This is not it...will help get people out to see the movie

Amber i respect that everyone has there views and opinions.. however posting that over an over has turned what started out as a postitve thread for TINI into a negative one.. just my opinion here.. maybe post links instead of spamming the thread with all that info?

i understand you are supporting what they are doing and supporting them with passion, but beating something to death isnt going to get your point across its going to turn people away.

Honey attracts more flies then vinager is a saying my mom always said.. how true that statement is at times.
Sandy, I don't mind what the TINI girls are doing. I am not going to condemn you for wanting to spread the truth. The thing that bothers me is that you couldn't have possibly known everything that was going on for the simple fact that you were looking in from the outside. So, therefore, I don't believe you are in position to make serious allegations against people working on the show. If Karen Faye, Michael Bush or anyone wanted to make those claims and hand out fliers, then that would be a different story because they were working on the inside and actually saw people ignoring Michael's condition and doing nothing about it.

They would have the right to make those claims. But when fans go out claiming that people on the inside saw what was going on and did nothing about Michael's health, it would be less effective, because you only saw things from the outside. How do you know for sure they didn't do nothing? How do you know they didn't encourage Michael to eat, or sleep, or take care of himself?

How do you know they didn't consider cancelling shows? Can't you understand that it is wrong for fans to go around throwing these accusations at people, blaming them for Michael's death, when they couldn't have possibly known the whole story? Unless you know for certain that AEG were doing things to stop Michael from eating or sleeping, then you can't make those claims.

It is giving people a bad name when they don't deserve it. If it was a case of AEG hiding Michael's food so that he couldn't eat, or forcing him to rehearse 24/7 without giving him a chance to sleep, then I would understand the outrage. But Michael was the one who chose not to eat, and was the one who chose not to sleep, how is AEG or Kenny Ortega to blame for that? If Michael couldn't sleep or didn't want to eat, that that is something he had to deal with. It has nothing to do with people around him.

The way you have spoken about AEG, it's almost as if you all expected them to go to Michael's house every night and rock him to sleep, or tie him down to a chair and shove food down his throat. If Michael doesn't feel like eating, he's not going to. Conspiracy and neglect are serious accusations and you are throwing it out there like it's nothing. THAT is what bothers me.

I hope you don't think this is an attack on you or any of the TINI girls, because it's not. I believe that Michael was very thin, and I do believe that he was stressed about how many shows he was scheduled to do. The thought of doing 50 shows after taking a 12 year break probably seemed like an impossible feat to him. I don't believe you are lying, but I urge you to think twice about some of the accusations you are making. The fact that you have pretty much created a slander campaign against people who could very well be innocent is bothering me.

I agree much of this this is the same problem I have with the campaign

Im not attacking either but Im very hurt and now very critical of how they are going about this and alianating any fans who have questions about the testimonies given _ they make us feel wrong for asking _ like they are above any reproach becuase we were close to Michael .. how dare you question us .. We are the followers _
Why are they afraid to answer ??

I have seen Unclear QUESTIONABLE info in the testimonies - But they refuse to answer questions about it and they give the same excuse over and over. No one will believe us anyway _ We have enough followers so we dont need to answer your questions _ that is very suspicious in my opinion. and makes me feel they are not being honest.

TINI turned out to be a smear campaign against AEG and all the people who worked with Michael including his good friends _ Miko and kenny were very close and loved MJ and they were both at the rehearsals _ Im sure they offered help - but no one can force a man to eat or sleep _ why does TINI not understand that .. Michael was not a child _ he knew what was going on - that was his choice .. and they have no right to blame others _ and accuse

TINI states we are the ONLY ones who cared about Michael
everyone else around him let him die _ That is so wrong - and self serving . They do NOT know what every one else said or did to help Michael and they are accusing them of being responsible for Michael death. Michael loved many of those people and he would be crying to his fans do this_ Michael was against the way they are attcking and accusing _ so they shouldnt be doign that in Michael's name or as representing him _ I see NO love in thier campaign _NO MIchael

I love them - all the fans followers for being there for Michael
but the way they are running this campaign and treateing those who need
answers breaks my heart ..

