This is pissing me off....

Actually, IF I remember correctly, President Obama didn't make any official declarations. The first time I heard Obama make a comment in reference to Michael's passing was I believe 4 days after June 25th. MJ died on Thursday June 25th, his spokesman Gibbs was asked during his daily briefings (Friday June 26) by reporters what the presidents reaction to the passing of MJ was- Gibbs said this :Okay, I will ask. The President has talked a lot about his love of music. He hosted Stevie Wonder here. He has talked a great deal about what's on his iPod to Rolling Stone Magazine. Well, what's his reaction to the death of Michael Jackson?

MR. GIBBS: I talked to him about it this morning. Look, he said to me that obviously, Michael Jackson was a spectacular performer, a music icon. I think everybody remembers hearing his songs, watching him moonwalk on television during Motown's 25th anniversary. But the President also said, look, he had -- aspects of his life were sad and tragic. And his condolences went out to the Jackson family and to fans that mourned his loss.

Q Why not a written statement, then?

MR. GIBBS: Because I just said it.

Q And you say he did send condolences to the family -- did he call the family personally?

MR. GIBBS: Not that I know of.

IF I remember correctly, the first time Obama talked about MJ's death was in an interview with either CNN or ABC (they were interviewing Obama about healthcare I believe) 4 DAYS after MJs death. At which point President Obama said in verbatim what Gibbs had said from the transcript.
He was again interviewed may be by Anderson Cooper or John King and at that point the president said "oh I have all of MJ's music on my ipod.... he had aspects of his life that was tragic".

Michael deserved a little bit of respect. NO ONE IS ASKING PRESIDENT OBAMA to say "Oh MJ was innocent, MJ was treated badly, we are going to make June 25 MJ day".
Some of us who do have a great deal of respect for the president and the presidency just expected a little more. GOD KNOWS, MJ earned it with his life's work and charity. Really, MJ deserved it.

For me - I am really mad at the two extortion cases MJ had to deal with (1993, 2003). NOT MOLESTATION, but EXTORTION cases which irreparably damaged MJs legacy. To us (most of us- who believe in MJ) those two cases really doesn't matter. To the rest of the world, due to it they have held back on praising or acknowledging MJ's legacy and contribution to our world when he was alive and now in his passing. So very sad.
This is a very important point. What he says privately to the Jackson Family is way more important than his official statements that we are privved to. That man and his wife grew up on the J-5. No way his passing didn't affect them.

But the man is the President and he's already got fools saying awful stuff about him and his family that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS OR RUNNING THIS GOVERNMENT.

No way was he going to give these fools more fire to throw at him. He has a country to run and he has to walk a thin line. He can't afford have his personal feelings about Michael Jackson politicized for obvious reasons.

And if you don't know by now what those obvious reasons are, then you aren't gonna ever know.

Naahhhhh...if that's the case then there's something wrong about the whole thing.
Explain the tribute to the reporter...again this is what YOU believe, a family statement is a FAMILY statement not a public statement. Michael was the most famous man alive.......

That's exactly right. It was a private statement meant for the family and NOT FOR US. You don't know what he said in that message and he doesn't or the family doesn't need to tell you what was said in order to prove anything to you about his sentiments. You have to just accept that.

Or not.
But we should all be able to share our views and discuss it without getting into fights with one another. We are all here because we love MJ and we all have other interests as well. Lets all respectfully agree and disagree with each other.
Nobody is disrespecting Obama, I've lost a lot of respect for him because of the video I've posted in the beginning.

Yes I understand your point, there are so many different reactions, some people are so angry, some are just quite, I am very disappointed to be honest but I won’t hate the President at least he did something which is better than nothing, but also Obama is so important to whole world (not just US) so me being a fan from my part of the world I look at it this way that he at least said and did something, not up to the standard and I know our Mike deserves a lot more so we will continue to celebrate his legacy, Obama’s message will be well forgotten by then and it won’t make a difference many years later where he might not be a President any longer and we’re still Moonwalking and celebrating the life of our Michael forever!
I respectfully disagree! I don’t even know Walter Cronkite, he never had any impact on my life but I pay a lot of respect to Walter Cronkite and he must deserve nothing less than the President himself take the stands and addressing him publicly in a tribute message. I wanted the same thing to be done for Michael as from my point of view Obama is an African American and it would mean a lot, and Michael being an entertainer had made History and changed the face of music deserves nothing less. Michael is International and he really did change the world in many different ways. He made billions of people happy and paid hundreds of millions to humanitarian funds. I don’t need to tell this about Michael I’m sure you know him probably better than me! For me I would never count on our rulers to say anything, I was only counting on Obama if he would say something directly, It would’ve made me feel better.

But see, here's the difference. Cronkite was PART OF THE MEDIA and they have different standards. When it's one of their own, they expect folk to cow-tow to what THEY think is important.

And I say this as someone who had a great deal of respect for Cronkite because he was among the LAST of a breed of REAL JOURNALISTS, and not paper readers.

And there are other, obvious reasons why and I shouldn't have to point it out to yall.

Come on now. Think about it.
That's exactly right. It was a private statement meant for the family and NOT FOR US. You don't know what he said in that message and he doesn't or the family doesn't need to tell you what was said in order to prove anything to you about his sentiments. You have to just accept that.

Or not.

You don't seem to get it...let me put it this way for you...if a person who's beloved by millions the representitive of the whole you just go to their family? or express what you have to say officially to the public as well as giving condolences to the family? what did other presidents do for people like Elvis, Frank Sinatra, knowing they also had "tragic" and "sad" moments in their lives?
Yes I understand your point, there are so many different reactions, some people are so angry, some are just quite, I am very disappointed to be honest but I won’t hate the President at least he did something which is better than nothing, but also Obama is so important to whole world (not just US) so me being a fan from my part of the world I look at it this way that he at least said and did something, not up to the standard and I know our Mike deserves a lot more so we will continue to celebrate his legacy, Obama’s message will be well forgotten by then and it won’t make a difference many years later where he might not be a President any longer and we’re still Moonwalking and celebrating the life of our Michael forever!

Best comment so far...
You don't seem to get it...let me put it this way for you...if a person who's beloved by millions the representitive of the whole you just go to their family? or express what you have to say officially to the public as well as giving condolences to the family? what did other presidents do for people like Elvis, Frank Sinatra, knowing they also had "tragic" and "sad" moments in their lives?
Oh I get it very well, but I don't think you do and seeing that you live in the UK, I really don't expect for you to understand.
Oh I get it very well, but I don't think you do and seeing that you live in the UK, I really don't expect for you to understand.

You speak like we are two different species from different planets....its common sense really. I guess we have to agree to disagree.

@ MJchichi that video was hilarious.
Come on guys don’t attack each other, let’s discuss this in a respectful way...
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You speak like we are two different species from different planets....its common sense really. I guess we have to agree to disagree.

@ MJchichi that video was hilarious.
When it comes to understanding aspects of American politics and American attitudes, I guess we are.
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walter cronkite has been arond for a very long damn time. a lot of what we study in history books was reported by him. jfk dying, nixon resinging, apollo 13 etc...he's a part of history being he told us what was going on.

there was no internet backthen. he was teh voice of reason. he's what cred. reporters look up at and want to be. he had a part in POLITICS and was directly in relation to the nation as well as many presidents.

mjs an entertainer. met w/ a few presidents, called two of them iends, but that's as far as it goes
let's see if Cronkite's funeral will be telecast on all networks. NO comparison between the two men and their impact on America and the world.
Presley, Sinatra, James Brown, Princess DI, John Lennon got statements from the presidents in office at the time of their deaths. President Obama made a grave mistake. And then to give this lavish praise to Cronkite a week later is insensitive and almost inexcusable. Will take me a long time to get over this.
When it comes to understanding aspects of American politics and American attitudes, I guess we are.

I humbly disagree regarding the the political part..but yes you are right about the American attitudes.
Everything has been said already. I have not lost respect for President Obama, However I WILL say AS AN MJ fan, I'm personally disappointed (That doesn't make it a world issue) because I too feel MJ deserved more. But the world does not all think alike, and believe it or not, in politics, and Obama as the president has to play "the game" if you will. I believe the President felt the loss of MJ, hence sending his condolences to the Jackson family privately, which if he didn't care, he wouldn't have done so. UNFORTUNATELY MJ being accused of the 'M" word twice has marred his GREAT legacy (whether we admit it or not). Something Elvis, Sinatra and others has not suffered. Although WE as true MJ fans know the truth, a great deal of the people in the world does not feel the same, no matter how well MJ is known and no matter his humanitarian efforts, and that has been proven by how the media has treated him ALL over the world ( that means outside the U.S aswell) in life and in death.

MJ has TONS of fans around the world, I believe it's up to us to continue to represent MJ, to protect MJ and to love him as we have when he was alive, no matter what.

Just my 2 cents given, RESPECTFULLY.
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Everything has been said already. I have not lost respect for President Obama, However I WILL say AS AN MJ fan, I'm personally disappointed (That doesn't make it a world issue) because I too feel MJ deserved more. But the world does not all think alike, and believe it or not, in politics, and Obama as the president has to play "the game" if you will. I believe the President felt the lose of MJ, hence sending his condolences to the Jackson family privately, which if he didn't care, he wouldn't have done so. UNFORTUNATELY MJ being accused of the 'M" word twice has marred his GREAT legacy (whether we admit it or not). Something Elvis, Sinatra and others has not suffered. Although WE as true MJ fans know the truth, a great deal of the people in the world does not feel the same, no matter how well MJ is known and no matter his humanitarian efforts, and that has been proven by how the media has treated him ALL over the world ( that means outside the U.S aswell) in life and in death.

MJ has TONS of fans around the world, I believe it's up to us to continue to represent MJ, to protect MJ and to love him as we have when he was alive, no matter what.

Just my 2 cents given, RESPECTFULLY.

Thank you for the insight :)
UNFORTUNATELY MJ being accused of the 'M" word twice has marred his GREAT legacy (whether we admit it or not).

People who give more thought to false allegations leveled against a man than to that man's total exoneration have a real problem.
People who give more thought to false allegations leveled against a man than to that man's total exoneration have a real problem.

Sadly so. There are so many (rediculous) reasons why people believe such a thing. Some people just WANT to believe that it's true because of MJ being who he was and the power he had. Some people don't even have to have a reason to believe. Some go with the flow. Some let the media get into their heads etc.... So they excuse, Innocent until proven Guilty.

I don't give it a second thought, but it always has to be frustratingly heard because this is what they put MJ through, and this is what's always brought up and talked about whenever MJ is the subject at hand.....
Im so sick of this discussion. If you want to attack Obama go find something that actually relates to his performance and stop using Michaels death as your excuse. He mentioned Michael publicly and reached out to the family personally.
Why would they? Did they make as big of an impact as Michael Jackson?
that's sad. im sure they made an impact to their families and were just as loved by their c hildren.

olivia, ur last comment.....:doh: honestly, really?

it'snice to know that it's not WAR politics or HEALTHCARE that will make u upset at the president. it's michael j jackson sr.

andrew, ur not from the us so please tell me, did any prime minister or any other WORLD LEADER make a comment? i'd love to know.
Oh I get it very well, but I don't think you do and seeing that you live in the UK, I really don't expect for you to understand.
I am American born and raised and a political science major who studied the American political system, and I agree with everything Andrew has said.

Im so sick of this discussion. If you want to attack Obama go find something that actually relates to his performance and stop using Michaels death as your excuse. He mentioned Michael publicly and reached out to the family personally.
If you take any criticism of Obama as an attack the next 3 and a half years are going to be pretty rough for you. Not everyone agrees with you that Obama's actions (or lack thereof) were sufficient. It is part of his performance as President. Anything he chooses to do or not do in his official capacity as President, such as issuing a statement, is something that is open to public scrutiny. Just because someone criticizes Obama on one thing doesn't mean they don't appreciate him overall or agree with him on other things. And even if people do disagree with him that doesn't mean they don't respect him.
it'snice to know that it's not WAR politics or HEALTHCARE that will make u upset at the president. it's michael j jackson sr.
I am so sick of seeing this false dilemma fallacy repeated. They are not mutually exclusive. Being upset about his treatment of Michael Jackson has no bearing on one's concern for these other issues. We don't have to choose one or the other.
it's pretty um....gosh howdo i even say it?

non essential to living. not speaking about the kop is not the same as his agenda on war and healthcare yet u got fans more butthurt about this than if he declared war w/ tahiti. it's sad.

very superficial...that's what im looking for
it's pretty um....gosh howdo i even say it?

non essential to living. not speaking about the kop is not the same as his agenda on war and healthcare yet u got fans more butthurt about this than if he declared war w/ tahiti. it's sad.

very superficial...that's what im looking for

I get what you're saying, but that is irrelevant because caring about one does not diminish your ability to care for the other. It is a pointless argument. And seeing as this is a MJ forum, not a political forum, you have no idea what people here get more "butthurt" about. It makes sense that the tendency would swing towards Michael since he, gosh, how do I even say it? The subject of the entire forum.
If you take any criticism of Obama as an attack the next 3 and a half years are going to be pretty rough for you. Not everyone agrees with you that Obama's actions (or lack thereof) were sufficient. It is part of his performance as President. Anything he chooses to do or not do in his official capacity as President, such as issuing a statement, is something that is open to public scrutiny. Just because someone criticizes Obama on one thing doesn't mean they don't appreciate him overall or agree with him on other things. And even if people do disagree with him that doesn't mean they don't respect him.

Call it as i see it. This discussion started out early and has morphed into nothing more than some morbid competition into who is more deserving of attention after they are dead. Whos death means more. The whole thing has been trivialized. I'm sure most people are aware of what Michael had to face while he was alive, and quiet honestly, I don't need to hear praises from those who would have shunned MJ, or kept theyre mouths closed instead of standing up for him. I do not know where Obama stood before his death, but I do know his words were respectful and he was moved enough to contact the family. If that is how he was moved to react, then so be it.
Call it as i see it. This discussion started out early and has morphed into nothing more than some morbid competition into who is more deserving of attention after they are dead. Whos death means more. The whole thing has been trivialized.
I definitely get that. In one thread people were pitting Michael against Obama, and I did not like that. I think comparisons are useful sometimes, as when you note that one person is comparable to another in the same area so they should get the same treatment, but on the whole I agree with you that the who's better competitions can be pointless and demeaning.