Top 10 Biggest-Selling Musicians

Michael didn't break down any doors. That's ludicrous.

Michael didn't broke down any doors?? Not one? Really?Then why so many people claim that? Even those who are not his fans? Do you know something that they don't? Elaborate if you want please.

Even if he did, he lost all respect when he turned white due to his so-called "skin bleaching".

So did he or did he not brake down racial barriers? And what does that have to do with the alleged "skin bleaching"?

Off the topic here but i want to say it. I don't have anything against Prince and i respect him for the thousand records that he has produced and the billion musical instruments that he plays etc etc but i had noticed that Prince too had plastic surgeries and that he also at some point became so pale that he reminded me of Michael. Did anyone said anything about him? Did the media or people treated him the way they treated Michael. Hm let me see... No.

I think that racism what one of the major factors for the treatment that Michael got, besides the other reasons that i cited previously.And racism can take different forms.
I'm sorry, but saying that black artists have to work twice as hard in the music business is rather hilarious. It was once very true but not anymore. The music world today is dominated by black artists. Hip-hop/rap is mainstream. The current musical darling is Nicki Minaj. If we were in a past decade, I'd agree with you, but MJ broke down those doors many years ago. Don't get me wrong, racism is very real and still and always will be a thorn, but in the music industry? Come on! This ain't 1957. It's 2011 and the most successful and influential artists are of african decent. Talk about "keeping it real", that's keeping it real.

Why must the proverbial race card always be played? Trust me, the music world is far less concerned with color than the folks here are. Learn from history but don't hold on to it. How is the world ever supposed to "make that change" if no one is willing to let go and stop brow beating one another? We're all just human and blacks aren't the only race to bare witness to injustice. Hell, blacks aren't even close to being the most unseen and unheard minority in entertainment. Where's Asian representation? They ain't on my tv and certainly not on my radio. Very few and far between. Hispanics? Indians? I'm only trying to make a point and get us back on track. This ain't about who had it the worst. You can get mad at me all y'all want, but I'm just as validated to have a voice as anyone else.


i take it you were referring to some of what I said so....
we all know that its not 1957 and we all do agree that we have come a long way, but you cannot deny that minorities do have to work twice as hard in the entertainment industry. also in my post i didnt say "just blacks" i posted about ALL MINORITIES this is my statement:
"why arent there more or atleast some top artist or actors that are black, hispanic(and im not talking about the ones that look like cameron diaz. if i didnt know her last name i wouldnt know that she was hispanic), east indian, asian, or native americans???"
blacks are just a small part of minorities and we are one of the main minorities that are in mainstream. i think it is because besides native americans, we are one of the first "ethnic groups" in this country. in the music industry most minorities do not come out as mainstream artist or pop. they usually have to crossover into that market. rap is a little different but you arent really considered a real success in the rap game until you can appeal to middle america(which is typically white middle class).

im not saying that white artist dont have to put in work because they have to work very hard also. it is easier for a white artist to be marketed to middle america than a black artist. we can define succes in the music industry as sales, popularity and so forth, but an artst will not get all of those things until they break into the target audience. is it the white artist fault that they are easier to market, NOPE!!! its just they way it is. the same things could be said for the movies also.

yes mj did break down alot of barries as did people before him, but there are still struggles there that should not be that is are on race. also nicki minaj is no media darling. i will say she is hot right now though, but i wouldnt say that much.
Trust me, racism still occurs in the industry. I HATE it when I see comments like this because it shows that you have no idea what's going on in the industry or in the world of minorities.

Second of all, the most successful artists in all time are The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, ABBA, Madonna, Led Zeppelin and Queen. One black artist. Only one of the most influential artists ever are of African descent.

Third of all, hip-hop/rap being mainstream has nothing to do with black people. Hip-hop/rap is not a black genre. That's just laughable. The best-selling hip-hop/artist is Eminem, a white rapper. Funny.

Michael didn't break down any doors. That's ludicrous. Even if he did, he lost all respect when he turned white due to his so-called "skin bleaching".

Also, why would you think that racism is still a thorn in the side everywhere but in the music industry? What makes the industry exempt from that? Racism is still everywhere and is very rampant in the industry. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exists.

Comments like this annoy me.

sorry for double post... but i agree except for the part about mj not breaking down barriers
Trust me, racism still occurs in the industry. I HATE it when I see comments like this because it shows that you have no idea what's going on in the industry or in the world of minorities.

Second of all, the most successful artists in all time are The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, ABBA, Madonna, Led Zeppelin and Queen. One black artist. Only one of the most influential artists ever are of African descent.

Third of all, hip-hop/rap being mainstream has nothing to do with black people. Hip-hop/rap is not a black genre. That's just laughable. The best-selling hip-hop/artist is Eminem, a white rapper. Funny.

Michael didn't break down any doors. That's ludicrous. Even if he did, he lost all respect when he turned white due to his so-called "skin bleaching".

Also, why would you think that racism is still a thorn in the side everywhere but in the music industry? What makes the industry exempt from that? Racism is still everywhere and is very rampant in the industry. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exists.

Comments like this annoy me.

As does yours. It's very annoying to see arrogant comments from people judging others intelligence, when you clearly know nothing about them. I know nothing about minorities? I AM A MINORITY! I can guarantee you that you have far more rights than I do. Believe that! However, am I bitter and using it in every freaking topic? Nope! I keep on keepin' on. Ignorance is not bliss.

I never once said that racism doesn't exist in the music industry or in the world. I said that it's not the same as it used to be. Black artists are hot. "Black" music is hot. Music execs seek out black acts because they make money. Are some out there racists? Probably so. Are there racists/bigots at this fan forum? I don't doubt it. It's everywhere, but it is much, MUCH, better than it used to be. All anyone wants to is bitch and moan instead of speaking on the progress we've made. Look at all that has been accomplished thanks to wonderful people such as Michael Jackson.

I ain't even gonna respond to the despicable comment you made about MJ. It speaks for itself.

You keep on livin' in 1957 if ya like, the rest of us are gonna keep on progressin' and spreading positivity just as Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, did.

While blacks don't have it twice as hard, I do admit that whites are easier to embrace for America. However, let's take a look at that and answer the question "why?". It's not really rocket science. Don't minorities often say they don't have proper representation in the media? Well, think about that. You want someone to look to relate, right? Well, that same concept applies to white people too, a very abundant race. I'm not sayin' it's right, but they too relate to their own culture. It's not really about racism. It's more about population. So yes, I'll give a little but I'm still not gonna act like the past 50 years didn't happen. My television, radio, mp3 player (etc.) tell me otherwise. It's tellin' me that blacks are very much accepted by majority of people in this day and age.

Things aren't perfect, there is still much progress to make, but I think if anyone should be crying racism/bigotry, it should be Asians who are nearly invisible, or gays who don't even have equal rights and are portrayed as punchlines. I don't say that to downplay any minority struggle, but rather to give equal voice to all. Everyone wants to make everything about black or white. Well sorry, but this world is full of color and all those colors share pain and deserve to be recognized. In this modern day, blacks are NOT the most unseen and unheard minority. It's really a misrepresentation of truth. Many members at this fan forum LOVE to complain about racism towards blacks. If the world only had this forum to access for information, one would believe that the only people to experience hardship are blacks. That in itself is racism. Can't y'all see that? It ain't all about you or I. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. It's reality.

I have less rights than most; have people protest my very existence, get beat up, hanged, stoned, and everything in-between... but you don't hear me complainin', do you? You all wanna talk about racism and bigotry, then speak for everyone because I assure you that this forum misrepresents the reality of the situation. Instead of just bitchin', make a change in yourself and help make the world a better place by setting your own example instead of perpetuating the same stereotypical discrepancies amongst races.

Life ain't in black or white.

Now, can we please get back on topic? I'm not gonna change anyone's mind and you're certainly not gonna change mine. The least we can do is bring it back around and be civil to one another.

I'm not gonna comment any further on this BS because it never gets us anywhere. My closing comment is this.....

Michael Jackson is one of the greatest artists and humanitarians to ever grace this planet, and race did not hold him back. He rose above and beyond color and in to the heavens. God bless Michael Jackson.
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Let me tell you smoething about Prince.......No young people know any of his songs at all (obviously a few do but thats expected) People my age (17) we all know loads of elvis and mj not who the hell knows any prince songs unless your over 30
Yes, 20 years ago Michael was big but over the years his popularity faded while that of Beatles and Elvis is intact and is growing stronger over the years.

I think i know why Michael doesn't recieve the same respect as Beatles, Presley or even his "rival", Prince. First of all, Michael was not a musician. So the fact that he didn't play any musical instrument combined with the fact that lots of his songs were written by other people, immediately makes people think that his success was because of the others involved, that he had nothing to do with the creative process. And if you hear Quincy Jones speak about Thriller or Of the Wall, you get the impression that he was the mastermind behing the albums and that Michael was simply a singer following his orders.

Secondly, Michael associated his name mostly with pop music. Pop, as good as it may be, is not the favourite genre of the music crtitics or those who are seriously studing music. They think that pop is a very simply type of music that has nothing substantial to offer. That's why you see that few people cite Michael as their influence, while Stevie Wonder, James Brown, or even Prince are frequently cited as being influence to a lot of musician and artists. Well, the last three have the benefit of being musicians,have writen their own matterial and have produced and amazing amount of music that is acclaimed by critics and pubblic. Michael is acclaimed for the record sales but that has nothing to do with the quality and the importance of the artist or his music. Personally, the record sales don't matter at. If the music is not good, it will not last and the artist will be forgotten.

Thirdly and most important, is the fact that Michael's name is attached to serious allegations. Since 1993, people have known Michael Jackson only for the scandals, the allegations and the "bizzare", according to them, life style. Those allegations are enough to destroy any kind of popularity or legacy that an artist may have created prior. And the fact that Michael himself stoped producing music, enhanced this whole situation. We must not forget thought that Michael was always questioned by the critics and those who study music in general. They were always questioning his ability to writte songs, pointing out that without Quincy Jones,Michael would have been a nobody. But when the allegations came, it made their job easier. I think that Michael knew that too. I remember reading somewhere that he had ones wondered why people didn't take him seriously as they did with Prince.