They have alianated myself and anyone who asked honest questions.
and try to make us feel like we dont care as much as they did_
Thats BS - and that breaks my heart :(

I love Michael with my whole being
They can not love him any more than I

I am not a mean person or a bad fan _ Im one of the most loyal and hard working on the internet
I promte peace and Love _ but IM so very very upset with how they are treating us and their
dishonesty so now Im speaking out _ they need to come together and make peace and quite
trying to belittle us as not caring fans becuase we have questions _ That so wrong and hurtful

If they have nothing to HIDE answer our questions PLEASE
they wont and it is causing so much strife and division in the MJ community
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Amber i respect that everyone has there views and opinions.. however posting that over an over has turned what started out as a postitve thread for TINI into a negative one.. just my opinion here.. maybe post links instead of spamming the thread with all that info?

i understand you are supporting what they are doing and supporting them with passion, but beating something to death isnt going to get your point across its going to turn people away.

Honey attracts more flies then vinager is a saying my mom always said.. how true that statement is at times.

I have not repeated any post.

Follower fans testimonies are not to spread negative opinion.
AmberR pasted the testimonies here, also because there are many people who don't go to the website and bother reading them there, but still have a lot to say about the campaign.
We've seen it in other threads about the campaign as well, and the conclusion is: you have to repeat, because the same questions pop up all the time.
And also: follower fans honestly say they don't have answers to all questions, and nothing to hide.
tomorrow I will go first time to the film. I hope I will not meet anyone of TINI. I don't know what I am able to do ...
Murray says thanks.

Further Elizabeth Taylor is a liar. Miko Brando is a liar, Kenny is a liar, Riley is a liar and so on ... only THEY telling the truth. Oh my God.

I just read Miko Brando's blog on Larry King's site, and he says:

"I'm told some are speculating there was a Michael 'double' in parts of the movie. I can tell you that is simply NOT TRUE. I was there for all the rehearsals. That's all Michael. It's Michael Jackson, and only Michael Jackson. They just want to make a stupid story out of nothing." Source.

Seeing as he was there for all the rehearsals [and has already seen the movie with Elizabeth Taylor], I wonder what he thinks about Karen and the This Is Not It campaign.
taken from Maximum Jackson.
AmberR pasted the testimonies here, also because there are many people who don't go to the website and bother reading them there, but still have a lot to say about the campaign.
We've seen it in other threads about the campaign as well, and the conclusion is: you have to repeat, because the same questions pop up all the time.
And also: follower fans honestly say they don't have answers to all questions, and nothing to hide.

SURE THEY DO have something to hide - or else they would answer the easy questions
They must have have answers to questions about what they stated in their own testimonies
I asked honest important questions about some things they stated. not anything they dont know
the answer to

I have asked questions about some things said in there testiminones that I found were NOT clear
certaily they can HONESTLY Answer questions about what they themselves wrote in thier own
testimonies to clear it up for us _ they refuse

WHY ???I can only think becuase they feel they are not accountable for what they say or do _
they are above all fans and should not be questioned because they are the Elite folllowerr fans
what they say is gospel and should not be questioned and that is just how it is _ and everyone
knows it but just wont say it _

Everytime I question someone comes along and says _ you should belive them becuase they
are the followers (like they are some religious order of monks or something) They are HUMANS
and they can make mistakes so they should be accountable for what they say and do as MJ fans
They are no better than any other fans or MORE honest than any other fans _ and yet _
they still dont adress the questions fans have to me THATS NONSENSE and DISHONEST

I have questions they can easily answer
They are not hard questions_ they are not dishonest
they are just asking for clarification on some info they
themselves stated in thier own testimonies _THEY REFUSE
To answer questions of that nature _ that makes me suspicious

Im sad and hurt over it - Its not right _ they have formed a click
and have caused division in the fan base by not being open and honest
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So this is the best you could come up with. sure you can do better.

Ive come up with something that may be helpful

tell your leaders (the followers) :)
I have some important easy Honest questions
about what they wrote in their own testimonies
and would they please help clarify and help us
understand what they meant or what really happened
becuase much of it is NOT clear to me _ Thanks :)

these are questions they can easily answer
and are not trick questions _ I just want to
know what they meant by some things they said

when they refuse to answer or help us find the answers
It very sad :( and makes them appear dishonest
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Well going on to the BBC News website this morning and seeing this I think This Is Not It can safely say their publicity campaign has worked:
That wasnt to bad
at least they didnt post about MJ being incapable - mindless
forgetfull, not in control of what he was doing _ and a druggie
from TINI follower statements .. on that article
AmberR pasted the testimonies here, also because there are many people who don't go to the website and bother reading them there, but still have a lot to say about the campaign.
We've seen it in other threads about the campaign as well, and the conclusion is: you have to repeat, because the same questions pop up all the time.
And also: follower fans honestly say they don't have answers to all questions, and nothing to hide.

