This is not it...will help get people out to see the movie

Some clarifications

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 2:31am

A few of us read some comments that were written elsewhere about our statement and testimony and wanted to clarify some points:

1. KAREN FAYE did not start the This Is NOT it campaign. It was formed by fans, followers and friends of Michael. It is something we have been researching and formulating to share since Michael passed.
We are from many different countries around the world. We are a group of fans that were extremely blessed to be around Michael a lot through many years, he often confessed his true feelings to us when he felt trapped by others around him. We have created many other campaigns, against the allegations in 1993 and 2004/5, against Mottola etc. This is our last gift to Michael. We think it is what he would have wanted, to speak the truth.

2. The campaign is NOT about boycotting the movie or guilting anyone into not seeing it. We know that would never work, there is such an immense amount of interest, and we can understand and appreciate that. All of the interest even works to our advantage in helping to generate attention to counter-act the LIES.

The campaign IS about trying to help reveal the TRUTH and encouraging people to watch the movie with a CRITICAL EYE and UNDERSTAND the movie will not portray the entire picture of Michael's condition and who was responsible for his NEGLECT. It is about educating fans, the public, the media...and NOT let those who should have listened and cared for his condition (but chose instead to have gained from greed and profit) have the last word. We will not be silent while they attempt to clear their conscience through a biased movie.

3. Yes, we have given our testimonies/statements to the police, Michael's family and their attorney. We waited until we had done this to come forth publicly with this campaign. We felt that was the most appropriate action. This should answer the question as to why we have supposedly waited so long to speak out (although some of us actually have been since Marika's email leaked some time ago.)

4. In answer to those questioning why we are saying those of us who were there were kept from Michael vs being able to get close enough to him to speak with him and give him letters: We were increasingly kept distanced from Michael in his last weeks by security, HOWEVER there were times when Michael specifically invited us to speak with him, or he asked that security bring certain fans to him (inside shops, rehearsals, at his house) and in these times when security could not deny us was when we were able to best speak to him & give letters. Unfortunately, we were not in the position to intervene in such a timely and effective way to avoid what happened.

5. The testimonies by Marika and Sandy are factual, more will be posted soon by those of us who feel strong enough to speak publicly and share what was personal experience and never expected to be made so public. We have no reason to lie, nothing to gain, no profit to realize. No one else in Michael's life can say that (sadly, not even his family, his children not included.)

6. We are aware there will seem as if there are some inconsistencies or contradictions between what we are saying and what will be shown in the movie. However, this is largely our point - the movie will not portray the entire picture and we want the world to be very cognizant of that fact. Clearly they will show footage of Michael only at his best moments. Meanwhile, most of his days were filled with stress, fears and pain. This we know from MICHAEL'S WORDS and in some cases from seeing him daily. The movie you will see will be predominantly of Michael in the last 2 days (as those were shot in HD) of rehearsals just before his death when Michael was trying to make a special effort because he had been confronted by Kenny/Randy/Travis regarding his condition and their unhappiness with his ability to consistently perform & missing rehearsals due to not feeling well, and their fears he would not be ready. Therefore, it will not be an accurate and entire picture of Michael and his condition in the few months and ultimately last weeks.

7. Despite the supposed leaked autopsy, we believe that Michael weighed much less than 136lbs at the time of his death. We can safely speak for all of the "followers" that none of us believe he was "healthy" as this latest report claims. We do not mean he was sick, we mean he was too frail for the effort he was trying to make and there were many things that were contributing to his frailty, including lack of sleep, not eating enough, prescription drug use. Karen Faye can also corroborate as she did indeed prepare Michael for his final resting. A few of us spoke with her at the cemetery on this very day. She is in agreement that Michael weighed 108lbs.

8. We are working hard creating the campaign and website and pulling together all of the elements so it is ready for all fans to partake as soon as possible. We hope that as mamy as possible will take action especially during the TII premieres in their cities, as we will suggest.

For those who are criticising us for not answering everyone's myriad of questions on the facebook page or here on forums: we would need to spend all day here correcting those fans who have twisted what we've said, or assumed things that are not true but are now being believed as true by other fans because they assume it's fact after reading it here, etc. etc. etc. We choose to focus on the campaign for those who believe us and want to participate, instead of answering all of the nay-sayers and those who never have and probably never will believe us no matter what we say. That is a lost cause we do not want to be a part of.

9. We are not promoting conspiracy theories here. We fully acknowledge Michael ultimately died from lethal doses of Propofol and benzodiazepines as reported by the coroner. We wholeheartedly blame Dr. Murray's gross negligence and criminal practice. However, we are contending that additional factors constituted a serious case of neglect which largely contributed to Michael's passing. His drastic weight loss, stress and fears, and his drug use were evident, the failure of those around him to STOP the greedy tour machine and HELP a man clearly in desperate need of help need to be exposed. Anything else is speculation which will need to be proven or not and it belongs to another level of research that we are not trying to expose here. Even if some of these conspiracy theories will be proven at some point, this does not take away from the fact that MJ needed help. We prefer to work with what we know for sure and what we can prove, at this moment.

10. To clear one untruth circulating about Michael's children - Michael's children were never at tour rehearsals with Michael. He wanted the shows to be a surprise for them. Yes they would sometimes accompany him to his doctor visits and of course shopping. But never to the tour rehearsals, where he spent much of his days. They were not with Michael 24/7, sadly, and we can imagine they missed him very much. He would very often try to make it home to put them to bed. This was Michael...

Love and hugs to everyone and especially those who have been so supportive on This Is Not It facebook page and our personal pages. We appreciate you. We all loved Michael. We should all love each other.

This Is Not It

Thanks for posting this. :yes:
This Is NOT It - Press Release

Contact: Website:

YouTube :

RE: An awareness Campaign concerning This Is It, a movie produced by AEG and distributed by Columbia Pictures, featuring Michael Jackson’s last rehearsals for the This Is It tour.

Who We Are : friends and fans of Michael, including some who were with him the last weeks of his life and who have witnessed to many of the events that led to his death. The latter group got so concerned about Michael Jackson’s state that on June 21st, they decided to stage the first step on an intervention. They wrote him letters asking him to stop the tour if he was not up to it. Michael Jackson received these letters on June 24th. The second step of the intervention was never to take place.

Our Aim : It is our wish to help people understand where responsibilities lie, pertaining to Michael Jackson’s passing, in the hope that if they choose to watch the film, they will do so with critical eyes. In fact, we believe that those around Jackson chose to look the other way when it was evident he was having problems. We want to celebrate Michael Jackson and his amazing legacy, but we cannot do so until the truth comes out, justice is served, and the lies are exposed. We will do all we can to achieve those objectives.

How :

1. Publishing testimonies by fans who were there to witness the last weeks of Michael’s life

2. Distributing flyers at most of the premieres of the ‘This Is It’ movie around the world.

What first-hand witnesses said:

“…we witnessed Michael being under influences. But what was weird, is that it was AFTER rehearsals, and not only after Dr Klein's visit. So whatever they were giving to him, he was given (or took himself) at the rehearsals… If WE SAW that, don't tell me people around him, talking to him 10 hours a day couldn't see it”

“But what Moon and I saw last week horrified us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton…I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But these clothes... it was as if he was naked...”

“I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him… those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything.”

”… we started seeing a pattern in the increased visits to Dr. Klein’s office. The increase in visits and their duration began to alarm me and some others, especially when we began noticing the effects they had on him. He would start leaving the facility looking "groggy".

“He told us he had gone to bed thinking it was 10 concerts and woke up finding out it was 50! He said “They did it without my consent-”

“We knew it was a matter of time before he died unless an action was taken. No-one else around him seemed to care enough to do it. Once all the letters were collected and a plan was in place, we decided to intervene on June 24th, 2009.”

“…I was kind of leaning on him. I put my hand on his leg to push myself up and all I felt was bone. No, not like he was just skinny, more like he was nothing but a skeleton. It REALLY alarmed me and that’s when I first thought something was wrong.”

What happened?

AEG contributed to Michael’s death by pressuring him to commit to a gruelling rehearsal schedule in the run-up to the This Is It tour. During the last weeks of his life, Michael Jackson’s health declined. It was evident to everyone. Michael needed and deserved the help he was not given. Neither AEG nor Michael’s own entourage intervened.

IN MID MAY When Michael began to suffer from insomnia, stress and exhaustion, AEG put a doctor on its payroll to help him sleep.

IN LATE MAY Michael reached out to some of us and expressed serious doubts about his ability to commit to AEG’s tour schedule. When AEG discovered this, instead of taking action to help him, they promptly denied the reports and kept him more isolated.

