Warning for fans who are wanting to go to the cemetary next week....

This is the same A & E special that Michael backed out of months ago - and A & E nixed it because Michael won't be in it.

And of course the press release hints at Michael appearing in it - that's the reason why anyone would watch. The "last moments" with his family and then show them all going to the cemetery

And "filming will continue next month" - Sept 3 is now the new date for the "burial."

Oh, this is going to be a car wreck in the making.

Why couldn't they wait until AFTER Michael's body was laid to rest?

This is beyond fame-wh*ring - it's dancing on someone's grave. Heinous and exploitative are the only words I can think of.


So please someone correct me if I am wrong......This is the same show Michael DID NOT want to take part in while he was alive???? SO.....they are going to film his burial as part of the show.????? If this is true then this is despicable. Please clear this up for me if you would, I am confused. Thanks
I don't see how will be this private :no:
this will be a big mess

It will be private in the sense only family and close friends are invited BUT of course they need security/police etc there.

The public memorial was for the fans. I fully respect the families decision If they had of said it was open to the public people would have been moaning and saying it should have been private and it's been turned into a circus.

You can't please everybody all of the time. God only knows how Michael felt throughout his life!
So please someone correct me if I am wrong......This is the same show Michael DID NOT want to take part in while he was alive???? SO.....they are going to film his burial as part of the show.????? If this is true then this is despicable. Please clear this up for me if you would, I am confused. Thanks

No-one has said his burial will be filmed and be part of the show.
So please someone correct me if I am wrong......This is the same show Michael DID NOT want to take part in while he was alive???? SO.....they are going to film his burial as part of the show.????? If this is true then this is despicable. Please clear this up for me if you would, I am confused. Thanks

Well - I will not put ANYTHING past Joe Jackson anymore.

Connect the dots:

- The reunion concert and participation of the A&E reality show which Michael backed out of and which he was sued on June 11 (two weeks before his death)

- Then he died two weeks later :(

- Then the looong delay in laying his body to rest

- Then A&E picking up the reality show again with a new twist which is "coping/grieving Michael's death" and filming has started up again and continues throughout September.

- September 3rd is the new date for burying Michael - as opposed to his birthday as originally planned

- Michael's burial is CLOSED to the public, except for CERTAIN media and family, (hello, A&E exclusive, anyone?)

They are dancing on Micahel's grave - and I am DISGUSTED.
So please someone correct me if I am wrong......This is the same show Michael DID NOT want to take part in while he was alive???? SO.....they are going to film his burial as part of the show.????? If this is true then this is despicable. Please clear this up for me if you would, I am confused. Thanks

NO, that is just one persons assuming. Really, like I said before, you CAN NOT just go into a PRIVATE mausoleum and let the cameras roll. Forest Lawn has a strict rule that only FAMILY MEMBERS AND FL STAFF are allowed in this place. People place their loved ones there for PRIVACY. Plus, do you honestly think that Katherine, who is very protective over Michael is going to let them do that with the children there? Another thing, wouldn't this be making some profit off of Michael that would go towards his estate? They would have to go through the lawyers for that, and pretty sure they would have to ask the children's lawyer as well. There's more than just "Joe wanting to make profit".
- Michael's burial is CLOSED to the public, except for CERTAIN media and family, (hello, A&E exclusive, anyone?)

Because where they are putting his to rest is only open to family and the forest lawn staff, no one can see anything either way.
Because where they are putting his to rest is only open to family and the forest lawn staff, no one can see anything either way.

And the before and after shots? The crying brothers hugging together after burying their beloved baby brother? 5 episodes on the before and after cemetery candid interviews?

It's all going to be on the EXCLUSIVE A&E Reality show! Produced by Joe Jackson, available on BLOO-RAY Technology! (/sarcasm)
The whole thing makes me sick with anger! I have lost an awful lot of respect for a family i once admired! Michael should have been laid to rest b4 all the deals had been signed, For god sake let him have the respect in death that he never had in life! The burial should not have been announced, it is a private family matter not something the whole world needs to know about! I am so angry that he is still being mistreated!
And the before and after shots? The crying brothers hugging together after burying their beloved baby brother? 5 episodes on the before and after cemetery candid interviews?