Spamming every thread and pushing it down their throat will accomplish what exactly?

And I am not comfortable with the term "follower fan"...I get a stalker-ish vibe. Makes me uncomfortable.

MJ fans understand it somewhat, but the public and the press will not. Read that lady from the BBC report, she has been following MJ since 2003 ..anyone else find that peculiar?

How exactly did she do it? Did she leave her family, friends and just follow Michael everywhere? How did she earn a living?

I would love to talk to one of them.
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tomorrow I will go first time to the film. I hope I will not meet anyone of TINI. I don't know what I am able to do ...
Murray says thanks.

Further Elizabeth Taylor is a liar. Miko Brando is a liar, Kenny is a liar, Riley is a liar and so on ... only THEY telling the truth. Oh my God.

taken from Maximum Jackson.

Don't you know that Elizabeth and Miko are part of the conspiracy too? AEG PAID them to say the things they said. Actually I'm quite sure that Kenny Ortega hacked into Elizabeth's twitter account and wrote those comments :smilerolleyes:

Could you please kindly list half of the truth in TINI press release? & also could you list half of the lies?

Thank you

Yes follower fans with Michael, they witnessed that Michael started to suffer from insomnia in May.
Murray was hired by AEG in May to help Michael with insomnia.

Do you have any supporting proof or evidence, please kindly provide here.
Thank you again.

And Michael met Murray in 2007... :smilerolleyes::ph34r:
***** Movie -- Blow Away Brilliance

"This Is It" is not about profiteering from death. It is about enshrining the memory of a legend.

Michael Jackson’s posthumous respect should be sealed this week with the release of "This Is It" -- the concert that never was becoming the sell-out movie that will break all records.
Sadly, there’s been a pre-release brouhaha about its truth and authenticity with wild suggestions of smart editing to hide M.J.’s true state, and amateur talk of digital enhancements to present a healthier-looking man. In death as in life, there is debate about what is real and fake surrounding this performer.
A dedicated Web site is now determined to vent hysterical claims that Michael was in “a dire state” whilst performing; that AEG ignored the "warning signs" and that, during 110 hours of footage, the performer rarely smiled because of his pain. What speculative nonsense.
In writing the Britney book ["Britney: Inside the Dream: The Biography"], I found myself speaking with many in the world of choreography where the circles of the pop princess collided with those of the King of Pop. I know friends of dancers who were going to share Michael Jackson’s comeback; who danced with him side by side in rehearsals; who witnessed his spirit backstage, daily. And here’s the truth. Here’s what it is: M.J. was “dancing with a superiority above that of 20 and 21-year-olds…he was going to blow people away.” He was “dancing as good as ever” and was “gung-ho about the tour and couldn’t wait to start.” These are the accounts of sources who were there, not fans who were not.
That wasnt to bad
at least they didnt post about MJ being incapable - mindless
forgetfull, not in control of what he was doing _ and a druggie
from TINI follower statements .. on that article

Look at the title:
"A group of Michael Jackson fans are planning to protest about a new film showing his final weeks, claiming it covers up his declining health."
Wsn´t it bad!? :O
Don't you know that Elizabeth and Miko are part of the conspiracy too? AEG PAID them to say the things they said. Actually I'm quite sure that Kenny Ortega hacked into Elizabeth's twitter account and wrote those comments :smilerolleyes:
wow, no, I didn't know! Thanks for explaining it to me.
They have alianated myself and anyone who asked honest questions.
and try to make us feel like we dont care as much as they did_
Thats BS - and that breaks my heart

Sorry you feel that way Qbee, but I don't see it that way. We never said in any of what we have said on here, facebook, or our website that we were the only fans that cared. We don't say anything about other fans-only AEG/Phillips/Ortega, etc. If you have some questions you feel we haven't answered yet please email to and we will try.

We try to answer as many questions as possible. I actually wrote a long post here but it was deleted back when I guess this topic wasn't allowed whatsoever. It is posted on our Facebook and website now though if you want to see it there. Also we are working on an FAQ of questions from fans from this board that Trish emailed us.

Please appreciate that we all have jobs, lives, families, etc. just as all of you that we can't be online 24/7 defending ourselves, and we spend most of the time working towards putting this together than just answering haters. I totally understand everyone asking questions and WE ARE TRYING to answer but it's not possible to answer EVERYTHING because there are SO MANY. Maybe we have not been 10000% BEST at presenting everything YET but it's difficult and we aren't some professional PR company but just fans that love Michael and we are doing best we can.