These are the reasons why i believe that Michael doesn't get the respect that he deserves. What surprises my thought, is the fact that Elvis Presly was an artist that hadn't written any of his matterial. Other people were writting his songs and he would sing them.?evertheless, people seems to overlook this while Michael's career is scrutinise about anything. Strange.

I have to agree with this. Sad, but true. (the reality is even worse...)
As does yours. It's very annoying to see arrogant comments from people judging others intelligence, when you clearly know nothing about them. I know nothing about minorities? I AM A MINORITY! I can guarantee you that you have far more rights than I do. Believe that! However, am I bitter and using it in every freaking topic? Nope! I keep on keepin' on. Ignorance is not bliss.

K. But tell me, when was I mentioning this in every "freaking" topic?

I never once said that racism doesn't exist in the music industry or in the world. I said that it's not the same as it used to be. Black artists are hot. "Black" music is hot. Music execs seek out black acts because they make money. Are some out there racists? Probably so. Are there racists/bigots at this fan forum? I don't doubt it. It's everywhere, but it is much, MUCH, better than it used to be. All anyone wants to is bitch and moan instead of speaking on the progress we've made. Look at all that has been accomplished thanks to wonderful people such as Michael Jackson.

We haven't made as much progress as you think. Trust me.

I ain't even gonna respond to the despicable comment you made about MJ. It speaks for itself.

How is it despicable? All I said was that Michael didn't break down any doors for racism. Singing songs about healing the world and your reflection in the mirror does not mean that he broke anything down. His videos weren't even the first black videos to be played on MTV. There were many more before him, including Prince's song Little Red Corvette. That comment is disrespectful to people such as Dr. King, who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place.

You keep on livin' in 1957 if ya like, the rest of us are gonna keep on progressin' and spreading positivity just as Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, did.

I'm not living in 1957. And why the sudden need to bring up Michael?

While blacks don't have it twice as hard, I do admit that whites are easier to embrace for America. However, let's take a look at that and answer the question "why?". It's not really rocket science. Don't minorities often say they don't have proper representation in the media? Well, think about that. You want someone to look to relate, right? Well, that same concept applies to white people too, a very abundant race. I'm not sayin' it's right, but they too relate to their own culture. It's not really about racism. It's more about population. So yes, I'll give a little but I'm still not gonna act like the past 50 years didn't happen. My television, radio, mp3 player (etc.) tell me otherwise. It's tellin' me that blacks are very much accepted by majority of people in this day and age.

Good lawd...

Things aren't perfect, there is still much progress to make, but I think if anyone should be crying racism/bigotry, it should be Asians who are nearly invisible, or gays who don't even have equal rights and are portrayed as punchlines. I don't say that to downplay any minority struggle, but rather to give equal voice to all. Everyone wants to make everything about black or white. Well sorry, but this world is full of color and all those colors share pain and deserve to be recognized. In this modern day, blacks are NOT the most unseen and unheard minority. It's really a misrepresentation of truth. Many members at this fan forum LOVE to complain about racism towards blacks. If the world only had this forum to access for information, one would believe that the only people to experience hardship are blacks. That in itself is racism. Can't y'all see that? It ain't all about you or I. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. It's reality.
So you're saying that black people shouldn't be "crying" racism or bigotry because things are a bit better. What is this, a contest? It doesn't matter whether you're white as the moon or as black as the dirt, all we want is an end to racism, no matter who or what you are.

And minorities mean nothing. Remember South Africa? 10% were not African and 90% were, yet the non-Africans ruled.

So what if we complain about racism towards black? It is happening, so we should be allowed. We hardly even complain, lol.

And how is complaining about racism racism? Enlighten me.

I have less rights than most; have people protest my very existence, get beat up, hanged, stoned, and everything in-between... but you don't hear me complainin', do you? You all wanna talk about racism and bigotry, then speak for everyone because I assure you that this forum misrepresents the reality of the situation. Instead of just bitchin', make a change in yourself and help make the world a better place by setting your own example instead of perpetuating the same stereotypical discrepancies amongst races.

Whatever you say boss.

Life ain't in black or white.

See above.

Now, can we please get back on topic? I'm not gonna change anyone's mind and you're certainly not gonna change mine. The least we can do is bring it back around and be civil to one another.

I'm not gonna comment any further on this BS because it never gets us anywhere. My closing comment is this.....

Michael Jackson is one of the greatest artists and humanitarians to ever grace this planet, and race did not hold him back. He rose above and beyond color and in to the heavens. God bless Michael Jackson.

My thoughts exactly. :yes:

Off the topic here but i want to say it. I don't have anything against Prince and i respect him for the thousand records that he has produced and the billion musical instruments that he plays etc etc but i had noticed that Prince too had plastic surgeries and that he also at some point became so pale that he reminded me of Michael. Did anyone said anything about him? Did the media or people treated him the way they treated Michael. Hm let me see... No.

