This is pissing me off....

walter cronkite has been arond for a very long damn time. a lot of what we study in history books was reported by him. jfk dying, nixon resinging, apollo 13 etc...he's a part of history being he told us what was going on.

there was no internet backthen. he was teh voice of reason. he's what cred. reporters look up at and want to be. he had a part in POLITICS and was directly in relation to the nation as well as many presidents.

mj is an entertainer. met w/ a few presidents, called two of them friends, but that's as far as it goes

ahh come on, how many of us Honestly knew about this man? maybe some of the Americans only. Michael Jackson is known in deep rain forests of Amazon by the locals... go and read the above statements by the members, don't try to cover what is a genuine mistake by Obama here. Plus I'm shocked that you see MJ that way...just as an entertainer...god some fans.

I knew more about Tim Russert than Walter Cronkite and really Cronkite had lived a long life which lessens the grieving unlike Russert's death which was unexpected.
I agree with you. I voted for Obama too and donated money to his campaign and was upset with his inaction behavior around the news of MJ's death. I talked to my mom about it, and she was upset too.
I'll tell you many people are upset. And I'm talking people who were huge Obama supporters. People really loved Mike (many not even realizing until that awful day). And this Cronkite tribute was like fanning the flame.
ahh come on, how many of us Honestly knew about this man? maybe some of the Americans only. Michael Jackson is known in deep rain forests of Amazon by the locals... go and read the above statements by the members, don't try to cover what is a genuine mistake by Obama here. Plus I'm shocked that you see MJ that way...just as an entertainer...god some fans.

mj wasn't important to everyone. u have people who were shocked of his death but that's it. so to be appalled that the president didn't say anything is a bit odd to me. u can't expect everyone to say something .he sent them something privately. that's worth more than a public little blurb or comment.

does it upset me that obama didn't say anything? no. b/c those that truly cared, did. those did did say something but it wasn't what we liked or expected deserve their own thread, too.

sometimes what u feel doesn't need to be said only b/cthe right people will never hear it anyway.

im sad mj is gone. so don't throw it in my face that im not butthurt someone didn't say what I WANTED THEM TO SAY.
walter cronkite has been arond for a very long damn time. a lot of what we study in history books was reported by him. jfk dying, nixon resinging, apollo 13 etc...he's a part of history being he told us what was going on.

there was no internet backthen. he was teh voice of reason. he's what cred. reporters look up at and want to be. he had a part in POLITICS and was directly in relation to the nation as well as many presidents.

mj is an entertainer. met w/ a few presidents, called two of them friends, but that's as far as it goes

I respectfully disagree! I don’t even know Walter Cronkite, he never had any impact on my life but I pay a lot of respect to Walter Cronkite and he must deserve nothing less than the President himself take the stands and addressing him publicly in a tribute message. I wanted the same thing to be done for Michael as from my point of view Obama is an African American and it would mean a lot, and Michael being an entertainer had made History and changed the face of music deserves nothing less. Michael is International and he really did change the world in many different ways. He made billions of people happy and paid hundreds of millions to humanitarian funds. I don’t need to tell this about Michael I’m sure you know him probably better than me! For me I would never count on our rulers to say anything, I was only counting on Obama if he would say something directly, It would’ve made me feel better.
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I'll tell you many people are upset. And I'm talking people who were huge Obama supporters. People really loved Mike (many not even realizing until that awful day). And this Cronkite tribute was like fanning the flame.

I agree
Of course I must say, I'm going to stand by the president. Will vote for him. I won't campaign or donate again though. He's the best for the country with our multitude of problems. But he MISTREATED Michael and I LOVE Mike and am thankful for all the doors he opened for African Americans, all he's done for the world, children, the poor, etc. Obama treated him disrespectfully. That hurts me. And I wrote to let Obama know how I felt.
changing teh face of musical history is the same as changing history YES but u have to realize, mj wans't everyone's favorite flavour and some are looking w/ rose coloured glasses on. he did what he did. no changing it.

but the most impactful memories and moments in history, cronkite was a part of. motown 25 isn't in history books. apollo 13 is. remember the time having it's own slated appearance on tv when the video debued is not in a history book. the assination of jfk is.

it's called perspective. at least he said something. did farrah or carradine get a comment?
mj wasn't important to everyone. u have people who were shocked of his death but that's it. so to be appalled that the president didn't say anything is a bit odd to me. u can't expect everyone to say something .he sent them something privately. that's worth more than a public little blurb or comment.

does it upset me that obama didn't say anything? no. b/c those that truly cared, did. those did did say something but it wasn't what we liked or expected deserve their own thread, too.

sometimes what u feel doesn't need to be said only b/cthe right people will never hear it anyway.

im sad mj is gone. so don't throw it in my face that im not butthurt someone didn't say what I WANTED THEM TO SAY.

