Turn out for anniversary.

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Personally it does really matter to me how many people came out to honour Michael yesterday but it just hit me last night checking out all the news from the day that very few people turned up at FL, there had been talk on thousand even tens of thousands yet the actual figure was close to 500, the networks that shoed live streaming had a screen showing a small trickle of fans all day and while it did look like there was a crownd in Gary they had expected tens of thousands too and there wasn't that many. Any thoughts on why so few people came out yesterday to pay their respects?
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I didn't want to say it... but yeah. I won't lie, I expected more...
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I didn't want to say it... but yeah. I won't lie, I expected more...

I'm just glad none of the news networks ran with this heading, i feared they might be running stories like "Michael star is fading".
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

There was way more than 500 BTW. Forest Lawn has a very limited parking, with of course very tight security. You can't expect ten thousand people to be there with those circumstances.

Also we all know that there was many fan gatherings all over the world and if we could, millions of his fans would be there. Michael is at Forest Lawn because he is very protected, which is a great thing, but at the same time it can be difficult to those who wish to pay their respects there I suspect.

Don't say it's "A poor turn out" , I mean give me a break . Millions of fans would be there if we could.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

There are 2 thing here. One is I am assuming many fans, like myself, could not get or could not afford to get to FL.

Secondly, security got people to walk past so quickly, I'd like to go on a very quiet day where I can spend time and pay my respects. Not a rush past and out you go.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I think lots of fans found yesterday very difficult. I would have loved to have gone to FL but I do not have the money. When I do eventually go I would prefer to go on another day so that I too can take my time and pay my respects like you say Seven.

I am more surprised we got so little coverage of the day in the UK - I was disappointed in that alone - poor show UK! Hardly any magazines, small articles in the papers - bugger all really considering the magnitude of his fame.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I think lots of fans found yesterday very difficult. I would have loved to have gone to FL but I do not have the money. When I do eventually go I would prefer to go on another day so that I too can take my time and pay my respects like you say Seven.

I am more surprised we got so little coverage of the day in the UK - I was disappointed in that alone - poor show UK! Hardly any magazines, small articles in the papers - bugger all really considering the magnitude of his fame.

True, only the News Of The World did anything.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Yeah and i really had to battle with myself to buy that rag! I kept the magazine and used the paper as a firelighter for the barbeque in the afternoon! Sweet revenge!:D
True, only the News Of The World did anything.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

To be honest i expected a bigger turnout at both places, i did read somewhere today online though that glendale police say that 7 to 10 thousand people came to pay their respects. I think it's because people knew they weren't going to be able to get close to mj anyway and decided to pay respects in other ways. Had people been able to be in a place they could really connect to mj it would have been bigger. If mj was buried at neverland thousands upon thousands would have gone there
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Yeah i was shocked too when i went to the newsagents and there wasn't a single obvious thing about mj's anniversary. I bought vanity fair because it had an article about making of thriller, that was it. No tribute magazines, nothing... I found that hard although i do still prefer to see nothing than to see tabloid trash.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I'd like to go on a very quiet day where I can spend time and pay my respects. Not a rush past and out you go.

Bingo to what I'd love... no one, or at most a few other fans. Holly Terrace should be a place of respect and remembrance, not a media circus or gaudy show. :/
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Where did you get the 500 figure from? I saw alot more then that just watching the stream.......I think it didnt look like many showed because it was more of a constant stream then all at once.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

There are 2 thing here. One is I am assuming many fans, like myself, could not get or could not afford to get to FL.

Secondly, security got people to walk past so quickly, I'd like to go on a very quiet day where I can spend time and pay my respects. Not a rush past and out you go.

There was wayMillions of fans would be there if we could.


Oh and the upside of there being hardly any tributes??? We don't have to read the bullshit and see the upsetting images that they put in those 'tributes' like the ambulance photos etc :cry: and it makes me also wonder: will they FINALLY leave him alone????? I
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

The five hundred figure was used by euro news and france 24 whereas BBC said hundreds turned up at forest Lawn and CNN said said it was low key. I have watched many of the videos on youtube and nobody was being moved along they appeared to have plent of time for pictures and videos. I know it was not possible to actually get into the museleum but it is still still fairly close to the resting place and i just expected thousands to be there as did FL staff themselfs and the media, the mayor of Gary expected tens of thousands yet there was nowhere near this figure in Gary.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

It is difficult since there is not one main place to assemble. Some people went to FL. Others went to Neverland. Others to his star and many stayed home and remembered him privately. I have always wished and still do wish that MJ had a special burial site...a place that was special to him where we could go. It does matter to many people. We (MJ fans) are scattered all around the globe which is wonderful, but it would be very special to have a place (like for Elvis fans there is Graceland) whereby everyone is there for one reason and have a common bond. I understand why Katherine wanted MJ to be in such a lovely place and I understand 12 other places were purchased near MJs crypt by the Jacksons. MJ loved his fans so much and it is sad that we don't have a place to assemble that was special to MJ for us to honor him. Every year fans flock to Graceland to honor Elvis and they are lucky to be able to do that. We don't have that. I feel like Elvis fans have an "Event" each year, but we do not. We are allowed to quickly walk by Holly Terrace and that is all. Next year, the numbers will dwindle I fear just because there is no place to go. It makes me sad but that is what I think will happen.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

The five hundred figure was used by euro news and france 24 whereas BBC said hundreds turned up at forest Lawn and CNN said said it was low key. I have watched many of the videos on youtube and nobody was being moved along they appeared to have plent of time for pictures and videos. I know it was not possible to actually get into the museleum but it is still still fairly close to the resting place and i just expected thousands to be there as did FL staff themselfs and the media, the mayor of Gary expected tens of thousands yet there was nowhere near this figure in Gary.

That mayor was obviously hyping up an event. That is one unrealistic expectation, it's not like MJ himself will be there, it was just a freaking monument. And I thought FL had a good turnout, considering how FL's strict policies could turn a lot of people off from going there. There was a steady stream of people, I'm sure it was more than what the press reported. Of course you'll only see a few of them at a time on camera, the line was told to keep moving.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Fans gather for Michael Jackson memorial
Statue unveiled at boyhood home

June 25, 2010|By Carmen Greco Jr., Special to the Tribune

About 2,500 people gathered Friday afternoon outside Michael Jackson's boyhood home in Gary to remember the pop icon on the anniversary of his death.

Jackson's mother, Katherine, and niece Genevieve Jackson unveiled an 8-foot black marble monument that will permanently sit in the front yard of the small clapboard home at 2300 Jackson St.

The memorial previously stood at a minor league baseball park in town until city officials and the Jackson family decided to move it to the house.

Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I believe the police. I was watching the live stream and although it were never a thousand people at the same time, there was a constant flow of people walking by. And you could hear the security telling them to move along fast.

I was touched by a group of fans who came around his time of death and started singing Heal the world and we are the world. It sounded beautifull and I'm glad security let them sing. It was quitely sung, but I'm sure Michael loved it. It made me cry.

Still can't believe a year has gone by already.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Told y'all before. MJ has many fans but 99.99999% don't give a dime about him.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

MJ's legacy will be doomed by Forest lawn! He shouldn't have been buried there.
poor geomancy!
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

MJ's legacy will be doomed by Forest lawn! He shouldn't have been buried there.
poor geomancy!

Where should he of been buried

I am tied between a peaceful, out of the way setting like Forest Lawn tht is not exclusive to michael and has a very cold empty feel to it and Neverland..Yes it was the place the police raided but aside from that Michael had the best time EVER there..He creatd it, it was his paradise and it brought him all his joys he ever wanted...Question is would he be able to rest in peace there? Maybe not
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Stop the drama. Michael cannot be forgotten by people who really love him. Whoever wants to forget it's his own decision. He will always be with me even when I die.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

If you did not go yesterday you are in position to say anything about the turn out. Ten thousand people went to Forrest Lawn yesterday. If you were not one of them X
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

this is not an anniversary, this is just a very sad,sad day...we should be out and celebrate on august 29, then we should see thousand of fans enjoying Michael's music and bringing him flowers!
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Somebody needs to change this thread's title. It is stated like fact when not one report has ever mentioned such a thing (in fact it's the opposite). It's unnecessarily upsetting some fans at a time when it's the last thing we need.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

I think quite a lot of people came to forest lawn. Cnn said Thursday there were 1,000 people. Like Cnn said people did not know they would let people. The news came late but on the day they showed quite a lot of people there.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

Stop the drama. Michael cannot be forgotten by people who really love him. Whoever wants to forget it's his own decision. He will always be with me even when I die.
I'm not talking about you. You are in the 0.00001%.

Somebody needs to change this thread's title. It is stated like fact when not one report has ever mentioned such a thing (in fact it's the opposite). It's unnecessarily upsetting some fans at a time when it's the last thing we need.
There is indeed very poor turn out as seen on the footages. You don't need a 'report' to be sure of it.

this is not an anniversary, this is just a very sad,sad day...we should be out and celebrate on august 29, then we should see thousand of fans enjoying Michael's music and bringing him flowers!
But I'm afraid fans will be disappointed again. Better don't expect anything.

Where should he of been buried

I am tied between a peaceful, out of the way setting like Forest Lawn tht is not exclusive to michael and has a very cold empty feel to it and Neverland..Yes it was the place the police raided but aside from that Michael had the best time EVER there..He creatd it, it was his paradise and it brought him all his joys he ever wanted...Question is would he be able to rest in peace there? Maybe not
I don't know where he should have been buried but I know it shouldnt have been forest lawn-a place cold, empty and quiet. He deserves more than that.
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Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

There probably would of had been more but it was so confusing . No you cant come , yes you can but only to here, then no again and then three day to the day .Yes you can but these are the rules. Everyone should thank Randy Jackson for pulling it togther. Hopefully next year will be more organized.
Re: Poor turn out for anniversary.

This thread is so .... (Trying to find a nice way to put it) There is no nice way to put it so I will let that thought go. but I iwll say this, in all things positive, there will always be those who try to seek out and focus on the negative. Does the attendance of others change what he meant for you? Does the attendance of others change what he has meant for so many others?

Grief for many is very private. Many do not feel that Mj is in that mausoleum. but it is just a container holding his body. So they are not inclined to visit. There are many reasons why people did not go. Some practical, some spiritual, some human.

But how's this for a though, let's reflect uopn ourselves and what MJ means to us personally and stop focusing so much on what others do. You might find yourself a happier and more positive person.

This preoccupation with numbers is something that plagued MJ in life as well. We all, even the fans, need to let MJ rest in peace and stop demanding of him more than he is able to give.
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