IN EARLY JUNE When Michael started missing rehearsals, crew members went to his house to force him to go to work.

IN THE LAST DAYS OF HIS LIFE Michael’s weight dropped considerably, and when he began turning up to rehearsals drowsy and incoherent as a result of powerful medication, AEG and his entourage turned a blind eye to his condition and kept pushing him to perform.

ON JUNE 25 The doctor paid by AEG to keep Michael functional injected a cocktail of sedatives into Michael’s body, followed by a lethal dose of Propofol. He then waited at least 90 minutes after Michael stopped breathing to call the paramedics.

IN EARLY JULY Had Michael gone to London as planned, he would have most likely succumbed to the pressure and exhaustion and called off the tour, leaving AEG in dire financial straits. Instead AEG now stand to make millions from this movie and related merchandise.

Michael Jackson is dead because of one act by a doctor paid by AEG to negate the severe psychological and physical strain the preparation for this tour caused.

What you are about to see:

A movie made by AEG full of slick edits, visual effects, Michael Jackson 3D body doubles and interviews with people on AEG's payroll spouting lies. This movie will give a censored, skewered and ultimately false impression of Michael in the last days of his life.

This movie is a lie. Know the truth.
Thanks for posting this. :yes:
Dutchie you are welcome
Fans are making their statements without even know what TINI campaign about, and who these follower fans are.
Hopefully they will read before making comments.

This Is NOT It - Press Release

Contact: Website:

YouTube :

RE: An awareness Campaign concerning This Is It, a movie produced by AEG and distributed by Columbia Pictures, featuring Michael Jackson’s last rehearsals for the This Is It tour.

Who We Are : friends and fans of Michael, including some who were with him the last weeks of his life and who have witnessed to many of the events that led to his death. The latter group got so concerned about Michael Jackson’s state that on June 21st, they decided to stage the first step on an intervention. They wrote him letters asking him to stop the tour if he was not up to it. Michael Jackson received these letters on June 24th. The second step of the intervention was never to take place.

Our Aim : It is our wish to help people understand where responsibilities lie, pertaining to Michael Jackson’s passing, in the hope that if they choose to watch the film, they will do so with critical eyes. In fact, we believe that those around Jackson chose to look the other way when it was evident he was having problems. We want to celebrate Michael Jackson and his amazing legacy, but we cannot do so until the truth comes out, justice is served, and the lies are exposed. We will do all we can to achieve those objectives.

How :

1. Publishing testimonies by fans who were there to witness the last weeks of Michael’s life

2. Distributing flyers at most of the premieres of the ‘This Is It’ movie around the world.

What first-hand witnesses said:

“…we witnessed Michael being under influences. But what was weird, is that it was AFTER rehearsals, and not only after Dr Klein's visit. So whatever they were giving to him, he was given (or took himself) at the rehearsals… If WE SAW that, don't tell me people around him, talking to him 10 hours a day couldn't see it”

“But what Moon and I saw last week horrified us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton…I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But these clothes... it was as if he was naked...”

“I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him… those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything.”

”… we started seeing a pattern in the increased visits to Dr. Klein’s office. The increase in visits and their duration began to alarm me and some others, especially when we began noticing the effects they had on him. He would start leaving the facility looking "groggy".

“He told us he had gone to bed thinking it was 10 concerts and woke up finding out it was 50! He said “They did it without my consent-”

“We knew it was a matter of time before he died unless an action was taken. No-one else around him seemed to care enough to do it. Once all the letters were collected and a plan was in place, we decided to intervene on June 24th, 2009.”

“…I was kind of leaning on him. I put my hand on his leg to push myself up and all I felt was bone. No, not like he was just skinny, more like he was nothing but a skeleton. It REALLY alarmed me and that’s when I first thought something was wrong.”

What happened?

AEG contributed to Michael’s death by pressuring him to commit to a gruelling rehearsal schedule in the run-up to the This Is It tour. During the last weeks of his life, Michael Jackson’s health declined. It was evident to everyone. Michael needed and deserved the help he was not given. Neither AEG nor Michael’s own entourage intervened.

IN MID MAY When Michael began to suffer from insomnia, stress and exhaustion, AEG put a doctor on its payroll to help him sleep.

IN LATE MAY Michael reached out to some of us and expressed serious doubts about his ability to commit to AEG’s tour schedule. When AEG discovered this, instead of taking action to help him, they promptly denied the reports and kept him more isolated.

IN EARLY JUNE When Michael started missing rehearsals, crew members went to his house to force him to go to work.

IN THE LAST DAYS OF HIS LIFE Michael’s weight dropped considerably, and when he began turning up to rehearsals drowsy and incoherent as a result of powerful medication, AEG and his entourage turned a blind eye to his condition and kept pushing him to perform.

ON JUNE 25 The doctor paid by AEG to keep Michael functional injected a cocktail of sedatives into Michael’s body, followed by a lethal dose of Propofol. He then waited at least 90 minutes after Michael stopped breathing to call the paramedics.

IN EARLY JULY Had Michael gone to London as planned, he would have most likely succumbed to the pressure and exhaustion and called off the tour, leaving AEG in dire financial straits. Instead AEG now stand to make millions from this movie and related merchandise.

Michael Jackson is dead because of one act by a doctor paid by AEG to negate the severe psychological and physical strain the preparation for this tour caused.

What you are about to see:

A movie made by AEG full of slick edits, visual effects, Michael Jackson 3D body doubles and interviews with people on AEG's payroll spouting lies. This movie will give a censored, skewered and ultimately false impression of Michael in the last days of his life.

This movie is a lie. Know the truth.

There are so many half-truths in this release.

MJ began suffering from insomnia in may? Hmmmm...ok. People who knew him said otherwise.
This Is NOT It - Press Release

Contact: Website:

YouTube :

RE: An awareness Campaign concerning This Is It, a movie produced by AEG and distributed by Columbia Pictures, featuring Michael Jackson’s last rehearsals for the This Is It tour.

Who We Are : friends and fans of Michael, including some who were with him the last weeks of his life and who have witnessed to many of the events that led to his death. The latter group got so concerned about Michael Jackson’s state that on June 21st, they decided to stage the first step on an intervention. They wrote him letters asking him to stop the tour if he was not up to it. Michael Jackson received these letters on June 24th. The second step of the intervention was never to take place.

Our Aim : It is our wish to help people understand where responsibilities lie, pertaining to Michael Jackson’s passing, in the hope that if they choose to watch the film, they will do so with critical eyes. In fact, we believe that those around Jackson chose to look the other way when it was evident he was having problems. We want to celebrate Michael Jackson and his amazing legacy, but we cannot do so until the truth comes out, justice is served, and the lies are exposed. We will do all we can to achieve those objectives.

How :

1. Publishing testimonies by fans who were there to witness the last weeks of Michael’s life

2. Distributing flyers at most of the premieres of the ‘This Is It’ movie around the world.

What first-hand witnesses said:

“…we witnessed Michael being under influences. But what was weird, is that it was AFTER rehearsals, and not only after Dr Klein's visit. So whatever they were giving to him, he was given (or took himself) at the rehearsals… If WE SAW that, don't tell me people around him, talking to him 10 hours a day couldn't see it”

“But what Moon and I saw last week horrified us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton…I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But these clothes... it was as if he was naked...”

“I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him… those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything.”

”… we started seeing a pattern in the increased visits to Dr. Klein’s office. The increase in visits and their duration began to alarm me and some others, especially when we began noticing the effects they had on him. He would start leaving the facility looking "groggy".

“He told us he had gone to bed thinking it was 10 concerts and woke up finding out it was 50! He said “They did it without my consent-”

“We knew it was a matter of time before he died unless an action was taken. No-one else around him seemed to care enough to do it. Once all the letters were collected and a plan was in place, we decided to intervene on June 24th, 2009.”

“…I was kind of leaning on him. I put my hand on his leg to push myself up and all I felt was bone. No, not like he was just skinny, more like he was nothing but a skeleton. It REALLY alarmed me and that’s when I first thought something was wrong.”

I have a very different opinion of it. From what I saw in the trailer and the pictures of the rechearsals, Michael was not dying as many people going around saying there. Well, they're saying he did not eat nor sleep, then as Michael endured singing and dancing in the rechearsals?

In my opinion, if he did not eat or sleep and he never could stand to go to rehearsals. To me he ate and slept... few hours a day, but slept. And Michael ALWAYS been skinny and I do not understand why are discussing this. He could be a few pounds thinner because of the rechearsals (which is normal), but not skeletal.

