This is pissing me off....

Yea. Same thing with Hillary Clinton. Within hours she released a statement all the way from India. It's a shame that politicians feel they have to hold MJ at arm's length. They need to grow some balls, especially Obama.

They praise Cronkite for simply doing his job, and don't give MJ the credit for going ABOVE AND BEYOND his call as an entertainer.
I'M NOW OFFICIALY MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW CAN HE DO THAT?HE WASN'T GOING TO BE PRESIDENT IF MICHAEL WASN'T THERE!How can he?WoW this changed my opinion for Obama so much.
I said before people here are at MJJ community are going to start voting for politicians based on MJ comments instead of political issues.

Sadly I turned out to be right. If were going to talk about Obama it better be about health care, the economy, Afghanistan etc. Not Michael Jackson.
obama said what he said to the nation....he then sent a note to the jacksons. he, as the president, has to separate his personal beliefs from his public. and that's what he did
Didn't he release a statement about MJ's passing?

Also i searched to see if Cronkite ever talked about MJ, but all i could find was recent reports. And also a site asking who did more good ...MJ or Cronkite.
Stupid shit yeah.
Obama is a friend with Oprah and Quiency,,, so you should not expect any respect from him to Michael's legacy.... Hillary is a bi@#$ but her husbend pres. Clinton did a good job , he officially and by himself made agreat comment about Michael (his friend as he said ) passing away.

Why couldn't he do this for MJ!! obviously MJ was much bigger...I'm sorry but I feel betrayed by Obama. obama gave two shady comments about MJ which were forced out of him...but nothing like this.

Dude, stop telling lies.
Obama is a good man/president and has never said ANYTHING shady about Michael Jackson. Ever.
When asked about Jackson, he simply said that the man will go down as one of the greatest performers the world has ever seen and compared him with the likes of Sinatra, Elvis and the Beatles. He even said that he has all of MJ's stuff on his ipod. President Obama could've just did what so many other politician's have done recently in regards to Michael and just brushed the man and his legacy aside as if it were a freakshow. But he didn't. He's said his piece about Mike and has moved should too.
Sadly, MJ's legacy is a whole lot more controversial and complicated than Walter Cronkite's could have ever been.
Stop trying to rile up fans because Obama didn't go out of his way to kiss Michael's ass. He praised him and sent a letter of condolences to the Jackson family. As president, that's all he's required to do.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
I never liked Obama, so I don't care what he says or doesn't say.
Obama has the toughest job in the world. So many things to work on etc, etc.

He sent a letter of condolence to the Jackson Family, that in my opinion shows that he cared about the passing of Michael. Clearly, wanted to do a more personal message to the Jacksons rather than express himself publicly. Yea, he's the President and most things said by him are public, but he is human after all.
He did say something about Michael but you guys have to look at this,He's the president of the United States he has a lot on his plate to deal with,a statement is all I would expect from him,he trying to help get the economy and health care right and people back to work,so don't be so hard on him about Michael's death
To all the Obama haters in this thread:
How the hell do you think the previous president George "Dubya" Bush would've reacted had Michael died in 2008 instead of this year?
He probably wouldn't have said anything and would've dismissed MJ's death all together. According to the all the complainers in this thread, Obama should've stopped the world and declared June 25th a national holiday in Michael Jackson's honor.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
its a fact that he never made an official statement like the above TO THE PUBLIC!!! MJ's family is different with THE PUBLIC...Michael Jackson was a WORLDWIDE phenomena. so for Obama coming out and giving statements about a reporter and NOT do the same for MJ is sad. Michael Jackson deserved more respect from this president..esp because he's half-black. In the beginning I was fine with the comments he made but then he comes and gives tribute to a TV reporter like he has been the best the world has ever seen, while nobody outside the US hasn't even heard about this man. ALL I'm saying is OBAMA is acting like a conservative dick.
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No disrespect to Walter, but you can't even compare Michael and him in magnitude and affect on the world.
Michael will go down in history in the same category as Beethoven and Mozart.
Michael was never convicted for anything, and if we're so proud of our laws then we should uplift that you're innocent until proven guilty, and if you've never been proven guilty then you've been falsely accused. People don't seem to understand that.
How the fuck are you gonna be able to destroy someone's legacy by falsely accuse someone for doing something?