We took a lot of criticism before for not speaking out and "doing nothing," and now when we are doing something we are criticized. Of course we can't please everyone and we understand that. It is frustrating and sad though a lot of the comments made (again and again) by fans who clearly haven't taken the time to read/understand our campaign and are still going on about things we've already disputed.

I hope that if you see the movie it gives you a good feeling (despite that sadness too of course) seeing Michael "onstage" again. We have never said to boycott the movie and we understand everyone's need to see Michael in his last days. Of course you will see Michael enjoying himself and we are happy for everyone to see Michael in this last "goodbye". But we wish that something more was done by those who had the opportunity to do so. Some fans are saying we are blaming the wrong people because Michael is ultimately responsible for his actions in taking drugs/not eating/etc. However, it is our feeling that when someone is in trouble and you have the opportunity to help them you try to do so and don't simply look the other way because it is not your responsibility to make sure they are alright. We do see Michael's responsibility in his death, but feel that others are responsible too and should be held accountable-and not only Dr. Murray-and not parading around on television/etc. talking about how wonderful Michael was when he was clearly not, and that they didn't know anything was wrong when they did.

If anything, our campaign has started to at least get Kenny and Phillips to admit they were concerned he had an eating disorder, were feeding him, etc. It is working now...
And they are feeling concerned, because like many here, they thought it was Karen Faye who had put up the site and have threatened her.

I wish I could answer question by question here because I'm agreed that some are very fair, but I'm at work and can't go through it all now. We will keep trying to post answers on Facebook page & the website.

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If anything, our campaign has started to at least get Kenny and Phillips to admit they were concerned he had an eating disorder, were feeding him, etc. It is working now...

Delusional much?

No one admintted to MJ having an eating disorder. It is all propaganda started but TINI...YES AGAIN!

Kenny and Travis Payne said he did not eat much...They often reminded him to eat. They would offer him meal replacements...

But it is all LIES that Kenny or ANYONE ELSE said Michael had an eating disorder.

That is the kind of lies & half truths that make it difficult for me to get behind this kind of campaign.

People think that by EXAGGERATING or by reporting half truths, they will convince others.

But remember, EVERYONE has access to information...and lies don't make a story anymore believable.
No one said for fact Michael had an eating disorder, including TINI. And that isn't the point anyways. You are hopeless because you don't even know what you are arguing against.

He was extremely thin to the point of worry...we noticed it...and now they are admitting they did too.
That is not lies...even if you want to call it lies.

You argue just to argue.
I won't address you anymore.
***** Movie -- Blow Away Brilliance

"This Is It" is not about profiteering from death. It is about enshrining the memory of a legend.

Michael Jackson’s posthumous respect should be sealed this week with the release of "This Is It" -- the concert that never was becoming the sell-out movie that will break all records.
Sadly, there’s been a pre-release brouhaha about its truth and authenticity with wild suggestions of smart editing to hide M.J.’s true state, and amateur talk of digital enhancements to present a healthier-looking man. In death as in life, there is debate about what is real and fake surrounding this performer.
A dedicated Web site is now determined to vent hysterical claims that Michael was in “a dire state” whilst performing; that AEG ignored the "warning signs" and that, during 110 hours of footage, the performer rarely smiled because of his pain. What speculative nonsense.
In writing the Britney book ["Britney: Inside the Dream: The Biography"], I found myself speaking with many in the world of choreography where the circles of the pop princess collided with those of the King of Pop. I know friends of dancers who were going to share Michael Jackson’s comeback; who danced with him side by side in rehearsals; who witnessed his spirit backstage, daily. And here’s the truth. Here’s what it is: M.J. was “dancing with a superiority above that of 20 and 21-year-olds…he was going to blow people away.” He was “dancing as good as ever” and was “gung-ho about the tour and couldn’t wait to start.” These are the accounts of sources who were there, not fans who were not.

DAMN the media! There they go again, spouting hatred against Michael that we must work furiously to stop.

Oh, wait...
What memefan just posted is another example of how this campaign somehow twists fact with fiction.

Kenny saying, he was concerned with Michael's weight, and not eating, to some of the TINI supporters that turns into, Michael had an eating disorder. That gets posted on their website, probably gets added under the "Things you will not see" column as a little bullet, more and more of the supporters read that and it turns into, basically this.

