Ticket Talk ONLY!!

hey Guys

This is not definate yet, but I am unable at the moment to find someone to come to opening night with me.
Is there anyone thats been looking for a single opening night ticket? I would be looking for someone fun with loads of energy and that would enjoy coming along to the mjjc meet before the show and then scream sing and dance with me throughout the night....also a spot of celeb spotting before :)
.........ummm just realised this is sounding like a small dating advert haha!! x
elusive i phoned tm up and the first lady i spoke to said,you can change the delivary method to secure mail but said she couldn,t do it ,and gave me a number to ring customer services,he (at customers services)said the standard dilivery was the only option for this event or box office pick up which i don.t want,but he ensured me that even if they were dispatched and got lost that they would give a new reference,so i,ll feel better now,they will probably o.k any in the post,fingers crossed.
yeah i thought that might be the case. whatever haps aslong as u have your reference number so they can chase yout ticket up u will be fine. ill be gald when they are in my hands as i booked under my dads name/card for opening night so i can hardly have him trecking down to the 02 for a box office pickup. he would love me lol
I'm sure we'll all get our tickets ages before the opening event as i'm sure AEG are aware that alot of fans are traveling from abroad and wouldnt want them leaving without there ticket
i bought 4 tickets for the 16th of July.i checked today ticketmaster and it still says that the tickets will be shipped on January 2010..Has the date changed to any of you guys?
maybe im looking in the wrong bit but all i get is your ticks havnt been dispatched yet
thats what mine says... nothing about delivery dates... maybe its for overseas customers only? lol

The dates for the start of dispatch of the tickets came from an e-mail that was sent out to some people when those dates were re-shuffled, everyones ticketmaster account says tickets have not yet been sent out. Hopefully that will change this week!
I think that date comes up on all the Fed ex orders. Not sure why though.
i think its not an actual date, but more a system number, so the system knows that it will be the fedex delivery. i bet people who have standard post have another "date" there.
i think its not an actual date, but more a system number, so the system knows that it will be the fedex delivery. i bet people who have standard post have another "date" there.

No there isn't any date there, I have standard delivery for the UK and it just says they haven't been dispatched yet.
Would anyone want to buy tickets for AUGUST 28 with me? On VIAGOGO they sell only in pairs and I need just 1 ticket. I would like to buy tickets in A block.

hey Guys

This is not definate yet, but I am unable at the moment to find someone to come to opening night with me.
Is there anyone thats been looking for a single opening night ticket? I would be looking for someone fun with loads of energy and that would enjoy coming along to the mjjc meet before the show and then scream sing and dance with me throughout the night....also a spot of celeb spotting before :)
.........ummm just realised this is sounding like a small dating advert haha!! x
Q: When will I receive my tickets?
A: Tickets may not be dispatched until closer to the event. Ticketmaster aims to dispatch tickets as soon as possible. We are not able to be specific with exact dates of dispatch. Please allow as much time as possible for your tickets to arrive.
If your tickets have not arrived five days before the show or, if you are travelling, five days before you leave, please contact Ticketmaster directly using the "Ask a Question" facility at Ticketmaster. Please include your reference number and the name and postcode the booking is under. Ticketmaster only posts tickets to the billing address of a credit card. If the address in your booking does not correspond to that held by your credit card company, we may cancel your tickets.

What i make out of this...
Is that when you travel 5 days beore the show they sent the tickets earlier?
But only to the billing adress of the card holder?
Dear user,

Per our agreement with the event promoters, only 6 tickets may be purchased per household. This means a maximum of 6 tickets per credit card / user account / shipping address.

For more details please check our Special Conditions: http://www.viagogo.co.uk/help.aspx?helpgroupid=1100596
basically the same as T.M so if u want more ticks if u have a relative/ friend who has a different address/card get them to open an ccount
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It says 6 per individual:

  • Sales and purchases for designated ‘Special Events’ are intended only as ‘Fan to Fan exchanges’, providing individual fans a safe and secure environment to trade tickets.
  • Sales and purchases are restricted to 6 tickets per individual.
  • We reserve the right to cancel listings if they are for more than 6 tickets.
  • We reserve the right to subsequently cancel any transaction if the number of tickets purchased by an individual (in total over that with any transaction) exceeds this limit or if we believe that the tickets may be then re-sold.
  • The promoter may reserve the right to cancel or refuse entry to the event if they believe the ticket originally purchased via the exchange has subsequently been re-sold. For further terms and conditions, please
am i thick but i really dont get how they word that.

I don't get that too.

Anyway, this is what they told me in email when I asked them about ticket limit:

Thank you for contacting us at viagogo.

Although normally there is no limit to the number of tickets you purchase for the Michael Jackson concerts there is a limit of 6 tickets per person.
This limit has nothing to do with any possible limits on other websites, like Ticketmaster. So you could without a problem buy 6 tickets with us and 4 with Ticketmaster.

We hope that this was helpful.

Kind regards,

Customer Service
I don't get that too
yeah its the way its written. i doesnt sound right its like u have to read it 10 times just to get the hang of it. i guess it basically saying if u go over the limit with any transaction the tickets that were bought after u went over the limit will get cancelled
am i thick but i really dont get how they word that.
Oh... good to hear... glad, that you, as a native speaker, also thought that was strange... so my english is not that bad after all... I had to read that 10 times and still don't quite know what they mean! ;)

i guess it basically saying if u go over the limit with any transaction the tickets that were bought after u went over the limit will get cancelled
No, they won't... once you got your 2 confirmations, the tickets are yours! They are not as strict as TM, obviously... so if you need 7 or 8 tickets, just try... either they will accept your oder or deny them right away, there is no risk really!
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o, they won't... once you got your 2 confirmations, the tickets are yours! They are not as strict as TM, obviously... so if you need 7 or 8 tickets, just try... either they will accept your oder or deny them right away, there is no risk really!
think so? why would they say that then if they arent going to inforce it. although i remember reading either on their site or an email from someone that they would look at each case of ppl buying more than 6 on its merits and if u could show you werent a tout then u would be ok. im just gonna use another family members account/address/card to get xtra ticks