It's all going to be on the EXCLUSIVE A&E Reality show! Produced by Joe Jackson, available on BLOO-RAY Technology! (/sarcasm)

this is still speculation on your part. Provide some proof because last I checked there are 30 days in September.

I'm not outraged by their decision to have it private. I'm sure the press who wants to take pictures like the sickos they are are upset and I can't find anywhere that mentions it will also be a media affair too.

What is your intention?
of course i have been to a fan event with the family present over the past 13 years of being a fan plus i was in the court room enough times, im just a pretty chilled person and i dont get hyped up over celebrities. i just think its all abit over the top and it always has been im like calm down man hes just a person, as he is gone its just flesh anyway
yes but then u've seen the chaos in person then. u know what can happen. im not saying u would be the one to cause it, but u know what it's like. being near frenzy and being caught up in it, not emotion wise but literally trapped between a mob. it's dangerous.

and can we reserve judgement on the family UNTIL the show airs? we're speculating on things we don't even know
this is still speculation on your part. Provide some proof because last I checked there are 30 days in September.

I'm not outraged by their decision to have it private. I'm sure the press who wants to take pictures like the sickos they are are upset and I can't find anywhere that mentions it will also be a media affair too.

What is your intention?

Only to unmask the hypocrisy that Joe Jackson & some of his children are perpetrating, by selling grief porn to Michael's millions of fans via A&E - yet they can't even lay Michael's body to rest. Michael's body has been in a freezer for 2 months!!!!

They ask for privacy, no fans, but give certain media a front row seat, namely A&E?

Now I see why they waited so long. Grief Porn makes better "reality" TV.

They are picking at Michael's bones, like they always have all their lives.

I will be boycotting this spectacle. And it's strictly my personal opinion which NO ONE can make me change.
To the fans who think this is done now and for private genuine sincere reasons it's NOT.
Since Michael's death it's been nothing but a race for fame and fortune, even by his own family. Even Katherine, his own mother, has made decisions which I think are so poor and selfish. He wouldn't be proud.
2 months and not put to rest, highest bidders allowed to release and film things they shouldn't. Family wanting more than the will stated, Joe back in the picture, Jermaine running with any opportunity he can, LaToya shooping and dining on Rodeo Drive, AEG making out like bandits, children in the spotlight, "friends" who now lie about his physical state at the time of his death, LAPD not interviewing his secuirty who beg to be, reality show lined up, etc... And you're going to tell me anyone actually gives a shit aprat from us??!!!
to the fans who think this is done now and for private genuine sincere reasons it's not.
Since michael's death it's been nothing but a race for fame and fortune, even by his own family. Even katherine, his own mother, has made decisions which i think are so poor and selfish. He wouldn't be proud.
2 months and not put to rest, highest bidders allowed to release and film things they shouldn't. Family wanting more than the will stated, joe back in the picture, jermaine running with any opportunity he can, latoya shooping and dining on rodeo drive, aeg making out like bandits, children in the spotlight, "friends" who now lie about his physical state at the time of his death, lapd not interviewing his secuirty who beg to be, reality show lined up, etc... And you're going to tell me anyone actually gives a shit aprat from us??!!!

preach that truth!!!
To the fans who think this is done now and for private genuine sincere reasons it's NOT.
Since Michael's death it's been nothing but a race for fame and fortune, even by his own family. Even Katherine, his own mother, has made decisions which I think are so poor and selfish. He wouldn't be proud.
2 months and not put to rest, highest bidders allowed to release and film things they shouldn't. Family wanting more than the will stated, Joe back in the picture, Jermaine running with any opportunity he can, LaToya shooping and dining on Rodeo Drive, AEG making out like bandits, children in the spotlight, "friends" who now lie about his physical state at the time of his death, LAPD not interviewing his secuirty who beg to be, reality show lined up, etc... And you're going to tell me anyone actually gives a shit aprat from us??!!!

