Thriller still top selling?

Don't believe the hype....Ask yourself when THRILLER came out originally, is there anyone you know of that did not buy one, young or old?...I can't even remember the EAGLES much less anyone going crazy for their stuff .. MJ was right about conspiracy and outsmarting SMONY...With MTV playing MJ 24/7 and radio play, TV, etc., no one and I mean no one even came close. .Hey Rasta, what are your thoughts on this?
Ew, I HATE it so much when people try and make it look like the Eagles have the biggest selling album EVER.
i HATEEEEEE it too. Eagles has The best selling album ever IN USA but 'IN USA' part is always purposely omitted.
I was surprised when I read in Men's Health magazine today (btw, several months old issue) that The Police Synchronicity album broke the Thriller record. Huh...?!
what i wanna know is how the heck did AC/DC sell 40 mill of one album i dont think i know one of their
yeah tmk its the second biggest seller behind thriller
Sony needs to go recertify it. I remember back in 2001, they were saying it had sold around 60 million copies, but Thriller hasn't really recertified since the mid 90s, along with Bad and Off The Wall
Ha theres this thread on another board I post and it asked who was the bigger star and it included Michael, the Beetles, Elivs and anyone else you would expect.

Its basically a dogfight with MJ and the Beetles but MJ has a few point lead. And one guy said "The Eagles should be on the list because they have the biggest selling album of all time." lol. When I saw that I immediatly thought of this thread. This after I said Thriller has sold like 100+million or w/e across the globe.

I then called him out on it and told him it was only in the US and he didn't reply lol.
Sony needs to go recertify it. I remember back in 2001, they were saying it had sold around 60 million copies, but Thriller hasn't really recertified since the mid 90s, along with Bad and Off The Wall

That's because the new heads are lazy and don't know what to do with it.
Is Thriller still top selling? Mmmmm, I believe there is a thread on here that lists it currently #1 at iTunes. :) 25 years old, and still fresh, still timeless. Beetles are great, and I suppose Eagles are great, but their music is dated and period-sounding. In contrast, with MJ, it's hard often to tell what era an album belongs to just by listening to it, especially if a listener didn't know better. They all go with each musical era so WELL that the legend always lives I making any sense?

Basically, I'd say, IF by chance Thriller happened to slip a hair below the Eagles in sales, it isn't anymore. It has taken it's proper place, back on top. :)