TII To Still Be Seen According To Kenny Ortega?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
I WANT to see the footage..if any..of Michael preparing and rehearsing for these concerts. I want them to be shown to show everyone that he was in fact in great shape, and that he was not in failing health as the tabs said he was.

Exactly! There was nothing wrong with him. The media is lying to us.
They could not get him jailed so now they are re-writing his life.
Not to get off topic, but I think they should also release "Ghosts" on DVD in the USA, "Moonwalker" on DVD in the USA, and worldwide, and they should also put "Captain EO" on DVD as well.
Exactly! The fact that Moonwalker was not released on DVD and Ghosts was never released at all in the USA is something I don't understand.
:no: I heard on one news report last night that they were thinking of having Justin Timberlake fill in for the O2 shows in Michael's place. I'm sorry, but there just is NO SUBSTITUTE for Michael!!!!
I don't actually think we NEED to do anything. SOunds like Kenny is already planning on releasing this footage somehow. My only question is - who has the rights to the footage if the rehearsal was indeed taped in its entirety (as i have heard on another thread)?
What a good idea to do the show as a tribute.....what a send off!!! How glorious....

What I find happiness in is that his last days was filled with what he loved to do..having his creative juices flowing

Performers will be lining up to help and I hope Janet will be include...

And I was thinking..all negatives the media mentions is not new..its been years of the same...and look at the outpouring of love...becuz at the at of the day..all that matters is the MUSIC and his artistry...

If u don't have a copy please get that last interview with Ebony and read it...and play the songs and really listen the lyrics...if u don't so already....really listen

Last every contry shud plan a memorial on the day of his memorial..every fan club shud immobilize and do this for him
Actually instead of putting Justin Timberlake or such to replace Michael for his O2 concert, they could just show the full rehearsal to the audience to replace the actual concert.

It would be heart wrenching for some people but I for one, would be happy to know that Michael was in a very good spirit, energetic and happy.
i think it would be a good idea to ahead with the this is it tour, and have people like usher, timberlake n that do dedications. in honour of our, and there idol!
I'm sure at some point, this footage will be organized and released. I mean, why hold on to it, what would be the purpose in that. Aside from the fact, that I'm SURE everybody involved knows that fans all over the world would want to purchase a proper DVD of MJ's last musical efforts.

They're sitting on a goldmine! I really can't see them letting that type of opportunity slip threw their fingers.

I await the day of it's release AND the promotion for it's release. I'm sure it will be THRILLING!
I had such a crazy idea:... Go on with the show and replace Michael with a hologram of himself (taken from the rehearsels) They did film it with the red camera I assume

If that was possible, I would go to the concert.

This would be one wonderful thing to see the rehersal footage. I'm sure it would be so magnificent.
A dvd of the rehearsals will do me just fine. If possible some unreleased songs too. *sigh* why michael...why now! So much to give. ...................
There will be a dvd and bluray release of the full dress reharsals with aded special effects along with backstage footage and the new album.

There will be a dvd and bluray release of the full dress reharsals with aded special effects along with backstage footage and the new album.


whats your source???are you sure about that??

You are not alone in the desire to see Michael celebrated with a Tribute that honors his final work TII We are working to make that real.11 minutes ago from web
My source is from a someone who works on the tmz website, must be true otherwise what will they do with the footage ?

You are not alone in the desire to see Michael celebrated with a Tribute that honors his final work TII We are working to make that real.11 minutes ago from web

He must be so crushed, it's so good of him to do things like that. I'm crying like a baby here...yet again. :( I'm still hoping I'm gonna wake up and this has all been one long horrible nightmare.
to see him perform days before his death would solidify Michaels status as the greatest and not some 'faded performer who is remembered for Thriller'

This has to be released
This will be released. I have no doubt about it, it would be a perfectly fitting tribute.
to see him perform days before his death would solidify Michaels status as the greatest and not some 'faded performer who is remembered for Thriller'

This has to be released

thats exactly my thoughts, releasing the footage is the perfect way to honour him, showing that he was still doing his thing up until the day he died.
Thanks for posting. I pray it's released. I'd rather see Michael himself in the footage than anyone else during a tribute concert.