UPDATE!!! New Lawyer appointed! Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tampa, Florida
UPDATE BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother Katherine gets TOUGH! Good for her.

And message to Londell McMillian, STFU. Your mismanagement and ill advice has put Katherine under a lot of stress. She was THISCLOSE to losing her inheritance her son left her thanks to you.


Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 9:56AM by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson has gotten rid of her probate legal team, TMZ has learned.

Multiple sources tell us Katherine Jackson will be substituting new lawyers in her probate case. She has fired Burt Levitch. Family members also told us Londell McMillan will no longer be involved in the probate case.

Katherine will be hiring new lawyers and we're told she'll ask for a continuance today when the court hearing convenes so she can seal the deal with new lawyers.

We spoke with Londell McMillan, who acknowledges Katherine is moving on and hiring new probate lawyers. McMillan says he was never Katherine's probate lawyer, even though we know he was actively negotiating with lawyers for the estate.

McMillan tells TMZ, "I am not completely out." He says he does not know if he is still Katherine's general counsel and continues to represent her.

(edit: Uh, yes you are out. You can't rep Katherine & do Joe & Randy's bidding.)

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UfoWsI5Q

UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO BRIAN OXMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Katherine's New Lawyer -- Britney Connection

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 6:09PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson's new probate lawyer has a Britney Spears connection.

Attorney Adam Streisand from the high-powered law firm of Loeb & Loeb will be repping Katherine -- this, after she fired Burt Levitch and Londell McMillan from probate duties.

Streisand -- a cousin of Barbra Streisand -- was involved early on in the Britney Spears conservatorship case. He had several meetings with Britney but says he realized she was not competent to hire a lawyer on her own so he backed out.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UhrZ7X62

Here's the new attorney info - Barbra's cousin!

10100 Santa Monica Boulevard
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, California


Adam F. Streisand
Partner and Chair, Trust and Estate Litigation Practice Group

Adam Streisand is a trial lawyer who focuses his practice on disputes involving trusts, decedents’ estates and conservatorships; the obligations of fiduciaries such as trustees, executors, conservators, attorneys and other professionals; accountant and legal malpractice; tax litigation; and copyright and intellectual property disputes.

Trusts & Estates Magazine says Mr. Streisand "is a trial lawyer renowned for his courtroom victories in celebrity estates." The Daily Journal says Mr. Streisand's C.V. "is a lawyer's resume on steroids." He is named as one of the Top 100 Attorneys in Trusts and Estates in the country by Worth magazine.

Representative Experience

Mr. Streisand is well known for his victories in courtroom battles over celebrity estates, including the estates of Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, Rodney Dangerfield and Barry White. Mr. Streisand represents Larry Birkhead in the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith.
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Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Mother Katherine gets TOUGH! Good for her.

And message to Londell McMillian, STFU. Your mismanagement and ill advice has put Katherine under a lot of stress. She was THISCLOSE to losing her inheritance her son left her thanks to you.


Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 9:56AM by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson has gotten rid of her probate legal team, TMZ has learned.

Multiple sources tell us Katherine Jackson will be substituting new lawyers in her probate case. She has fired Burt Levitch. Family members also told us Londell McMillan will no longer be involved in the probate case.

Katherine will be hiring new lawyers and we're told she'll ask for a continuance today when the court hearing convenes so she can seal the deal with new lawyers.

We spoke with Londell McMillan, who acknowledges Katherine is moving on and hiring new probate lawyers. McMillan says he was never Katherine's probate lawyer, even though we know he was actively negotiating with lawyers for the estate.

McMillan tells TMZ, "I am not completely out." He says he does not know if he is still Katherine's general counsel and continues to represent her.
Filed under: Michael Jackson Comments [2]

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UfoWsI5Q

Mrs. Jackson good for you...If it were me...I would try and hire someone (s) who "actually care" about your son, you, the children, and the family...!

NOT a legal team/adviser that is self serving and out to fill their wallets/pockets books...