In the videos of the trailer for me is very clear that he was not under the influence of any drug and was sure he could stand or leave the house with such drugs in the body and are saying so. Has very strange things and has much that is before the eyes of people and no one is getting to see. You must be very careful to say and say certain things. No one lived 24 hours a day with Michael. I'm sure many people will change their mind when watching the movie.
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only needs one word...


and did I read wrong or something? coz I don't think it says that this thread is another "this is not it" thread does it?:mello:
so why are ya'll posting you're "statements" here?

*counts down till this thread blows up...10...9..*
and did I read wrong or something? coz I don't think it says that this thread is another "this is not it" thread does it?:mello:
so why are ya'll posting you're "statements" here?

Getting annoying like hell.
Sorry, but if Karen tried shutting fans up when they confronted her about this, then why is she now feeding them information about Michael? Wouldn't that only fuel their beliefs and make them want to spread their word more, which they are obviously trying to do.

When sit back and think about it, there's so many holes in each and every one of those theories posted on that site and here. Most of it makes no sense, which is maybe why its so hard for some of us to take this information as credible.
You can't take it as credible because you can't believe that Michael would say such things to us, be as close to some fans as he was, and was not a perfect God, but a human being who needed help. But was ignored and used...until the very end. You are just worried about his legacy. We are too...but also how about being concerned about HIM as a PERSON and wanting those who could have DONE SOMETHING to be held ACCOUNTABLE. This is the same reaction we had from fans at the start of the ANTI-SONY CAMPAIGN...until Michael started showing up atop tour buses and at fan parties. He isn't here anymore, but we are...and we will keep going.

Many of those posting against the campaign here are very misguided because they don't take the time to really digest and understand what it is about. You're still screaming about Karen Faye and boycotts and we've never promoted EITHER. We've explained many times over the same criticisms you keep making. We don't waste our time addressing them again and again now.

It is simple: WE ARE SIMPLY MAKING A POINT THAT THOSE WHO ARE PROFITING FROM THE FILM, MERCHANDISING, ETC. BEAR SOME OF THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIS DEATH AND WE WANT THEM TO BE OUTED AND ACCOUNTABLE. It has nothing to do with boycotting the film (we are not thick enough to expect anyone to not see the film).

We are extremely pleased with all of the press coverage, it is more than we could have hoped for, and it has been very fair. Amazing actually. We are not trying to prevent people from seeing the film (as our statement/website says) so we are pleased with all the coverage/ticket sales it will generate. We just want people to be exposed to MORE OF THE TRUTH when they are watching it.

THANK YOU TO THE 5000+ fans who have supported us on Facebook and the website, and will be out in force tomorrow at the premieres!!!

See you tomorrow!
I think everyone here cares about Michael as a person, so that's not really a fair thing to say to someone. I find it believable that Michael spoke to fans on a personal level, because of the connection he shared with all of us whose always been there for him.

What makes it not very credible, is that everything that has been released from contracts, to leaked reports, to statements from TII participants themselves, basically conflicts most of what the TINI campaign is pushing.

But none the less, we as fans, all have the right to believe in what we feel, so while I may not agree, I can only wish you the best in moving forward with this campaign, and if there is any truth to this, I hope you find it.
You can't take it as credible because you can't believe that Michael would say such things to us, be as close to some fans as he was, and was not a perfect God, but a human being who needed help. But was ignored and used...until the very end. You are just worried about his legacy. We are too...but also how about being concerned about HIM as a PERSON and wanting those who could have DONE SOMETHING to be held ACCOUNTABLE. This is the same reaction we had from fans at the start of the ANTI-SONY CAMPAIGN...until Michael started showing up atop tour buses and at fan parties. He isn't here anymore, but we are...and we will keep going.

Many of those posting against the campaign here are very misguided because they don't take the time to really digest and understand what it is about. You're still screaming about Karen Faye and boycotts and we've never promoted EITHER. We've explained many times over the same criticisms you keep making. We don't waste our time addressing them again and again now.

It is simple: WE ARE SIMPLY MAKING A POINT THAT THOSE WHO ARE PROFITING FROM THE FILM, MERCHANDISING, ETC. BEAR SOME OF THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIS DEATH AND WE WANT THEM TO BE OUTED AND ACCOUNTABLE. It has nothing to do with boycotting the film (we are not thick enough to expect anyone to not see the film).

We are extremely pleased with all of the press coverage, it is more than we could have hoped for, and it has been very fair. Amazing actually. We are not trying to prevent people from seeing the film (as our statement/website says) so we are pleased with all the coverage/ticket sales it will generate. We just want people to be exposed to MORE OF THE TRUTH when they are watching it.

THANK YOU TO THE 5000+ fans who have supported us on Facebook and the website, and will be out in force tomorrow at the premieres!!!

See you tomorrow!

Sandy, I don't mind what the TINI girls are doing. I am not going to condemn you for wanting to spread the truth. The thing that bothers me is that you couldn't have possibly known everything that was going on for the simple fact that you were looking in from the outside. So, therefore, I don't believe you are in position to make serious allegations against people working on the show. If Karen Faye, Michael Bush or anyone wanted to make those claims and hand out fliers, then that would be a different story because they were working on the inside and actually saw people ignoring Michael's condition and doing nothing about it. They would have the right to make those claims. But when fans go out claiming that people on the inside saw what was going on and did nothing about Michael's health, it would be less effective, because you only saw things from the outside. How do you know for sure they didn't do nothing? How do you know they didn't encourage Michael to eat, or sleep, or take care of himself? How do you know they didn't consider cancelling shows? Can't you understand that it is wrong for fans to go around throwing these accusations at people, blaming them for Michael's death, when they couldn't have possibly known the whole story? Unless you know for certain that AEG were doing things to stop Michael from eating or sleeping, then you can't make those claims. It is giving people a bad name when they don't deserve it. If it was a case of AEG hiding Michael's food so that he couldn't eat, or forcing him to rehearse 24/7 without giving him a chance to sleep, then I would understand the outrage. But Michael was the one who chose not to eat, and was the one who chose not to sleep, how is AEG or Kenny Ortega to blame for that? If Michael couldn't sleep or didn't want to eat, that that is something he had to deal with. It has nothing to do with people around him. The way you have spoken about AEG, it's almost as if you all expected them to go to Michael's house every night and rock him to sleep, or tie him down to a chair and shove food down his throat. If Michael doesn't feel like eating, he's not going to. Conspiracy and neglect are serious accusations and you are throwing it out there like it's nothing. THAT is what bothers me.

I hope you don't think this is an attack on you or any of the TINI girls, because it's not. I believe that Michael was very thin, and I do believe that he was stressed about how many shows he was scheduled to do. The thought of doing 50 shows after taking a 12 year break probably seemed like an impossible feat to him. I don't believe you are lying, but I urge you to think twice about some of the accusations you are making. The fact that you have pretty much created a slander campaign against people who could very well be innocent is bothering me.

Thanks for taking the time to write exactly what I think.

I admire their efforts but I'm afraid that they're only providing more fudders for the tabloids.

Nothing's gonna bring our angel back and I still cry too often about it and let's not forget that Michael had no choice. He had to get out of debts.

But definately, Murray needs to be charged for EXTREME negligence. Not only for administering his sedative cocktail without the proper equipment, that dreadful day. But also for letting Michael's health deteriorate that far. He's totally to blame for his incompetence.
Sandy, I don't mind what the TINI girls are doing. I am not going to condemn you for wanting to spread the truth. The thing that bothers me is that you couldn't have possibly known everything that was going on for the simple fact that you were looking in from the outside. So, therefore, I don't believe you are in position to make serious allegations against people working on the show. If Karen Faye, Michael Bush or anyone wanted to make those claims and hand out fliers, then that would be a different story because they were working on the inside and actually saw people ignoring Michael's condition and doing nothing about it. They would have the right to make those claims. But when fans go out claiming that people on the inside saw what was going on and did nothing about Michael's health, it would be less effective, because you only saw things from the outside. How do you know for sure they didn't do nothing? How do you know they didn't encourage Michael to eat, or sleep, or take care of himself? How do you know they didn't consider cancelling shows? Can't you understand that it is wrong for fans to go around throwing these accusations at people, blaming them for Michael's death, when they couldn't have possibly known the whole story? Unless you know for certain that AEG were doing things to stop Michael from eating or sleeping, then you can't make those claims. It is giving people a bad name when they don't deserve it. If it was a case of AEG hiding Michael's food so that he couldn't eat, or forcing him to rehearse 24/7 without giving him a chance to sleep, then I would understand the outrage. But Michael was the one who chose not to eat, and was the one who chose not to sleep, how is AEG or Kenny Ortega to blame for that? If Michael couldn't sleep or didn't want to eat, that that is something he had to deal with. It has nothing to do with people around him. The way you have spoken about AEG, it's almost as if you all expected them to go to Michael's house every night and rock him to sleep, or tie him down to a chair and shove food down his throat. If Michael doesn't feel like eating, he's not going to. Conspiracy and neglect are serious accusations and you are throwing it out there like it's nothing. THAT is what bothers me.

