UPDATE - #133: the whole thing may be illegal - Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale

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Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I don't know what you mean,.. I meant what I said I wish those would have a real mother they'd have a relationship with, u really think his children would have to live with Katherine if he have had kids with LMP? I think it's safe to assume that wouldn't have been the case, nor would he want them to. His children had no one but him that is why he named Katherine to take care of them believing, hoping and trusting for her to do a good job in it, I'm sure he didn't dream of his children' signature being used to sell some ridiculous memorabilia less than a year after his death in the care Katherine.

To me it seemed like you were criticising Michael's decision. But as we know, this isn't Michael, it's his family causing the problems.

To those who are questioning why some fans are so upset about this. Remember how passionate Michael was about not letting his kids be seen in public? They literally had nothing to do with the media, we heard nothing about them they were simply kids being kids and he did a fantastic job of keeping their lives like that. It seems that not even a year later not only is that being disregarded but this could be the beginnings of a lot more to come. THAT is why we're concerned. I worry about them, I really do. If the belt was just going into the museum, ok it would be bad but not as bad, but for this to be sold :no: It makes me feel uneasy to say the least.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

To me it seemed like you were criticising Michael's decision. But as we know, this isn't Michael, it's his family causing the problems.

To those who are questioning why some fans are so upset about this. Remember how passionate Michael was about not letting his kids be seen in public? They literally had nothing to do with the media, we heard nothing about them they were simply kids being kids and he did a fantastic job of keeping their lives like that. It seems that not even a year later not only is that being disregarded but this could be the beginnings of a lot more to come. THAT is why we're concerned. I worry about them, I really do. If the belt was just going into the museum, ok it would be bad but not as bad, but for this to be sold :no: It makes me feel uneasy to say the least.
No I wasn't criticizing his decision I would have done the same if I were in his position. I wasn't criticizing him but the folks he left in charge to take of of his children, the folks that keep on deliberately ignoring his wishes. They are the ones I'm criticizing. They are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

To me it seemed like you were criticising Michael's decision. But as we know, this isn't Michael, it's his family causing the problems.

To those who are questioning why some fans are so upset about this. Remember how passionate Michael was about not letting his kids be seen in public? They literally had nothing to do with the media, we heard nothing about them they were simply kids being kids and he did a fantastic job of keeping their lives like that. It seems that not even a year later not only is that being disregarded but this could be the beginnings of a lot more to come. THAT is why we're concerned. I worry about them, I really do. If the belt was just going into the museum, ok it would be bad but not as bad, but for this to be sold :no: It makes me feel uneasy to say the least.

twinklEE wasn't criticising MJ.

He obviously had no other option but Katherine. Sadly.

Agree with bolded segment :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

No I wasn't criticizing his decision I would have done the same if I were in his position. I wasn't criticizing him but the folks he left in charge to take of of his children, the folks that keep on deliberately ignoring his wishes. They are the ones I'm criticizing. They are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves

I know I know.... *sigh* :(
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I'm sure it was Joe's idea, but why on Earth Katherine can't say "no" to Joe? I know Michael loved her and it's natural, but IMO she is a weak woman and Joe could manipulate her all her life. Exploiting their children and now also their grandchildren. SMH.

I'm glad the Estate stepped in! I know some fans don't like them, but they are treating Michael's legacy and children with respect - unlike his own family!

BTW, what is Diana Ross doing these days?

Diana makes concerts, so it will be impossible for her, even if she didn't make concerts, I think the kids will stay with the Jackson.

Maybe one daugther of Rebbie, or one cousin of Michael will take the kids. It will be better that the loosers pathetics brothers or Joe.

They really want just money! Unbelievable, money, everything for money....
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Someone just told me CNN just covered the story on their morning show....
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Someone just told me CNN just covered the story on their morning show....

so they said it was not approved by the Estate and the kids were used?
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Someone just told me CNN just covered the story on their morning show....

it's everywhere on blogs and forums and even the most hardcore sustainers of the J family who usually defend them no matter what are raising their eyebrows in disbelief....how come that random ppl busy gossiping around have more respect and have more at heart those kids than the ppl who should protect them?

btw those belts look cheap as hell..those poor kids let to believe they are doing it for their father...this is the thing that piss me off the most,to make cheap deals behind their naive backs,the kids are smart but it's still a very delicate moment and they are just kids.
Their names are always associated with tacky activities in the press and it's NOT their fault,the stun gun,those videos and the leaked pics now those cheap belts......WTF?!
It sad to know that an old shark like the MJ estate lawyer has more regard for them then their own blood...what a shame!!
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

It is the executor's job to take care of the estate; it is Katherine's

job to take care of the children since she was named guardian,

and that's why the executors wouldn't have a say about the signatures.

