Time Magazine Cover

I looked in Borders and WH Smith and they do not have the right edition. I asked the woman in the former and she didn't seem to have a clue but said they'd already had their deliveries for the day. Anyone in england know where to get this?

Well I doubt it will be out in the UK yet. It's only been released in the US for sale a few hours ago, it'll need to be shipped over etc. I don't know when it'll be available in UK stores, but if anyone can ask at a WH Smith or something when they'll be getting in their next shipment of Time magazine then people won't miss out. I can't seem to find a number in the phone book and my nearest store is a 30 minute bus ride away. :/
Aww 3.25?! That's incredible!

omyLord. Imagine him without that shirt thingy. Oke i'll stop since its not the right time..
I love the cover.
Very simple, just Michael in his beautifulness.
Just called area office and was told:
Magazines in the US usually arrive in stores on Tuesday. The New York metropolitan area usually gets them on Monday.
I can't wait to get this :)
That's one of my favorite pics of him. I'm glad they used this pic instead of something from his trial.
boo, i sent my dad to three stores on his way to work, and they didn't have it!! so tuesday, huh?
If your in the UK I emailed both Borders and Whsmith.
Borders said they'd advise you to ask in your local stored.
Whsmith said It should be in high street stores by Wednesday and to contact your local store where they can advise you if it's arrived.
It seems we can get the magazines about a week later in Asia.
Hope it has good stuff
If it doesn't, I won't buy it.

Guys don't forget to keep us posted
I know when I used to work at Krogers,the magazine lady used to come in the afternoon so I"m going to head to my local krogers this afternoon to pick it up
On my way into work, it wasn't on stands yet, but I have a friend who works at the supermarket, so I asked him to snag a copy for me once it gets in, if it does before I leave work.
just called my borders, they said they will get the magazines shipment tonight, go on sale tomorrow but the guy didn't know it time will be included or not.
what about the tv guide, when's that one coming out?
what pains me is that you never saw a front page like that when he was alive I barely remember reading anything good or respectful towards him when he was alive
in one of his songs I think Xscape I remember him saying something like only when he's going to leave this world people will leave him alone and he was right :no:
My friend just took Time special from the newsstand in Milan (Italy).
He said it's amazing and there's also a dedication from Pepsi:
"You'll always be the King of Pop".
Fans in AUS it is now on sale in Sydney -buy it it is simply amazing!

Well that answers my question. :)

Where did you find it? In a regular newsagent? I had a look today but I couldn't find it.
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Well that answers my quetion. :)

Where did you find it? In a regular newsagent? I had a look today but I couldn't find it.

Regular newsagents
I picked my up at Wynard but I am sure it is available at QVB , Town Hall to
If you know a newsagent that stocked US editions of Time when Barack was sworn in -that is your place to go

Tip: if you want to go for sure - go to the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TERMINAL :)
there's also a dedication from Pepsi:
"You'll always be the King of Pop".
oh yeah? l wonder if they told him he's the King after they finished the contract with him? I guess when he's dead and so popular now it's ok to call him King again and advertise the company
l say fuk you pepsi, l won't drink pepsi ever again in my life
Actually the Pepsi's dedication is in the back cover: