TMZ: Michael's Kids - Best Allowance Ever

Yeah I just hope they don't take advantage. There are so many people with so many stakes in much of Michael's work, I just hope the kids can avoid the trouble Michael had.
Plus Michael didn't specify in his will what charities the money should be given to. Its up to the estate to decide where that money is going. The money cannot be touched until the will comes out of probate which takes absolutly forever. We had to go through this with my grandfather's will.
why is the media so obsessed with money? i'm afraid that people are going to be influenced by the media, so i wish they would stop.

EXACTLY. why does the world need to know how much $$$$`s the kids are getting.?? If something EVER happens to Michael`s children...i swear....:cry:

But wow every thread becomes soo argumenative. Respecting everyone`s opinions.
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Just leave the kids alone. They deserve some peace and quiet.
Michael named his mom their guardian and he didn't name his fans or anyone else their guardian for some reason probably?

There's very poor kids in Haiti all your minds could get busy with! same goes to tmz!
Just leave the kids alone. They deserve some peace and quiet.
Michael named his mom their guardian and he didn't name his fans or anyone else their guardian for some reason probably?

There's very poor kids in Haiti all your minds could get busy with! same goes to tmz!
Excellent post.:clapping:
Ever since TMZ put a picture of Michael's casket up with the quote "Got Milk?" referring to the probifol, they've made me sick to my wits end. I knew they had no moral attatchments to begin with, but that... that's lower than low.

True, they may be a little accurate when it comes to bringing gossip to the forefront, yet Michael's childern regardless of how much financial assistance they receive, have more decency around them and morals taught to them by their father than anyone working at TMZ.

aa the times we are in when this site is forced to lean on tmz for information.
Are you deliberately trying to get a rise out of MJ'S fans.?? I suggest you get your information from CREDIBLE SOURCES.

you owe MJ'S kids a big apology,especially PARIS who courageously saved the day at her father's MEMORIAL. That girl showed the world she loves her dad immensely.
what do you mean saved the day?
what do you mean saved the day?

The critics said PARIS humanized her dad. I thought with just a few words she astutely rebutted all the crap said about him over the years, especially then. She proudly said he is my dad, a real person,a good man and he was everything to me. Maybe i should have worded it differently.?
That's enough! Do not come here presuming to know exactly what the kids are thinking and doing. These are Michael's children you're talking about! Respect please!
Do not bring nonsensical baseless claims to MJJC.
Thread cleaned.
By our standards it is a huge amount of money for 3 children, but then they have private tutors, and security etc. I wonder how much of that money has to be spent on the lawyers and accountants.

does this fall under their allowance or Katherine's?
This shouldn't even be made public if you ask me. This is a private matter. It's none of anyone's business how much money those kids get. Michael named his Mother as their guardian and wanted his kids to be well provided for if anything should happen to him and it seems that his wishes are being honored, which makes me happy. TMZ should really get a life and just leave those kids alone. It's none of their business how much the kids get or anyone elses for that matter.
by our standards it is a huge amount of money for 3 children, but then they have private tutors, and security etc. I wonder how much of that money has to be spent on the lawyers and accountants.

Does this fall under their allowance or katherine's?

The kids have their own court appointed lawyer so they probably wouldn't have to take out of their allowance to pay for lawyers. Joe and Katherine can take care of that (i.e. Oxman & London). I'd guess the tutors, nannies and security would come out of the kids allowance. The family probably has to give an account to the court as to what has been spent on what regarding the kids allowance.
Plus Michael didn't specify in his will what charities the money should be given to. Its up to the estate to decide where that money is going. The money cannot be touched until the will comes out of probate which takes absolutly forever. We had to go through this with my grandfather's will.

I don't know anything about law and Wills, so what does probate mean?
The critics said PARIS humanized her dad. I thought with just a few words she astutely rebutted all the crap said about him over the years, especially then. She proudly said he is my dad, a real person,a good man and he was everything to me. Maybe i should have worded it differently.?

Paris was wonderful:yes:. She did humanize him to many critics.
As I said before, I really don't want to see the kids grow up in the public eye. It hard enought growing up period. Leave them alone. I believe MJ schooled them on things they need to know. IF you know what I mean. I am done commenting on this kind of stuff about the kids.