Tom Sneddon - A Strange Obsession

Sneddon was NOT doing all this only by himself and by his personal motivations...this is why MJ called it a conspiracy. and i beleive MJ, because things are very clear for those who want the truth.
I know, I know, that's why action must be taken.
If Sneddon is risking going to jail himself, he'll talk 'cause that's what cowards like him do.
If I only had a million dollars, I would do anything to get this guy what he deserves.
Sneddon was NOT doing all this only by himself and by his personal motivations...this is why MJ called it a conspiracy. and i beleive MJ, because things are very clear for those who want the truth.

Of course he was not alone, but he surely was the head of all that stuff, there is no doubt and yes he certainly had personal motivations !! racism is a personal motivation
I wish he would go and die, and he can take the Arviso's and chandlers with him !!! All they put MJ through, it was dispicable, I was so worried MJ was going to lose the will to live when these second charges came about, especially when he was looking so frail, these charges deffinatly took their toll on him.
These people are the scum of the Earth !!
Of course he was not alone, but he surely was the head of all that stuff, there is no doubt and yes he certainly had personal motivations !! racism is a personal motivation

A is racism a personal motivation and B: Whoever the devils are in the background, I'm quite sure they knew how to pick someone in power who wouldn't be too smart to resist. Sneddon is as graceful as my recycling bin in the garage that has a lid that won't close quite right, while MJ is more of a refined, highly polished vessel of Divinity. And that typically attracts a bunch of sickos who want to really "show you."

They picked themselves someone in power and enough influence to try and severely ruin this man.

If Sneddon was smart, he would have never allowed himself to "built" that weak a case full of holes with nut cases like Janet Arvizo. That was pathetic and desperate. It's especially ridiculous knowing how he went on and on how you simply have to help the victimized- which of course in essence is absolutely correct- but when you know how things went down, it's utter BS.

Look at the press conferences and then tell me that Sneddon is an intellectual...
Whoever was running that scheme, egging Sneddon on, knew how to pick 'em.

Just compare Mr. Mesereau and Tom Sneddom and you know what I mean by intellect and charisma.

Sneddon was in office and wielded enough power but was the type of figure that still could be used as puppet.
Isn't there any way that "we the fans" can start allegations against Sneddon for using false evidence and using lies in court?
The people vs Tom Sneddon.

There should be a way to get this man where he belongs.

One entity that could get the ball rolling in a new york minute is the so called watch dog MEDIA. But they don't care. They were always in bed with sneddon rooting him on 100%. That's why he had zero fear trampling all over MJ'S rights.
Sneddon should be in jail for at least falsifying evidence, which he was caught doing at the trial. He knew his case was full of holes, you telling me no one told him about Ms Arvizo's previous stunt to extort money of JC Penny by lying about being molested? Of course he knew, he was just praying that the conservative jury would put an innocent black man in jail. Plus he wasn't counting on T-Mez being so god damn quick and picking up every single lie the very second it was told. My heart broke for Michael. I spent so much time worrying about him, especially when seeing him coming to court looking so ill and frail.
When Sneddon meets the one that he sold his soul to, his days of hating Michael Jackson will be the days that he will regret the most.

Sneddon forgot about something while he was busy breaking the hearts of millions around the world as he charged at Michael like a mad dog. He forgot that Satan is not worth serving and that Satan has never been anyone's friend. Satan hates everyone including Sneddon and it is never worth trying to please him.

There is only one thing that Sneddon can look forward to though and that one thing is this. Diane Dimond and all the others that supported him on camera and off camera in his wrongdoings will be joining him in hell.

The clock is still ticking. It has never stopped. And unfortunately for them all, death is the one thing in life that no one on earth can avoid. Death is not something that only happens to Michael Jackson. It is something that happens to everyone, but what does not happen to everyone is the opportunity to be accepted into God's house. Some people miserably fail the test that they are taking on earth and can only expect that one way trip to hell.