I hope you don't think this is an attack on you or any of the TINI girls, because it's not. I believe that Michael was very thin, and I do believe that he was stressed about how many shows he was scheduled to do. The thought of doing 50 shows after taking a 12 year break probably seemed like an impossible feat to him. I don't believe you are lying, but I urge you to think twice about some of the accusations you are making. The fact that you have pretty much created a slander campaign against people who could very well be innocent is bothering me.

Your post was brilliant. Just like I see these things.

But, from what I think about it I guess I´m going a little further. I dare to say that, with these critical allegations, you from TINI project are diverting the attention from the person who really deserves punishment for everything that happened. Once you have testified to police that Michael was weak and was not supposed to handle such an effort, you are taking a share of the guilt of Dr. Murray and throwing up to Michael, in an effort to reduce the punishment that this negligent and incompetent doctor deserves.
Last edited:
There are so many half-truths in this release.

MJ began suffering from insomnia in may? Hmmmm...ok. People who knew him said otherwise.


Could you please kindly list half of the truth in TINI press release? & also could you list half of the lies?

Thank you

Yes follower fans with Michael, they witnessed that Michael started to suffer from insomnia in May.
Murray was hired by AEG in May to help Michael with insomnia.

Do you have any supporting proof or evidence, please kindly provide here.
Thank you again.

Well Amber the same can be said for this campaign..Do you have any proof of the things you guys say were wrong with Michael? Or do you just base it off the hearsay of the "Follower fans"?
Friday, October 2, 2009 at 2:58pm

Some people asked us where we got some of our information. This is one testimony among many, just to prove you we have first hand evidence. Be warned, this will be difficult to read if you hear this for the first time.

Michael could have been helped somehow, even if Murray was the hand that killed him, you have to wonder why Michael Jackson felt the need to take propofol at night, why all these people who worked with him and saw him in an altered state did not realize this could kill him, one way or another. If people like Marika who had such lesser access to him than everyone else, including the promoters, the managers, the crew, if she could see so much as to be worried that he could die, how is it possible THEY did not see it?

It's all about asking the right questions.


"What I witnessed in June"

Hello everyone,
I know some of you won't like what I have to say, but I need to tell my experience so you can all understand.
Some of you may have heard about an email I sent on June 21st. It has ben posted on forums without my consent, and people trashed me, saying I was a liar, was looking for fame (??) and more...
This is why I sent it:

I, with, two other friends, met MJ in his car on March 19th.
We talked about AEG, how he was furious with them, wanting to make money, selling tickets vio Viagogo. He said "I hate to hear stories like that!"
Me and my friend saw a very frail Michael. He had large orange pants. But as he was in the back seat and us, sitting in the front seat, he had his legs between ours. We could see what his leg was really looking like.
He was so skinny.
Michael couldn't stop apologizing for the way he looked: "I'm sorry you have to see me like that, Im so sorry!" He was hiding his face in his hands when saying this.
Anyway, we were a little bit concerned, but thought: Ok, he has 3 months until the shows in London, so he may be working with someone...

3 months later, me and my friend went back to Carolwood, and we witnessed Michael being under influences. But what was weird, is that it was AFTER rehearsals, and not only after Dr Klein's visit. So whatever they were giving to him, he was given (or took himself) at the rehearsals.
That night, Michael had memory loss. He was completly high, as if he was talking in his sleep.
If WE SAW that, don't tell me people around him, talking to him 10 hours a day couldn't see it.

Few days later, Michael invited me and my friend on the set of the Dome project. My friend had made a jacket for him.
He was wearing a Red Balamin jacket, you can see it in the trailer.
My friend gave him her jacket and Michael took it to try it.
He took off his own jacket.
he was wearing white tight pants and a white tight shirt.
For the first time, we realized how much weight he did loose.
I couldnt have wear his jacket.
He really was skinny. And NOT THIN.
The jacket was of course too big for him.
But he was happy and said: Oh how do you know my size?!
Well... take a woman size and it fits.
He kept it. You saw a picture of him wearing it. Dated June 11th.
Of course, you can't really tell by the picture.. But he could close this jacket behind his back literally.
this is why me and my friend sent this email on June 21st. To share our concerns on his health.

I am not saying Michael was dying from a disease.
I am not saying Michael was killed
I am not saying I Know the Truth

I am just saying that WE, fans, felt that MJ could be in danger.
I am just saying that WE, fans, saw how much weight Michael lost.
I am just saying that WE, fans, could see he was under influences.
I am just saying that MICHAEL told the fans he was under a lot of pressure, couldn't eat or sleep.

I am now just asking why they, MJ's ENTOURAGE, keep saying that Michael was in great shape, when anyone else, not working for him, could see he was not?

I am just asking why, just today (2 days after this page is online), A PRESS RELEASE leaked Michael's autopsy saying his weight was 136lbs (even if this is not a lot), with the title "Michael Jackson was healthy" linking everywhere suddenly.

the autopsy reports were not supposed to come out before the end of the investigation.
Someone is getting scared?

I am not saying Michael was killed
I am not saying Michael was sick.
I am just saying to some people:

We saw in what shape Michael was
He told us he was NOT feeling good.
Stop lying.
We already lost him.
Have the guts to admitt the truth and say:
Yes, maybe Michael needed help we didnt provide him.
We should have put more breaks between the shows, just to make him feel less nervous.

We are not saying those people killed him.
But by listening to someone's problem and anxiety, they could have make him feel more relax, he could have eat, sleep better and wouldnt have asked for Propofol.
Therefore, he would still be here.
Thank you.

Continued ..............................

This is the email I sentto MJ fans and Michael's entourage if you wanna read it:

Marika Prochet 21 juin, à 15:21
Dear closest MJ fans,

This is an important message. Some of you are going to hate it. Others will start thinking.

As you may know, few days ago, me and Moon got the luck to be invited on the set of Michael's shooting.
Michael was wearing white pants. Real tights. And a white shirt. Real tight.
As you all know, Michael has been really skinny since the trial. We all talk together and we always say: he is scary skinny.
some of us told him he should eat.

But what Moon and I saw last week horrifed us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton. I saw his back, and wanted to throw up. I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But this clothes... it was as if he was naked. I was ashamed.

I got out of the set. And what did I told the fans?
"Oh god he is so skinny!" And then, what did I say?
"Oh it was great! yeahhh! I saw Michael on the set! yeah!!!"

I had the same reaction I had since the trial. He is now more than skinny. He is a skeleton. But I can do nothing so let's talk about something else! About how happy I was to meet him.
But to be honnest, I, since this day, feel weird. Like a guilty sensation.

I feel that I witnessed reality. For once, he didnt had a coat on, a big shirt, big trousers. For once, I saw the reality of his situation.
I feel like I already knew but didnt want to accept it.

Honestly, I think I was like everyone of you. We are worried for 5 minutes but then, the only thing we can think about is: I want to see Michael, I want to get a hug, I want to say I love you... I think about myself and my happiness.

But I started to wonder: Michael rehearse everyday, he is surronded by 200 people, that work with him everyday. But who are those people?
Dancers that are living their dream, Kenny Ortega who is producing his best show ever, technicians, Michael security, Michael Bush.. and KAren Faye.
No family, no friends, no one.
Karen is the only one to have love for Michael. So I mailed her. I wanted to know if people were blind or doing nothing?

Here is her answer:

Hi Marika,

I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible...your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

When I read that, I realized I was right.
She is doing something. But what can she do?

As we all know, Michael listen to no one. He does whatever he wants.
And if you know a litlle bit about anorexy, you know that if you tell them to eat, it's completly useless.
So Karen may tell him to eat. He won't.
People in his situation need a shock to start doing something.

So here is my question to all of you:

We all love Michael really much. We all want to see his shows. We all think about how we will be first row. About how we will get more tickets.
About how we will meet him more than the others fans. About getting a picture with him. About not hurting him.

How will you do all of these things if during the third concert he faints on stage, and if his heart stops during his way to the hospital?
How will you feel when you will talk with others fans and will say: We knew he was too skinny to perform 50 shows. We knew he stopped eating during the trial and reheare 10 hours per day for us.

How will you feel when you will say: people said he was doing fine but they lied. We saw he was a skeleton.
Will you feel guilty? Will you be able to sleep at night thinking you knew it and did nothing?