By law, it's not their territory but Katherine's.

Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

It is the executor's job to take care of the estate; it is Katherine's

job to take care of the children since she was named guardian,

and that's why the executors wouldn't have a say about the signatures.

By law, it's not their territory but Katherine's.


as long as they don't use MJ name or trademarks like in this case it's sadly kate's territory..
and i'm afraid that as time will go by this will get even worse...

But when you obstacle or boycott those illegal and disrespectful activities and you shame the family (or at least those involved) publicly making them loose money and preventing others to make deals with them that don't benefit the estate MAYBE they'll learn not to exploit the kids like this again...
MJ many times in virtue of the fact that they were family compromised his decisions to help them out,the executors thanks God,are not family and happen to be very savvy businessman who don't need to have children signing cheap shit like that to make a buck...museums are built with a serious financial plan,with passion,with integrity and not with belts...
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

so they said it was not approved by the Estate and the kids were used?

I did not watch it myself...I have no idea what was said. But the person said she saw it on CNN and did not believe it at first.

Bravado paid a bundle to have use of the trademarks. So I would assume, they would be the one issuing cease & desist orders.

What a mess....and to put 3 grieving kids in the middle. Tacky. Tasteless. Greedy.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

as long as they don't use MJ name or trademarks like in this case it's sadly kate's territory..
and i'm afraid that as time will go by this will get even worse...

But when you obstacle or boycott those illegal and disrespectful activities and you shame the family (or at least those involved) publicly making them loose money and preventing others to make deals with them that don't benefit the estate MAYBE they'll learn not to exploit the kids like this again...
MJ many times in virtue of the fact that they were family compromised his decisions to help them out,the executors thanks God,are not family and happen to be very savvy businessman who don't need to have children signing cheap shit like that to make a buck...museums are built with a serious financial plan,with passion,with integrity and not with belts...
Very well said I'm sure no museum of any kind will see the ray of light while Joseph is supervising it and Katherine exploiting children to sign stuff in leading them to believe they do something good for their deceased father. I'm sure if that father was alive he'd have a word or two with these people. I don't get how they they don't get how ridiculous this makes them look, they felt the need to have those 13/12 an 8 !!! year olds involved in order for us fans to buy some of those damn belts, knowing full well no one's gonna go and support Joe/Katherine without the participation of those kids. I'm not surprised they dont have anything of their own, but needed to go begging and demanding money from court claiming they had no money to live merely 2 weeks after Michael had died. SMDH@ these folks
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

For those taking cheap shots at the family; we don't know the whole story so who are we to judge? Some of you make me sick. The children were asked to sign their names to raise money for a museum with -most likely- stuff about their dad and they did it. Maybe because they wanted to (they love their dad, maybe they WANT to see all that stuff), maybe someone in the family told them it was okay and a good thing to sign it. Either way, I doubt someone put a gun to their heads. So, chill. Seriously, some of you make a drama out of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g the kids are involved in.

great post

rep add
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

For those taking cheap shots at the family; we don't know the whole story so who are we to judge? Some of you make me sick. The children were asked to sign their names to raise money for a museum with -most likely- stuff about their dad and they did it. Maybe because they wanted to (they love their dad, maybe they WANT to see all that stuff), maybe someone in the family told them it was okay and a good thing to sign it. Either way, I doubt someone put a gun to their heads. So, chill. Seriously, some of you make a drama out of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g the kids are involved in.

Really? What MORE do you need to know? How Joe & Katherine gonna split the money?

Knowing all we know about MJ and how he protected his children....how can you condone this?

I don't understand.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Weitzman says, "The Trustees of the Estate of Michael Jackson did not authorize the making or the sale of the Michael Jackson Tribute Belts." Weitzman continues, "We would never condone the use of Michael's children's signatures to promote the sale of merchandise."

This is just so EMBARRASSING!

Here you have a stranger saying what the grandparents SHOULD be saying, i.e. "we would never condone the use of Michael's children's signature to promote the sale of merchandise." Straight up pitiful!

MEMEFAN: good catch regarding Bravado. I too was under the impression that this company would be in-charge of ALL merchandising. This P.R. guy is going to be facing a lawsuit messing around with Joe Jackson and his bright ideas. If they make any money, they will end up spending all of their profits defending themselves against a lawsuit brought by Bravado. LOL!
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Michael Jackson Estate -- MJ Belts Are Bogus!

Originally posted 45 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
An extremely fancy belt commemorating Michael Jackson -- and allegedly "sanctioned" by Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson -- can be yours for the bargain basement price of $1,500 -- problem is ... the whole thing may be illegal.


Check out this picture we got -- showing Joe and Katherine Jackson signing one of the belts ... and according to the official website promoting the belts, MJ's three kids -- Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- also signed their names.

Here's the problem. The belts feature several images trademarked by Michael Jackson -- including dancing feet, MJ's silhouette and the MJ crest -- and MJ's estate must authorize any commercial use of those trademarks, as well as MJ's name or image.

So of course we called MJ estate lawyer Howard Weitzman, who said the belts were news to him and that the executors never authorized the sale. Weitzman says, "The Trustees of the Estate of Michael Jackson did not authorize the making or the sale of the Michael Jackson Tribute Belts." Weitzman continues, "We would never condone the use of Michael's children's signatures to promote the sale of merchandise."

We haven't found out who's behind the website ... but Jerry Olivarez, a PR guy and friend of the Jackson family, has been touting the sale of the belts. We're told the site goes live today and 7,000 belts will go up for sale. And, there will be an auction for the belt signed by Joe, Katherine, and the kids -- opening bid is $5 grand.

Attempts to speak with Olivarez were unsuccessful.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0p7MHNHzb

Now see about 4 pages back or so I was complaining about the kids being exploited..and some jumped all over me..so then I rethought my attitude about the whole thing...and was like ok..maybe I am wrong..BUT..I KNEW I wasn't wrong...Michael WOULD NEVER let his children sign stuff for a profit. And now seeing this story break the way it is....The estate NOT KNOWING...See people...the kids ARE being exploited. Michael trusted him mom huh...well it is about time his MOM starts acting like one and starts protecting these kids...forget about Joe...she needs to say NO to him!!....This foundation..museum whatever they are trying to call it...will again...be bought because of the signatures of 3 MINOR children. Does anyone honestly think that belt will sell because Joe and Katherine signed it??....Hell no..It will be because of PPB.......Cut the crap Jackson's and leave Michael's babies alone. Why dont the older Jackson's put money up for this project....oh wait...they dont have any..Michael took care of most of them...:mad:....and for the Jackson's that DO have some cash...fork it over to help with the project!! This will never happen. Poor babies they have NO IDEA.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Michael Jackson Estate -- MJ Belts Are Bogus!

Originally posted 45 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
An extremely fancy belt commemorating Michael Jackson -- and allegedly "sanctioned" by Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson -- can be yours for the bargain basement price of $1,500 -- problem is ... the whole thing may be illegal.


Check out this picture we got -- showing Joe and Katherine Jackson signing one of the belts ... and according to the official website promoting the belts, MJ's three kids -- Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- also signed their names.

Here's the problem. The belts feature several images trademarked by Michael Jackson -- including dancing feet, MJ's silhouette and the MJ crest -- and MJ's estate must authorize any commercial use of those trademarks, as well as MJ's name or image.

So of course we called MJ estate lawyer Howard Weitzman, who said the belts were news to him and that the executors never authorized the sale. Weitzman says, "The Trustees of the Estate of Michael Jackson did not authorize the making or the sale of the Michael Jackson Tribute Belts." Weitzman continues, "We would never condone the use of Michael's children's signatures to promote the sale of merchandise."

We haven't found out who's behind the website ... but Jerry Olivarez, a PR guy and friend of the Jackson family, has been touting the sale of the belts. We're told the site goes live today and 7,000 belts will go up for sale. And, there will be an auction for the belt signed by Joe, Katherine, and the kids -- opening bid is $5 grand.

Attempts to speak with Olivarez were unsuccessful.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0p7MHNHzb

see ..............there will be more drama from joe now.why randy is not using his twitter ability now,i don't think he ,janet or rebbi has to say about this .right now that family is disgusting me.those kids need their dad more right now.i am just gonna keep praying ,hope god will answer my prayers .
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Joe Jackson and his bright ideas "may" also get Ms. Katherine in trouble with the court.

I mean, if I recall correctly, didn't the court have Joe Jackson sign a document stating that he would have limited access to Prince and Paris, due to Debbie Rowe's wishes? I would think that includes any "money" making ventures.

