Turn out for anniversary.

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Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Told y'all before. MJ has many fans but 99.99999% don't give a dime about him.

How did you work that one out??

I hardly did anything MJ-related yesterday, I was going to go to the London meet up, but in the end I couldn't get there due to it being too expensive for me. So, I stayed at home. I'm sure there were many, many, many other fans in the same position that I was in. Just because we all didn't come out to create a circus, does not mean his 'star is fading' or that we love him less.

A lot of people don't feel like celebrating the 25th June, they would prefer it to skip by, so it doesn't surprise me if tens of thousands didn't show.
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Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

The MJJC meet that we organised was never a celebration but a quiet reflection on the life of a genious. We sat in a central London park quietly listening to Michael talking, telling stories about our Michael experiences. Even when we went to the o2 we didn't stay with the crowd but found a nice secluded spot in the gardens by the large fountain. Far away enough to not hear the crowds but close enough to get wonderful views of the area and Canary Wharf :)
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

The MJJC meet that we organised was never a celebration but a quiet reflection on the life of a genious. We sat in a central London park quietly listening to Michael talking, telling stories about our Michael experiences. Even when we went to the o2 we didn't stay with the crowd but found a nice secluded spot in the gardens by the large fountain. Far away enough to not hear the crowds but close enough to get wonderful views of the area and Canary Wharf :)

Sounds lovely. Wish i could have come.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Check out the banner thread for two pictures from it. No doubt more will be posted in time.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Told y'all before. MJ has many fans but 99.99999% don't give a dime about him.

Exactly. There is no MJ comm-unity, 99% of fans are absolutely comfortable with MJ boards and chatting one another and browsing the net and looking for any pics.
MJ fans should learn how to have a fanship from Elvis´ fans, they will show you his anniversary.

on the other hand, there were many "celebrations" of Michael´s legacy and lets say in Czech Rep. fans will unveil a statue/bust of Michael at Letna in Prague, where Michael started his HIStory tour.

The statue will be made from resin and bronze:



Fans on Václavské náměstí, centrum of Prague:


Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Elvis is Elvis, and MJ is MJ.

Elvis' fans gather in Graceland. MJ's gather all over the world.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

You really need to change the title of this thread. It's misleading. 10,000 = nice turn out esp. considering a non-private place like FL. There was a steady stream of people all day. 1,000 reported for Thursday. There were good turn outs in harlem and Gary also. Comemorations worldwide yesterday. MJ really is the most celebrated star in the world.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

if it doesn't matter to you why did u open a thread in the news sections?
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

LOS ANGELES, June 25 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of Michael Jackson's fans gathered at the pop star's mausoleum in Glendale outside Los Angeles on Friday to honor the first anniversay of his death.

Lining in a long queue, fans filed past the singer's final resting place solemnly, some of them wearing Jackson-style gloves, hats and other clothing.

The fans took a lengthy uphill hike to reach the grave, many of them carrying flowers and some weeping.

By Friday evening, between 7,000 and 10,000 people had filed past the signer's grave, according to Glendale police Sgt. Tom Lorenz.

Access to the mausoleum is restricted, but fans who want to pay respect to Jackson will be permitted to walk in front of the mausoleum and leave flowers in a designated area between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Outside, the crowd was generally peaceful, carrying sunflowers, letters and bouquets. Fans were barred from bringing items such as doves, video cameras, candles, balloons, spinners, statues, posters and incense.

Michael Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is surrounded with flowers in Los Angeles, California, the United States, June 25, 2010. Fans around the globe on Friday held various activities to mourn for the late pop star Michael Jackson on the first anniversary of his death. (Xinhua/Qi Heng)

Cemetery officials and Glendale police have made it clear they do not want the event to turn into a public spectacle.

"People like Michael Jackson have contributed so much to this world," said Norman Morris who was displaying an exquisite collage of the late pop icon Michael Jackson's pictures from different times.

For Morris, doing so was not simply an act of art, but a contribution to this world that the King of Pop had contributed to. "Now I want to be part of this world," Morris said. "With my artwork, I hope this is my contribution." Friday's event is part of a series of anniversary activities. Some members of the Jackson family visited the cemetary, while others marked the anniversary in their hometown of Gary, Ind., where the singer's mother unveiled a monument to her son outside the house where he grew up.

In Hollywood, the wax likeness of Jackson was on display for free in the courtyard of Madame Tussauds on Hollywood Boulevard, about 100 feet from Jackson's star on the Walk of Fame.

Another event paying tribute to Jackson is scheduled Saturday night at the Beverly Hilton, near downtown Los Angeles.

"This red-carpet event will be dedicated to the humanitarian efforts of Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of all time," according to a statement from the Jackson Family Foundation and VoicePlate Productions.