Breaking the hearts of millions of people around the world for personal entertainment hardly seems like something that God would want individuals to do in order to make it through His gates.

Wow, some people sure do a great job making the wrong choices. Why is that? Oh well...

Tom Sneddon, Diane Dimond and the others ---------> :timer:

God, Michael Jackson and all that know that Michael lived his life right while he was here on earth living as the greatest and most loved recording artist in the world ---------> :cheers:

Reminder: God did not give Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that Sneddon and the others could pick on him. God gave Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that his positive messages can reach far into the future. Michael has succeeded. :yes:
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When Sneddon meets the one that he sold his soul to, his days of hating Michael Jackson will be the days that he will regret the most.

Sneddon forgot about something while he was busy breaking the hearts of millions around the world as he charged at Michael like a mad dog. He forgot that Satan is not worth serving and that Satan has never been anyone's friend. Satan hates everyone including Sneddon and it is never worth trying to please him.

There is only one thing that Sneddon can look forward to though and that one thing is this. Diane Dimond and all the others that supported him on camera and off camera in his wrongdoings will be joining him in hell.

The clock is still ticking. It has never stopped. And unfortunately for them all, death is the one thing in life that no one on earth can avoid. Death is not something that only happens to Michael Jackson. It is something that happens to everyone, but what does not happen to everyone is the opportunity to be accepted into God's house. Some people miserably fail the test that they are taking on earth and can only expect that one way trip to hell.

Breaking the hearts of millions of people around the world for personal entertainment hardly seems like something that God would want individuals to do in order to make it through His gates.

Wow, some people sure do a great job making the wrong choices. Why is that? Oh well...

Tom Sneddon, Diane Dimond and the others ---------> :timer:

God, Michael Jackson and all that know that Michael lived his life right while he was here on earth living as the greatest and most loved recording artist in the world ---------> :cheers:

Reminder: God did not give Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that Sneddon and the others could pick on him. God gave Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that his positive messages can reach far into the future. Michael has succeeded. :yes:

When Sneddon meets the one that he sold his soul to, his days of hating Michael Jackson will be the days that he will regret the most.

Sneddon forgot about something while he was busy breaking the hearts of millions around the world as he charged at Michael like a mad dog. He forgot that Satan is not worth serving and that Satan has never been anyone's friend. Satan hates everyone including Sneddon and it is never worth trying to please him.

There is only one thing that Sneddon can look forward to though and that one thing is this. Diane Dimond and all the others that supported him on camera and off camera in his wrongdoings will be joining him in hell.

The clock is still ticking. It has never stopped. And unfortunately for them all, death is the one thing in life that no one on earth can avoid. Death is not something that only happens to Michael Jackson. It is something that happens to everyone, but what does not happen to everyone is the opportunity to be accepted into God's house. Some people miserably fail the test that they are taking on earth and can only expect that one way trip to hell.

Breaking the hearts of millions of people around the world for personal entertainment hardly seems like something that God would want individuals to do in order to make it through His gates.

Wow, some people sure do a great job making the wrong choices. Why is that? Oh well...

Tom Sneddon, Diane Dimond and the others ---------> :timer:

God, Michael Jackson and all that know that Michael lived his life right while he was here on earth living as the greatest and most loved recording artist in the world ---------> :cheers:

Reminder: God did not give Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that Sneddon and the others could pick on him. God gave Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that his positive messages can reach far into the future. Michael has succeeded. :yes:

Just... wow! You are so right.... the last part is something I'm gonna take with me for a long LONG time. Thanks for these very true words.
When Sneddon meets the one that he sold his soul to, his days of hating Michael Jackson will be the days that he will regret the most.

Sneddon forgot about something while he was busy breaking the hearts of millions around the world as he charged at Michael like a mad dog. He forgot that Satan is not worth serving and that Satan has never been anyone's friend. Satan hates everyone including Sneddon and it is never worth trying to please him.

There is only one thing that Sneddon can look forward to though and that one thing is this. Diane Dimond and all the others that supported him on camera and off camera in his wrongdoings will be joining him in hell.

