Unseen Video For News of The World (Sad)

Ya'll is right he handled himself real well, I ain't never seen Mike like that before. And throughout the whole thing you could tell he was getting frustrated at the ridiculousness of the questions. And when the guy said "Jordie" Mike knew what he was going to ask about, and then when the guy asked about Mac, Mike looked like he was gunna go off on the guy.

He composed himself real well, though.

Neverland Five, ugh.
Star Trader, Thank you for the download and maybe on You Tube more people will be able to view it and understand Michael a little better.
MJ was absolutely awesome in this video. It just makes me sick that this type of thing took so much away from his life, too much, way too much.
it's a deposition from the mid/late 90s.

Ya'll remember that Mike sued and won a lot of suits back then, right? A lot of suits where people never paid and took off.
This interview was conducted about as rudely as Bashi*s interview on LWMJ.
What a jerk! Most of the questions were laughable, no wonder Michael wouldn't even
answer. It was just sillyness.
good thing they show this because people are more likely to believe in his innocence because of it!

Exactly! Releasing this video totally backfired on news of the world. They were trying to say he was acting nervous and guilty, but more people are seeing what a sham these allegations were. So I actually want to thank News of the world. Even if that was not their intention, they are helping MJ really :).
Wow, it was still hard to watch but I'm glad he dealt with it so well. And i wasn't an interview, it was a deposition and he had his lawyer there telling him "don't answer that". If that had been a reporter his as$ would have been thrown out on the street 2 mins into it.
no offense to you but I really dint like this thead because of the video..poor Michael it was horrible
I hope this proves once and for all what I've known from the beginning. HE WAS INNOCENT< flat the f&%k out.
The article seems to misrepresent the way he actually comes across in that video. I read the article, felt sick at the way it was worded, and then watched the video . . . . where he came across much better than the article made out. Poor guy.
We haven't even began to scratch the surface on how much they tortured this poor man!

God bless you Michael!*

"I don't know what you're trying to make out of this" - awesome Mike!
My heart aches seeing him being put in such a horrible situation, such a kind and gentle soul should never have to be put through what he went through, *sigh*
Anyway, he handled himself very well.
yeah. i loved when he said that...his attitude that he gave was perfect! haha... and quoting the bible...doesn't get any more charming than that!!! haha my kinda guy right there :p
This wasn't a media based interview. It was an interview with a team of lawyers in relation to a lawsuit from former Neverland employees. Michael did a very good job and I understand his uneasiness with being grilled about those allegations. Regardless how false the charges and innocent MJ was, the allegations alone would make anyone squirm. They were disgusting and sick. MJ came out the winner in this as he was believeable. Thanks for sharing. He looks great in this footage. I love MJ (RIP).
I think the video is great, it shows he thinks all of the crap slung his way is bullsh*t, they should have released this ages ago. I think we'll see a lot of stuff come out now that paints him in a better light. Shame it had to happen after he died.
This wasn't a media based interview. It was an interview with a team of lawyers in relation to a lawsuit from former Neverland employees. Michael did a very good job and I understand his uneasiness with being grilled about those allegations. Regardless how false the charges and innocent MJ was, the allegations alone would make anyone squirm. They were disgusting and sick. MJ came out the winner in this as he was believeable. Thanks for sharing. He looks great in this footage. I love MJ (RIP).

But since MJ's insurance company had settled the case with the horrible Chandler family....why did this even happen? Even after that...MJ couldn't expect not to hear from it anymore? This was nessecary?
F'in sick! why the hell are there people like that on this planet!!!!

thing that makes it worse is mike wants to answer the questions but cant!
I get a feeling of relief from the video. I always think of Michael as such a sensitive and gentle person that I always worried about how he personally handled the vicious legal actions against him. It makes me feel better to know he was able handle himself so well. He is much stronger than he sometimes appears!
I've just submitted a comment on the website. Haters are still leaving stupid comments about how guilty they think he is blah blah blah.....but what am I supposed to except? This is the News of the World after all!! *sigh*
I've just submitted a comment on the website. Haters are still leaving stupid comments about how guilty they think he is blah blah blah.....but what am I supposed to except? This is the News of the World after all!! *sigh*

Really. That's too bad. Last night every single comment said they thought he was innocent after seeing the video.
This video really effected me - it's always a joy to see any footage of Michael but to see him looking so pained at those questions just made me feel physically ill. He is clearly appalled. I dread to think what he has been through that we don't even know about. I just despair at the media for trying to put a sinister slant on this.

This broke my heart all over again, more tears. I'm so at a loss.
OMG! why can they do it to Michael?
He was smiling so hard, oh, poor my baby :(
Smile though his heart is aching...