among all the interesting looks of MJ through the years.
No I don't think Michael's chubby but obviously he was much thinner more recently so by comparison I can see how you might see that :p
Michael was thicker during the Vince era but I think he always looked better with more weight on. It made him look healthier and the trial really took a toll on his body with the ever decreasing weight. Losing weight is always a sign of stress, anguish and depression and it was evident in Michael.
I'm still looking for the 'man tits', can't see any. But will keep looking.:lmao: (Aww, hun, I'm not laughing AT ya - I'm laughing WITH ya. It came out real funny. I say that with L.O.V.E.)
This was the best Michael ever looked, in that HIStory World Tour era. :)
Michael was thicker during the Vince era but I think he always looked better with more weight on. It made him look healthier and the trial really took a toll on his body with the ever decreasing weight. Losing weight is always a sign of stress, anguish and depression and it was evident in Michael.

that flies in the face of those who say he looked his unhealthiest during the Invincible era.
mikey had a little junk in the trunk and i likey
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He was very sensitive about his weight damn near anorexic at times because of his image of himself. I don't think this is appropriate to talk about because this was something he battled with his entire adult life. Man tits. No offense is distasteful.