LOL! Prince is mixed and he has always been pale. And he never had plastic surgeries. His paleness is all because of lighting.
At the end of the day............Michael's music is currently selling stronger then any of other artists..............

Lets face many of those top 10 artists are actually currently selling in China and India (the two biggest populations)?????.......and in countries like those, more people are getting more disposable income which means that can start of afford to but all those things they want..........including music.........MJ is a massive source on influence and inspiration in most of Asia........and if they can, they will buy his music.......

Also........If Sony and the Estate get their act together then we would see some real successes...............

..........and before long.......Michael Jackson will be the biggest selling artist of all time..........

..........that's the inevitable!!!!!!
LOL! Prince is mixed and he has always been pale. And he never had plastic surgeries. His paleness is all because of lighting.

Ok, whatever you say. I think he did have plastic surgeries and i think that in some point he did became to pale. And he didn't have vitiligo. I am not judging. But i think that there are double standards when it comes to Michael. Even by his own fans apparently. So... this was Pricne before plastic surgerie.
Ok, whatever you say. I think he did have plastic surgeries and i think that in some point he did became to pale. And he didn't have vitiligo. I am not judging. But i think that there are double standards when it comes to Michael. Even by his own fans apparently. So... this was Pricne before plastic surgerie.

How can you judge a photo that's in black and white against a photo that's in colour.
How can you judge a photo that's in black and white against a photo that's in colour.

The nose is not the same man. So, he obviously had plastic surgeries. You can not deny it. There plenty of pictures which show that at some point he was too pale. Was he wearing a make up, i don't know.

You said something about being desrespectful to Dr King.How is it desrespectful for Dr King to say that Michael helped in braking down racial barriers? Jackson, like Dr King also wanted to make this world a better place. He not only sang for it but he went a little bit futher. He gave practicaly million of dollars in charity for it. Or was that fake too? I don't know but according to the guiness book he gave some 300 million to charities. And according to people that really knew him, Jackson would frequently donate money secretly because, according to his belifs, when someone does something good and they brag about it, the doors of heaven will not open for them when they die. Jackson would speak against war, about people in the third world countries,famine,poverty etc etc. He wasn't just a singing and dancing boy. So please don't try to reduce all the things that he has done in his life. You may not think that he was the best musician, singer, entertainer or whatever and that is your right. But as i also said, he was not just that singing and dancing boy who did the thriller video.
The nose is not the same man. So, he obviously had plastic surgeries. You can not deny it. There plenty of pictures which show that at some point he was too pale. Was he wearing a make up, i don't know.

You said something about being disrespectful to Dr King.How is it disrespectful for Dr King to say that Michael helped in braking down racial barriers? Jackson, like Dr King also wanted to make this world a better place. He not only sang for it but he went a little bit further. He gave practically million of dollars in charity for it. Or was that fake too? I don't know but according to the guinness book he gave some 300 million to charities. And according to people that really knew him, Jackson would frequently donate money secretly because, according to his belifs, when someone does something good and they brag about it, the doors of heaven will not open for them when they die. Jackson would speak against war, about people in the third world countries,famine,poverty etc etc. He wasn't just a singing and dancing boy. So please don't try to reduce all the things that he has done in his life. You may not think that he was the best musician, singer, entertainer or whatever and that is your right. But as i also said, he was not just that singing and dancing boy who did the thriller video.

No, I don't think he was the best. I don't believe in bests, because there will always be someone better.
No, I don't think he was the best. I don't believe in bests, because there will always be someone better.

I, on the other hand believe that he was a multitalented dude that did't presented all his talents to the world, either for fear that if he wasn't good enough he was gonna be judged too hard, as he always was, or because of other, more personal issues and circumstances.I also believe that in what he did, he was the best and i get very angy that he doesn't get the recongnition that he deserves but only cruel jokes and bitter criticism.
I, on the other hand believe that he was a multitalented dude that did't presented all his talents to the world, either for fear that if he wasn't good enough he was gonna be judged too hard, as he always was, or because of other, more personal issues and circumstances.I also believe that in what he did, he was the best and i get very angy that he doesn't get the recongnition that he deserves but only cruel jokes and bitter criticism.

I don't get angry. I just take it for what it is. People will make jokes and say whatever they want, but we all know inside what's true, that Michael was one of the greatest to ever walk this
I don't get angry. I just take it for what it is. People will make jokes and say whatever they want, but we all know inside what's true, that Michael was one of the greatest to ever walk this

I personally get very angry. Although recently i manage to control myself over the allegation,skin bleaching and all the other jokes, when someone questions Michael's talend, says that he was just a pop star who few years from now is gonna be forgotten, i seriously want to hurt somebody.That is one of the times that i really envy Freddy Krueger and Mike Myers
I personally get very angry. Although recently i manage to control myself over the allegation,skin bleaching and all the other jokes, when someone questions Michael's talend, says that he was just a pop star who few years from now is gonna be forgotten, i seriously want to hurt somebody.That is one of the times that i really envy Freddy Krueger and Mike Myers

