To the insiders: are Sony planning to promote MICHAEL at all?


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
I must admit, I'm somewhat concerned about the complete lack of promotion for the album. No one seems to even know of its existence, outside of us. Before the announcement came, the various insiders did tell us that the promotion was going to be huge, complete with single releases, heavy radio airplay etc. So I was wondering, what are the plans at the moment?

I have a nasty feeling that the album is going to come and go very fast and people will just forget about it. But that seems such a shame, since MJ was the greatest global artist and the audiences would absolutely love the new songs, given how easily pleased they are with the usual rubbish in the charts today.

It all depends on Sony. If there is huge radio airplay and even just montage videos, the singles can be very sucessful. But without that, given Michael's physical absence, the outcome would be very different indeed.

Any input is appreciated :)
I am concerned of the promotion as well. So far I seldom hear others talking about this album. Sony should do something right now. Michael is the King of Pop, Sony should pay their full attention to this album and do their best to promote it. This album should be HUGE and HUGE in the recording industry.
I must admit, I'm somewhat concerned about the complete lack of promotion for the album. No one seems to even know of its existence, outside of us. Before the announcement came, the various insiders did tell us that the promotion was going to be huge, complete with single releases, heavy radio airplay etc. So I was wondering, what are the plans at the moment?

I have a nasty feeling that the album is going to come and go very fast and people will just forget about it. But that seems such a shame, since MJ was the greatest global artist and the audiences would absolutely love the new songs, given how easily pleased they are with the usual rubbish in the charts today.

It all depends on Sony. If there is huge radio airplay and even just montage videos, the singles can be very sucessful. But without that, given Michael's physical absence, the outcome would be very different indeed.

Any input is appreciated :)

Last week i was arguing that people shouldn't be getting excited, Sony obviously know what there at but now i'm begining to wonder, it is almost two weeks to the release date and it has got very little attention, in order for it to have a good opening week there would need to a single doing well in the charts at the moment. I just read on wikipedia that Sony are projecting sales to be the same as TII soundtrack, i thought this was going to be huge, i was hoping for a chart topper.
is it really necessary to ruin every thread? there are people on this board who actually look forward to this release and think that the Estate is doing a very good job. I haven't been on the board for a week and today I came back and it took me just a couple of hours to see that the same several members go from thread to thread with the same agenda. you are not supporting the estate, fine. you are not waiting for the album, fine. but why do you feel the need to go to every thread to write about it is beyond me. Especially since you've already said it about a hundred times and everyone already learned your words by heart. The thread starter asked a valid question, if you can't contribute to the discussion why not just move on?


And it's alway comin' from the same person(s).

ALWAYS this negativity...

I'm looking forward to this album, can't wait till dec 10th will arrive! I'm counting backwards... 18 days to got (in my case) Will have the whole day off, from work, head to my record store early in the morning, wait till they open, then buy multiple copies of 'MICHAEL', drive back home & listen to Michaels 'MICHAEL' the whole day! First on my "Beats by Dre", than on my soundsystem in the livingroom... What a great day, what a great experience! Once again, after November '91, June '95, October '01... Great Great Greeeaaaaat!!!

Thank You MICHAEL, so so much!
I love You & i miss You, always..
I just read on wikipedia that Sony are projecting sales to be the same as TII soundtrack, i thought this was going to be huge, i was hoping for a chart topper.
yeah, me too. I wonder what's going on. Although I don't watch tv or listen to music radio on the regular basis, so I can't say for sure that there's no promotion... But I don't see anything in the magazines, so I am starting to worry...
Sony is planning promotion trust me! There is an Oprah episode that will debut the Hold My Hand video and promote MICHAEL.

There are i-tunes adverts planned, video ads, radio ads/giveaways, in-store promotions, interviews, etc.
yeah, me too. I wonder what's going on. Although I don't watch tv or listen to music radio on the regular basis, so I can't say for sure that there's no promotion... But I don't see anything in the magazines, so I am starting to worry...