The clock is still ticking. It has never stopped. And unfortunately for them all, death is the one thing in life that no one on earth can avoid. Death is not something that only happens to Michael Jackson. It is something that happens to everyone, but what does not happen to everyone is the opportunity to be accepted into God's house. Some people miserably fail the test that they are taking on earth and can only expect that one way trip to hell.

Breaking the hearts of millions of people around the world for personal entertainment hardly seems like something that God would want individuals to do in order to make it through His gates.

Wow, some people sure do a great job making the wrong choices. Why is that? Oh well...

Tom Sneddon, Diane Dimond and the others ---------> :timer:

God, Michael Jackson and all that know that Michael lived his life right while he was here on earth living as the greatest and most loved recording artist in the world ---------> :cheers:

Reminder: God did not give Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that Sneddon and the others could pick on him. God gave Michael Jackson the largest fan base in the world so that his positive messages can reach far into the future. Michael has succeeded. :yes:

What can I say about this? Religous nonsense to me (sorry)
How can people still belief on such crap? It seems you can, good for you but I´m not satisfied that Sneddon will rot in hell because I don´t belief in Heaven or Hell, God or Satan. Face the fact that as long as no one will put a gun on Sneddons body nothing will ever happen to him, he will just go out like a flame as we all will, then it will be over for him. He will not regret anything, will not feel any pain and will not be beaten by god for his behavior. He will be dead, nothing more, but nothing less.

Put a gun on him, first shoot him in the legs, then he will be sorry, but save one bullet for his head. If this is to aggressive to you, ok then put them all into jail, everyone who did Michael wrong, this would be something they would regret and feel every minute.
It gives me the willies to know that no one will ever pay for all the bad things they did to Michel.
Well said.

This man is responsible for a lot of the hell that Michael had to go through, which ultimately, eventually led to his passing..No one will ever forget what this horrible excuse of a human had done to Michael.

Totally agree.
This essentially destroys the psyche of Michael in his quest to take advantage of the situation for his political purposes.
I hope he lives every day in hell.
What can I say about this? Religous nonsense to me (sorry)
How can people still belief on such crap? It seems you can, good for you but I´m not satisfied that Sneddon will rot in hell because I don´t belief in Heaven or Hell, God or Satan. Face the fact that as long as no one will put a gun on Sneddons body nothing will ever happen to him, he will just go out like a flame as we all will, then it will be over for him. He will not regret anything, will not feel any pain and will not be beaten by god for his behavior. He will be dead, nothing more, but nothing less.

Put a gun on him, first shoot him in the legs, then he will be sorry, but save one bullet for his head. If this is to aggressive to you, ok then put them all into jail, everyone who did Michael wrong, this would be something they would regret and feel every minute.
It gives me the willies to know that no one will ever pay for all the bad things they did to Michel.
GermanyMJfan, the problem with what I've bolded in your post is this...

Sneddon is such a scumbag that he isn't even worth having oneself sent to prison for doing this to him.

Sneddon most certainly deserves to spend multiple years behind bars for what he did to Michael. Sneddon and everyone that took part in what he spearheaded.

That part that is going to make it all the sweeter is this...

After Sneddon serves time in jail and naturally dies, he is going to spend the rest of eternity in hell as well. He will suffer twice and in one place there is no getting out. Sneddon deserves jail in addition to hell.

But, let him get to hell on his own without the assistance of another person. He has already laid out everything to get there and he did it by choice. Sending him there early by harming him will only cause the person that does it to serve the same fate as him in the end and he is not worth that. Get what I'm saying?

Even if you do not believe in Heaven and hell, God or Satan, at least keep in mind that Sneddon is not worth anyone getting themselves thrown into jail. Michael would not want something like that to happen to any of his fans.
GermanyMJfan, the problem with what I've bolded in your post is this...

Sneddon is such a scumbag that he isn't even worth having oneself sent to prison for doing this to him.

