Travis Payne talks about Michael Jackson/2 Photos

thank you so much for this great interview. To the photos, in this part of the movie I thought the first time ... it was too much make up. The entire pictures of the movie are so amazing, he is looking so good and cute. But in this black and white part somebody has done too much to him ....
SORRY. This was the opportunity to speak out it.
You have nothing to apologize for! :D I feel the same way. I don't want to see make-up when I look at anybody, muchless a man. And I don't want his eyes to look "beautiful". I want them to look handsome.

I wish we could've seen him with less make-up, to see more of HIM. I thought he was SO handsome back before he started wearing make-up.

All that make-up was the Smooth Criminal "look" however, so I guess it's understandable.
Thanks for sharing this! I love the photo...Michael looks just wonderful! :)
Thanks for posting, MarilynMonroe. Good read. :flowers:

Q. Have you noticed any changes in MJ from the time you met until now?

A. Michael had matured in his art and awareness of his responsibilty to the planet. Everything he stood for was based on love, peace, good will and joy.

He loved his fans, our planet and his family. He had always shared these ideals with the world through his music and art, but the world didn’t really hear him.

It was necessary for Michael to return to the stage to remind the world of our individual and collective responsibility to our planet. He was even more passionate about his messages this time. He’d say, “This Is It! We have to fix this mess!” All of the environmental tragedies and poverty that exist really affected Michael, more than people knew.

@the bolded red part. Reading that just makes me all the more anxious and excited about a special something about to happen. Seriously, I'm about to burst. LOL! :chained:
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I haven't even read the interview yet. I can't stop looking at the picture.
Hey guys, I made this comparison of Smooth Criminal MJ from 1988 and 2009. Looks pretty amazing...

P.S. How do I post it in its original size??


Here you go!
A. I feel numb and emotionally exhausted. I still can’t believe he is not going to call me with another new idea. I will really miss those calls.
feel your pain thanks for that interview
This makes me so mad to know he is gone. He had the most BEAUTIFUL EYES. I think Michael knew that as well.
Thanks for posting the interview.

Q. Was Michael really ready to face 50 concerts?

A. Michael was definitely ready to do the concerts.
The 50 shows scheduled in London were spread out over 9 months.
Michael would have been performing an average of 2 to 3 shows per week.

After reading so many different theories about MJ being able
to handle the concerts, its somewhat a relief to hear it from
Travis...someone who has been a part of MJ's life for a long time.
I see these pics and read excerpts from this interview and my heart just drops into the depths of my stomach, makes me wonder if i'm ever going to get over this.
I am in love with that picture! He was one hot 50 year old man!! I would never guess he was that age if I didn't know. He looked amazing!!
Thanks for posting the interview.

After reading so many different theories about MJ being able
to handle the concerts, its somewhat a relief to hear it from
Travis...someone who has been a part of MJ's life for a long time.

Damn, was it only gonna be 2 or 3 shows per week for him? I honestly do believe that he would be able to do that, definitely. 50 shows sounds crazy,
but if you look at it like that...definitely possible. I think i let too many people influence my thoughts about that after MJ's passing.
Oh my goodness, he was truly beautiful. Makes me feel so bad that he's left us. :(
His eyes are empty and he looked gaunt.
These people who worked with him chose to ignore his problem and keep working him.
If they have offered help, he wouldnt have died.