Some of you are going to say:

"He has doctors with him"
"They wouldnt let him dance if he was not healthy"
"I don't want to do something, it would hurt him"

Well let me tell you this:

If he had doctors with him, he would have gained weight.
No one saw Lou Ferrigno somewhere around rehearsals or Michael's house.
On the set, I watched people around Michael. Everyone was avoiding Michael, looking somewhere else. They were all working on their video.
Too many money involved. You dont want to be fired because you told Michael Jackson to eat.
You all know Michael's employees will never take the risk to lose their job. They dont love Michael this much.

And for those who have been to Carolwood, you all know that Michael is completly alone there.

If you get this email, it means you are part of the MJ's fans who know that Michael is not Peter Pan, Michael is not 100% perfect, and that at this day, we are the only ones left who love Michael enough to try to make a difference.

We all saw Michael at his worst, and we all see him still alive.
But just think 5 minutes that this skeleton that Michael has become is going to perform 2 hours every night during 3 months.
Will you be able to do it?
Models die at 18 from anorexia because their heart stop. And they just walk on a catwalk.

Michael is 51. He dances 10 hours per day. And is going to dance 2 hours every night during 3 months.
Do you think he will be ok?

Now that you know, are you going to do something or are you going to fight with other fans to get the best meeting with him?

Please, let's think about the best solution to help him realize. He needs to be shocked by us. We need to make him react.
And unfortunalty, we may have to hurt his feelings somehow.
But if he stays alive, isnt it worth it?


Dear fans and friends, and those who deserve the truth…

I have decided to share some letters that I wrote prior to Michael’s death, and the last letter that I wrote to Michael that was given to him just before rehearsal the night before he passed. I choose to do this in support of the This Is Not It campaign, and because I believe Michael would have wanted us to speak his truth now that he is gone, in the same way he always asked us to do through all this years against the allegations, Mottolla-Sony, etc.

This is of course very sad and difficult and not something I ever expected to share so publicly, but now that Michael has passed I feel it is more important to inform and support the TRUTH against the blatant lies and attempted cover-up by those around Michael in his last months. I also feel the need to defend against those that are saying the “followers” are only speaking out after the fact now that Michael is gone. This is not true and we tried our best as far as we were capable “only” being fans. Everything that we are claiming and speaking is truth, and is based on words from MICHAEL HIMSELF, what we ACTUALLY WITNESSED in the months before he passed, along with what we also witnessed about Michael’s “friends” and “doctors” over the past two decades of “following” Michael.

First, an email that I wrote on June 21st, four days before Michael passed. I sent this email to Karen Faye (Michael’s makeup artist) and Michael Bush (Michael’s tailor) who I knew to be around Michael almost daily in the weeks prior to his death and the only members of his entourage I considered trustworthy and true friends to Michael. I had met Michael, spoken with him, and witnessed his condition over 2 weeks time in Los Angeles at the end of May and beginning of June. I left Los Angeles with an uneasy feeling, particularly about Michael’s obvious weight loss.

Subject Line: Please look after Michael-INTERVENE PLEASE-something is wrong, I saw it.

Karen, Michael...
There is something that has been worrying me for several months now. I think there is something wrong with Michael and his health or his self-image about his weight and I am really worried.

I have been afraid to say anything to anyone because it's probably not really my place to talk about something so personal concerning Michael, and talking about it amongst fans can make you an outcast because it is regarded as criticising Michael. But I want to know if he is alright. I also want to know if he is not alright that someone is intervening and doing something about it. There are always new people around Michael and as has always been obvious they do not always have his best interest at heart because of their own interests, but I expect that you really care about Michael in a way that you would perhaps cross a line that others might not if you saw that he is somehow hurting himself.

It is painfully obvious that Michael is TOO THIN. I know that Michael's weight fluctuates, and he is often mostly too thin anyways, but NOW he is REALLY TOO THIN. I first noticed back in October that his weight was really plummeting. I spent a couple hours with Michael in his Bel Air suite at Halloween, and it really struck me how thin he was even back then. When we hugged I felt there was literally nothing to him. I told him to please take care of himself and stay healthy and that he looked good-I was trying to make a point that he doesn't need to lose more, that he looks good already, to stop now. Naturally this embarassed him and he mostly just smiled and said thank you without knowing what to say. I also wrote him a letter about it, which he read but only replied again saying thank you.

Michael told me back then that he was preparing a tour and so I thought perhaps it is normal for him to slim down in preparation. I expected that he would become very weight-conscious. But now it seems he has gone TOO FAR. I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him.

He was also looking very down and stressed and his demeanor and voice were very frail. HE ACTUALLY SAID he was stressed and worried how he will be able to do all 50 shows, that he does not eat enough, and he does not have enough breaks between shows. Clearly the situation is too much for him, it is making him SICK...whether it is self-imposed because he is not eating or something else.


Karen do you see this? Do you say anything to him?
Michael do you see this when you go over wardrobe? Do you say anything to him?

PLEASE INTERVENE AND HELP. I really think he is to the point where something bad and regrettable could happen to him. I don't mean to suggest that you are responsible for him but AS A FRIEND AND ONE OF THE VERY FEW CONSISTENT PEOPLE around him that I think TRULY CARES about him, please risk saying something to him if you have not already.

Michael Amir, Alberto and Faheem have begun to restrict access to Michael and I'm now no longer allowed to even give a letter into his hands without them reading it first. They have many excuses that Michael is tired or in tour mode now or it's for his safety. This is ridiculous after 15 years of seeing Michael, I don't expect to be treated this way as if I would somehow harm him. I may be “just a fan” but I have been there for Michael for a really long time before them and will surely be here after them and Michael needs to hear from his fans when it is clear he is distressed, and those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything. And shutting his fans out during this time is not what he needs. I see how alone Michael is, and heard from him how heavy he feels under the pressure. He has his children, but they are his responsibility to look after not the other way around, and so beyond his children his close friends are very few and far between. Everyone else around him in this time is focused on This Is It. I have seen in the past couple years that no one has really been around for him in Las Vegas, then Bel Air, now Los Angeles, no one who really cares for him as a friend and not just as a business. Except of course the two of you.

If he is suffering from something serious, physically or mentally, regarding his weight or health, please intervene. Please let me know that he is alright. These concerts are not worth jeopardizing his life.

I’m really in tears for him, for the state that I saw him in. If you’ve already said something to him, please give him this letter if you think he needs to hear it again from someone else. I'm sure whatever exactly is going on must be a fragile situation but please don't avoid it altogether. I'm so worried. Please tell me he is okay. Above that, please tell me the TRUTH.

I love him. Please help him if he needs it. I wish I could do something, I feel helpless.
Thank you for reading,
Continued ......................

Michael had invited us inside his rehearsal studio where he spoke very candidly about his fears and feelings about the tour schedule, AEG, and Randy Phillips. He also said he was suffering back pain, and he was not eating, which was already obvious to us. He was nearly in tears as he spoke, and folded his hands in prayer during a moment of silence. We left this meeting feeling very disturbed and worried for Michael, and continued to witness him over the next couple weeks losing yet more weight and sometimes in a drug-induced state. The group of “followers” decided that we needed to take decisive action and reach Michael directly about our worries. Michael was deteriorating quickly and our shock and fears continued to grow every day, we couldn’t rely on his entourage to care for his well-being, because they were clearly not, nor would they take our concerns seriously. We decided to write letters to Michael himself, each of us wrote a letter individually, but all had the same sentiment about our fears over Michael’s condition, pleading for him to take better care of himself, to love himself, and put himself before the tour. The letters were given directly into Michael’s hands outside his rehearsal studio the night before he passed away. Michael tried to phone Talitha (one of the fans who actually gave the letters and Michael knew very well) several times from the Staples Center, but the call kept dropping and we will never know what he wanted to say. Michael’s personal assistant, Michael Amir, told me in Los Angeles when I went back for Michael’s memorial that Michael asked for the letters upon returning home after rehearsal, and he took them to Michael in his bedroom. Michael would be gone in less than 8 hours.

So sadly, this is my last letter to Michael, written June 22nd and given to Michael night of June 24th. I share this for those who are attempting to blame those of us who actually tried to be heard. You are accusing the wrong people of doing nothing. Your attention should be turned towards AEG, Randy Phillips, Frank Dileo who claimed outright that everything was “under control” and “Michael is not going to die.”

Dearest Michael,

I’m not exactly sure how to begin what I need to say to you, but please understand everything I say comes only from a place of overwhelming love and care for your happiness and health. I love you so very much; much much much more than I could ever hope to adequately express to you. In the past several months I have become very worried that you are not caring for yourself as you deserve to be cared for. I have noticed you becoming increasingly thin, and you are now so thin that I’m really concerned about your well-being.
I can only imagine the paralyzing degree of pressure you must be feeling lately in preparation for you concerts, and I can only assume your drastic weight loss is a symptom of the stress you feel so heavily upon you in these recent months.

