UPDATE "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

today i got a letter from my doctor and my mother call me downstries to tell me that is don't good my health is so bad that my sagur is so bad is 9.12 that is so bad :yes: i have to buy some victum B too cause i need victum B and also too i don't have enough of victum D also too is just everything is not good at all my whole body is not good and don't will :yes: i'm so upset today and very mad :mat: and angry and upset i cry today alot i just put MJ remix music on load and i cry my heart out cause my health is so bad want happen to me in 2005 that's want all startin it form and body can't fight it will so my body needs help and my mother is so wrioding about me and she say thing about me and i got so bad at her and i get so upset that i get two chocolate padding :yes: :eek: :eek: :yes:

i hate my life is just too much
my IBS is so much in stressful that i'm hurtting so bad that i can't sleep at :no: :cry:
that my bowl is having alot of bowl movement problems that i can't go :no:
that giving so much pain on my tummy and my cheats too :yes:

i was thinking to do a fibers diet :yes: :thinking:

please pray for me cause i'm hurtting like hell :yes: :cry: :cry: :cry: that i can't sleep at all is has been like this about in may know is like end of june soon and i'm so tried and so stress that i can't sleep til i can't bowl movement and i'll feel so much better :yes:
so please pray for me :pray: :cry:
i'm prayin. u will be alright with God's plan.

thank you for :pray: for me :flowers: :better:that make me feel better :better:

i'm still in pain today but feeling little better :timer: but i'm still stressful cause of my bowl of my IBS :scratch::bugeyed