"The vision is to bring together Michael Jackson family members, celebrities, fans, supporters and the community to celebrate and honor his legacy. We have all shared in Michael's message, and now we encourage all of you the world over to join us in continuing to spotlight Michael's endeavors by making a conscious effort to help save our planet."


Fans take part in a memorial event in front of the U.S. embassy in Moscow, capital of Russia, June 25, 2010, to mourn for the late pop star Michael Jackson on the first anniversary of his death. (Xinhua/Vitaly Bezrukikh)


Fans of the late pop star Michael Jackson take part in a memorial event at Alexandar Square in Berlin, Germany, June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)


A fan of the late pop star Michael Jackson takes part in a memorial event at Alexandar Square in Berlin, Germany, June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)


Nearly 60 singers and 4,000 fans hold a concert in commemoration of the late pop star Michael Jackson in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Wu Wei)
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

The five hundred figure was used by euro news and france 24 whereas BBC said hundreds turned up at forest Lawn and CNN said said it was low key. I have watched many of the videos on youtube and nobody was being moved along they appeared to have plent of time for pictures and videos. I know it was not possible to actually get into the museleum but it is still still fairly close to the resting place and i just expected thousands to be there as did FL staff themselfs and the media, the mayor of Gary expected tens of thousands yet there was nowhere near this figure in Gary.
There WERE thousands and you need to stop reporting this inaccurate information and numbers. The turnout was fine. People WERE being moved along. The security guards were continuously telling the people to move along. I watched the live feed most of the day.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Thank you, MJDove ;)
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

LOS ANGELES, June 25 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of Michael Jackson's fans gathered at the pop star's mausoleum in Glendale outside Los Angeles on Friday to honor the first anniversay of his death.

Lining in a long queue, fans filed past the singer's final resting place solemnly, some of them wearing Jackson-style gloves, hats and other clothing.

The fans took a lengthy uphill hike to reach the grave, many of them carrying flowers and some weeping.

By Friday evening, between 7,000 and 10,000 people had filed past the signer's grave, according to Glendale police Sgt. Tom Lorenz.

Access to the mausoleum is restricted, but fans who want to pay respect to Jackson will be permitted to walk in front of the mausoleum and leave flowers in a designated area between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Outside, the crowd was generally peaceful, carrying sunflowers, letters and bouquets. Fans were barred from bringing items such as doves, video cameras, candles, balloons, spinners, statues, posters and incense.

Michael Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is surrounded with flowers in Los Angeles, California, the United States, June 25, 2010. Fans around the globe on Friday held various activities to mourn for the late pop star Michael Jackson on the first anniversary of his death. (Xinhua/Qi Heng)

Cemetery officials and Glendale police have made it clear they do not want the event to turn into a public spectacle.

"People like Michael Jackson have contributed so much to this world," said Norman Morris who was displaying an exquisite collage of the late pop icon Michael Jackson's pictures from different times.

For Morris, doing so was not simply an act of art, but a contribution to this world that the King of Pop had contributed to. "Now I want to be part of this world," Morris said. "With my artwork, I hope this is my contribution." Friday's event is part of a series of anniversary activities. Some members of the Jackson family visited the cemetary, while others marked the anniversary in their hometown of Gary, Ind., where the singer's mother unveiled a monument to her son outside the house where he grew up.

In Hollywood, the wax likeness of Jackson was on display for free in the courtyard of Madame Tussauds on Hollywood Boulevard, about 100 feet from Jackson's star on the Walk of Fame.

Another event paying tribute to Jackson is scheduled Saturday night at the Beverly Hilton, near downtown Los Angeles.

"This red-carpet event will be dedicated to the humanitarian efforts of Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of all time," according to a statement from the Jackson Family Foundation and VoicePlate Productions.

"The vision is to bring together Michael Jackson family members, celebrities, fans, supporters and the community to celebrate and honor his legacy. We have all shared in Michael's message, and now we encourage all of you the world over to join us in continuing to spotlight Michael's endeavors by making a conscious effort to help save our planet."


Fans take part in a memorial event in front of the U.S. embassy in Moscow, capital of Russia, June 25, 2010, to mourn for the late pop star Michael Jackson on the first anniversary of his death. (Xinhua/Vitaly Bezrukikh)


Fans of the late pop star Michael Jackson take part in a memorial event at Alexandar Square in Berlin, Germany, June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)


A fan of the late pop star Michael Jackson takes part in a memorial event at Alexandar Square in Berlin, Germany, June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Luo Huanhuan)


Nearly 60 singers and 4,000 fans hold a concert in commemoration of the late pop star Michael Jackson in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on June 25, 2010. (Xinhua/Wu Wei)
Thanks for this. Nice. Mj was remembered worldwide.
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Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

To be honest i expected a bigger turnout at both places, i did read somewhere today online though that glendale police say that 7 to 10 thousand people came to pay their respects. I think it's because people knew they weren't going to be able to get close to mj anyway and decided to pay respects in other ways.