Michael, I just pray that you know I will still love and adore and support you even if you were to never set your precious feet upon another stage. You have stood proud against more stress and pressures in your life than is fair for one person to ever endure, and you have always done it with grace, humility, honor. For this I have admired you, with your seemingly superhuman strength and incredible willpower to carry though the deepest and darkest of times. But dearest Michael, I know you are human and must often feel tired, lost or lonely, overwhelmed, tiny in the shadow of enormous obligations. I can only imagine you must be feeling the weight of the world upon your shoulders in these couple remaining weeks until your opening night. I am worried that your intense schedule and perhaps your own worries about pleasing your fans, and stunning the world again with your greatness, is causing you to forgo food and lose weight you can no longer afford to lose.

I hope and pray that your concerts are everything amazingly fantastic that you have dared to dream. I know you have been working incredibly hard, incredibly long hours and want nothing more for you to be happy with the fruits of your labor. However, I pray that you are not laboring so hard that you are neglecting your health and not eating as necessary to nourish your body, mind, and spirit during what is undoubtedly an immensely stressful time.

Michael, when I met you several months ago at Halloween I was taken aback at how thin you were. But you had told me you were beginning to prepare a tour, and so I assumed perhaps your slight frame was the result of preparation. At that time you spoke about the concerts with a sparkle of anticipation in your voice, a spirit of exuberance, a light in your eyes like I had not seen for years. I was happy that you were happy. But now seeing you again in Los Angeles these past several weeks I am concerned your spirit seems broken, and your weight has fallen further. When I met you in the dance studio I was shocked at how thin you have become, when we hugged I felt there was not enough of you. If the concerts have become too much, too many, too stressful, please know you are not alone and you could never ever disappoint us should you feel it impossible to carry through. If the concerts are somehow jeopardizing your health, your health and well-being absolutely must come first. We could not enjoy a concert knowing you were suffering through it. Please do not feel obligated to us to perform beyond your desire, beyond your capability. This is not to say I doubt you for even a second, but I’m only worried that your weight is drastically low and am afraid for your life as you are about to expend an incredible amount of energy over the coming months.

I hope I haven’t offended you in any way with any of these words. I love you so much and I only dare to say what I have out of care and concern. You have seemed somewhat sad, overly stressed, and super skinny recently and I just want you to know that you are loved and I am praying for your health and happiness. I hope that you are actually perfectly alright and my worries are simply paranoia from having seen you on days when perhaps you weren’t feeling your best. Michael Amir, Alberto, and Faheem have begun restricting access to you more severely in recent weeks so it has not been easy to ask how you are doing and give our love and prayers. Please forgive us if we have upset you but we are worried.

I’m so looking forward to seeing you again in London. I love you and ask that you please take care of yourself - for yourself, your children, your fans, your family, and all those the world over who love you deeply and dearly from the very bottom of our hearts. We want to love you for many more years to come.
I Love You Always & Forever,
Continued ...................

I am sure that he read it and now consider it my final goodbye to Michael.

It is with complete confidence that I say Michael did not trust or like AEG/Randy Phillips, but he felt enslaved financially to their demands because of their role in re-financing his life. We saw Randy Phillips at Michael’s memorial and told him "we know the truth"...he denied that he ever went against Michael's wishes, but Michael told us the truth and naturally we believe Michael. We told Randy "you know that we know the truth"...he was visibly shocked and was without words. I hope he feels an immense amount of
regret and guilt, along with anyone/everyone else involved in what I believe pushed Michael to an edge from which he eventually fell.

We have known for many years that Michael was sometimes taking prescription drugs, that he endured phases of addictions over the past decade. The “followers” have witnessed this many times over the years, we have seen and spoken with Michael in altered states, and we have often felt concerned for him. It was not something we ever chose to post on forums or share publicly as it was a private matter for Michael, and we always chose not to jeopardize his privacy. However, those that SUPPLIED, ENABLED, USED, and NEGLECTED him over these years, especially in his last months, should take responsibility for their part in his death. Michael needed help, and instead his “friends” chose to keep him happy and controlled rather than getting him the help he desperately needed. Michael was human like all of us, and like anyone dependent on drugs he needed help. He did not need criminal doctors and friends keeping him medicated so their own greed and profits could be realized.

We also now know many more details that have revealed themselves since Michael’s passing and have given us full confidence in what we know and saw and corroborates our own testimonies. Some have been promised confidential, but it is our hope that the This Is Not It campaign will encourage others to speak the TRUTH they also know.

edit: The photo attached to this note was taken on May 29, 2009, 3 weeks before Michael passed. It is very evident he is very underweight, and he continued to lose weight even after this picture. It is most evident in his face, jaw and neck. You will also see in the This Is It movie that Michael was almost aways wearing THREE shirts AND a jacket to conceal his small frame in his last weeks.

I don’t know where to begin with my testimony. There is simply too much to say and so many feelings involved, feelings of sadness, regret, anger, confusion and helplessness. However, I need to share my story with the rest of you, for what it’s worth. It won’t bring Michael back and the vultures around him will keep fighting for whatever is left of him and his estate. This campaign we are putting together isn’t to try and stop the unstoppable, but to simply do Michael justice by telling who we can that he wasn’t well and that he DID reach out to us and that we owe him at least the truth by telling you what he told and showed us in th elast few weeks of his life. Whether he expressed his anguish and distress in words or in obvious physical and mental states, I believe (and I am not alone) that he was crying out for help and no-one around him came to his rescue, blinded by greed, fear, self-interest, disregard or even lack of compassion.

I have been a fan for over 20 years but only over the last 8 months of Michael’s life had I become what is called a “follower”. By that meaning I followed Michael on a regular if not daily basis. I got to see where he went and how he was and the people around him. I got to see his physical and mental state and how quickly things deteriorated in the last few weeks/months of his life. This is my recollection of the events preceding his death and how some of us, including myself, knew he was running out of time and was in great danger. We tried to intervene but we were too late.

In November 2008, Michael who was then staying at the Bel-Air hotel, met with a group of us outside and spoke to us for quite a while and he was kind enough to bring us food from his favorite restaurant which he had ordered for himself too that evening. He looked great and was very calm, very clear and lucid. There was obviously nothing “wrong” with him that evening. He spoke to us about many things and hinted at many projects coming up. At that time we had no idea that concerts were in the works. In the next few weeks Michael had many meetings at that hotel, meetings which now we know were about the Tour.

After the 02 concerts were announced in March, Michael began rehearsing at Center Staging between April and May. It is around that we started seeing a pattern in the increased visits to Dr. Klein’s office. The increase in visits and their duration began to alarm me and some others, especially when we began noticing the effects they had on him. He would start leaving the facility looking "groggy". We began realizing the procedures must have involved mind-altering substances.

It reached the point where some of us commented that it was pointless to give him fan letters and gifts after doctor’s visits as he would just send them back out signed, even though they were clearly letters addressed to him and not pictures from autograph hunters.

Something alarmed me more than usual on Saturday, April 25th,2009. It was the first time Michael went to see Dr. Klein on a week-end and it was late. He stayed there from 5pm-9.30pm.

When he came out from Klein’s office Michael smelled very strongly of I would say either rubbing alcohol or Ether and looked groggy.

On May 29th, Michael brought some of us in to Center Staging to talk to us about what was going on (after some fans told him they couldn’t get tickets to the concerts and how the ticket sales didn’t make sense and how things seemed to be a mess and was he aware of it). He told us he wasn’t aware of the problem, that he wasn’t aware that it was a seated venue and that he would do something about it. He told us he had gone to bed thinking it was 10 concerts and woke up finding out it was 50! He said “They did it without my consent. They just did it for obvious reasons”. He added “They did the schedule wrong too. It was supposed to be day, show off, day, show off, day, show off”. (He meant show, day off, show, day off).

His voice was breaking as he was going to start crying and he put his hands together in a prayer position and stood quietly. We were quiet with him. It was a very intense moment and filled with, in my opinion, sadness and worry.

I left feeling like our worries were validated and so did most of us there.

Unfortunately, the day after Michael made this statement it came out in the press. We don't know, but AEG was quick to refute it and call it a lie.

This also coincides with the timing of everything changing for the small group of us who used to have open contact with Michael.

After AEG found out about Michael’s statement to us everything changed.

Security shut us out and Michael stopped being as “available”.

With restricted access (although we still saw got to see him and somewhat speak to him) the doctor’s visits became more frequent and we noticed more of a physical change in him, especially his weight. He just looked too skinny and something felt wrong overall. Even his security guards’ attitudes and ways changed.