We're the only ones that care? It seems like you and a few others are really trying to turn fans against the family. Why?
yeah i could understand that if it had happened in the days after the memorial where u prob had media stalking out forest green but i doubt thats the case now.he could have been moved and done easily imo. the burial area is inside no where near the entrance nothing can be seen. i just find it all off putting thats all. as normal the fans get warned off like they are some raving animals with no respectfor mj. i find that insulting especially at this time yet the media get welcomed with open arms. and that i feel by inviting the media its the last chance for some to get some attention yet in the same breath telling those that stood by him and loved him to feck off. and no i dont think fans should be there b4 anyone says.i find the whole thing distastefull. yet more footage of convoys and coffins. when it could have been done very different. u even had randy talking to TMZ saying what the plans were . why? and the reality show extention is making money while they can cause once this is over and the dust settle no one will care about them again until they give an inerview to some tabloid about mj.this whole things makes me feel sick i shouldnt even be in this thread.

thank you so much for saying that. i feel absolutely the same. poor Michael. now i feel more than ever that he really loved us :doh:
Only to unmask the hypocrisy that Joe Jackson & some of his children are perpetrating, by selling grief porn to Michael's millions of fans via A&E - yet they can't even lay Michael's body to rest. Michael's body has been in a freezer for 2 months!!!!

They ask for privacy, no fans, but give certain media a front row seat, namely A&E?

Now I see why they waited so long. Grief Porn makes better "reality" TV.

They are picking at Michael's bones, like they always have all their lives.

I will be boycotting this spectacle. And it's strictly my personal opinion which NO ONE can make me change.

Your words sound much like what the media does to entice people to go against others. You are speculating and trying to do exactly what the media does screaming OUTRAGE and using degrading terms to provoke others follow your mindset and turn against whoever you want.

I am not watching the reality show because I don't care for it but I think you're overreacting and twisting it around. People that would be most upset are the tabloids and media who want to take pictures. Wouldn't surprise me if they hiss at the family and try to make them all look bad.

Now onto Sammy. Sammy, Katherine cares about her son. It's obvious.
they should have secretly burried him a long time ago. No one would have known until after instead of Now they are announcing it to the world.
Your words sound much like what the media does to entice people to go against others. You are speculating and trying to do exactly what the media does screaming OUTRAGE and using degrading terms to provoke others follow your mindset and turn against whoever you want.

I am not watching the reality show because I don't care for it but I think you're overreacting and twisting it around. People that would be most upset are the tabloids and media who want to take pictures. Wouldn't surprise me if they hiss at the family and try to make them all look bad.

Now onto Sammy. Sammy, Katherine cares about her son. It's obvious.

You have the right to feel the way you do. And I'm a-ok with you disagreeing with me.
I also have the right to feel the way I do.

You think that I'm essentially baiting to get a reaction? That is certainly not the case, so please don't take it that way.

I merely want to express my disdain (ok, RAGE) over their actions because I don't feel that it's right.

And that's all I have to say about that.
The whole thing makes me sick with anger! I have lost an awful lot of respect for a family i once admired! Michael should have been laid to rest b4 all the deals had been signed, For god sake let him have the respect in death that he never had in life! The burial should not have been announced, it is a private family matter not something the whole world needs to know about! I am so angry that he is still being mistreated!

Wonderful post, and I feel the same way.
i think its just fine that they decided to have the the funeral private and keep fans away. i also think that some fans might feel that its not fair bc they want to say good bye to michael but i think the best way is to just place flowers at Neverland like that have been doing since he passed. I just hope all goes well the day they lay michael to rest. its a hard reality to face thats for sure. very hard.

A large part of me realises that this is a private family thing and that fans should not attend. I will not be there. But since I heard of Michael's passing, I had always hoped I could visit his grave to pay my respects. Now I know that I will never be close to Michael again. In an odd way it makes the reality of his death a lot worse. That I am truly separated for him forever.