I hope this whole thing can be contained, before it get's too out of hand. SMDH!

(I wonder what the children's ATTORNEY is gonna think about this whole thing.)
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I was initially upset when i saw the story but come to think of it, MJ's passing after 1 year is around teh corner. The family sat down, dicussed and had to come up with something commemorative. The children would have to be involved one way or another in such a commemoration.

This is the easiest way without them having to be paraded in public and if it's for profit, what's teh big deal? Even people who do stuff for chairity don't do it for free. The executors don't work for free.

What's surprising is the executors released a statement attacking Jacksons when they know it's not their territory. They could have filed a motion with court if it was.

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

This is where things clash. If you had a family member that was famous and when they passed away, you find that you have no right to speak about them, commemorate them or anything without asking an outsider and if you did so, you get attacked.

I think executors were wrong to attack the Jacksons just as they have complained Jacksons attacking them. So what next? when the Jacksons put on a Las Vegas show, the executors have to be in charge?

Objectivity is required and Katherine did it for a reason, she would never just accept anything and i'm sure a thousand and one ideas have been put before her and she has rejected them.

Now that she accepts a belt as commemoration, some want to jump on her neck?

It's no different to those who condemned any move MJ made?

Why do you cover your kid's faces?
Why do you take them to the zoo?
Why don't they go to study in a "normal" school?

Now you shift the same crap to Katherine.

Look at David Beckahm's kids, an 11 year old and he's modelling and he's put in the paper. No one's saying anything.

But OH MY GOD, Jacksons kids signed a belt to commemorate their father TRAGEDY!! IRRESPONSIBLE JACKSONS.

Give it a break.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I was initially upset when i saw the story but come to think of it, MJ's passing after 1 year is around teh corner. The family sat down, dicussed and had to come up with something commemorative. The children would have to be involved one way or another in such a commemoration.

This is the easiest way without them having to be paraded in public and if it's for profit, what's teh big deal? Even people who do stuff for chairity don't do it for free. The executors don't work for free.

What's surprising is the executors released a statement attacking Jacksons when they know it's not their territory. They could have filed a motion with court if it was.

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

This is where things clash. If you had a family member that was famous and when they passed away, you find that you have no right to speak about them, commemorate them or anything without asking an outsider and if you did so, you get attacked.

I think executors were wrong to attack the Jacksons just as they have complained Jacksons attacking them. So what next? when the Jacksons put on a Las Vegas show, the executors have to be in charge?

Objectivity is required and Katherine did it for a reason, she would never just accept anything and i'm sure a thousand and one ideas have been put before her and she has rejected them.

Now that she accepts a belt as commemoration, some want to jump on her neck?

It's no different to those who condemned any move MJ made?

Why do you cover your kid's faces?
Why do you take them to the zoo?
Why don't they go to study in a "normal" school?

Now you shift the same crap to Katherine.

Look at David Beckahm's kids, an 11 year old and he's modelling and he's put in the paper. No one's saying anything.

But OH MY GOD, Jacksons kids signed a belt to commemorate their father TRAGEDY!! IRRESPONSIBLE JACKSONS.

Give it a break.

come on now..you KNOW this is completely different than the Beckham kid...his parents are not exploiting him..he is modeling..that is what some children do. The Jackson's are exploiting PPB....WE KNOW for a fact that this WOULD BE against Michael's wishes...we KNOW THIS. The Beckham kid...his parents give him their blessing....they are not against their SON modeling .....two way different things.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

Controling anything related to Michael Jackson is their job. LOL! That's what executor's do.

And if the Joe Jackson wants to commemorate Michael, why does it have to involved making MONEY? There are plenty of ways he can commemorate Michael without earning money from it.

In my opinion, Michael Jackson would HATE this idea!
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Controling anything related to Michael Jackson is their job. LOL! That's what executor's do.

And if the Joe Jackson wants to commemorate Michael, why does it have to involved making MONEY? There are plenty of ways he can commemorate Michael without earning money from it.

In my opinion, Michael Jackson would HATE this idea!

I agree with this post......if Joe doesn't earn money from it...then Joe dont get paid....see...they are still trying to cash in on Michael...and are now using his 3 children...sickening.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I was initially upset when i saw the story but come to think of it, MJ's passing after 1 year is around teh corner. The family sat down, dicussed and had to come up with something commemorative. The children would have to be involved one way or another in such a commemoration.

