Unseen Video For News of The World (Sad)

that must be REALLY the most horrible video I've ever seen. Its DISGUSTING. Ive never seen him like this before. fck you whoever asked these questions!!! :angry:

Im sorry just so angry adn sad right now :(.
This is the worst interview I've seen featuring Michael too, I felt disgusted watching it.
I felt kind of disgustING watching it, too.
They say it's an 3-hour video tho, than where is the rest?

--I love the ending by the way. :D
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There was a thread on it a couple of minutes ago, but I believe it was removed.
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Read the comments. Looks like the News of the World didn't get the desired results from posting this video.
Not nice at all...but he does look good on the video :) .
They tried to portray him negatively with their disgusting comments and headlines, but i'm glad it didn't work. Michael came out looking good here actually.
i want the whole video where can i find it ?
u seen the other disgusting article on that site from a worker at neverland that MJ fired, that woman needs a good smacking!
ATFL your right I went back and read the comment and this video actually helped. stupid worldofnews though they had something.

Clearly michael was in a "I can't believe it this isn't this real" mode. he even made a frustrated face. ppl will never know all the weight and burdens that man carried. They (accusers, media, world) did michael in. Its just so wrong.
The video is actually worth watching. MJ is the one who comes out looking good here and as someone pointed out, if you read the comments at the bottom of the page which are mostly by non-MJ fans it seems, most of them say they believe he's innocent after watching this. After seeing this myself, I believe in his innocence now more than ever. More people should see this video.
After u guys felt disgusted by watching it, I won't watch it. thx'

Edit: HAD TO WATCH, this was just funny. Michael is owning these guys. Mike, you rule.
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Stupid interview! And yeah it totally backfired, because it shows how innocent of mind he is! Michael was so cute in this. :p

So proud of you Michael. :wub: You will shine forever. xxx
The video is actually worth watching. MJ is the one who comes out looking good here and as someone pointed out, if you read the comments at the bottom of the page which are mostly by non-MJ fans it seems, most of them say they believe he's innocent after watching this. After seeing this myself, I believe in his innocence now more than ever. More people should see this video.

I totally agree and think its interesting to watch. Certainly, if you don't want to see Michael's face distraught with anger at this reporter, then by all means, don't. But I liked it for Michael's sake. Looks like Michael wanted to just punch the dude smack in the face for ever saying anything so bizarre. If you wanna take a small step into Michaels world, watch the vid and see just how hard it was to be in his shoes. Having the dumbest people question you and be suspicious of you when all you're trying to do is promote a message of love.

And the reporter is so......monotone when he's asking the questions. It's like he's almost hesitant to see what Michael will do if he asks the question. And Michael had his lawyer with him in the background as well. Michael answered all the questions perfectly, and without hesitation. He gave the reporter some pretty awesome/deathly looks too!

Oh..............and Michael looks really, really, reallly good in it too, lol.
MJ held himself to the highest degree, I'm totally in ore the way he conducted himself in this interview, my god he was something special. Your in a better place now MJ, away from this god awful planet we live.
He handled this very very good. He stayed very strong and confident, when he started to smile when all those ridiculous things were said he probably must have thought to himself 'Can you believe this guy, is he for real? The fack are you saying dude?" And no doubt at the same time, even though smiling..he must have thought how sick and twisted this life really is....how people can come up with such disgusting things.
No bad bone in that dude's body, and i put that 100% on my life.

And look at the rest of the article...they nessecarily have to put the word 'liars' in capitals? in a way of letting people know this stupid-ass site doesn't believe it? Screw that whole site anyway...those are the idiots that came up with the horror story MJ would have told to his kids.....
U know I think the reason for why this footage was made is really sad...and that the fact that it is now released is even sadder..
but I Think MJ is doing an excellent job there..just shows how strong he was..I think this backfired on News of the World as it shows MJ as a strong, focused person
This is such bullshit, damn tabloids... these are not "new" videos they have just found.. these are videos they have had for many years and didnt wanna show because.. well obviously they didnt want him to look like a nice humble person.
Read the comments. Looks like the News of the World didn't get the desired results from posting this video.

Absolutely right, and I think that such videos are now a very straight example how Michael was dealing with that!:clapping:

He was Brave! and he says directly about the isuues!

Its not shocking or disgusting... just reality... and I personally like it...
Oh this will keep coming for a while, I am ashamed sometimes of the UK, well their tabloids, they are so disgusting and there are no depths which are too low for them to sink.

Last night on a Big Brother show the host for the second week running make a joke about Michael's ghost, I mean the first one was 24 hours after his death, OK magazine violated him with his last moments on their front cover, today, the Daily Mirror had a picture of Prince, boasting the first one since his father died.

There are no boundries any more in tabloid land, and the worst offenders are over here. I have looked at them over Michael in the shop but I wouldn't have them in the house. Still they can't hurt him any more.