Obama should've at least not made a bigger statement about Walter than he did for Michael - especially this soon after.
I'm not 100% sure about this so correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama didn't make a statement until he got questioned in an interview?
Walter got a statement from Obama the same day he died.

Obama was careful to uplift only the musical side of Michael, but Michael's philanthropy was untouchable.

I'm just so sad that someone that protects the justice system doesn't have faith in it.
This has nothing to do with him separating personal feelings. It's all about the fact that he is a slave to public opinion and he perceives MJ to be political kryptonite, the same reason he did not want to be photographed with supporters in traditional Muslim garb during the campaign. On a strategic level I get it, but it still makes me angry. I don't think it would have cost him much political capital just to affirmatively (the briefness doesn't bother me, but the fact that we may not have had any public comment at all if someone hadn't asked him does) and publicly recognize Michael's passing.

Dancemaster, first of all, no one said anything about voting based on MJ. Second of all, you have no right to decide how other people should prioritize their political beliefs. To you MJ may be just an entertainer, trivial in the scheme of things, but to an artist who feels the arts are not valued or treated seriously enough, it may be a huge slight. Obama's decision might signal practicality to you, but to a person who identifies with MJ in some way, it may feel like they themselves are being rejected on some level. Politics is about distributing the resources of society, yes, but it is also intertwined with social issues that are equally important to many people. You come across as condescending when you ignore this or decide that social issues are not important. They are important to many people and it is not for you to tell them they are wrong. Finally, if you think people are voting primarily on the issues now, then you are in denial. The attractiveness and charisma of the candidate, his (or her) public speaking ability, the gender and race of the candidate, the candidate's religion, the candidate's lifestyle and whether they are perceived as someone the public can relate to, the composition of the candidate's family, etc., are factors that have little direct bearing on the policy issues but still largely affect the way people decide to vote. The basis for voting is often emotional, not rational.
To all the Obama haters in this thread:
How the hell do you think the previous president George "Dubya" Bush would've reacted had Michael died in 2008 instead of this year?
He probably wouldn't have said anything and would've dismissed MJ's death all together. According to the all the complainers in this thread, Obama should've stopped the world and declared June 25th a national holiday in Michael Jackson's honor.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.

Arnold who is a MASSIVE republican came out and gave an official statement....Obama was forced to give two answers in two interviews...he never gave an official statement about MJ to the people of the world..knowing how popular MJ was/is around the globe. The family letter is family matter and not related to the public any ways. No Bush wouldn't probably say anything because it wasn't expected of him to say anything...and don't be foolish, all I'm saying is that MJ deserves more respect than a TV reporter.
To all the Obama haters in this thread:
How the hell do you think the previous president George "Dubya" Bush would've reacted had Michael died in 2008 instead of this year?
He probably wouldn't have said anything and would've dismissed MJ's death all together. According to the all the complainers in this thread, Obama should've stopped the world and declared June 25th a national holiday in Michael Jackson's honor.

If you have to compare Obama to the worst alternate scenario to make him look good... I'm just sayin'. The fact that it wasn't the worst reaction doesn't make it a good reaction. And President did not have to choose between doing nothing or going all out. Taking one minute to say on his own initiative that Michael's passing was a great loss is a far cry from stopping the world and declaring a holiday.
I like Obama, but I will criticize him this time for not giving a “direct” message to the public about Michael Jackson who deserves more just to consider his record breaking humanitarian efforts. Why someone has to ask him about Michael in an interview in order from him to respond! The initiative should come directly from him “publicly”, I am disappointed.
He did say something about Michael but you guys have to look at this,He's the president of the United States he has a lot on his plate to deal with,a statement is all I would expect from him,he trying to help get the economy and health care right and people back to work,so don't be so hard on him about Michael's death

Yet he has time to give tribute to Walter but Not Michael Jackson? if you really believe that, then you must be naive..
the fact that he personally reached out to teh family isenough. maybe what he had to say was private in nature. being the first black president and mj paving the way for so many. it could'vebeen misconstrued by whites or any other he did what he was supposed to do.
the fact that he personally reached out to teh family isenough. maybe what he had to say was private in nature. being the first black president and mj paving the way for so many. it could'vebeen misconstrued by whites or any other he did what he was supposed to do.