Where did you get the 500 figure from? I saw alot more then that just watching the stream.......I think it didnt look like many showed because it was more of a constant stream then all at once.

I was watching the stream and fans kept walking in all day long- and walking out- that's how they had it set up. And 7-10 thousand is amazing considering there had been so many contradictory stories as to whether fans would be even able to get in at all. Not many ppl can afford to fly to LA during these days of economic downturn. Did you see how 400 doves where released? And that was against FL rules. Now tell me if that is not devotion!!

There has been plenty of exposure for him in radio and TV. 103.5 in NY had all day MJ yesterday and I listened by stream. The DJ mentioned "what artist in contemporary music could have the power to have their music played all day? only MJ!!

There's plenty of articles written about him,too, from how the estate is doing to his phenomenal year in music and everything in between.

Please stop with the negativity and see the positive and bright side of this. Michael is truly loved by millions worldwide and that is undisputable.

But if you think there wasn't enough support then don't just complain about it, do something- take action. Complaining doesn't solve anything.
If we want Michael's legacy to live forever, and I am sure we all do, then it is up to each one of us to take action- not just words- but actions. We should support him in every way possible. Because if we don't then he will indeed be forgotten.

We are the most loyal and devoted fans any celebrity has ever had of that I am sure. But with anything in this life it's going to take hard work and dedication to keep this up for our beloved Michael- I have faith that we can do it!!
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Mods would you pls. change the title of this thread? It is very misleading and it made me upset to tell you the truth. The reality is thousands turned out.

Please change to: Thousands turn out for anniversary. Please, thank you!
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Somebody needs to change this thread's title. It is stated like fact when not one report has ever mentioned such a thing (in fact it's the opposite). It's unnecessarily upsetting some fans at a time when it's the last thing we need.

Knowing that the media and haters also read MJ boards, it's strange that some fans are choosing to start threads like these. I can already see someone saying on a non MJ site, "See even his fans are saying his support is weak."
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

this is not an anniversary, this is just a very sad,sad day...we should be out and celebrate on august 29, then we should see thousand of fans enjoying Michael's music and bringing him flowers!

I so agree with this! June 25 to me is remembrance of a very sad day that I wish had not happened. It is right for everyone to reflect and pay respects to Michael in what ever way gives them the most comfort. Many thousands did so publicly yesterday all over the world, and millions did so privately - and all are an honor to Michael.

When it comes to tributes and celebrations - well, August 29 is it for me. That's the day to celebrate who Michael was and every wonderful thing he did and gave us.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Told y'all before. MJ has many fans but 99.99999% don't give a dime about him.

Talk about a contradictory statement! fans=devoted- somebody that is devoted to someone gives a d.amn!!!

And from some of your posts- are you one that doesn't give a d.amn?

Did you go to FL or Gary or any fan meets. If you didn't- stop complaining and take action - that is if you give a d.amn.
How much money was given to charities in his memory ?
How many around the world cultivate sunflowers because he loved them?
How many work as volunteers because of him?
How many think of him everyday and miss him?

His body is buried at F.L. but I don´t think his soul is there.
He is free to go anywhere he wants, there are no limits for him now.
people have been mourning all over the world , i for one have degenerative disk desease which keeps me from traveling but i spent the day watching katherine in gary and blasting all the goings on in gary all throughout my house so dont say ppl werent doing their thing. i will always celebrate michaels life on june 25th, no less all year long when i devote myself to fighting media injustice. thank you very much. R.I.P. MJ
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I was watching the stream and fans kept walking in all day long- and walking out- that's how they had it set up. And 7-10 thousand is amazing considering there had been so many contradictory stories as to whether fans would be even able to get in at all. Not many ppl can afford to fly to LA during these days of economic downturn. Did you see how 400 doves where released? And that was against FL rules. Now tell me if that is not devotion!!

There has been plenty of exposure for him in radio and TV. 103.5 in NY had all day MJ yesterday and I listened by stream. The DJ mentioned "what artist in contemporary music could have the power to have their music played all day? only MJ!!

There's plenty of articles written about him,too, from how the estate is doing to his phenomenal year in music and everything in between.

Please stop with the negativity and see the positive and bright side of this. Michael is truly loved by millions worldwide and that is undisputable.