No need to hurt somebody over Michael. We can't make everyone agree with us.
Ok, after I've taken a deep breath and counted to ten, I would like to educate some fans here who think MJ was not a musician, didn't write most of his songs or Quincy was the mastermind behind his success :D

1- Definition of Musician:
Musician can be classified by their roles in creating or performing music:
An instrumentalist plays a musical instrument.
A singer is a vocalist.
Composers, songwriters and arrangers create musical compositions, songs and arrangements, these may be transcribed in music notation, performed or recorded.
A recording artist creates recorded music, such as CDs and MP3 files.
MJ was all of them, except maybe an Instrumentalist, even though a lot of people who worked with him said he played the piano and the drums, and in some of his LP’s it is written that he played some of the instruments in some songs, like the guitar, but let’s say you don’t believe that he did. Fine, he still a musician!

I give him credit as a composer/writer and as a real musician.
Being in music business since the age of 5 could teach you something about music, you know?

2- Ignorance is speaking if you say MJ didn't write/co-write/compose most of his stuff.
Read the albums credits. The artist of an album cannot just change the credits to his liking, there are hundreds of people working on each album and the album credits are written by the recording studio.

3- Quincy was a great producer, no doubt. But MJ was the one with the last word, Quincy was hired by him.

Just think how many times Quicy was a producer for other singers/musicians.
Why he didn't produce another "Thriller" or "Bad" with other singers?

Without MJ or his vision Thriller would have been completely different, maybe even a failure. If Quincy was the real captain, we wouldn't have known a lot of tracks we know in Thriller and in Bad. (again, MJ's decisions). You can say it was a team work, To say the least, but you can't say it was all Quincy.

Who knows really, probably it's true that Thriller was MJ’s Sistine Chapel , but how many Sistine Chapels do you know in the world?
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I have to agree with this. Sad, but true. (the reality is even worse...)
of course this would come from the same person who claimed Michael was a pedophile while undermining this 'fact' by posting endless pics of that artbook he he had, which u turned into something else. barely 2 months before his death. flip flopping seems to be ur hobby.

Michael didn't break down any doors. That's ludicrous. Even if he did, he lost all respect when he turned white due to his so-called "skin bleaching".
Seems like ur one of those who could never get past his ''obvious skin bleaching''
Seems like ur one of those who could never get past his ''obvious skin bleaching''

Wow, so you think that he bleached his skin? Cause we used completely different words! I said so-called, you said obvious! I can't believe you believe that he actually bleached his skin. Sounds like you're the one who can't get past his so-called "obvious skin bleaching". Tsk, tsk.
MJ gets downplayed because of the politics. The idea of MJ being bigger than The Beatles or Elvis will upset their followers. So to keep him at bay, they downplay him and dress up The Beatles and Elvis as if they're the most influential artists of all time. They are not.
Wow, so you think that he bleached his skin? Cause we used completely different words! I said so-called, you said obvious! I can't believe you believe that he actually bleached his skin. Sounds like you're the one who can't get past his so-called "obvious skin bleaching". Tsk, tsk.
u were the one bringing the change in skin tone up numerous times not me, you were the one stating no one is seeing him as a black man anymore b/c of his so called bleaching.
I am a black woman and let me tell u this, I have always seen Michael Jackson as a black male, the 'This Is It' Michael Jackson was as black as the, Invincible, Blood on The Dancefloor, History, Dangerous, Bad, Thriller, Off The Wall, and litte Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5. to me.
So nice try but next time try harder.
u were the one bringing the change in skin tone up numerous times not me, you were the one stating no one is seeing him as a black man anymore b/c of his so called bleaching.
I am a black woman and let me tell u this, I have always seen Michael Jackson as a black male, the 'This Is It' Michael Jackson was as black as the, Invincible, Blood on The Dancefloor, History, Dangerous, Bad, Thriller, Off The Wall, and litte Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5. to me.
So nice try but next time try harder.

Numerous? Lol, I brought it up once.

I don't care if you're a black woman or not and I don't care what you see, to be completely honest. I'm just stating what's the truth. Not everybody is you and sees what you see. Many see Michael as a racist who hated his roots. All I said was that people will never accept him as someone who is against racism due to is so-called skin bleaching. (By the way, so-called means that it didn't happen!)
Nice try, but try a little harder next time.
Numerous? Lol, I brought it up once.

I don't care if you're a black woman or not and I don't care what you see, to be completely honest. I'm just stating what's the truth. Not everybody is you and sees what you see. Many see Michael as a racist who hated his roots. All I said was that people will never accept him as someone who is against racism due to is so-called skin bleaching. (By the way, so-called means that it didn't happen!)
Nice try, but try a little harder next time.
u brought it up thrice not just once,

Lol, it's not because he's black. Nobody thinks of Michael as a black man anymore. Michael only got the flack he did because everyone wants to bring you down when you're on the top.

Michael didn't break down any doors. That's ludicrous. Even if he did, he lost all respect when he turned white due to his so-called "skin bleaching".


