TMZ: Michael's Kids - Best Allowance Ever


Proud Member
Aug 3, 2011
New York
Posted Jan 15th 2010 2:00AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's kids just got their allowance upped -- from $60,000!

TMZ obtained court documents showing that Wednesday, the judge in the Michael Jackson estate case increased the monthly allowance, which totals $60,000 for Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

Sources tell TMZ the reason for the change -- the accounts guardian and lawyers underestimated the monthly expenses.

We don't know how much they're getting now, but it's a good bet Prince won't be slinging newspapers
on your front porch anytime soon.

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Hope it's all for the kids.
"We don't know how much they're getting now, but it's a good bet Prince won't be slinging newspaperson your front porch anytime soon."

That line was cute lol
Good for them, it's their money, I just hope that the money will be spent right and on the kids only.
I can't imagine Katherine needing more than $60,000.00 a month to raise the three children. The money belongs to the children....not her.
Me too, I worry about this each and every day. They did it to Michael, what's going to stop them from doing it to the Children
Nothing and no one, you're absolutely right about this. I do have some kind of hope as long as Mrs. Jackson's living, not because I believe in mankind and humanity but because I trust Michael's judgment. The real drama will start once she has passed away, which won't be anytime soon hopefully.
Nothing and no one, you're absolutely right about this. I do have some kind of hope as long as Mrs. Jackson's living, not because I believe in mankind and humanity but because I trust Michael's judgment. The real drama will start once she has passed away, which won't be anytime soon hopefully.

I guess I am more cynical than you are. I seem to remember all the bad things happening to Michael all along and she was there.

I have less and less faith.
I guess I am more cynical than you are. I seem to remember all the bad things happening to Michael all along and she was there.

I have less and less faith.
I know what you mean, and I can't blame you for thinking this way.
You're thinking his mom's an enabler? What makes you think that?

From the past experiences of what I have read and seen for myself.

She loves ALL her grand children and children. I don't think she will protect MJ's children any more or less than the others. I think she can not see that anyone in her family does anything wrong.

She was a big influence in MJ's life in getting him to perform with his brothers for the "family". By enabling, I mean that she never stopped Joe from doing things. I think she covered up for him because thats what some women do with their husbands. I believe she knew MJ was not always treated nicely and she never stopped it.

Thats all I meant.
From the past experiences of what I have read and seen for myself.

She loves ALL her grand children and children. I don't think she will protect MJ's children any more or less than the others. I think she can not see that anyone in her family does anything wrong.

She was a big influence in MJ's life in getting him to perform with his brothers for the "family". By enabling, I mean that she never stopped Joe from doing things. I think she covered up for him because thats what some women do with their husbands. I believe she knew MJ was not always treated nicely and she never stopped it.

Thats all I meant.
I share these sentiments of yours.
The court saw fit to give the kids more money they get more money. Like it or not. I suggest some of you stop acting like it is your money and you have a say because ya don't
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time is passing by very quickly,it won't be long before P&P are old enough to search for the truth and have a saying...very soon they'll get to know EVERYTHING about their family,what really happened to their dad,who did what and why,their rights and hopefully make the best decisions.
how much time does it take to a 15 yo to check this forum,form an opinion and have a better understanding of the situation?
''the accounts guardian and lawyers underestimated the monthly expenses.''Paris, Prince and Blanket's expenses are more than $60,000 a month? wow..
From the past experiences of what I have read and seen for myself.

She loves ALL her grand children and children. I don't think she will protect MJ's children any more or less than the others. I think she can not see that anyone in her family does anything wrong.

She was a big influence in MJ's life in getting him to perform with his brothers for the "family". By enabling, I mean that she never stopped Joe from doing things. I think she covered up for him because thats what some women do with their husbands. I believe she knew MJ was not always treated nicely and she never stopped it.

Thats all I meant.

and what I will never understand her is that each time when Joe did his "bad" business, he always put Katherine as his business partner and Katherine always agreed Joe's scheme. Joe knew if he was in trouble, as long as Katherine's his partner in that business, Michael had no choice but helped them and clean up their mess.
anyway, she was Michael's mother, and Michael loved her so much. I just hope she could be fair and keep in mind " Michael didn't owe them anything".
how much time does it take to a 15 yo to check this forum,form an opinion and have a better understanding of the situation?

You're not the first one to have this idea. :timer: Just a matter of time. As much as I want them AWAY from all of the garbage and rumors and allegations and general b.s. about their dad, I know better. They're getting older and he won't be there to answer. Of course, Katherine will answer what she sees fit for them to know and Tito's kids will be a big help, for sure. But maybe they'll have their own questions, things they don't want to discuss with others, for whatever reason. They're going to search to find out for themselves. And when they do, all I can say is that I hope they find us here. (Another reason for all of us to show respect to each other and to Michael - We never know who we're talking to.)

Sorry, tangent, off topic. =P
So glad about the kids.It's not time to change their lifestyle so I'm happy for getting what they deserve.
Agreed about Katherine.She could stand up for some wrongful things throughout the years.
And it won't be long before we hear from Prince and Paris.
Soon they will be all over the place seeking for the truth.
God bless these kids,I pray for them all the time to become insightful and responsible adults.
By our standards it is a huge amount of money for 3 children, but then they have private tutors, and security etc. I wonder how much of that money has to be spent on the lawyers and accountants.