Turn out for anniversary.

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There may have been more than 500 but there definately wasn't 5'000. I really do think people who are saying there was a big crowd are kidding themselffs.

I couldn't help but notice when you joined this site. A big fan of MJ before his death were you?

I'll humour you a little here though. I think you are starting to back track on the absurd figure you posted of 500 people but, say you were right and only 500 people did turn up? Why would a dedicated fan of MJ be getting so much pleasure out of that? I think you are a 'pretender' my friend. Someone who pretends to like MJ, but all the time wanting to hilight the negative.

Millions - yes millions - of MJ fans showed their respects across the world for a great man, in their own way. You could have picked any one of a thousand news articles to promote this, but you chose not to. It doesn't take a genius to work out why!

I can not afford to travel to FL to pay my respects to MJ. Does that mean I am not a dedicated fan like millions of others across the world? I suggest you take your head from out of your ***, and see the REAL love for Michael from REAL fans.
There may have been more than 500 but there definately wasn't 5'000. I really do think people who are saying there was a big crowd are kidding themselffs.
I assume u beamed urself right to Los Angeles from Ireland huh?
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Yeah i was shocked too when i went to the newsagents and there wasn't a single obvious thing about mj's anniversary. I bought vanity fair because it had an article about making of thriller, that was it. No tribute magazines, nothing... I found that hard although i do still prefer to see nothing than to see tabloid trash.

This is so sad.
And yes I couldn't believe the turn out, totally shocked. I expected tens of thousands of people! 30,000 Mexicans danced to Thriller yet these fans couldn't come out on the 1 year anniversary of his death to place flowers? This worries me I'm sorry to say :(

How many fans were at Elvis's 1 year anniversary?
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

It is difficult since there is not one main place to assemble. Some people went to FL. Others went to Neverland. Others to his star and many stayed home and remembered him privately. I have always wished and still do wish that MJ had a special burial site...a place that was special to him where we could go. It does matter to many people. We (MJ fans) are scattered all around the globe which is wonderful, but it would be very special to have a place (like for Elvis fans there is Graceland) whereby everyone is there for one reason and have a common bond. I understand why Katherine wanted MJ to be in such a lovely place and I understand 12 other places were purchased near MJs crypt by the Jacksons. MJ loved his fans so much and it is sad that we don't have a place to assemble that was special to MJ for us to honor him. Every year fans flock to Graceland to honor Elvis and they are lucky to be able to do that. We don't have that. I feel like Elvis fans have an "Event" each year, but we do not. We are allowed to quickly walk by Holly Terrace and that is all. Next year, the numbers will dwindle I fear just because there is no place to go. It makes me sad but that is what I think will happen.
:( I wish they would open up Neverland!
I post this here because it has footage at the end of forest lawn on the 25th and the person states that there are thousands of people there.

And yes I couldn't believe the turn out, totally shocked. I expected tens of thousands of people! 30,000 Mexicans danced to Thriller yet these fans couldn't come out on the 1 year anniversary of his death to place flowers? This worries me I'm sorry to say :(

How many fans were at Elvis's 1 year anniversary?

You seriously expect people to travel from all over the world? Do you know how much money it costs?

Elvis only has 1 place where people go to remember him. Michael has many places; FL, 2300 Jackson Steet, Neverland, Walk of fame, etc., etc.

I'll say it again; Michael's fans turned up at thousands of places across the world to honour him, from India to Indiana - equating to many millions across the world. If you don't believe me, Google it and make a note of the many gatherings in his name.

If you need proof of the fans and their devotion - check out how many records MJ has sold in the last year, how many people went to see This Is It, how many DVD's MJ has sold, how many albums of his are still charting all over the world 12 months after his death.

If you want to look for 'positive' signs of how much Michael is missed, you will find them. Some people are just not interested in 'positives' when it comes to Michael though - and they can't disguise their motives.
I have to say walking through the streets of my Brooklyn neighborhood and Manhattan on Friday and over the weekend I heard Michael's songs played quite a few times. I never once heard an Elvis song (heh). People are paying their respects and mourning his loss all over the world.
Also - and tell me if this is a stupid theory - but it's the fan demographics too. Elvis' fans are probably more affluent and older than the MJ fans. They can probably afford to travel to Graceland. MJ appeals to many demographics...young, old, rich, poor, urban, suburban, black, white, etc. Many of his fans are very young, under 25 so they don't have a lot of money for travel. MJ has fans globally and it's tough to travel to America. I know I am far from wealthy (no PYT though). I don't know. Just a thought. I may be wrong.
MJ`s estate should do something because it won`t be long untill the media starts comparing michael`s influence to elvis.They should organize something special for every anniversary and then don`t forget now it`s different with internet.People from all over the world can see what`s happening in L.A or Gary indiana in real time
I think there were a lot of people all of the world remembering Michael. I was impressed at how many showed up at Forest Lawn even though there was a lot of confusion and not much of a welcome (police being discourgaging etc).