Let's face it guys, none of this happens to Michael because he is black. Nobody even thinks of him as black anymore.

oh and FYI, I know damn well what 'so called' means. I will follow you on your 'I don't care' lead and put you on ignore.
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I am going to have to ask you guys to stop with all of this. It is grossly off topic. However, if someone wanted to make a thread about the role race played in MJ's career then by all means, please do so.

Oh, and Travis, I hate to break it to you, but they are correct IMHO. i am not going to condescend to you and act as if you do not know anything. I am not sure of the extent of your knowledge of blacks artists in America. But, all through history, white Americans have thought of black Americans as something of a side show act. Meaning they had no problem using blacks for entertainment. So, your argument that black music is what is popular now is not valid and it is not what the posters are speaking about. There is a very real difference between marketing black people and allowing a black person to be a free agent. MJ was leagues above the black artists that are out now in any genre particularly with the fact that he was inclined on a business level when it was NOT popular in the industry for people to do so.

And the fact that he bought the most beloved Beatles catalogue, a white group, sent all kinds of people up in the air. Then add to that some perceived anti' semitism and you have a recipe for a very powerful white run industry to try to bring down a man that they had lost control of. They don't care about celebrating Beyonce or Nicki Minaj because those people are no threat and they ultimately control them.

But MJ was a star on another level and when you cannot be controlled you become a liability. So in order to lessen what that liability is able to accomplish you have to tear them down. That is what they have been plotting and trying to do for years. A person can be as popular as they want to be, but in the eyes of the industry, at the end of the day you are still just a black man. To give up power is diffcult. To give it up to a black man is abyssmal. Mj's vitiligo was the best thing for the industry individuals. Because their first line of offense was to separate MJ from his core supporters of black people. And brainwashing people with the idea that he hated blacks and hated himself because he was black worked so well that you even have fans still repeating this nonsense as if they don't have the means to better educate themselves, and even more so by being on an MJ board. I find it really difficult to explain sometimes to white people what blacks still have to go through on such a deep level. It absolutely saddens me when people use the date as their proof of why blacks do not suffer as much anymore. I think sometimes the race card is played too much; but, that is not the case here. It is VERY much applicable to MJ. They will never want to put a black man above their beloved white icons. I don't care. This is the truth.

But look at me, I have gone way off topic. I will now follow my own advice. I will get back on topic (I actually think there is a thread already about MJ and race in the LTAM forum).

Anyway, thank guys.
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^^^^you described it perfectly..
Did someone say that MJ is the first artist to sell 100million worldwide???
Oh, and Travis, I hate to break it to you, but they are correct IMHO. i am not going to condescend to you and act as if you do not know anything. I am not sure of the extent of your knowledge of blacks artists in America. But, all through history, white Americans have thought of black Americans as something of a side show act. Meaning they had no problem using blacks for entertainment. So, your argument that black music is what is popular now is not valid and it is not what the posters are speaking about. There is a very real difference between marketing black people and allowing a black person to be a free agent. MJ was leagues above the black artists that are out now in any genre particularly with the fact that he was inclined on a business level when it was NOT popular in the industry for people to do so.

Don't worry, you didn't break anything at all (except for maybe the lines of fact and fiction). Save your conspiracy theories for a rainy day. What you said is true of an industry and world from decades ago but I honestly have no idea how your response has any relation whatsoever to anything I have said. Since when did I ever deny the history of racism in America? That's right, I didn't. What I have said is that it is MUCH better than it used to be. The claim that black people TODAY still have to work twice as hard as anyone else in the music industry is simply a bold faced lie. You and others are speaking on a things that are years to decades old. No, things aren't perfect, but we have progressed significantly. So much so that a black artist like Michael Jackson became the biggest and most successful artist on the planet. Yes, black people still gotta work to get somewhere, but so does everyone else.

Yes, racism still exists but that goes for EVERYONE. Not just whites. We are not living in a black and white world. It's really disheartening how so many members at this forum like to paint things in such a limited hue. It is not just blacks who suffer injustice. It is not just blacks who have to work really hard to be recognized. What about our Asian brothers and sisters? They work harder than just about anyone and get little to no recognition and yet I don't ever hear anything about that. It's always black and white. White and black. As I've stated before and very factually, African Americans are far from being the most unseen and unheard race in entertainment. And yes indeed, black music and artists are very much indeed mainstream and popular. That's not up for debate.

Thankfully, the USA is coming around to the notion that all people are created equal and so we have made some really wonderful changes for the better. While we still have far to go, we are definitely on the right track. Why can't we ever speak on the positive? Why must we always go to that dark place? That's the exact mentality that tried to land MJ in prison. There are plenty of other topics that need much more attention than just the great black/white debate. Racism will not end until all parties involved let go of the hatred in their own hearts. Remember, black people can be racists too. I live right by Oakland, CA... I encounter racists every single day.

So instead of ignoring and twisting the truth in order to dig up and beat an old dead horse... how about we focus on more pressing issues like those who are denied basic human rights? Gays are second class citizens across the world. They are hanged, dragged, raped, and beaten for simply being who they are. What about that?

