UPDATE "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

this morroning i eat some red pepper and yugary with fliax seed :yes:

this afternoon i eat some corrorts, goat chesse, comeume :yes:

my tummy is so happy today :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

this morroning i eat some red pepper and yugary with fliax seed :yes:

this afternoon i eat some corrorts, goat chesse, comeume :yes:

my tummy is so happy today :yes:

Thats great Emilia - remember, put that into your food diary...you will notice things after you write them down.
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

o.k i'll do that my mom say that she'll buy me book to write them down she going out tomorrow she just what me to relax :yes:

but i told that i got so many books i have in my room that i can write in so that's good so that'll do
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

:yes: i notice that dairy and chocolate and pop and sweet doesn't like me at all :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

Yep, you will notice that, especially if you have a lactose intolerance...and it sounds like you do. The stress factor is so important though. Find some way to reduce your stress level....meditate, go for walks (without headphones), try yoga...get a relaxation tape and do that every night. It will help. Trust me. I've been there!
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

Thanks LindaC781 :hug:

i try having naps :yes: that's works i do go for walks and i move around alot know i'm feel great and the kids my mom watch over them i take them out and i play with them they make me feel happy around them :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

i just take my vum D and eat flix seed with yuguray :yes: and soon i'll go to bed :yes: :tired:

so good night see yea all tomorrow i'm going to bed to sleep in dreams that comes true to my heart
ooh i never say this before always pray for MJ for support and love in heart everynight and also too i always in you are not alone in my head everynight :yes: this true :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

tomorrow is friday i'm going to group thing about IBS that they'll help me out i hate going to group thing cause i don't understand and i'm shy but i have too go

so i'll don't be on here tomorrow morrning cause i'll be gone from 9:15am to 11:45am :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

hey everybody

i have too lose wright cause my wright is too hight for my age for have to lose wright so i'm working on and eatting different :yes: and i'm sleeping more :yes: i can't eat meat at all :no: cause i told myself that it hurts my tummy alot :yes: so no meat so is no meat diet :yes:
i'm hoping by christmas i lose some wright :yes:

Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

itoday i what to see my doctor about my ears and she told me that i got alot of water in my ears so i have to take nose spear to help it :yes: then after that she say there is more problem with my health my high calories is not good is 5.5 she say is not good and my mom say that is nomal but she doesn't what me to take the pills for it :yes: but i told my mom that she not good my high calories and she was so mad cause the doctor whats me to take this different kind of pills to help it and i have to go to do anyother blood test again oo god i hate it :yes: :cry: and i told about my legs that shake at night so she give some other vums to help like vum B :yes: and some other kind of vum :yes: and she told that i have to stop with bad foods and i'm still learning on that is very hard to give up your fav foods and :yes: i'll give up chocolate i think it hurts me alot and meat hurts me too :yes: so it was creazy morrowing for me when i got home i eat beafast :yes: :) so that was my morrowing i had :yes: :lol:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

vncwilliam thank you :hug: you're sweet friend thanks :yes: :hug:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

vncwilliam thank you :hug: you're sweet friend thanks :yes: :hug:

u r a very sweet person. by the way, u pmd me but i couldn't return a pm to u cus ur pm box won't let me.
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

hi :waving:
i have to take new pill for my high calories i have is not good :no: :mat: and i have to watch out what i eat too :yes:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

Hey Emilia, you focus on getting better, eat the right and healthy foods, do non-stressful activities (oh and don't forget to SING!!) that relax your mind and body. Also go for lots of soothing walks.

Don't focus on how bad your health is, it just makes it worse, believe me. say to yourself, "I'm gonna get up out of bed, greet the morning with a song, for this is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I will conquer my storm for the Lord has given me strength and He has power of sickness. And by gum, this is gonna be a wonderful day for me, indeed!"
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

hey mjroxworld you're so sweet thanks for that :)

thanks :) i'll sing in the morrowing i maybe will scary the brids :lol:
Re: "BAD NEWS" my IBS and my health is not good

is so hard this time of this year cause you really what to eat chocolates, and hot chocolates, and candys, and chips, and ice cream ooh may :yes: :jump: but i can still eat it but becarefull :yes:
i got some update grom my doctor is very bad and very bda news :yes: :cry:

she told my mother on the today that my colrioa is too high :yes: and my blood is too high too :yes: and my sugar is too high :yes:
is because of my problem i'm having with my liver and my Pancreas is not doing will i think i'm bunny know :yes: :cry:
but i'm upset :cry: :mat: :cry: cause of the news that's why my doctor is so worrying about me

ooh :eek: my life never ends some how i can't close the book :yes: is one of my sayyings :yes: :cry:
i hope i get well soon my doctor is so worrying about me alot that she is sending aletter to my mother to tell her whats wrong with me so i'm scary about myself whats wrong i'm afriad that i'm going to dead :cry: and i have to change my food to bunny food :yes: that's is going to be fun :yes:
i just got a letter from my doctor she going on holidays so that's way i got a letter from her

she say that i have bad health is not good :yes:

i have high colcler (sorry about my spell) you know what i mean right :wink: she whats me to take colcler pills but my mom doesn't what me too cause that's what happen to my father :yes:
in 3 mouth i have to take blood test that'll be fun yeah :cry:

i'm very sorry know i have to watch what i eat i can't eat anything bad food that is very sad :cry: :mat:

can you please help me what is the right food to eat for my IBS cause i don't know i think i have to trun into bunny :yes: :lol:

aww thats ok rockstar I hope you feel better:(:better: