TV Alert - "The Trials of Michael Jackson"

Yes that's something that has always bothered me about The man with the Jesus t-shirt on. To me..I think a person who believes in God would have a much more open mind.
Hi, can you post the username of the YT vids pls? The vids have been removed from YT.
How come they show positive MJ documentaries only on channels that hardly anyone has? Could anyone upload this, plz?
How come they show positive MJ documentaries only on channels that hardly anyone has? Could anyone upload this, plz?

Sadly this has always been the case. The major networks will only air Michael documentaries with tabloid fodder and scandal. The Larry Nimmer documentary couldn't get anyone to air it whatsoever. It just shows the state of our media when a man can't even get two sides told to his story-they just want the incorrect lies as that is what gets them ratings.
Bleh, media..
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I bought the DVD and found it to be money that was well spent. I also bought it after seeing excerpts to support Indie documentaries that have it hard enough.

I liked it, spot on in most things and captured an interesting atmosphere at the trial. And illustrated once more how much cruelty Michael was put through.

It's incredibly cruel for an innocent man to be accused of disgusting crimes and on top of that the sharks in front of the court are just devoid of- I don't know what to call it anymore- anything, really.
Is this on the forum? if so can someone send me a message please :( !!!!
I searched for it on Amazon and couldn't find it. It looks like this documentary didn't have the impact fans were hoping for. Or did it? :unsure:
It can be purchased from the producers directly: (I did buy from them).

It's a pity they are not selling via Amazon - the film would get broader audience then. And it should. It's hard and painful to watch, but it shows the ugly truth, and people should see it.
Thanks for the link. I will try to buy it. I have some things on Michael that I cannot watch but I keep them because in years to come I could sit back and look at them.
I hope this shows the world how everyone hated him for no reason and then lost something that is irreplaceable and doesn't just make fun of him