"Thriller" sales soar close to Eagles' "Hits"

Just heard this on car radio today. The station here is going all wild! They have played more and more MJ songs and the dj lady keeps getting all choked up since as she puts it, Michael isn't here to celebrate this with us.
I just found out that in order for Michael’s Thriller to top The Eagles Greatest Hits the record label which is “EPIC” must request certification from RIAA to get the album record updated. So I think it is the record company’s fault not to get Thriller audited sooner in order to see a different picture in the media, perhaps they will wait a little longer since Thriller continues to sell but I think they should do it soon once it tops the Eagles record. Have to wait and see!
How do you get the jump from 29 million to 40 million!!??

I think you math does not serve you correctly!

You're missing my sarcasm. I said if my "RIAA math" serves me correctly, since apparently the eagles jumped 12 million sales despite having sold only 900,000 units.
I get pissed off when these reporters and articles put out the idea that The Eagles Greatest Hits is simply the top selling album of all-time, neglecting to mention "in the United States." I'm just watching this TV guide special and they're talking about how Thriller is on the verge of catching up and becoming the top selling album of all-time.

IT ALREADY IS. By like... a ridiculous margin.

I'm American, but the egomaniacal attitude that we're the only country that matters can be so annoying.

But hey, I'm glad to hear Thriller is probably gonna be #1 in USA again.
pff... Eagles???

Nobody I know has an Eagles album!!...who the f**k is buying all these Eagles albums??? Everybody and their momma has Thriller!!! EVERBODY!!!

As somebody said I believe Thriller has surpassed the Eagles long ago...its almost insulting they post an article like this now. After MJ has passed, Mike may not be here to see it but he WILL get the last laugh...as usual :)
"yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this...Plus I saw on something once where someone from the Eagles accused Mike of going out and buying up a lot of Thriller records so I can't wait til he passes them "

I remember Glen of the Eagles saying that. I just hope he realizes that now that Michael is gone, he won't be able to buy enough of those Eagle albums and do what they may have been doing which is what they were accusing Michael of doing. I did notice that they mentioned that it was the number of albums shipped and not necessarily the number of albums "sold". I wonder how many warehouses of Eagles albums there are chocked full to the rafter with them?
Record labels aren't required to report sales to the RIAA. The RIAA only goes by what is reported by companies, they don't check it themselves. Motown was notorious for not reporting or under-reporting sales. Sometimes Berry Gordy would give acts a fake record sales plaque, which was just a regular black vinyl record painted gold. Prince said on Tavis Smiley recently that he doesn't know how much his records had sold when he was on Warner Brothers, only what they told him. James Brown has said when he was on King Records, a lot of his singles sold more than what was number one at the time, but because King didn't report sales as they didn't want to pay James, his records would hit only the lower sections on the hot 100. Record sales are never accurate anyway. Multi-CDs or box sets are counted as separate albums. So if someone only sells 1 copy of a 4 CD box set, it is counted as selling 4 copies, not 1. Even though it is really only 1 "album". Albums sold through clubs like Columbia House (12 albums for a penny) aren't counted as sales. Cut out records aren't counted as sales either. Most mom & pop stores don't have Soundscan equipment, so those aren't counted either. Some mom and pops purchase albums to resale from another store like Best Buy, instead of a wholeseller. So, if the 2nd store has Soundscan, the one album is counted as 2 sales. Today, there's downloading which are not counted as sales because an actual physical item (CD, record, cassette, etc.) is not bought. Bootleg albums, albums stolen from pressing plants, promotional copies that are sold in used shops, and used CD's are obviously not counted. So reported sales has never meant anything. Only what the record company wants it to be. It has always been this way for various reasons.
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^^ Not eveyone knows that but mainly RIAA is being heavily referred by the media and people believe them and the record label is responsible for auditing the album sales as I know from here that they must pay for it as well. So someone should ACT to get Thriller certified soon! Because someone is trying too hard to overshadow and understate Michael’s achievements and that seems to be very obvious.
You're missing my sarcasm. I said if my "RIAA math" serves me correctly, since apparently the eagles jumped 12 million sales despite having sold only 900,000 units.

Sorry! I get you now. Doh!
Thank goodness. I'm tired of them using that bogus technicality about The Eagles Greatest Hits being best-selling album of all-time. It's just another way of taking away Michael's credit.

They never specify best-selling in the U.S. according to RIAA.
Without question Thriller is the best-selling album of all time in world history & when RIAA's standards finally reflect this, they can put The Eagles catalog to rest.

9 little songs from Thriller beat a history of Eagles' work. NO ONE beats Thriller. NO ONE.
John Lucas

P.S.: By the way, that article smells. It seems as if they artificially inflated The Eagles' numbers just to have Michael's record beaten. Only the Clintons know The Eagles. Thriller is the REAL People's Champion.
Thriller is the BIGGEST SELLING ALBUM in the U.S.
it ALWAYS was! they only faked all these statistics!!!
like someone above described.

This right here. Truth spoken.
They NEVER wanted to give Michael credit.
And yes it's racial.

Listen to him speak in Harlem in 2002

Overnight after he broke those immortal records, they went after him like a maniac. The fallout from that we're still dealing with today.