On June 1st Michael started rehearsals at the Forum in Inglewood

A couple of weeks into it, Michael Amir (Michael’s personal assistant and security) said that Michael was very tired, that he hadn't slept the entire week-end and that AEG kept on calling him all the time.
It was around that time that Michael would go to rehearsals later and later and sometimes cancel.
One of those times was on June 12th. Michael went late to rehearsals. On arrival there he didn’t stop for us the way he usually did. Shortly afterward his security came to see where we were, driving by our cars a block away where we usually parked and waited. They made no attempt to tell us what they were doing. This was about 8-9pm. At around midnight one of his security guards called “Biggie”, came out and told us: “Michael says this is “dangerous” (?!) and that “Michael didn’t want to go to rehearsals tonight”, “he’s tired”. And then we were asked to line up one by one and that we would get to have 15 seconds each alone with Michael. It all felt awkward for all of us involved. We didn’t understand what was going on but of course we did line up and had our time individually. It was very impersonal and we were being closely monitored by his security.

In the last few days of Michael’s life I also remember noticing his security guard Alberto Alvarez often looking very agitated and breaking into a nervous sweat. He would tell us, when questioning him on whether Michael was okay or not, that Michael was “focused” and in “tour mode” and not actually answering the question. Yet we could see it was more than that, that Michael had become increasingly altered, groggy and emaciated and that his security was nervous about something. In fact, instead of having 2-3 guards behind the gates at his house, it doubled and tripled and I even counted up to 12 of them on the night he died.
Something was up, something had changed and we knew it was time to act.

In an attempt to do an intervention to save his life, a couple of dozen fans (including myself) wrote letters to Michael the week before his death. It was out intention to give him the letters and to make a statement on behalf of all the fans who felt something was wrong.

We knew it was a matter of time before he died unless an action was taken. No-one else around him seemed to care enough to do it. Once all the letters were collected and a plan was in place, we decided to intervene on June 24th, 2009.

We did in fact manage to get them in his hands that afternoon. That night would be the last time I’d see him, leaving Staples Center at around 1.30 am on June 25th,2009.

This was my letter to him:


I have admired and loved you since the age of 14 when you first saved my life. You have kept saving it throughout the years, as blunt and odd as it may sound to someone who doesn’t even “know” me. You kept me going and gave me hope and strength. .

Now it’s my turn, all of our turns, to reach out to YOU and tell you we’re here or you and that we want to help.

Please understand we love you so much we can’t afford to lose you. You mean so much it hurts to see you unhappy the way we have seen you for a while, as hard as you’ve tried to hide it. We feel and see something is wrong.

Michael, don’t ever do anything you DON’T want to do, whether it be concerts or anything-else people want you to do to make money.

Don’t let anyone or anything stress you to the point where you lose sleep, worry or do whatever else that ultimately affects your health. None of it is worth it and you don’t need to prove yourself.

You’ve paid your dues, more than once.

I need you and love you so deeply and truly, we all do.


Finally I want to end this by making something very clear. I am not saying Michael seemed high or groggy all the time. I want that to be understood. We did NOT perceive him as a junkie. We were just concerned (during a certain period of time) that he was too stressed and too pressured to be able to eat and function without medication and that people around him knew he was unwell and chose to close their eyes for profit, and God knows what other reason. But I know what I saw and I know it wasn’t a healthy, happy, fit man ready to go onstage less than 3 weeks later, and they know it too. It’s time for the truth to come out.

TALIN Testimony

Dear fans,

I live in LA and was consistently around Michael during his stay here in the last 8 months of his life. On days that I was not present, other “followers” were always around, so please take our testimonies seriously since collectively we saw Michael everyday and collectively our concerns were the same.
In my opinion, there are only two theories about Michael’s death:

1) Michael was being controlled, under pressure, being overworked, and his needs were being neglected. In addition to this, he was intentionally murdered and those responsible for this are more than just Dr. Murray.

2) Michael was being controlled, under pressure, being overworked, and his needs were being neglected. He was accidentally murdered by Dr. Murray.

The first part of both theories is FACT and while others may convince themselves that he was “fine”, I cannot lie to myself and ignore what I personally experienced in the last weeks of his life.
It’s very clear that Michael initially decided on these shows for financial reasons, though once the concerts were announced I noticed him excited about the whole record breaking project. In the first couple of months of rehearsals he seemed happy with things, asked us if we were surprised by the press conference and would ask us about songs we wanted to hear. But in the last 3 or 4 weeks things gradually turned downhill, the excitement was not always there, and after a while we finally realized something was wrong. Here are my FACTS:

On May 29th, the last day of rehearsals at Center Staging, a few of us went inside the studio and talked to Michael. It was actually he who wanted to talk to us. He first apologized about the seating arrangements for the concerts then expressed “the seating and the dates were done without my consent”. He said he was doing these shows for us and wanted to do it the way we wanted him to. He seemed unhappy about the way things were going and at some point his voice cracked like he was going to cry. He said that he’s only one person and only has so much energy…… Later that night we met him at a different location where we took pictures with him. Michael was half sitting inside the car and I was kind of leaning on him. I put my hand on his leg to push myself up and all I felt was bone. No, not like he was just skinny, more like he was nothing but a skeleton. It REALLY alarmed me and that’s when I first thought something was wrong. My personal letters to him from then on voiced concerns, not telling him anything specific but just asking him to think of his health and happiness first. Prior to this I had wondered when he would start putting weight on like he had during previous tours, but since he usually wore layers of oversized clothes, it was hard to tell just how think he was. Still with these facts to worry about, this is when his hair went curly, preparations were moving along and the concert hype was peaking. So I thought ‘well, maybe I’m overreacting. He has a month, maybe things will get sorted out’. And his first rehearsal at the Forum the following week was promising since we heard him singing so I thought it could all be coming together. I was still concerned but not worried that he was in danger.

June 12th is when Michael’s security started to act weird and started keeping us away from him by taking extreme measures. Their actions were absolutely unnecessary considering the fact that at any given time there were no more than 10 or 12 of us there and these were people that he knew and trusted as did his security. In the next couple of weeks so many reasons for this ran through my head. 1) As the guards kept saying, he was in “concert mode” and was probably trying to build up the hysteria. 2) He was groggy and didn’t want us to see and notice. 3) Concert promoters had found out that he was confiding in us and complaining to us and somehow this was being leaked to the press and they instructed the guards to make sure we have no contact with him. 4) Maybe he just didn’t want to be bothered and had started to feel unsafe (possible, but strange given the timing and other factors).
Michael frequently visited Dr. Klein’s office and at times came out of there groggy.

I always wondered why he was going there but never did I feel I had the right to ask. I assumed it was some kind of skin treatment but it bothered me that he was in there for hours (sometimes as long as 5 hours) and it bothered me that he was being put under. Never did I suspect he was going there to sleep and again, I did not feel like it was my place to ask nor would I have gotten any kind of an answer from anyone.

June 16th was the last time I saw him outside Dr. Klein’s office (even though I believe he went there once more before his death).

Among all the fans that were around him that day, we came to the conclusion that he was groggy when he first left the house and he was groggy when he left Dr. Klein’s office. He then went home for a while before going to rehearsal and he was groggy again after rehearsal. That night, 6 of us gathered with different scenarios. This is when we thought something was seriously wrong. We thought that maybe Michael was being drugged against his will to continue with rehearsals and not object. We thought he was being controlled by either AEG or the NOI or both. We started to make accusations about his staff and others involved with the shows and tried to think of what we could do. We knew of someone that was inside the forum but not involved with the concerts. I suggested we ask that person inside how Michael was doing when on stage and one of my friend said “Michael hasn’t been on stage for the past 3 rehearsals” (the past 3 rehearsals being June 11th, 12th, and 16th). The next day I asked Alberto, the head security, how Michael was doing with rehearsals and if he was happy and healthy. Alberto’s response was extremely positive. Of course he was lying since Michael hadn’t been on stage recently so he couldn’t have been doing “great”. Yes, maybe there were days when he was not needed on stage but not this close to opening night and not for 3 consecutive rehearsals.

Continued .....................