Sneddon most certainly deserves to spend multiple years behind bars for what he did to Michael. Sneddon and everyone that took part in what he spearheaded.

That part that is going to make it all the sweeter is this...

After Sneddon serves time in jail and naturally dies, he is going to spend the rest of eternity in hell as well. He will suffer twice and in one place there is no getting out. Sneddon deserves jail in addition to hell.

But, let him get to hell on his own without the assistance of another person. He has already laid out everything to get there and he did it by choice. Sending him there early by harming him will only cause the person that does it to serve the same fate as him in the end and he is not worth that. Get what I'm saying?

Even if you do not believe in Heaven and hell, God or Satan, at least keep in mind that Sneddon is not worth anyone getting themselves thrown into jail. Michael would not want something like that to happen to any of his fans.

I´m with you in your last two sentence but that does not make it better, imo Sneddon and all the others will not (ever) suffer at all and that drives my crazy.
It is however great that Michael got stronger after 2005, his name will forever overshine Sneddon and his gang and this fact is something that can calm me down.

Michael should be renamed into Michael the Great, I always think about that when I think of Alexander the Great, with the name Alexander you first think of Alexander of Macedonian, the greatest Alexander of them all. Same goes for Michael Jackson, he will forever shine as the greatest MICHAEL of them all.
sneddon will definitly suffer and all the others that hurt him even if its on their deaths beds, but time will definitly catch i've learned that from personal experience
GermanyMJfan, the problem with what I've bolded in your post is this...

Sneddon is such a scumbag that he isn't even worth having oneself sent to prison for doing this to him.

I think that it will be not because Sneddon but for Michael and for my own pleasure to watch him crawl at my feet and begging for mercy with the distorted face of pain. And I will stand there and I will be like a black angel who has come to take his confession. I'll make him a thousand times repeated "I'm sorry" and leave him alone in pain, in his own blood.
What can I say about this? Religous nonsense to me (sorry)
How can people still belief on such crap? It seems you can, good for you but I´m not satisfied that Sneddon will rot in hell because I don´t belief in Heaven or Hell, God or Satan. Face the fact that as long as no one will put a gun on Sneddons body nothing will ever happen to him, he will just go out like a flame as we all will, then it will be over for him. He will not regret anything, will not feel any pain and will not be beaten by god for his behavior. He will be dead, nothing more, but nothing less.

Put a gun on him, first shoot him in the legs, then he will be sorry, but save one bullet for his head. If this is to aggressive to you, ok then put them all into jail, everyone who did Michael wrong, this would be something they would regret and feel every minute.
It gives me the willies to know that no one will ever pay for all the bad things they did to Michel.

Sneddon undid his life.

Wishing a violent agonizing death on anyone is neither changing anything, nor achieving anything besides sending out majorly bad vibes that this planet does not need.

It's also not necessary to put down other people's religious views. If they don't apply to your line of thought, ignore it. Leider isses in Deutschland ja cool, jeden abzuwatschen, der nicht mit der eigenen Denke uebereinstimmt, Hauptsache man feiert christliche Feiertage und hat n langes Wochenende.

I don't agree with that hell concept either, but one can simply leave other people's religious feelings alone, just as you wouldn't want to convinced of 4 other religious views. It's easy.

This forum has international posters from around the world and I am sure there's quite a variety of religious viewpoints, atheists, agnostics, spiritualists and everyone in between that I haven't listed.

It's perfectly possible to disagree without calling other people standpoints "crap".

Just because YOU believe that there's nothing after physical death, what makes YOU right? I am not the speaker for a christianized concept of hell either but a minimum of respect for other people is not impossible- even if one disagrees.
I have always thought that Sneddon was a criminal. I don't understand why no one has done anything about him. Remember the fake evidence he produced during the trial? Plus he wasted millions of tax dollars. He has been on a mission since the early 90s, and that was to destroy Michael. What a horrible, horrible man!
I don't wish anything bad on Sneddon, not even death but sometimes I would like him to feel the pain of gall stones. It said to be more painful than childbirth.