This is the easiest way without them having to be paraded in public and if it's for profit, what's teh big deal? Even people who do stuff for chairity don't do it for free. The executors don't work for free.

What's surprising is the executors released a statement attacking Jacksons when they know it's not their territory. They could have filed a motion with court if it was.

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

This is where things clash. If you had a family member that was famous and when they passed away, you find that you have no right to speak about them, commemorate them or anything without asking an outsider and if you did so, you get attacked.

I think executors were wrong to attack the Jacksons just as they have complained Jacksons attacking them. So what next? when the Jacksons put on a Las Vegas show, the executors have to be in charge?

Objectivity is required and Katherine did it for a reason, she would never just accept anything and i'm sure a thousand and one ideas have been put before her and she has rejected them.

Now that she accepts a belt as commemoration, some want to jump on her neck?

It's no different to those who condemned any move MJ made?

Why do you cover your kid's faces?
Why do you take them to the zoo?
Why don't they go to study in a "normal" school?

Now you shift the same crap to Katherine.

Look at David Beckahm's kids, an 11 year old and he's modelling and he's put in the paper. No one's saying anything.

But OH MY GOD, Jacksons kids signed a belt to commemorate their father TRAGEDY!! IRRESPONSIBLE JACKSONS.

Give it a break.

Blame Michael J Jackson. He created the estate. He created the trust. And NO....the family cannot decide to use his image any way they want.

They have their own image...why don't they use it?

If MJ was around they wouldn't dare do what they are doing...Whether you agree with it or not, MJ created the estate to represent him. So YES, as MJ's representatives, the estate executors are LEGALLY empowered to make decisions in regards to how MJ's image is exploited.

And news flash.....it is the same for ANY ESTATE.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

This is just so EMBARRASSING!

Here you have a stranger saying what the grandparents SHOULD be saying, i.e. "we would never condone the use of Michael's children's signature to promote the sale of merchandise." Straight up pitiful!

MEMEFAN: good catch regarding Bravado. I too was under the impression that this company would be in-charge of ALL merchandising. This P.R. guy is going to be facing a lawsuit messing around with Joe Jackson and his bright ideas. If they make any money, they will end up spending all of their profits defending themselves against a lawsuit brought by Bravado. LOL!
And they'd deserve to loose every dime they make if they were slapped with a lawsuit.

Controling anything related to Michael Jackson is their job. LOL! That's what executor's do.

And if the Joe Jackson wants to commemorate Michael, why does it have to involved making MONEY? There are plenty of ways he can commemorate Michael without earning money from it.

In my opinion, Michael Jackson would HATE this idea!
Please don't try to talk sense into the senseless..

Now see about 4 pages back or so I was complaining about the kids being exploited..and some jumped all over me..so then I rethought my attitude about the whole thing...and was like ok..maybe I am wrong..BUT..I KNEW I wasn't wrong...Michael WOULD NEVER let his children sign stuff for a profit. And now seeing this story break the way it is....The estate NOT KNOWING...See people...the kids ARE being exploited. Michael trusted him mom huh...well it is about time his MOM starts acting like one and starts protecting these kids...forget about Joe...she needs to say NO to him!!....This foundation..museum whatever they are trying to call it...will again...be bought because of the signatures of 3 MINOR children. Does anyone honestly think that belt will sell because Joe and Katherine signed it??....Hell no..It will be because of PPB.......Cut the crap Jackson's and leave Michael's babies alone. Why dont the older Jackson's put money up for this project....oh wait...they dont have any..Michael took care of most of them...:mad:....and for the Jackson's that DO have some cash...fork it over to help with the project!! This will never happen. Poor babies they have NO IDEA.
Exactly.. like I said praying won't help and I'm not saying this b/c of this issue only but b/c of the pattern that's being going on since over 45 years now. At least man and woman up at this old age and do what ur supposed to do which is to protect minors u are in charge of.. not go and make them ur new cash cow as the old one has died and left u no possibility to be in charge of his estate/fortune.
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Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I was initially upset when i saw the story but come to think of it, MJ's passing after 1 year is around teh corner. The family sat down, dicussed and had to come up with something commemorative. The children would have to be involved one way or another in such a commemoration.

This is the easiest way without them having to be paraded in public and if it's for profit, what's teh big deal? Even people who do stuff for chairity don't do it for free. The executors don't work for free.

What's surprising is the executors released a statement attacking Jacksons when they know it's not their territory. They could have filed a motion with court if it was.