No, we don't want to discuss that, do we? Only one type of racism is of any relevance 'round these parts it seems. I am just speaking in general. This forum has had many topics focusing on race and I've always noticed how it is always very one sided. Always about the black man. Somehow, for some reason, many here project the notion that they are the only people who matter. I find it interesting how the parts about myself being a minority and experiencing overwhelming bigotry is entirely ignored. So, say what you want, ignore as you will, because I have said what I need to say and that's that. Agree. Disagree. It doesn't matter.

You can say that I have gone off topic and I will agree. However, I am no more off topic than you are anyone else. We've all strayed from what this topic is actually about and my posts are in response to fact that we are off topic. I'd be more than happy to get back on track, because I for one have said all that I can say on the issue of racism in America. I am fully aware of the situation; past and present but so sue me if I choose to see things from a more positive and all inclusive perspective. That doesn't mean I haven't a clue of what I'm speaking of. And just to make things very clear, even though I have quoted you and indeed responded to you directly at times, this doesn't just apply to you. This isn't anything remotely personal. This is a very broad response to something I feel needs addressing. The views on racism here need to broaden. It's very one dimensional.

Thank you very much for reading and responding.

... And now back to the topic.
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kasi;3209387 said:
I think i know why Michael doesn't recieve the same respect as Beatles, Presley or even his "rival", Prince. First of all, Michael was not a musician. So the fact that he didn't play any musical instrument combined with the fact that lots of his songs were written by other people, immediately makes people think that his success was because of the others involved, that he had nothing to do with the creative process.


That's why you see that few people cite Michael as their influence, while Stevie Wonder, James Brown, or even Prince are frequently cited as being influence to a lot of musician and artists. Well, the last three have the benefit of being musicians,have writen their own matterial and have produced and amazing amount of music that is acclaimed by critics and pubblic. Michael is acclaimed for the record sales but that has nothing to do with the quality and the importance of the artist or his music. Personally, the record sales don't matter at. If the music is not good, it will not last and the artist will be forgotten.


They were always questioning his ability to writte songs, pointing out that without Quincy Jones,Michael would have been a nobody. But when the allegations came, it made their job easier. I think that Michael knew that too. I remember reading somewhere that he had ones wondered why people didn't take him seriously as they did with Prince.


These are the reasons why i believe that Michael doesn't get the respect that he deserves. What surprises my thought, is the fact that Elvis Presly was an artist that hadn't written any of his matterial. Other people were writting his songs and he would sing them.Νevertheless, people seems to overlook this while Michael's career is scrutinise about anything. Strange.

Do you share these views too? Because they are based on a lot of misinformations. For one, Michael DID write his most important and most popular songs! When I did a poll on another website a few months ago among fans about their very favourite MJ songs, about 6-7 in the top 10 were written by Michael - and solely by him.

And Quincy Jones has only ever co-written one song for Michael, P.Y.T., which he wrote with James Ingram. (The original, more groovy P.Y.T. was written by Michael and Greg Phillinganes).

At least you know that Elvis didn't write his music at all. So there goes your theory about why he is more respected than Michael. Artistically there's no rational and valid explanation to why Michael is not respected as much as Elvis. I think artistically he is clearly superior to Elvis.

As for how many cite Michael among their influences, you seriously need the take around if you think that's only "few" artists....

chanel05;3209496 said:
i think the argument that he is somehow "less than them is invalid". i personally think that if he didnt break records with his music, then we wouldnt hear any of this crap. you can change any of the three out(mj, stevie,prince.) n i bet they would have treated them the same way. its okay for them to take over r&b and have great success in that genre.... but you cant cross into the pop world and reign over that and arguably have a better success than anybody that came before you. thats just how i see it. as long as you stay in your lane or "your place".. fine but once you leave that... then OH NOOO!!! we got a problem. N thats how i see it

I agree!

twinklEE;3210610 said:
Guess you Greek people are something else then (by the way don't mess up the economy again cuz, the rest of us are tired and fed up of bailing ur asses out), cuz honey I been living in Europe on and off and let me tell you no one under the age of 50 give rats about the Beatles and Elvis no more. I happen to have Greek friends who live in Athens, and surprisingly none of them ever claimed what you are claiming now. Ain't no way that Elvis and Beatles 'popularity' 'increased' in these past two decades, in which boybands, eurodance, and bubble gum pop ruled the first decade, and R&B and hip hop the second decade.
I can bet my life that most of the kids under 20 won't even be able to name any members of the Beatles besides Paul McCartney and John Lennon.


Few people citing Michael as their influence? You been living under a rock the past decade? ALL the current stars who're between 25 and 35 have been citing him, and only him as their prime source of inspiration since the late 90s. Like I said, there is a limit to everything including exaggerating and lying, next time you decide to make a subjective, -totally based on your personal feelings and opinions post,- remember this lil advice.
One more thing, Prince, now I love Prince, he's a fine artist, but dude hasn't been relevant or popular in mainland Europe for nearly 20 years

^^ This.

The Beatles and Elvis will always be icons (as well as MJ), but as a European I can't say their popularity increased here in the past two decades. In my country I can hardly hear Elvis songs played on the radio - only when there's some new cover version out, such as "A little less conversation". They play a little more Beatles - at least those stations which play nostalgia stuff, but it's not like people are crazy about them. I would say here in my country, which is an Eastern European country, radios play a lot more Michael Jackson, than Elvis or Beatles.

kasi;3213133 said:
Off the topic here but i want to say it. I don't have anything against Prince and i respect him for the thousand records that he has produced and the billion musical instruments that he plays etc etc but i had noticed that Prince too had plastic surgeries and that he also at some point became so pale that he reminded me of Michael. Did anyone said anything about him? Did the media or people treated him the way they treated Michael. Hm let me see... No.

Here is an early photo of Prince. I don't know if his skin turned lighter or it's just the lighting why he seems darker here, but he definitely had nose job.


No problem, of course, like Michael he has the right to change if he was unsatisfied with his looks. However in the light of this it's a bit funny, and hypocritical, what he sang in one of his songs:

"But it ain’t nothing if it ain’t fun
My voice is getting higher
and Eye ain’t never had my nose done
That’s the other guy… "

ginvid;3218071 said:
I am going to have to ask you guys to stop with all of this. It is grossly off topic. However, if someone wanted to make a thread about the role race played in MJ's career then by all means, please do so.

Oh, and Travis, I hate to break it to you, but they are correct IMHO. i am not going to condescend to you and act as if you do not know anything. I am not sure of the extent of your knowledge of blacks artists in America. But, all through history, white Americans have thought of black Americans as something of a side show act. Meaning they had no problem using blacks for entertainment. So, your argument that black music is what is popular now is not valid and it is not what the posters are speaking about. There is a very real difference between marketing black people and allowing a black person to be a free agent. MJ was leagues above the black artists that are out now in any genre particularly with the fact that he was inclined on a business level when it was NOT popular in the industry for people to do so.

And the fact that he bought the most beloved Beatles catalogue, a white group, sent all kinds of people up in the air. Then add to that some perceived anti' semitism and you have a recipe for a very powerful white run industry to try to bring down a man that they had lost control of. They don't care about celebrating Beyonce or Nicki Minaj because those people are no threat and they ultimately control them.

But MJ was a star on another level and when you cannot be controlled you become a liability. So in order to lessen what that liability is able to accomplish you have to tear them down. That is what they have been plotting and trying to do for years. A person can be as popular as they want to be, but in the eyes of the industry, at the end of the day you are still just a black man. To give up power is diffcult. To give it up to a black man is abyssmal. Mj's vitiligo was the best thing for the industry individuals. Because their first line of offense was to separate MJ from his core supporters of black people. And brainwashing people with the idea that he hated blacks and hated himself because he was black worked so well that you even have fans still repeating this nonsense as if they don't have the means to better educate themselves, and even more so by being on an MJ board. I find it really difficult to explain sometimes to white people what blacks still have to go through on such a deep level. It absolutely saddens me when people use the date as their proof of why blacks do not suffer as much anymore. I think sometimes the race card is played too much; but, that is not the case here. It is VERY much applicable to MJ. They will never want to put a black man above their beloved white icons. I don't care. This is the truth.

But look at me, I have gone way off topic. I will now follow my own advice. I will get back on topic (I actually think there is a thread already about MJ and race in the LTAM forum).

Anyway, thank guys.

I agree 100%.

I think the unfair treatment of Michael comes down to a lot of factors. His race being one, but of course not alone that. You are allowed to be black and successful. But black and successful AND powerful ( ) AND a threat to white icons such as Elvis and the Beatles? Well, by the example of Michael (and he is the only example we can cite, because he is the only one who got there) that is still now allowed.

When Kasi wrote MJ is not as respected as others because people think he didn't write his music and wasn't the creative force behind his art, that explanation is not a good one, because then you can ask: why do people think so, when it's obviously not true? Someone must have fed them with this false information and give them this false impression. When articles refer to "We are the world" as a Lionel Richie-Quincy Jones song, doesn't that make you wonder? They do this to Michael very systematically.

Michael made his mistakes too. I think he should have never gone to Oprah, Diane Sawyer, Bashir and the likes and talk about his private life. In this regard he should have taken a leaf out of Prince's book who never talks about his private life in public. The moment Michael started to talk about that in big interviews that distracted from his music and helped the media to make him a "tabloid caricature" instead of letting the focus be on his art. I think this distraction is really the reason why Michael is not taken as seriously as a musician as others, if it's true he isn't taken as seriously, not that he is musically or artistically inferior. In fact, I think he is probably one of the most multitalented artists who have ever lived. Who else can sing AND dance AND write songs AND make great choreographies AND be a great visionary in terms of videos etc. on the level as Michael did, all at once? This all takes a great amount of creativity and genius. But most of Michael's creative achievements are unfortunately overshadowed by the persona that the tabloid media created for him. I think this is the real reason why he doesn't get the credit he deserves as an artist.
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