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

it could be for the worst. randy & joe could bring shady lawyers who tell all absurd theories from Randy & co
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

I hope Katherine Jackson's new legal lawyers will seek to provide
Katherine with the assurance and confidence she needs to stop
worrying about "the money"; so she can just focus on keeping
Michael Jackson's children safe, happy, and healthy.
Michael Jackson's Will has been set up in a manner that should
allow her to do just that. :better:
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Well I can see why Michael left John Branca and John McClain in charge of his estate. Because it looks like the Jackson family are creating a mess they can't win (if this story is true), due to the bad advice of lawyers only intersted in getting to control Michael's estate for their own prestigue. Which is what I think Londell McMillan is only interested in.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

humm this could go either way
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

it could be for the worst. randy & joe could bring shady lawyers who tell all absurd theories from Randy & co

Worse than Londell McMillian who was basically Joe & Randy's spokesperson?

I dunno. I can say that all the challenges to the will have been because of McMillian, Randy & Joe.

And I sure pray that it's not for the worst.

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Well I can see why Michael left John Branca and John McClain in charge of his estate. Because it looks like the Jackson family are creating a mess they can't win (if this story is true), due to the bad advice of lawyers only intersted in getting to control Michael's estate for their own prestigue. Which is what I think Londell McMillan is only interested in.

Londell McMillian is a master of grandstanding - and I don't doubt for a minute that he's looking for glory in all this.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Well I can see why Michael left John Branca and John McClain in charge of his estate. Because it looks like the Jackson family are creating a mess they can't win (if this story is true), due to the bad advice of lawyers only intersted in getting to control Michael's estate for their own prestigue.

AMEN. I feel sorry for Katherine. She's surrounded by all these people with opinions based on their own self interest, NOT her welfare. Her financial future is secure. John Branca is doing a good job at ensuring that. Others are just anxiously trying to get a share. Makes you sick. Katherine needs some peace. LEAVE HER ALONE!
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

I just re-read Jackson Family Values by Margaret Maldonato Jermaines ex-wife. If what she says is true (understandiby she has embellished a bit) Michael kept his distance from them for a reason. They can't manage money. The kept trying to get him to sign-off on all kinds of wack deals and they are still trying to do it with his death. It is sad. I feel sorry for his kids.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Please God,

PLEASE don't let Katherine's new lawyers be Brian Oxman.

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Some fans are funny. I remember how some fans were telling that Londell were the great one, the best choice for Michael and for his business. Londell have helped Michael A LOT during the years etc... and now ppl are calling him out?
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Please God,

PLEASE don't let Katherine's new lawyers be Brian Oxman.

if that happens we know exactly whats going on
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Some fans are funny. I remember how some fans were telling that Londell were the great one, the best choice for Michael and for his business. Londell have helped Michael A LOT during the years etc... and now ppl are calling him out?

the problem is that he's acting as Joe & Randy's spokeperson.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Some fans are funny. I remember how some fans were telling that Londell were the great one, the best choice for Michael and for his business. Londell have helped Michael A LOT during the years etc... and now ppl are calling him out?

Uh, not me.

Londell is a grandstanding attorney who hogs the spotlight.

He's more Gloria Allred that's looking for glory.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers


MICHAEL JACKSON's mother has fired the lawyers hired to represent her in her ongoing probate case.

Katherine Jackson has taken issue with some decisions made by the executors of her son's estate, John Branca and John MCCain, and has been locked in a court battle with the pair since the King of Pop's death in June (09).

She was left 40 per cent of the net value of the Thriller superstar's assets, but she has reportedly been fighting to have a say in all decisions made regarding the singer's estate.

However, Katherine is rumoured to be unhappy with the progress made in the case and has dismissed Burt Levitch from her team of lawyers.

Longtime family representative Londell MCMillan has also been sidelined in the probate case, although he insists he has not been fired completely.

Lawyer MCMillan tells TMZ.com, "I am not completely out."

