Time Magazine Cover

I just called Donner Selexys in Rotterdam and they said they didn't have it yet. The lady was not sure it would even come, but she wasn't even aware that there would be a special issue, I had to tell her that three times.

Anyway, she advised me to call back tomorrow morning because it might be in the shipment they will receive then.

Though it wouldn't surprise me either if the magazine is available and in Donner right now and the lady just didn't know what to look for or didn't care. It was a bit of a weird conversation to be honest.
Yeah i got the same story (but then in Tilburg).. i should check again tomorrow she said. They had some other mags with MJ specials though.. but most likely it was all tabloid.
I thought the mags will be imported from the U.K or U.S. as usual but they actually made Asia Edition. So some fans got their copies here.
I ordered mine. I thought I wouldn't buy it if it contains too much articles and ads, but it seems like every page is about MJ.
I wish it is a bargain. Not that bad this version is not imported which means 'Expensive'.
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I thought the mags will be imported the U.K or U.S. as usual but they actually made Asia Edition. So some fans got their copies here.
I ordered mine. I thought I wouldn't buy it if it contains too much articles and ads, but it seems like every page is about MJ.
I wish it is a bargain. Not that bad this version is not imported which means 'Expensive'.
it is all mj
Did anyone get it in the US? In a smaller town, not NY? My Borders still doesn't have it! Would they really have it at Walmart or Kroger's if they don't?
I just called Donner Selexys in Rotterdam and they said they didn't have it yet. The lady was not sure it would even come, but she wasn't even aware that there would be a special issue, I had to tell her that three times.

Anyway, she advised me to call back tomorrow morning because it might be in the shipment they will receive then.

Though it wouldn't surprise me either if the magazine is available and in Donner right now and the lady just didn't know what to look for or didn't care. It was a bit of a weird conversation to be honest.

I've been to the Donner Selexys in Rotterdam this morning. There was a very kind lady who called to her distributor to ask wether it would be available. And it will be, tomorrow!
Can we buy it online? I'm not from UK or US btw...I checked ebay and got angry.