And yet he keeps breaking more records no matter what they do. Even records that don't much matter like most friends on Facebook.

They hate Michael for being successful. A BLACK man with that kind of success who doesn't bend & bow at every whim is dangerous & must be broken. And they tried to break him by any means necessary. EVERY means necessary.

He always said "they're jealous!" Remember?
No way in HELL that The Eagles could match up to Michael & Thriller.
They NEVER beat him. It was channel stuffing. Artificial pump up so as not to tell the true story. May have been cooked books even.

But even through their cheats & lies, the truth wins out in the end. Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.

God I love Michael. He said the most profound things. I miss that cat severely. :(
John Lucas
^^ Not eveyone knows that but mainly RIAA is being heavily referred by the media and people believe them and the record label is responsible for auditing the album sales as I know from here that they must pay for it as well. So someone should ACT to get Thriller certified soon! Because someone is trying too hard to overshadow and understate Michael’s achievements and that seems to be very obvious.
But if albums aren't counted or the numbers are exaggerated or the company buys lots of copies of its own records to make it place higher on the charts, it doesn't mean anything anyway. I don't know what difference it makes how much an album sells. People worried about these kinds of things aren't music fans, just statistics & pop culture fans.
The RIAA couldn't immediately explain why the album wasn't certified at earlier platinum milestones, or why it was next certified at 14 times platinum in December 1993, and for 22 times in June 1995, despite U.S. sales of only 919,000 during that period ?????

HOW is that possible??? they just don't wan't MJ to be the greatest!

THIS IS CRAP. - Hope soo much Thriller will keep selling great. People in the U.S. go out and buy Thriller one more time!
But if albums aren't counted or the numbers are exaggerated or the company buys lots of copies of its own records to make it place higher on the charts, it doesn't mean anything anyway. I don't know what difference it makes how much an album sells. People worried about these kinds of things aren't music fans, just statistics & pop culture fans.

I agree with you, I just hope they don’t use this false information in a way to discredit Michael and understate his success.
^^^^^^Discredit him from what? How do you know that Thriller sold 104 million or that Elvis "sold" a billion units overall. Have you seen the record companies' books? It's just numbers somebody put out.
^^ I don’t think we can assume that those figures are fully correct; if you don’t approve of them then this is fine whereas the majorities are influenced by what the media tells them, and when they tell them that Thriller sold less in the US than the Eagles they believe that and discredit Michael. But then you will say how do you know that for sure! I don't but I believe in Michael that Thriller is bigger and I lived the Thriller days and I know how it changed the world.
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^^ I don’t think we can assume that those figures are fully correct; if you don’t approve of them then this is fine whereas the majorities are influenced by what the media tells them, and when they tell them that Thriller sold less in the US than the Eagles they believe that and discredit Michael. But then you will say how do you know that for sure! I don't but I believe in Michael that Thriller is bigger and I lived the Thriller days and I know how it changed the world.
So, they also believe that planes (whose wreckage somehow disappeared) crashing into buildings will make them collapse. They also believe that drinking cow milk is good for you or that a book is good just because Oprah says so. Let them think what they want.
a question, cause i'm not such an specialist about sales.
a record company like sony have to know how much they sell from an album. right?
a question, cause i'm not such an specialist about sales.
a record company like sony have to know how much they sell from an album. right?
They know how many are pressed & shipped. Some copies are broken in shipment, lost, stolen, etc. Still they don't have to report the sales to the public or they can say an album sold more copies or less copies than it really did. Records sold though record clubs aren't pressed by the performers label, but by the club. This is why they aren't counted in the sales total. And also why most CD stores won't accept them for credit.
Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is set to regain its throne as America's top-selling album of all time.

Even before the King of Pop's untimely death last month, "Thriller" was closing the gap on The Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits," thanks to the 25th anniversary reissue last year and the reworked version of "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' " with Akon. As of June, The Eagles, who took over the all-time top spot in 1999, had shipped 29 million units of their compilation, while Jackson had shipped 28 million copies of "Thriller."

After Jackson's death, sales of "Thriller" have been brisk, even moving 264,000 copies last week, which was more than all new releases. To meet the demand, stores have been clamoring for more copies of "Thriller," which will likely push its shipment totals to 30 million soon. That would mean Jackson would make history once again, becoming the first artist to get a triple-diamond certification.

"Thriller" - which featured seven Top 10 singles, including the No. 1 smashes "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" - is already the top-selling album in the world, with estimated global sales of more than 100 million since its first release in 1982.

Michael Jackson set to overtake Eagles
Hells yeah! Go, Mike, go! Damn, I wish he was here to see this. Have there been any new updates?
Please go buy Thriller on August 29th.

This would be the best B-Day present ever if we could push him over the top on his B-Day.

Even if you already have it (you can never get enough of mike right!)

Remember "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" - I don't know about ya'll I will never stop cause I can't get enough.
This is great news!!! One thing is true, Thriller changed the world not the Eagles with their Greatest Hits.. Its about time for this album to become the biggest selling in CD in the U.S, already is the best selling of all times soo it truly deserve it!!