Sorry but your explanation doesn't justify the fact that why did Obama make an official statement for a TV reporter who many people didn't know outside America (as well as inside), but not saying anything through the same platform, for the most successful entertainer of all time who made people believe in The American Dream. No excuse is going to convince me regarding this matter...Obama made a political decision and he distanced himself from MJ...a stupid move.
Of course I must say, I'm going to stand by the president. Will vote for him. I won't campaign or donate again though. He's the best for the country with our multitude of problems. But he MISTREATED Michael and I LOVE Mike and am thankful for all the doors he opened for African Americans, all he's done for the world, children, the poor, etc. Obama treated him disrespectfully. That hurts me. And I wrote to let Obama know how I felt.
did he allow a fake prosecution to happen?

did he allow them to arrest him and strip him of his rights?

didhe allow them to manhandle them?

he simply didn'tmake a comment sufficient enough to satisfy fans.we don't know what his private letter stated. for all we know he thanked the family for mj and it could've had a profound effect on him as a child and growing up to do what he did and to face what he faced.

but he's the president. it's not his business to get his life mixed in w/ the world's agenda. that's when presidents get in trouble. ask bush and clinton
Sorry but your explanation doesn't justify the fact that why did Obama make an official statement for a TV reporter who many people didn't know outside America (as well as inside), but not saying anything through the same platform, for the most successful entertainer of all time who made people believe in The American Dream. No excuse is going to convince me regarding this matter...Obama made a political decision and he distanced himself from MJ...a stupid move.
ah i understand ur point but what was the public sentiment about mj BEFORE his death? what did people think of him? know that that was a MAJOR reason in y he held back. b/c some think he's a bad man or odd or crazy.

he was amazing to us. a legend, and icon, and the best but to some, he was simply the F word.
changing teh face of musical history is the same as changing history YES but u have to realize, mj wans't everyone's favorite flavour and some are looking w/ rose coloured glasses on. he did what he did. no changing it.

but the most impactful memories and moments in history, cronkite was a part of. motown 25 isn't in history books. apollo 13 is. remember the time having it's own slated appearance on tv when the video debued is not in a history book. the assination of jfk is.

it's called perspective. at least he said something. did farrah or carradine get a comment?

lol Farrah didn't get a comment because a question regarding her was not directed to him...I'm sure he would've gave the same kind of response to farrah death as he did to MJ!! again you are comparing a complete musical genius, known around the globe and an Icon to an actress who was popular...silly comparison I say.
changing teh face of musical history is the same as changing history YES but u have to realize, mj wans't everyone's favorite flavour and some are looking w/ rose coloured glasses on. he did what he did. no changing it.

but the most impactful memories and moments in history, cronkite was a part of. motown 25 isn't in history books. apollo 13 is. remember the time having it's own slated appearance on tv when the video debued is not in a history book. the assination of jfk is.

it's called perspective. at least he said something. did farrah or carradine get a comment?
Both Michael Jackson and Motown are in encyclopedias and numerous library books.
ah i understand ur point but what was the public sentiment about mj BEFORE his death? what did people think of him? know that that was a MAJOR reason in y he held back. b/c some think he's a bad man or odd or crazy.

he was amazing to us. a legend, and icon, and the best but to some, he was simply the F word.

Not just us, he was amazing to Millions around the world...for god's sake he was ready to take over the whole world again with This Is It....he was perceived negatively in the media, but in private millions loved this man...sure he was odd and etc but even the people I know who were not MJ fans appreciated his extraordinary talent.
Arnold who is a MASSIVE republican came out and gave an official statement....Obama was forced to give two answers in two interviews...he never gave an official statement about MJ to the people of the world..knowing how popular MJ was/is around the globe. The family letter is family matter and not related to the public any ways. No Bush wouldn't probably say anything because it wasn't expected of him to say anything...and don't be foolish, all I'm saying is that MJ deserves more respect than a TV reporter.