But if you think there wasn't enough support then don't just complain about it, do something- take action. Complaining doesn't solve anything.
If we want Michael's legacy to live forever, and I am sure we all do, then it is up to each one of us to take action- not just words- but actions. We should support him in every way possible. Because if we don't then he will indeed be forgotten.

We are the most loyal and devoted fans any celebrity has ever had of that I am sure. But with anything in this life it's going to take hard work and dedication to keep this up for our beloved Michael- I have faith that we can do it!!

ditto - thank you so much for expressing this so well
i heard about 7 to 10 thousand people walked through FL. NO WHERE NEAR 500 PEOPLE THATS NOT TRUE AT ALL. even tmz who never missed a chance to be mean to michael reported thousands of fans where at forest lawn. people need to check thier "facts" before reporting them as truth .
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I would have liked to fly out to California but it's a money issue. I gave up traveling years ago to be more sensible with my finances. The economy is bad also which effects everyone. I paid my respects to Michael in my own way by coming here, listening to the NY radio station that played all MJ and visiting the Apollo to take a look at his plaque. Few events can get me to go somewhere besides home after work as I am such a homebody.

I think the turnout for Forest Lawn was wonderful for the reasons stated previously by others (no way is 500 a correct figure!).
I don't know why so many people are against this thread, i am only being honest and wondering what other fans think, there are many who are still arguing that there were over 10'000 people at FL yesterday and while i wish the media where under estimating the crowd i did watch the live stream myself and there is no possible way there was even 5'000 there yesterday and i reckon i am being generous using the 5'000 figure. As i said already personally it didn't matter to me how many people showed up at forest lawn yesterday but i was surprised at how small the crowd was and i think if most of you are honest you will admit that you expected a lot more.
I don't know why so many people are against this thread, i am only being honest and wondering what other fans think, there are many who are still arguing that there were over 10'000 people at FL yesterday and while i wish the media where under estimating the crowd i did watch the live stream myself and there is no possible way there was even 5'000 there yesterday and i reckon i am being generous using the 5'000 figure. As i said already personally it didn't matter to me how many people showed up at forest lawn yesterday but i was surprised at how small the crowd was and i think if most of you are honest you will admit that you expected a lot more.

Quite the opposite. I saw the continuous flow of people in the morning (that's when I was watching the online stream) and it was actually better than what I expected.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.


Oh and the upside of there being hardly any tributes??? We don't have to read the bullshit and see the upsetting images that they put in those 'tributes' like the ambulance photos etc :cry: and it makes me also wonder: will they FINALLY leave him alone????? I

Thank you I agree where I am in Australia there were not many tributes to Michael at first except for one station which gave misinformation regarding Michael and at first I was upset but then I began to think the less tributes on TV the less the media and networks can report their crap and lies. I would have loved to have paid my respects to Michael at Holly Terrace but I can't afford it.

We paid tribute to him in our home in our own way and I am sure he knows he is always in our hearts!!
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

This thread is so .... (Trying to find a nice way to put it) There is no nice way to put it so I will let that thought go. but I iwll say this, in all things positive, there will always be those who try to seek out and focus on the negative. Does the attendance of others change what he meant for you? Does the attendance of others change what he has meant for so many others?

Grief for many is very private. Many do not feel that Mj is in that mausoleum. but it is just a container holding his body. So they are not inclined to visit. There are many reasons why people did not go. Some practical, some spiritual, some human.

But how's this for a though, let's reflect uopn ourselves and what MJ means to us personally and stop focusing so much on what others do. You might find yourself a happier and more positive person.

This preoccupation with numbers is something that plagued MJ in life as well. We all, even the fans, need to let MJ rest in peace and stop demanding of him more than he is able to give.

:clapping: Thank you! Very well said! Some people chose to stay at home and honor Michael by listening to his music and wanted to be alone to grieve. Then others had gatherings all over the world. As you said, we wouldn't see Michael if we went there. I feel more connected to Michael by listening to his music that he sang for us while he was still alive. I certainly resent people making it seem as though he has been forgotten or people don't care about him. That couldn't be further from the truth. I may not have gone 3,000 miles to CA to stand for a minute outside of his burial site, but I think about him every day! And I pray about him, and I still cry and mourn him. I will never forget him as long as I live.
i couldn't do it. I could barely talk to anyone...too sad and i wanted to be alone. I don't mind at all if few people went...this is such a personal experience.
if the stream of people at FL all gathered in one spot i'm sure it would b more than 500. its just cos they were constantly moving that it seemed that way.
if the stream of people at FL all gathered in one spot i'm sure it would b more than 500. its just cos they were constantly moving that it seemed that way.

There may have been more than 500 but there definately wasn't 5'000. I really do think people who are saying there was a big crowd are kidding themselffs.
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