A whole campaign that is really labeling all of the wrong people as the evil-doers, but if the "Michael had an eating disorder" mistake just happenend, then who's to say that those same mistakes haven't happenend before? By mistakes, I mean those supporters who listen to the stories and statements of Kenny Ortega and anyone else involved with TII, and perhaps heard wrong or interpeted what was said by them in their own way.

Thats where the fiction comes in, it eventually gets twisted and meshed with the truth, and there you have it, valid reasoning to start a campaign about all not truly being well.
What memefan just posted is another example of how this campaign somehow twists fact with fiction.

Kenny saying, he was concerned with Michael's weight, and not eating, to some of the TINI supporters that turns into, Michael had an eating disorder. That gets posted on their website, probably gets added under the "Things you will not see" column as a little bullet, more and more of the supporters read that and it turns into, basically this.

A whole campaign that is really labeling all of the wrong people as the evil-doers, but if the "Michael had an eating disorder" mistake just happenend, then who's to say that those same mistakes haven't happenend before? By mistakes, I mean those supporters who listen to the stories and statements of Kenny Ortega and anyone else involved with TII, and perhaps heard wrong or interpeted what was said by them in their own way.

Thats where the fiction comes in, it eventually gets twisted and meshed with the truth, and there you have it, valid reasoning to start a campaign about all not truly being well.

Well said. Kinda reminds me of something... someone loves children so much... someone doesn't talk openly of his sex life... therefore he must be guilty of...

We better than most should understand the incredible pain that vague, unsubstantiated rumors, and accusations without evidence, can create. Which is why to do so is ethically wrong, though it may be legal free speech.
After writing several posts about TINI and still not seeing any answers to my questions, I have come to the conclusion that we need to move beyond the TINI campaign and their agenda, it is really not worth arguing with them at this point. There is no need to dwell on the negative this week.
THink about this. When was the last time the press was so supportive of Michael?
The press and the world are ready to acknowledge Michael as the global superstar, the creative genius and the greatest entertainer of all time. There will be time later to sort out all of the various accusations and motivations.
It is too bad Michael had to pass on before attitudes about him changed, but as fans this is our moment to join the world in celebrating Michael. Let's leave the controversies behind and enjoy the film. I really think it is what Michael would have wanted. If you really think about what he was like and what motivated him to do what he did; I think you will come to the same conclusion.
No one said for fact Michael had an eating disorder, including TINI. And that isn't the point anyways. You are hopeless because you don't even know what you are arguing against.

He was extremely thin to the point of worry...we noticed it...and now they are admitting they did too.
That is not lies...even if you want to call it lies.

You argue just to argue.
I won't address you anymore.

I quoted you. You wrote that the TINI campaign had SUCCEEDED in making Kenny & co, admit that MJ was anorexic. That is EXACTLY what you wrote.

I called you on your lie, and now you are accusing me of arguing.

This campaign is a joke. A total fcukin' joke. Someone that we all love died, and you guys are using the circumstances to push a silly agenda.

I don't care how long you have followed Michael, you are DELUSIONAL.
Get a grip and if you truly want to help solve MJ's homicide call the damn LAPD and tell them what you saw and know.
But we wish that something more was done by those who had the opportunity to do so.

However, it is our feeling that when someone is in trouble and you have the opportunity to help them you try to do so and don't simply look the other way because it is not your responsibility to make sure they are alright.


If you read my previous posts I have said that I understand where you are coming from and I believe that what you have written in your testimonies are truthful. I have no reason to doubt your integrity and heart.

However I have some problems with the especially above statements.

1. You assume that people looked the other way and did nothing.
- okay You were around Michael but not 24/7. How do you know that nobody said nothing? Now we hear Kenny putting food before him, giving him food, reminding him to rest. Travis giving him shakes. Randy hiring people to remind Mj to eat etc. If these all happened it means that people did not look the other way, they showed their concerns.

2. What more could - should they have done?
- As I understand even if they have done the above listed things , it is not enough for you they should have done something more. But COULD they really do something more, perhaps that is the most important question.

- In your letter to Michael (and to Karen as well) you question if it is your position to say these things - Couldn't it be the same thing for other people as well? They may know and work for MJ but I don't think that means that they are his best friends. They might feel like it's not their place as well and even if they did say something MJ simply could fire them.

- In all your letters all of you are all saying stuff like "please dont get me wrong", " I say this because I love you" and a lot of "please". You are not basically confronting MJ saying that he has a problem, just in a friendly and loving way beg him to look after himself. Can't the other people also have tried a softer approach like yours to reach to him?

3. Then the most confusing thing is Marika's statement "As we all know, Michael listen to no one. He does whatever he wants."
- Okay once again if you ALL KNOW this , then I am completely lost in regards of what you want or expect. This means that all the people around MJ could say, warn, beg him until they are purple in the face and he would do whatever he wants. If you know that this people are as powerless as any of us, why putting the burden/blame on these people?

4. I think the whole thing "if it was 10 concerts or AEG cancelled the concerts he would be allright" idea.
- I personally find this quite far fetched as well.
Why you ask
1) 50 or 10 or even 1 show the rehersal amount workload stress etc will be the same. If he died on the 11th concert then you would have a point then we could argue that AEG overworked him. But in regards of rehersals I don't think Michael would work 1/5 of what he was working just because he had the 1/5 number of concerts (50 versus 10)
2) then there's the assumption that "he was using propofol because of the concerts if they weren't happening he would not use it". Well we simply do not know whether this is true or not. It is well known that MJ had eating and sleeping problems starting 1992 - Elizabeth Taylor feeding him and him having an anesthesiologist travelling with him during Dangerous tour is very common knowledge. So sorry I really cannot see "big bad wolf AEG forced these concerts on him and therefore he developed these issues as recent as this MAY" logic.

Anyway I hope thay you'll take the time to respond or at least reach to me privately.

Love and respect.
First of all, hello everyone.
I've registered a few weeks ago, but this is my first time posting.
I'm here all the time, but just lurking.
I always kept myself away from the press and from fan forums regarding MJ. As a kid i remember Michael saying 'don't read that. that's garbage. stay away from the media'. He was my hero, so i did what he said. That stuck with me as an adult and everytime i saw something about him in the press i'd just walk away and continue to love him and appreciate his music without being contaminated by all that poison.
After his passing i felt the need to get in touch with other fans, since no one else seems to understand the kind of pain we are going through. We all have a special relantionship with Mike. That's something we all share.

When i ran into the TINI website i was shocked. I cried my eyes out reading the testimonies. The thing the hurts me the most and that have always made me cry throughout the years i've been an MJ fan, is the idea of him being in pain, being hurt, feeling lonely. I can't take that.
So when i read those stories my heart broke again. I didn't know there was much left to break.
What i understand about the TINI campaign is that those fans are just trying to raise awareness towards what was really going on behind the scenes. The people involved with the production of the movie signed a contract to not portray MJ on a negative way, so they would never show us the issues, only the good parts. Honestly, i wouldn't want to watch a movie that showed MJ in pain or having trouble. He has been through enough in the media. Let's just celebrate his genius and have this last glimpse at the brilliant performer we've learned to love. We deserve that.

There are too many questions and not enough answers. When i saw him at the press conference back in March i was extremely excited, but i got a little worried when i saw just how skinny he looked. Yes, he has always been thin, but that was just too much. I understand what he was going through, though. When i'm stressed and have a lot in my mind, i can't eat as well. MJ was a vegetarian and he once said that he didn't like to eat sth that once was alive. His doctors had to force him to eat some fish or chicken. I get that.
But just think about it. He used to lose a lot of weight during the tours. You can see that so clearly, specially during the History Tour (hello, gold pants). What was gonna happen to him after a couple of concerts? Dancing and performing 2 hours a day for so many months, not sleeping, not eating...i'm afraid his body would collapse. We can only take so much.

He had a lot at stake. He wanted to save his finances, a lot of money involved, a massive contract and the fact that he wanted to do this for us and for his kids. I believe he was ready, mentally. Come's Michael we are talking about. There's nothing he can't do. But his body wouldn't be able to take it. He couldn't stop...he wanted to do this and he NEEDED to. Who can tell MJ what to do? I'm sure people that truly loved him tried, but it has to come from the inside. You can't force someone to take care of themselves, to just stop. It's tough. He was trapped into this situation.

They could have preserved him more and give him more time, more free time between the concerts, try to lessen the stress he was under. They could have done something. We all know people have treated him like an ATM machine his whole life. If i had to choose between believing in people that were trying to make money and fans that had so much love and affection, i would choose to believe the fans. They have nothing to gain from this.

Maybe something is getting lost in translation, but their heart is in the right place.
What we can take from their campaign is this: open your eyes and think about the man behind the myth. He was larger than life, but he was only human. I'm not saying i agree with some of the accusations and their marketing, but overall, they mean well.

Sorry for the long post.
I just wanted to give my two cents.