Twitter Updates from Kenny Ortega [ Post all new Twitter updates in here]

Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

I think the person might've meant a Twitter Thread on its own.....

Yeah, and good idea. Saves new threads being made each time there is a new Twitter comment. So I'll change the title of this thread to make it a New Twitter updates thread. :yes:
"THIS IS IT Countdown to MJ in London. One month and a day. WHO'S BAD!'" 8 Hours ago

This is his last update 8 hours ago, ohhhh this is exciting!!!
  1. Name the movie and that tune- " got to believe we are magic, nothing can stand in our way". Night peeps xoxo from web
  2. Finish the lyrics..."HEAL THE WORLD... web
  3. startin up soon. My Boy Todd is slaving away to get me up and running. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all! web
  4. Workin late hours to get it all right. Thanks for your patience, we're bringing you the magic soon. Peace and Love KO from web
  5. THIS IS IT Countdown to MJ in London. One month! Going be startin something... web
Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

too many fans for that. so we have to go by his general messages.
I don't think so. I follow people with tens of thousands of followers, one with over 600,000, and they respond to people's messages.
8 Minutes ago:

I'm off to rehearsal. I promise to send your love and praises to the MAN! Peace my peeps. Love somebody :)
Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

I don't think so. I follow people with tens of thousands of followers, one with over 600,000, and they respond to people's messages.

we're talkim millions...billions of fans, not just hundreds of thousands. it could screw up the twitter server. it's just too logistically impossible. and with Michael, there are a lot of predators, pretenders and wannabes who will prey on fans(as we all just found out and as we all know and is being discussed somewhere else on this board, right now...the MJJ Support Forum). MJ is the biggest star in the world. twitter is already controversial to begin with.

and besides, kenny is doing a great job here. why can't we just be satisfied with the way it's being done here right now? u know the potential for treating Kenny like he's some spokesperson we all know about? and the potential for fans to get upset if all their demands aren't answered by Kenny? we've gone that route before. we don't need to go through that again. imagine the tabloids coming in on this. if it gets too bad, Kenny might decide to quit on us and not give info at all. Kenny's current idea is a good idea. sometimes we're handed something good, and we automatically want more, and usually that spawns a not good outcome.
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Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

we're talkim millions...billions of fans, not just hundreds of thousands. it could screw up the twitter server. it's just too logistically impossible. and with Michael, there are a lot of predators, pretenders and wannabes who will prey on fans(as we all just found out and as we all know and is being discussed somewhere else on this board, right now...the MJJ Support Forum). MJ is the biggest star in the world. twitter is already controversial to begin with.

and besides, kenny is doing a great job here. why can't we just be satisfied with the way it's being done here right now? u know the potential for treating Kenny like he's some spokesperson we all know about? and the potential for fans to get upset if all their demands aren't answered by Kenny? we've gone that route before. we don't need to go through that again. imagine the tabloids coming in on this. if it gets too bad, Kenny might decide to quit on us and not give info at all. Kenny's current idea is a good idea. sometimes we're handed something good, and we automatically want more, and usually that spawns a not good outcome.

Okay, there are not millions or billions of MJ fans on twitter. The entire Twitter site only gets around 19 million unique US visitors per month. Then add a few more million from other countries. Most of these people are not MJ fans. Certainly not big enough fans to be messaging Kenny, who most casual fans would not even know about. Kenny only has just over 1000 followers, and only some of them would be sending him messages. Then maybe a few people who aren't following him occasionally asking something. But nowhere near enough for him not to be messaging people back if he wanted to. We're probably only talking about a few hundred people.
That's fine if he doesn't want to message people, but the amount of people is not the reason.
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more than likely he's just doing it from his phone and not even reading the responses online. he's prolly too busy w/ the rehearsals...
more than likely he's just doing it from his phone and not even reading the responses online. he's prolly too busy w/ the rehearsals...
It says his posts are from the web, so he's using a computer. If it was his phone it would say posted from one of the twitter phone apps. :)
Okay, I just looked through his tweets and some of his posts say posted from txt. So that's his phone. But the ones that say web are from a computer.
he only has about over a thousands followers. hes following 0,so he doesnt see anybodys updates. and maybe hes not clicking his @ link to see. i remember when aubrey oday and kim kardashian tweeted me,i almost fainted lol
Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

Its ashame he doesnt message fans back on twitter like over famous people do :-(
Come now, we can't expect Mr. Ortega to respond to every Michael Jackson "FAN" request that he receives via "HIS" twitter page.

It's Mr. Ortega's twitter page, not Michael's. We can only "guest" at the request Mr. Ortega is receiving. If a Twitter request comes in regarding Mr. Ortega, he will most likely respond, but if a request comes in regarding MJ, I would say Mr. Ortega is not at LIBERTY to answer. As it should be, in my opinion.
Rehearsals have been awesome! The Band, Dancers, Singers and entire Team are so dedicated. MJ feels your love Peeps! Keep it coming :) xo will be up and running before I leave for London. Coming soon. Updates on projects and more! xo Night! KO

He knows, promise :)
Rehearsals have been awesome! The Band, Dancers, Singers and entire Team are so dedicated. MJ feels your love Peeps! Keep it coming :) xo will be up and running before I leave for London. Coming soon. Updates on projects and more! xo Night! KO

He knows, promise :)

Kenny is soooo sweet..really is..
unlike many other celebrity tweeters I actually believe it is him writing these tweets...:clapping::wub::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
Kenny is soooo sweet..really is..
unlike many other celebrity tweeters I actually believe it is him writing these tweets...:clapping::wub::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

lol most if not all celebs write there tweets.most use there phones and even upload pics that ONLY they cd have. im waiting on kenny to twitpic something with him and mike lol
I can't even imagine what we're about to SEE, HEAR and EXPERIENCE when we step into that Arena!

Thanx to Mr K.O. for keeping us posted!

The excitement is rising! Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Go team :clapping:
Re: New Update from Kenny Ortega

we're talkim millions...billions of fans, not just hundreds of thousands. it could screw up the twitter server. it's just too logistically impossible. and with Michael, there are a lot of predators, pretenders and wannabes who will prey on fans(as we all just found out and as we all know and is being discussed somewhere else on this board, right now...the MJJ Support Forum). MJ is the biggest star in the world. twitter is already controversial to begin with.

and besides, kenny is doing a great job here. why can't we just be satisfied with the way it's being done here right now? u know the potential for treating Kenny like he's some spokesperson we all know about? and the potential for fans to get upset if all their demands aren't answered by Kenny? we've gone that route before. we don't need to go through that again. imagine the tabloids coming in on this. if it gets too bad, Kenny might decide to quit on us and not give info at all. Kenny's current idea is a good idea. sometimes we're handed something good, and we automatically want more, and usually that spawns a not good outcome.

This post deserves a standing ovation. You are wise.