The Jackson family matriarch, who was named the legal guardian of the singer's three kids, has yet to appoint new counsel.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

We want McMillan out, as he is the root of most of the evil. However, we do not want Oxman.Why are there so many bloody shady Lawyers in Michael's family? Leave the estate alone!! The Jacksons are acting as though it is their birth right. Every day it is some probate going on..Katherine needs to get some rest. I hope she loves these Children..
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

We want McMillan out, as he is the root of most of the evil. However, we do not want Oxman.Why are there so many bloody shady Lawyers in Michael's family? Leave the estate alone!! The Jacksons are acting as though it is their birth right. Every day it is some probate going on..Katherine needs to get some rest. I hope she loves these Children..

Katherine loves the children, it's the siblings & cousins who want what rightfully belongs to MJs babies.

What Katherine needs to do is scream bloody hell and tell her lazy ass sons and husband to get off her back.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

AMEN. I feel sorry for Katherine. She's surrounded by all these people with opinions based on their own self interest, NOT her welfare. Her financial future is secure. John Branca is doing a good job at ensuring that. Others are just anxiously trying to get a share. Makes you sick. Katherine needs some peace. LEAVE HER ALONE!

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

anyone know why Katherine didn't file for divorce??? Its not like she could never afford it.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

Please God,

PLEASE don't let Katherine's new lawyers be Brian Oxman.


i am going to an island where no one can bother me if oxman becomes katherine's lawyer.:D

if she is even thinking about oxman... shoot .. hire ME.. :D I can do a better job than oxman. :dancin:

for all those people that are out there trashing katherine.... i wish people would keep into account
1. that she is probably trying her best for MJ3,
2.still grieving the loss of MJ....
3. and then the billion dollar estate issues

compounded by SOME of the ADULT CHILDREN acting like a 2 year old CHILD with the lack of integrity.:doh:

i mean there are those in the jackson crew that clearly deserves criticism. but not Katherine.

Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

New Lawyers for
Jackson's Mom in Estate Case

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's mother is changing the attorneys handling her interests in her son's multimillion-dollar estate case.
Katherine Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, says the Jackson family and its matriarch have decided to bring in a new set of attorneys to handle the case.

McMillan, who is Katherine Jackson's personal attorney, declined to say who would take over the case. The change will be discussed at a court hearing Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles.
Katherine Jackson is one of the primary beneficiaries of her son's estate and the legal guardian of his children. Her former attorneys had been considering mounting a challenge to the authority of the men administering the estate.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

i am going to an island where no one can bother me if oxman becomes katherine's lawyer.:D

if she is even thinking about oxman... shoot .. hire ME.. :D I can do a better job than oxman. :dancin:

for all those people that are out there trashing katherine.... i wish people would keep into account
1. that she is probably trying her best for MJ3,
2.still grieving the loss of MJ....
3. and then the billion dollar estate issues

compounded by SOME of the ADULT CHILDREN acting like a 2 year old CHILD with the lack of integrity.:doh:

i mean there are those in the jackson crew that clearly deserves criticism. but not Katherine.


You are right. I wouldn't want to know how that feels at all. Maybe, I am to critical of her sometimes. After all she has old school beliefs and she is eighty. To late to change. I am praying for her though. If we are hurting I know she is in agony.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

anyone know why Katherine didn't file for divorce??? Its not like she could never afford it.

I read a report that she filed twice but her Jehovah Witness Elders talked her out of it.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

I apologize I wont again. If I get removed, I understand.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

I read a report that she filed twice but her Jehovah Witness Elders talked her out of it.

She did file twice. I doubt she would have gone through with it because of her religion. They haven't been living together full time since the late nineties according Margaret Maldonado Jermaine's ex-wife and mother of one set of his kids.
Re: Katherine Jackson 86's Probate Lawyers

No, don't apologize. You asked a legitimate question. You didn't mean any harm. :)

no my apology was in the wrong thread lol. i fixed it now thank you though lol