Ryan, I'm done with you and all the other Obama haters in this thread, because you're all acting like a bunch of little children. The world's busiest man didn't time out of his day to release a statement to honor Michael Jackson...and?
Half of you guys complaining ain't even American citizens, so whatever.
Here's what President Obama REALLY said about MJ:

Some of you guys need to grow up.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
on a lst of what's important right nwo, mj won't rest any easier knowing the pres said something. his family won't be grieving less. im more worried about how and/or why he died

i understand ur point but i live in a world of non-mj fans so i know y it was done
changing teh face of musical history is the same as changing history YES but u have to realize, mj wans't everyone's favorite flavour and some are looking w/ rose coloured glasses on. he did what he did. no changing it.

but the most impactful memories and moments in history, cronkite was a part of. motown 25 isn't in history books. apollo 13 is. remember the time having it's own slated appearance on tv when the video debued is not in a history book. the assination of jfk is.

it's called perspective. at least he said something. did farrah or carradine get a comment?

Perhaps Michael didn’t appeal to everyone, but he did for most, record sales proves it, number of people watched his funeral proves it, the huge amount of memorials around the world, he was loved by most people, he is not just an entertainer, he is a Legend! I am sure most people and industry icons think of him as the biggest entertainer ever lived, just for that he deserves it. He goes in the history of music and entertainment and that is a part of culture which is not ignored by the President.
on a lst of what's important right nwo, mj won't rest any easier knowing the pres said something. his family won't be grieving less. im more worried about how and/or why he died

i understand ur point but i live in a world of non-mj fans so i know y it was done

its about respect.....Mike Jack didn't get his deserved respect from this president. I've lost much respect for Obama over this...not because I'm an MJ fan but because of his conservative behaviour towards the issue and the principle of the matter.
its about respect.....Mike Jack didn't get his deserved respect from this president. I've lost much respect for Obama over this...not because I'm an MJ fan but because of his conservative behaviour towards the issue and the principle of the matter.

Obama didn’t show any disrespect, he mentioned him in an interview and said really good things about him and other things in private, we as fans were looking for a direct message fitting for someone like Michael in our eyes. We shouldn’t disrespect the President for that.
PEOPLE PLEASE look at my previous post, there's a youtube link there that provides the entirety of what President Obama really said about MJ.
DON'T listen to any of Andrews bullshit, he's just trying to start personal crap against the president.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.

I personally Admire President Obama and I hope he will play huge role in spreading peace in the Middle East because this is where I come from.
obama said what he said to the nation....he then sent a note to the jacksons. he, as the president, has to separate his personal beliefs from his public. and that's what he did
This is a very important point. What he says privately to the Jackson Family is way more important than his official statements that we are privved to. That man and his wife grew up on the J-5. No way his passing didn't affect them.

But the man is the President and he's already got fools saying awful stuff about him and his family that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS OR RUNNING THIS GOVERNMENT.

No way was he going to give these fools more fire to throw at him. He has a country to run and he has to walk a thin line. He can't afford have his personal feelings about Michael Jackson politicized for obvious reasons.

And if you don't know by now what those obvious reasons are, then you aren't gonna ever know.
PEOPLE PLEASE look at my previous post, there's a youtube link there that provides the entirety of what President Obama really said about MJ.
DON'T listen to any of Andrews bullshit, he's just trying to start personal crap against the president.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.

First off...I will not bring my self down to your level by disrespecting you... second Obama DID made some comments about MJ, but that was when he was ASKED a question from a journalist... You can make this conversation into a can do all you want but that's the truth and you know it.

Obama's reaction:
Obama didn’t show any disrespect, he mentioned him in an interview and said really good things about him and other things in private, we as fans were looking for a direct message fitting for someone like Michael in our eyes. We shouldn’t disrespect the President for that.

Nobody is disrespecting Obama, I've lost a lot of respect for him because of the video I've posted in the beginning.