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

This is where things clash. If you had a family member that was famous and when they passed away, you find that you have no right to speak about them, commemorate them or anything without asking an outsider and if you did so, you get attacked.

I think executors were wrong to attack the Jacksons just as they have complained Jacksons attacking them. So what next? when the Jacksons put on a Las Vegas show, the executors have to be in charge?

Objectivity is required and Katherine did it for a reason, she would never just accept anything and i'm sure a thousand and one ideas have been put before her and she has rejected them.

Now that she accepts a belt as commemoration, some want to jump on her neck?

It's no different to those who condemned any move MJ made?

Why do you cover your kid's faces?
Why do you take them to the zoo?
Why don't they go to study in a "normal" school?

Now you shift the same crap to Katherine.

Look at David Beckahm's kids, an 11 year old and he's modelling and he's put in the paper. No one's saying anything.

But OH MY GOD, Jacksons kids signed a belt to commemorate their father TRAGEDY!! IRRESPONSIBLE JACKSONS.

Give it a break.

they don't attack the family. they just said they didn't gave their approval.

Now, it's up to Bravado
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I was initially upset when i saw the story but come to think of it, MJ's passing after 1 year is around teh corner. The family sat down, dicussed and had to come up with something commemorative. The children would have to be involved one way or another in such a commemoration.

This is the easiest way without them having to be paraded in public and if it's for profit, what's teh big deal? Even people who do stuff for chairity don't do it for free. The executors don't work for free.

What's surprising is the executors released a statement attacking Jacksons when they know it's not their territory. They could have filed a motion with court if it was.

This shows they have motives to CONTROL anything Jackson which is not good.

So the Jacksons cannot do anything to commemorate their family member without asking outsiders but those outsiders can do anything with their family member without consulting them?

This is where things clash. If you had a family member that was famous and when they passed away, you find that you have no right to speak about them, commemorate them or anything without asking an outsider and if you did so, you get attacked.

I think executors were wrong to attack the Jacksons just as they have complained Jacksons attacking them. So what next? when the Jacksons put on a Las Vegas show, the executors have to be in charge?

Objectivity is required and Katherine did it for a reason, she would never just accept anything and i'm sure a thousand and one ideas have been put before her and she has rejected them.

Now that she accepts a belt as commemoration, some want to jump on her neck?

It's no different to those who condemned any move MJ made?

Why do you cover your kid's faces?
Why do you take them to the zoo?
Why don't they go to study in a "normal" school?

Now you shift the same crap to Katherine.

Look at David Beckahm's kids, an 11 year old and he's modelling and he's put in the paper. No one's saying anything.

But OH MY GOD, Jacksons kids signed a belt to commemorate their father TRAGEDY!! IRRESPONSIBLE JACKSONS.

Give it a break.
AMEN. The double standards are so obvious. Sure I don't agree with everything some of the Jacksons has said or done and I wish some of them would have more common sense; but that still doesn't hide the fact there are people who have agendas---selfish, greedy agendas---and NO not all of these types of people are in the Jackson family. The the feigned and/or misguided 'concern' over MJ's children and the nitpicking of ANYTHING the Jackson family does is getting tired and very transparent. Did anyone ever thought the kids wanted to participate in this museum thing? They are Jacksons despite some people wishing they weren't.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I think this thread will turn into another battle about Michael's will. Still I'll remind that it was Michael's decision to name those executors. He could have named Joe or any other member of the family and he did not. He could have named Joe or any other Jackson as the kids guardian after Katherine passes (may she live a long life) but he did not. What does it tell us? It tells us that he didn't want his relatives no where near his money or his kids. Why? Because he knew them all too well. And guess what? After Michael passed, they've been proving him right every single day!
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

Calm down guys by the sounds of it no one forced them to do it
So, someone has to care for them and tell them to do the right things. Kids are very influenceable.
If they do those kind of things I am SURE there is someone behind them.
May be to collect the money for a museum isn't so bad , but I am sceptical this will really take place.
Re: *** Blanket, Prince, Paris first autographs up for sale ***

I think this thread will turn into another battle about Michael's will. Still I'll remind that it was Michael's decision to name those executors. He could have named Joe or any other member of the family and he did not. He could have named Joe or any other Jackson as the kids guardian after Katherine passes (may she live a long life) but he did not. What does it tell us? It tells us that he didn't want his relatives no where near his money or his kids. Why? Because he knew them all too well. And guess what? After Michael passed, they've been proving him right every single day!

Thank you for this post....100% agree..:clapping::clapping:
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