I still haven't heard it on the radio here yet and i have been listenning to the most popular station everyday for the last week, there has been no adds on the tv yet and none of my friends even knew there was a single or album coming out.
Me too. I have 5 stations in my area that could be playing Hold My Hand and NONE of them have played it...or don't know anything about the song.

Sony is doing a piss @ss job about this whole usual
I still haven't heard it on the radio here yet and i have been listenning to the most popular station everyday for the last week, there has been no adds on the tv yet and none of my friends even knew there was a single or album coming out.

Do you get BBC Radio1 and BBC Radio2 in Ireland? It's on there at least 6 times a day!
I've heard the song on two Toronto radio stations. Z103.5 (Toronto's most popular station for age group 18-30) has the song on their HITLIST which is comprised of the Top 6 most popular songs in the city for each day. Go to and request it, you can also follow them on Facebook to request!

I have also heard the song on 104.5 Chum FM twice which is Toronto's most popular radio station in general.

Kiss 92.5 has a poll on their site about the song and will base airplay on the results of that poll. You can still vote at
Sony is planning promotion trust me! There is an Oprah episode that will debut the Hold My Hand video and promote MICHAEL.

There are i-tunes adverts planned, video ads, radio ads/giveaways, in-store promotions, interviews, etc.

Thank you! I am so looking forward to this! Excited!
Sony is planning promotion trust me! There is an Oprah episode that will debut the Hold My Hand video and promote MICHAEL.

There are i-tunes adverts planned, video ads, radio ads/giveaways, in-store promotions, interviews, etc.

Thanks so much smooth! I'm definitely gonna watch Oprah now...I'll be PVR'ing it!
I've heard the song on two Toronto radio stations. Z103.5 (Toronto's most popular station for age group 18-30) has the song on their HITLIST which is comprised of the Top 6 most popular songs in the city for each day. Go to and request it, you can also follow them on Facebook to request!

I have also heard the song on 104.5 Chum FM twice which is Toronto's most popular radio station in general.

Kiss 92.5 has a poll on their site about the song and will base airplay on the results of that poll. You can still vote at

is it really necessary to ruin every thread? there are people on this board who actually look forward to this release and think that the Estate is doing a very good job. I haven't been on the board for a week and today I came back and it took me just a couple of hours to see that the same several members go from thread to thread with the same agenda. you are not supporting the estate, fine. you are not waiting for the album, fine. but why do you feel the need to go to every thread to write about it is beyond me. Especially since you've already said it about a hundred times and everyone already learned your words by heart. The thread starter asked a valid question, if you can't contribute to the discussion why not just move on?
i know right .if u just go through some threads ,my head hurts afterwords.i just feel like saying if u don't have anything nice to say then just don't say at all.once u write ur opinion move on .
by the way i was wondering about u ,nice to see u :)
Michael's fans and his family said they are not going to support the abum and they will destroy any chance and evey opportunaity for making money from this album !

so i do not thinkthe Estate +Sony are ready for all this rubish coming back ...with all the fuss around the album i 'm sorry to say that i'm ashamed to tell my friends and my family abut the new album ,,,what if they googled and read all the stupidity from the Jacksons and their mouth peices ..

i hope they will not pomote this album becuase this is not a good and encouraging comeback to the charts since everyone is saying the songs are is a shame !

by the way , personally ,i like the album , believe it's real and i supprt it 100%
Michael's fans and his family said they are not going to support the abum and they will destroy any chance and evey opportunaity for making money from this album !

so i do not thinkthe Estate +Sony are ready for all this rubish coming back ...with all the fuss around the album i 'm sorry to say that i'm ashamed to tell my friends and my family abut the new album ,,,what if they googled and read all the stupidity from the Jacksons and their mouth peices ..

i hope they will not pomote this album becuase this is not a good and encouraging comeback to the charts since everyone is saying the songs are is a shame !

by the way , personally ,i like the album , believe it's real and i supprt it 100%

That is a fair opinion but all the commotion that has been happening is really only confined to fan forums, at the moment the public barely know there is an album coming out and they know nothing of the rubbish that has spoken on here and other fan forums. The fans who say they won't buy it are in their 100's and the family are supporting it bar the 3T boys but who are they anyway. I don't think any of this will really affect overall sales.
I'm expecting the big promotion to start after Thanksgiving.

