Thriller still top selling?

^ I'm saying. :smilerolleyes: Because I'm STILL having a hard time believing the number. Why don't they say anything? Sales ain't gotta be a mystery or are they afraid of getting the RIAA to certify it again? :lol:
^ I'm saying. :smilerolleyes: Because I'm STILL having a hard time believing the number. Why don't they say anything? Sales ain't gotta be a mystery or are they afraid of getting the RIAA to certify it again? :lol:

How does that whole thing work? If and when they do re-certify Thriller and the number goes up, does that mean Sony has to pay MJ some money? Or does money have nothing to do with re-certifying a record?
Big Apple, I would think so. LOL!

For some reason, I think many people like the image of a man who sold 104 million records on one album to lose a lot of money. That story makes sense to them. That's why the "Thriller" story is a very confusing one. :lol:
If someone has followed the cataloge charts in the years has notice that Thriller has been selling very well everyyear.It never stops to sell a good amount of copies, actually MJ's backcataloge is one of the most wanted catalogs out there.
The fact is Sony BMG has not certificate those numbers, because they would have to pay MJ a lot of money (MJ, Quincy and all the people who worked on Thriller).
Sony BMG is not doing well, they probably don't even have the money to pay out an album wich sells roughly half million copies a year, or maybe is just to treat MJ, who knows.
From what I understood BTW MJ has probably a big power on Sony BMG future and fate.

Even if I don't think Thriller sold more than 80 million copies, for sure has sold more the the Eagle's GH, wich has not sold anything since RIAA changed the way of counting the copies in the USA, from the actually sold ones to the number of shipped cds in 1994. Thanks to that the GH of the Eagles got a + 14 million copies that year.
I'm more inclined to believe it's already around 30 million USA and around 70 million worldwide.

And YES I've BEEN saying that Sony BMG was not doing alright so that's why they're milking everything from past releases in hopes they could certify artists in the future. It's different from Sony Music though. If Sony Music is having TROUBLE with their profit, then a lot of the artists are having problems about how much they sold then either in America or worldwide.

If Michael was in the same label with the Eagles, then he probably would've been alright but oh well.
You are complaining about Thriller too? We all know or let me rephrase the whole world knows that Thriller is and forever will be the BIGGEST SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIMES and no one can ever surpass it. Please worry about something else...
^ I'm saying. :smilerolleyes: Because I'm STILL having a hard time believing the number. Why don't they say anything? Sales ain't gotta be a mystery or are they afraid of getting the RIAA to certify it again? :lol:

YeAH me too. How can an album released in 1982 and in 1995 (whan HIStory was released) has sold 45+ million albumes sold, all of a sudden has sold 108 million copies in 2008???

That means that it has sold better in the period 1995-2008 than the period 1982-1995. - That makes NO sense at all!! Surely the releasing time is the most selling. So I don't know!!
Right. I think it's 70 million. :)

Either way it's the top-selling album ever, lol. But statistics are confusing.

The only real claim is that "Thriller" sold between 50-100 million, lol.
Right. I think it's 70 million. :)

Either way it's the top-selling album ever, lol. But statistics are confusing.

The only real claim is that "Thriller" sold between 50-100 million, lol.

That's a pretty large margin for error, lol!

Well I think Thriller 25 probably helped boost sales this year and should be included in the official count if it ever comes.

BTW, who are The Eagles? hahahaha just joking. The fact is they'll never top Michael and they are an oldies band. period. They are of one American era - my parents' generation. Michael has been the culture of several American eras - my parents' generation, my generation, the now-teens and 20's generation, and my kids' generation. He is timeless.
T25 only did around 635,000 sales. I don't know what the total sales are now though. Could be 700K now. So unless it gets to a million by the end of the year, it's not totally possible.
But for a 25 years old album selling 650.000 copies in one year is great isn't it??

Wordwide maybe it will sell 2.3 million copies! IMO that's great for a re-re-rerelease!
Great for MICHAEL, not great for SONY. :lol: Remember the sales of T25 only goes towards Thriller's US album sales. And it's hard to push a million these days because people are downloading more than buying.
Thriller 25 sold about 2.15 mio. copies worldwide so far with 3 mio. copies being shipped.

Thriller 25 sold about 2.15 mio. copies worldwide so far with 3 mio. copies being shipped.


OK, but on the 1 year day of T25's release maybe it will have sold 2.3 million worlwide, that's not unrealistic is it?

And that's good for a 25 year old CD IMO!
Very good money for MJ.
with legal downloading t25 has sold 2.3 million copies at almost zero cost, cause there were no big advertising, no new songs, no events, no tours... usually the labels use the sales of the album to pay the costs of the album itself, that's why if the album doesn't sell they stop the promotion (or they promote big tours from wich the label will earn a lot of money, the artist much less)

Very good money for michael.
2.3 million worldwide isn't a bad thing, who said it was?

I'm just saying the sales in America aren't as peachy keen as its full sales. And like I said, if Sony was to certify Thriller again, they'd use original Thriller sales to add on to it. It hasn't shipped 1 million in the states, has it?
Um, Is the sky blue? Lol of course "Thriller" is still the top selling album worldwide. Michael has that record on lock! At least for now he does anyway.
A chart expert on MJ sales on another board believed that Thriller has sold around 63 million copies up to now. He even broke it down in details and it seems quite plausible. I'm not sure about the exact figure but let's say that if we count the number of pirated CDs it may have sold several hundred million LOL. He was really HUGE in China and Russia, India,... where CDs market were dead coz' of piracy.
Anyway, Thriller's the best-selling album of all time, that's what matters the most :D.
The Eagles are good...but they don't come anywhere close to what Thriller has done. I'm willing to bet Thriller has more sales than the Eagles in the USA...but because no one in the music industry won't get off their lazy as$ and re certify the albums, we won't know for sure.
Soooooo- the point is that we won't know how many records Thriller has sold until its certified or someone confirms it.
But it's definately the best seling album of all time