June 21st was when I saw Marika’s email about what she had seen and how concerned she was about his weight. Without hesitation we teamed up to get our letters to Michael. Many fans now are blaming us for not including everyone. Please, please keep in mind that not all fans see eye to eye and had we opened this up for discussion, many would have attacked us for over exaggerating and seeking attention. Also keep in mind that this all happened in just a couple of days… On the 22nd there was no rehearsal. The 23rd was his first day at Staple Center and we tried to give the letters but unnecessary security measures made it impossible. On the 24th, by careful planning we were successful but clearly too late. I hand wrote my letter so I don’t have a copy of it to share. It was similar to other letters. Without doubting his abilities, I begged him to take care of himself and do what’s best for him, his family and his health and not to worry about us, the world, or his finances. Hours after we last saw him, he was dead. So for those people that doubt us, or question our intentions, or say that we are exaggerating what we experienced, do you think this was all a coincidence? Do you think the fact that we all panicked, worried, and took action, then had our worst expectation become reality was just chance? While the blame may only be put on Dr. Murray, the REAL cause of Michael Jackson’s death may remain a mystery forever. What IS fact is that Michael was not okay in the last weeks of his life but everyone around him chose to ignore that since they thought the show must go on! Yes, Michael was murdered accidentally or intentionally and by propofol. I’m not saying that His weight or previous drug use played a role in his death. What I’m trying to get across is that AEG is making it seem like he was perfectly fine and healthy up until the point when Dr. Murray overmedicated him, but we saw otherwise. So is AEG hiding more, covering up their tracks, by releasing this perfectly edited documentary? Is someone else behind it all? We may never know the truth but now you all know what I noticed, what we all noticed and tried to act on in the last days of his life.

Thanks for the eye-rape AmberR. Honestly peope might read all these posts if you didn't type it all up in retina burning red. And you just made 8 posts in a row which I'm pretty sure equates to spamming.
Well Amber the same can be said for this campaign..Do you have any proof of the things you guys say were wrong with Michael? Or do you just base it off the hearsay of the "Follower fans"?

I have been doing research Annie, gathered so much. TINI campagin started, I read tesitmonies, bam .......everything I had already read and watched......matches with their testimonies.

I have chosen to support them.

Dear all if you do your research, dig deep back from 2007, how these all started you will agree with TINI.

Just look how many doctor visits Michael had made from Jan 2009 to June 2009.

Do you see any celebrity who has announced 50 concerts visiting a doctor 3 -4 times a week?

If you have found pictures of Michael spotted outside of medical building in Beverhills in articles/news just read the comments had left by reader in the past before Michael died?

Could you please kindly post those photos and articles...I'm curios.

Again follower fans are eye witness, way much better than us who did not see Michael in his final days.

Please do yourself a favour.


This Is NOT It - Press Release

Contact: Website:

YouTube :

RE: An awareness Campaign concerning This Is It, a movie produced by AEG and distributed by Columbia Pictures, featuring Michael Jackson’s last rehearsals for the This Is It tour.

Who We Are : friends and fans of Michael, including some who were with him the last weeks of his life and who have witnessed to many of the events that led to his death. The latter group got so concerned about Michael Jackson’s state that on June 21st, they decided to stage the first step on an intervention. They wrote him letters asking him to stop the tour if he was not up to it. Michael Jackson received these letters on June 24th. The second step of the intervention was never to take place.

Our Aim : It is our wish to help people understand where responsibilities lie, pertaining to Michael Jackson’s passing, in the hope that if they choose to watch the film, they will do so with critical eyes. In fact, we believe that those around Jackson chose to look the other way when it was evident he was having problems. We want to celebrate Michael Jackson and his amazing legacy, but we cannot do so until the truth comes out, justice is served, and the lies are exposed. We will do all we can to achieve those objectives.

How :

1. Publishing testimonies by fans who were there to witness the last weeks of Michael’s life

2. Distributing flyers at most of the premieres of the ‘This Is It’ movie around the world.

What first-hand witnesses said:

“…we witnessed Michael being under influences. But what was weird, is that it was AFTER rehearsals, and not only after Dr Klein's visit. So whatever they were giving to him, he was given (or took himself) at the rehearsals… If WE SAW that, don't tell me people around him, talking to him 10 hours a day couldn't see it”

“But what Moon and I saw last week horrified us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton…I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But these clothes... it was as if he was naked...”

“I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him… those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything.”

”… we started seeing a pattern in the increased visits to Dr. Klein’s office. The increase in visits and their duration began to alarm me and some others, especially when we began noticing the effects they had on him. He would start leaving the facility looking "groggy".

“He told us he had gone to bed thinking it was 10 concerts and woke up finding out it was 50! He said “They did it without my consent-”

“We knew it was a matter of time before he died unless an action was taken. No-one else around him seemed to care enough to do it. Once all the letters were collected and a plan was in place, we decided to intervene on June 24th, 2009.”

“…I was kind of leaning on him. I put my hand on his leg to push myself up and all I felt was bone. No, not like he was just skinny, more like he was nothing but a skeleton. It REALLY alarmed me and that’s when I first thought something was wrong.”

What happened?

AEG contributed to Michael’s death by pressuring him to commit to a gruelling rehearsal schedule in the run-up to the This Is It tour. During the last weeks of his life, Michael Jackson’s health declined. It was evident to everyone. Michael needed and deserved the help he was not given. Neither AEG nor Michael’s own entourage intervened.

IN MID MAY When Michael began to suffer from insomnia, stress and exhaustion, AEG put a doctor on its payroll to help him sleep.

IN LATE MAY Michael reached out to some of us and expressed serious doubts about his ability to commit to AEG’s tour schedule. When AEG discovered this, instead of taking action to help him, they promptly denied the reports and kept him more isolated.

IN EARLY JUNE When Michael started missing rehearsals, crew members went to his house to force him to go to work.

IN THE LAST DAYS OF HIS LIFE Michael’s weight dropped considerably, and when he began turning up to rehearsals drowsy and incoherent as a result of powerful medication, AEG and his entourage turned a blind eye to his condition and kept pushing him to perform.

ON JUNE 25 The doctor paid by AEG to keep Michael functional injected a cocktail of sedatives into Michael’s body, followed by a lethal dose of Propofol. He then waited at least 90 minutes after Michael stopped breathing to call the paramedics.

IN EARLY JULY Had Michael gone to London as planned, he would have most likely succumbed to the pressure and exhaustion and called off the tour, leaving AEG in dire financial straits. Instead AEG now stand to make millions from this movie and related merchandise.

Michael Jackson is dead because of one act by a doctor paid by AEG to negate the severe psychological and physical strain the preparation for this tour caused.

What you are about to see:

A movie made by AEG full of slick edits, visual effects, Michael Jackson 3D body doubles and interviews with people on AEG's payroll spouting lies. This movie will give a censored, skewered and ultimately false impression of Michael in the last days of his life.

This movie is a lie. Know the truth.

Where is the proof that the movie contains 3D body doubles? Who particularly are you accusing of "spouting lies"? Who's opinion is it that Michael would have called off the tour? Is there a direct quote from him saying that? Why was AEG forcing him to perform and ignoring his condition? If they thought he wouldn't follow through with the shows because of his health, wouldn't it make more sense to get help for him so he could gain weight and build up stamina and complete the shows, than to deliberately ignore the problem and then kill him? Michael started missing rehersals in early June? How many did he miss? What crew members went to his house? Travis said he went there first to work with Michael in private before they went to the stadium. Is this what you are referring to?
How did AEG pressure Michael? Were they threatening him, if so, how?
You knew it was a matter of time before he died? How?
I have no respect or trust for Klein. But if Michael was having some sort of treatment for his vitiligo or lupus, couldn't the fact that he was drowsy when he left, just mean that he had some sort of medical procedure done?
The bones of his shoulders couldn't have literally been protruding and poking through the material of his shirt. Or I should say, if they were, he would have died from that, not a drug overdose. You must have mispoken there.
I have been waiting for an answer to my main question, which is what was Michaels response when you expressed your concerns. But after reading some of these testimonies I am coming to a sickening suspicion, which i hope is wrong, that none of you said anything to him until you wrote those letters. WHy?????
You criticize everyone else for not saying anything and yet from your testimony two of you were close enough to feel his bones through his clothes and yet you didn't say anything? Why not? You were not on the AEG payroll, you had nothing to lose. In fact, I don't understand if you knew he was going to die if he didn't get help, how you could possibly have sat and talked with him and not expressed such a dire concern. That seems really heartless to me. Particularly if, as you say, he was reaching out to you.
I hope this isn't true.
Obviously, I am not in the TINI camp. But at first I supported their efforts even though I thought they were wrong. Now, I am not sure. There are too many unsubstantiated and general accusations on their web site and even though I don't think Michael was as frail and ill as they say, I can't really get behind a group of people who believed that about Michael and didn't talk to him about it when they had multiple chances to intervene in person.
Thanks for the eye-rape AmberR. Honestly peope might read all these posts if you didn't type it all up in retina burning red. And you just made 8 posts in a row which I'm pretty sure equates to spamming.

So this is the best you could come up with. sure you can do better.