Explain the tribute to the reporter...again this is what YOU believe, a family statement is a FAMILY statement not a public statement. Michael was the most famous man alive.......
To all the Obama haters in this thread:
How the hell do you think the previous president George "Dubya" Bush would've reacted had Michael died in 2008 instead of this year?
He probably wouldn't have said anything and would've dismissed MJ's death all together. According to the all the complainers in this thread, Obama should've stopped the world and declared June 25th a national holiday in Michael Jackson's honor.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
I dunno, the only two presidents that I seen that publically praised Jackson were both Republicans and one was Ronald Reagan and the other was GWB's dad George Bush.

and I'll throw Bill Clinton in there too, since MJ did perform at his inaugural ball.

Obama is a puppet of the media, which MJ has battled for half of his lifetime.
Obama was WRONG, plain n simple. Am NOT a hater, campaigned n gave loads of money to help him get to the White House. The world mourned Mike's passing. We were/are hurting. It's the job of the president to speak POSITIVELY when an icon of Michael's status passes. Losing MJ was very hard for us (Americans, esp. Black Americans and the Citizens of the world). Bush did so for James Brown, Carter for Elvis. It was done for Sinatra, Princess DI, etc. That's what Pres. do.
He was being a politician, thinking this would offend some people. But as a leader he should have stepped up to the plate, praised our fallen star and pointed out that Mike was found INNOCENT to whoever would have had a problem with his statement. That's the kind of leader I thought Obama was. Mike has done too much for this country and this world to have been shunned by his own president - a black one at that. A letter to the family was not enough. Then a week later he has all of this lavish praise for Cronkite. That's downright stupid. I've lost so much respect for Obama.
the fact that he personally reached out to teh family isenough. maybe what he had to say was private in nature. being the first black president and mj paving the way for so many. it could'vebeen misconstrued by whites or any other he did what he was supposed to do.

He had time to do all of that but he missed addressing the public directly in a message that could’ve taken him only couple of minutes anywhere anytime, there is a rumor that the American president distances himself from Michael and he make this sound true.
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Obama was WRONG, plain n simple. Am NOT a hater, campaigned n gave loads of money to help him get to the White House. The world mourned Mike's passing. We were/are hurting. It's the job of the president to speak POSITIVELY when an icon of Michael's status passes. Losing MJ was very hard for us (Americans, esp. Black Americans and the Citizens of the world). Bush did so for James Brown, Carter for Elvis. It was done for Sinatra, Princess DI, etc. That's what Pres. do.
He was being a politician, thinking this would offend some people. But as a leader he should have stepped up to the plate, praised our fallen star and pointed out that Mike was found INNOCENT to whoever would have had a problem with his statement. That's the kind of leader I thought Obama was. Mike has done too much for this country and this world to have been shunned by his own president - a black one at that. A letter to the family was not enough. Then a week later he has all of this lavish praise for Cronkite. That's downright stupid. I've lost so much respect for Obama.
I agree with you. I voted for Obama too and donated money to his campaign and was upset with his inaction behavior around the news of MJ's death. I talked to my mom about it, and she was upset too.
Explain the tribute to the reporter...again this is what YOU believe, a family statement is a FAMILY statement not a public statement. Michael was the most famous man alive.......
walter cronkite has been arond for a very long damn time. a lot of what we study in history books was reported by him. jfk dying, nixon resinging, apollo 13 etc...he's a part of history being he told us what was going on.

there was no internet backthen. he was teh voice of reason. he's what cred. reporters look up at and want to be. he had a part in POLITICS and was directly in relation to the nation as well as many presidents.

mj is an entertainer. met w/ a few presidents, called two of them friends, but that's as far as it goes