As many people have noted there isn't yet one place where people can go and are welcomed. Also not everyone is ready for that kind of public rememberance, especially considering the circumstances. It takes time.

Graceland was opened to the public five years after Elvis died. The impetus for that was financial.
I think the turnout was good considering Mike was at public cemetary in LA.. During Elvis' first year where was he at? Graceland wasn't made public until 5 years after his death and then it became a tourist attraction. Where I live our local station played MJ all day and all night and I live near Cleveland, Ohio and we had folks at the Rock &Roll Hall of Fame for MJ. There was a good crowd.. With all the records Mike has sold how could any of you say folks don't miss him? All of his fans can't afford to fly to California to visit his resting place.
Prague, 25.6.


Any thoughts on why so few people came out yesterday to pay their respects?
have been offline and away from all media since friday as i wanted to keep away from everything (makes it less real) so i dont know how many went. but if there werent loads and loads seems obvious to me as any fans who live near L.A have had a year to go there. so have already been and alot of fans dont want to be part of the media created circus. they want to go there when its quiet and mourn rather than going to get themselves on t.v. same with the euro fans. some have been over already and dont want to be part of the circus and want to go at a random time when its quiet. i will go sooner or later . but by heck i dont want to be there on a certain date when its turned into nothing more than entertainment for the masses. how many who went werent even fans but just went for the "laugh". many fans didnt even want to comprehend that date let alone go to FL.and as can be seen events took place all over the world.

at the end of the day lie this even matters. some are obsessed with figures. slightly more important priorites dont you think.

thoes going on about creating a graceland style place. the estate has bigger priorites at the mo. nothing will happen till the estate is out of probate. but i have no doubt something will happen with the ranch. some of u expect things to happen way to quick.
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And yes I couldn't believe the turn out, totally shocked. I expected tens of thousands of people! 30,000 Mexicans danced to Thriller yet these fans couldn't come out on the 1 year anniversary of his death to place flowers? This worries me I'm sorry to say :(

How many fans were at Elvis's 1 year anniversary?

I think they were 13.000 dancing to thriller not 30,000.
Everyone should thank Randy Jackson for pulling it togther.
pulling what together? all he did was cause confusion by trying to act like he could get fans inside.trying to make himself some sort of hero to the fans when he had no say. there was nothing on the 25th different to any other day.where fans can go and leave things at the door
pulling what together? all he did was cause confusion by trying to act like he could get fans inside.trying to make himself some sort of hero to the fans when he had no say. there was nothing on the 25th different to any other day.where fans can go and leave things at the door

Thank you. Randy only creates drama and confusion. There's nothing good about his actions.
I post this here because it has footage at the end of forest lawn on the 25th and the person states that there are thousands of people there.
souldreamer has posted this footage, and people have quoted the media (who would never ever INcrease MJ's numbers in any form or fashion)that there were thousands at FL (and anyone who watched the steady stream of people would know this anyway) yet some fans are allowing 1 or 2 posters (probably non-fans, as someone alluded to) brainwash them into believing that MJ did not have a roaring 1st commemoration :doh: some of u are too gullible. MODERATORS PLEASE retitle 'thousands turn out....' Its ridiculous to downplay this day on a MJ fanboard.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Talk about a contradictory statement! fans=devoted- somebody that is devoted to someone gives a d.amn!!!

And from some of your posts- are you one that doesn't give a d.amn?

Did you go to FL or Gary or any fan meets. If you didn't- stop complaining and take action - that is if you give a d.amn.

what I mean is MJ has many music or casual fans, most who only know about Thriller.
As for 'fans of the man himself', MJ doesn't have many!!
And no celebs except three nobodies turned out for the 'unofficial MJ memorial'. SAD!
where are all the celebs that MJ's inpired? and 'fans'? nobody give a damn.


Stop talking bull.

MJ has sold 35 million albums since his death. How many did Elvis sell in the 12 months after he died?

If you want to see 'celebs' acknowledging MJ's greatness, check out Stevie Wonder during his concerts in the UK recently. Stevie is the greatest 'legend' still living, but even he bigs up MJ.

If you really want to hear 'celebs' bigging up MJ over the last week, then you can always Google it and read the hundreds of 'MJ thanks' given in the last few days - that's if you're really interested and not just trying to wind people up!
yeah their posts are so obvious.they need to try harder.
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