Time will tell.
i havent heard it in ireland either. i dont listen to the radio much but anyone ive asked hasnt heard it either
I don't think you should be concerned since there hasn't be a lot of promotion.

The fact that the album is going to be released in the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas nearly guarantees decent sales. A lot more consumers simply looking for gifts to give to people will get the album simply because its Michael Jackson. The fact that its Michael Jackson and the fact that the album cover is interesting will move units.

There are a lot of albums coming out right now since its the fourth quarter. I'm sure there will be a decent push in the final 2 weeks leading up to the release. Marketing campaigns aren't nearly as long as they used to be because interest in anything these days is generally more fleeting than in the past.

Plus, once the album leaks and we find out the quality of the tracks, it'll add fuel to the fire.
I have not seen any promotion for the album (or the single), and really wonder how well it's going to do, after-all there is only a little more than 2 weeks until the album is released, about time they start doing some promotion....
I still haven't heard it on the radio here yet and i have been listenning to the most popular station everyday for the last week, there has been no adds on the tv yet and none of my friends even knew there was a single or album coming out.

The best thing to do is keep requesting.

Me too. I have 5 stations in my area that could be playing Hold My Hand and NONE of them have played it...or don't know anything about the song.

Sony is doing a piss @ss job about this whole usual

The best thing to do is KEEP REQUESTING

i havent heard it in ireland either. i dont listen to the radio much but anyone ive asked hasnt heard it either


I heard HMH once on Heart FM... and that was on the day it was announced!

They haven't played it at all since that day, but they have plays ALOT of other Michael Jackson tracks. I even emailed them to ask why they won't play it. They didn't reply.

The song is currently #12 in the UK airplay charts, which is excellent for the first week.

KEEP REQUESTING at all UK radio stations to help the song when it's released next week.
i know right .if u just go through some threads ,my head hurts afterwords.i just feel like saying if u don't have anything nice to say then just don't say at all.once u write ur opinion move on .
by the way i was wondering about u ,nice to see u :)

I was on vacation but now I am back :D

Michael's fans and his family said they are not going to support the abum and they will destroy any chance and evey opportunaity for making money from this album !

so i do not thinkthe Estate +Sony are ready for all this rubish coming back ...with all the fuss around the album i 'm sorry to say that i'm ashamed to tell my friends and my family abut the new album ,,,what if they googled and read all the stupidity from the Jacksons and their mouth peices ..

i hope they will not pomote this album becuase this is not a good and encouraging comeback to the charts since everyone is saying the songs are is a shame !

by the way , personally ,i like the album , believe it's real and i supprt it 100%

I support the album too and when my friends who are not fans ask me if the songs are real, I tell them that they are real and promote the album to them the best way I can :D

There are posters on the London Underground for the album.

amazing! can you post a photo? I wish there were posters of the album in Moscow undergroud. We had posters for Invincible album here when it was being released :)
I haven't heard it once on the radio unless I missed it. I have heard all the new songs by other artists. I hope there is promotion starting because I would like to see it do well.
I just hope it picks me. People at my office didn't even know there was a new album coming out until I told them.
Here in Indiana there really not playing Hold My Hand. And I have tryed to get them to play it and they play it when they want I suppose :(
That is a fair opinion but all the commotion that has been happening is really only confined to fan forums, at the moment the public barely know there is an album coming out and they know nothing of the rubbish that has spoken on here and other fan forums. The fans who say they won't buy it are in their 100's and the family are supporting it bar the 3T boys but who are they anyway. I don't think any of this will really affect overall sales.

I hope so:angel:, but in France, on the radio we can hear HMH and from time to time, someone makes some comments about the album like "there is controversy about the new album and some are saying that it's not Michael on few songs" :sad: