This is not it...will help get people out to see the movie


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Watch the CNN clip. The guest commentators have some powerful things to say.

At first, I did not think the "this is not it" campaign started by Karen Faye, would have any impact, one way or another, but after watching the CNN clip I think the controversy will help the movie.:tease:


The commentators were adamant in their views, and all agreed, the movie will be an Homage to MJ. And more airtime, will allow more people to know the movie is coming.

Great!! They spent over 9 minutes discussing the movie. Wow...Free publicity for the movie.
I am not watching the clip because i want nothing to do with the this is not it campaign however i dont want tickets to sell just because people wanna see if Michael is as sick ill and frail as these people say! I want people to see this film to see Michael putting together an amazing show and showing what a genius he is!
I am not watching the clip because i want nothing to do with the this is not it campaign however i dont want tickets to sell just because people wanna see if Michael is as sick ill and frail as these people say! I want people to see this film to see Michael putting together an amazing show and showing what a genius he is!

I feel the same way, but you really must watch it. Having the panel speak highly of MJ is music to my ears. One thing they said that I TOTALLY agree with, is NO ONE would be interested in seeing MJ frail or sick. People want to be reminded of the music, the dance...

And two of the people in the clip said they cannot wait to watch the movie. Neither can I.

3 more days.
I am not watching the clip because i want nothing to do with the this is not it campaign however i dont want tickets to sell just because people wanna see if Michael is as sick ill and frail as these people say! I want people to see this film to see Michael putting together an amazing show and showing what a genius he is!

For my part, I want for as many skeptical people as possible to go and see the movie.
We fans know how great MJ is and always have known this.
I actually can´t wait for doubters to go see this movie and have their perceptions about him changed.
I think it´s going to be wonderful for his legacy
I actually LOVED this! I'm surprised myself, but this was positive and I loved it!

Thank you so much for posting!!!

you're welcome.

I, too, did not want to watch the whole thing because I expected a lot of negativity...than MJ's clip came on and I had to watch...It got very interesting at the end

See michaels wendy bird you should give it a try. Just whatever you want.
I am not watching the clip because i want nothing to do with the this is not it campaign however i dont want tickets to sell just because people wanna see if Michael is as sick ill and frail as these people say! I want people to see this film to see Michael putting together an amazing show and showing what a genius he is!

That's right! You perfect! :clapping: I'm very anxious to see this movie. I bought my tickets and I'll watch twice. :punk:
No question, this was massive free publicity of a positive nature which has backfired on the TINI campaign. My fears before watching it that TINI would cause ghouls to come out to see a sick MJ were allayed. The ticket sale boost it will generate will come from non-fans or lapsed fans wanting to see the wonderful MJ is everyone's talking about.

Kenny, Kenny... the host was being kind when he said maybe he "misspoke" about the camera "only being turned on a few times..." :)
No question, this was massive free publicity of a positive nature which has backfired on the TINI campaign. My fears before watching it that TINI would cause ghouls to come out to see a sick MJ were allayed. The ticket sale boost it will generate will come from non-fans or lapsed fans wanting to see the wonderful MJ is everyone's talking about.

Kenny, Kenny... the host was being kind when he said maybe he "misspoke" about the camera "only being turned on a few times..." :)

I think he did misspeak. Because in other interviews he said MJ liked to film everything, so he can review them later.

So to go from 'everything' to 'a couple of times' I am assuming he misspoke.

Ashtanga, your signature is the best.
No question, this was massive free publicity of a positive nature which has backfired on the TINI campaign.

How has it backfired? They are getting the publicity they've been hoping for. They have never said 'don't see the film'... they have asked people to watch it with their eyes open and take into account what they witnessed with their own eyes. If you choose to watch it with blinkers on then that's up to you.

And, Memefan, as Agnes said, Karen Faye DID NOT start this group - fans did.
How has it backfired? They are getting the publicity they've been hoping for. They have never said 'don't see the film'... they have asked people to watch it with their eyes open and take into account what they witnessed with their own eyes. If you choose to watch it with blinkers on then that's up to you.

And, Memefan, as Agnes said, Karen Faye DID NOT start this group - fans did.

How has it backfired? They are getting the publicity they've been hoping for. They have never said 'don't see the film'... they have asked people to watch it with their eyes open and take into account what they witnessed with their own eyes. If you choose to watch it with blinkers on then that's up to you.

And, Memefan, as Agnes said, Karen Faye DID NOT start this group - fans did.
Exactly! I am VERY much looking forward to seeing the film to see his magic, enjoy the music and him being such a genius AND I'm following the TINI campaign as well. Why do fans still see this as two concurrenting things? That's not what it is about!:no: The campaign is about the truth, whether there's a movie or's about finding out what was done to him, about all the injustice.
I so hate it that the campaign doesn't have the right marketing and people are misunderstanding it....otherwise I'm very sure EVERY fan would support it.:mello:
Why do fans still see this as two concurrenting things? That's not what it is about!:no: The campaign is about the truth, whether there's a movie or's about finding out what was done to him, about all the injustice.
I so hate it that the campaign doesn't have the right marketing and people are misunderstanding it....otherwise I'm very sure EVERY fan would support it.:mello:

You know, the TINI people here are the ones who to me are being dishonest. I'd have more respect for you, honestly, if you weren't. You're blanketing fans here with one thing (we're not accusing anyone, we're just about finding the truth, it's all good, peace, light and goodwill to all men, everybody should be down with that...)

When your site and official statements to the press say the opposite thing:

“blatant lies and attempted cover-up by those around Michael in his final months.”

“[W]e believe we can inform people and help them see the movie with different eyes..." "We can tell you this did not have to be IT..."

“It is our hope that many fans ,,, will shed light on the lies.”​

These, folks, are extremely harsh accusations without evidence to back them. Your blindness is not letting you see this simple fact so obvious to others. It's not letting you acknowledge honestly the obvious fact that these statements say you alone already have the truth, not that you're seeking it.

You don't need a high-paid marketing strategist to see this. Just perspective, fairness, and compassion for others.
Somehow i can't ignore what the This Is Not It campaign is trying do say here, cause there are to many questions surrounding all of this. Maybe to soon for now, but in time they should just release the remaining footage that is not in the film. Even the difficult parts.. I can't simply ignore the fans who were there with Michael and expressing their concerns...... This is not about him being thin or whatever but about why they had concerns and why nobody else had those same concerns to act...
You know, the TINI people here are the ones who to me are being dishonest. I'd have more respect for you, honestly, if you weren't. You're blanketing fans here with one thing (we're not accusing anyone, we're just about finding the truth, it's all good, peace, light and goodwill to all men, everybody should be down with that...)

When your site and official statements to the press say the opposite thing:
“blatant lies and attempted cover-up by those around Michael in his final months.”

“[W]e believe we can inform people and help them see the movie with different eyes..." "We can tell you this did not have to be IT..."

“It is our hope that many fans ,,, will shed light on the lies.”​

These, folks, are extremely harsh accusations without evidence to back them. Your blindness is not letting you see this simple fact so obvious to others. It's not letting you acknowledge honestly the obvious fact that these statements say you alone already have the truth, not that you're seeking it.

You don't need a high-paid marketing strategist to see this. Just perspective, fairness, and compassion for others.
Excuse me? I don't understand what u mean....I'm not one of the people who set up TINI, I just follow and have an open mind for the campaign.:mello:
And that's exactly what I meant, those statements are very much written with angryness...that's why I said that there needs to be a change in this campaign through better thinking about the marketing of it. Don't twist my words please.
What I've said is already passed forward to the TINI organisation.

Somehow i can't ignore what the This Is Not It campaign is trying do say here, cause there are to many questions surrounding all of this. Maybe to soon for now, but in time they should just release the remaining footage that is not in the film. Even the difficult parts.. I can't simply ignore the fans who were there with Michael and expressing their concerns...... This is not about him being thin or whatever but about why they had concerns and why nobody else had those same concerns to act...
I second that.
You know, the TINI people here are the ones who to me are being dishonest. I'd have more respect for you, honestly, if you weren't. You're blanketing fans here with one thing (we're not accusing anyone, we're just about finding the truth, it's all good, peace, light and goodwill to all men, everybody should be down with that...)

When your site and official statements to the press say the opposite thing:
“blatant lies and attempted cover-up by those around Michael in his final months.”

“[W]e believe we can inform people and help them see the movie with different eyes..." "We can tell you this did not have to be IT..."

“It is our hope that many fans ,,, will shed light on the lies.”​

These, folks, are extremely harsh accusations without evidence to back them. Your blindness is not letting you see this simple fact so obvious to others. It's not letting you acknowledge honestly the obvious fact that these statements say you alone already have the truth, not that you're seeking it.

You don't need a high-paid marketing strategist to see this. Just perspective, fairness, and compassion for others.

Absolutely agree with you. And I do not like the language they are using. Making Michael out to be an invalid, anorexic, unable to think for himself. MJ wasn't a child.

These people are delusional, in thinking their campaign is helping to shed light on MJ's death.

There is an ongoing investigation...we should just give the LAPD time to finish their investigation.

how is the movie gonna hinder finding the truth about MJ's death? And what exactly do they expect folks to do? take justice into our own hands?

Look at the CNN report, I don't blame them for not taking the group seriously. Throwing accusations without facts is counter productive.

Just because they followed MJ around, does not mean they had a greater or broader glimpse into his private life.

They seem to think they cared more for MJ than the people who lived and worked with him.

Furthermore, they make MJ fans look like a bunch of lunatics.
Excuse me? I don't understand what u mean....I'm not one of the people who set up TINI,

I didn't say anything about you setting it up. This campaign, if I understand it, is a grassroots campaign, which means anyone who wants to spread its message is by definition a member of the campaign. And should feed back to the organizers if you don't like the message.

And that's exactly what I meant, those statements are very much written with angryness... Don't twist my words please.

If that's what you meant, great, but that's not what you said. I didn't twist your words at all.

What I've said is already passed forward to the TINI organisation.

Excellent. Appreciated. (I mean that.) I hope more do as you've done. Unfortunately, though, I'm afraid the horse is out of the barn.
And I do not like the language they are using. Making Michael out to be an invalid, anorexic, unable to think for himself. MJ wasn't a child.

This is a part that really gets to me, because it just reinforces what became a large source of public contempt, that MJ was a child, instead of his simply having some childlike qualities. This was very obvious in the coverage of the initial TII clips -- you heard journalists saying over and over, "surprisingly, Jackson is seen here calling the shots..." WTF?!
I didn't say anything about you setting it up. This campaign, if I understand it, is a grassroots campaign, which means anyone who wants to spread its message is by definition a member of the campaign. And should feed back to the organizers if you don't like the message.

If that's what you meant, great, but that's not what you said. I didn't twist your words at all.

Excellent. Appreciated. (I mean that.) I hope more do as you've done. Unfortunately, though, I'm afraid the horse is out of the barn.
Ok sorry, then I misunderstood because you said 'you' and thought you meant me with it.

I did say that! I said that they're taking the wrong way of promoting this campaign. That's what I meant with the misunderstanding of many fans....they don't see through the angryness of the statements. TINI is about the truth but they're unfortunately expressing themselves wrong and that's what I said a couple of times.

And I think it's quite too late now indeed...this should've been handled and positioned different from the beginning.
Well, let's just hope the truth comes out anyway.:(
Absolutely agree with you. And I do not like the language they are using. Making Michael out to be an invalid, anorexic, unable to think for himself. MJ wasn't a child.

Now, you see, this is where you and I see things differently. I don't see them making him out to be an invalid, anorexic or unable to think for himself. Perhaps this is where the misconceptions arise.

Regarding the marketing of the campaign, please remember that these people are just fans - many of whom English is not their native language. They aren't marketing guru's. They have put their own time & money into something they believe in.

Just because they followed MJ around, does not mean they had a greater or broader glimpse into his private life.

They didn't just 'follow him around'. Michael knew some of them personally and invited them into his home/car and into rehearsals. He expressed his frustrations to them regarding the shows which they brought to the forum. Unfortunately, most people didn't believe them (and many still don't).

Please remember that their fears about Michael's health and ability to do the shows was expressed prior to his death - not after - and then he did die. If you were one of those fans, would't you be looking for some answers?
The CNN and any other press coverage of TINI is a win-win...both for the movie and for TINI, who just want to open people's eyes when they do see the movie.
Although the post may be considered hurtful to the fans who support TINI..I mostly agree with Bo G. I mean what "truth" are you guys exactly looking for? And your certainly not going to get it by spreading accusations that may be simply untrue. Like this for example..

"people around him knew that he looked like he might have died. Those who stood to make a profit chose to ignore it."

"AEG, the promoters for ‘This Is It’, ignored the signs, ignored the pleas, and in fact, actively covered up the truth."

How do they know that AEG OR those around him at the time knew that he was frail and sickly? How do they know that AEG seen anything wrong with him at all, Aside from Kenny's statements about him not eating, I don't think they necessarily noticed anything, because he proved what they may have thought, wrong once he took the stage.

Here's some others...

"Michael Jackson’s shocking sudden weight loss as a result of stress and medication, reducing him to a mere 108 lbs (49kg) at the time of his death."

This has been proven false, by the leaked autopsy report, which some believe may have been altered.

"Kenny Ortega, the director of both the tour and the movie, having to help Michael Jackson up the stairs, having to feed him and cut his food."

Again, proven false by Kenny Ortega himself.

"Michael Jackson failing to show up at rehearsals because he was not well, and being picked up from his house by his choreographer to force him to go to work."

Really? Again, how do they know this?

And I'm also having a hard time buying the "confided in fans about only doing 10 shows" when the actual contract that was put out over the internet states a 18 show minimum.

Alot of this campaign is based off of fan fiction and opinions being pushed as fact, this isn't any less worse than the tabloids, IMO.
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Some clarifications

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 2:31am

A few of us read some comments that were written elsewhere about our statement and testimony and wanted to clarify some points:

1. KAREN FAYE did not start the This Is NOT it campaign. It was formed by fans, followers and friends of Michael. It is something we have been researching and formulating to share since Michael passed.
We are from many different countries around the world. We are a group of fans that were extremely blessed to be around Michael a lot through many years, he often confessed his true feelings to us when he felt trapped by others around him. We have created many other campaigns, against the allegations in 1993 and 2004/5, against Mottola etc. This is our last gift to Michael. We think it is what he would have wanted, to speak the truth.

2. The campaign is NOT about boycotting the movie or guilting anyone into not seeing it. We know that would never work, there is such an immense amount of interest, and we can understand and appreciate that. All of the interest even works to our advantage in helping to generate attention to counter-act the LIES.

The campaign IS about trying to help reveal the TRUTH and encouraging people to watch the movie with a CRITICAL EYE and UNDERSTAND the movie will not portray the entire picture of Michael's condition and who was responsible for his NEGLECT. It is about educating fans, the public, the media...and NOT let those who should have listened and cared for his condition (but chose instead to have gained from greed and profit) have the last word. We will not be silent while they attempt to clear their conscience through a biased movie.

3. Yes, we have given our testimonies/statements to the police, Michael's family and their attorney. We waited until we had done this to come forth publicly with this campaign. We felt that was the most appropriate action. This should answer the question as to why we have supposedly waited so long to speak out (although some of us actually have been since Marika's email leaked some time ago.)

4. In answer to those questioning why we are saying those of us who were there were kept from Michael vs being able to get close enough to him to speak with him and give him letters: We were increasingly kept distanced from Michael in his last weeks by security, HOWEVER there were times when Michael specifically invited us to speak with him, or he asked that security bring certain fans to him (inside shops, rehearsals, at his house) and in these times when security could not deny us was when we were able to best speak to him & give letters. Unfortunately, we were not in the position to intervene in such a timely and effective way to avoid what happened.

5. The testimonies by Marika and Sandy are factual, more will be posted soon by those of us who feel strong enough to speak publicly and share what was personal experience and never expected to be made so public. We have no reason to lie, nothing to gain, no profit to realize. No one else in Michael's life can say that (sadly, not even his family, his children not included.)

6. We are aware there will seem as if there are some inconsistencies or contradictions between what we are saying and what will be shown in the movie. However, this is largely our point - the movie will not portray the entire picture and we want the world to be very cognizant of that fact. Clearly they will show footage of Michael only at his best moments. Meanwhile, most of his days were filled with stress, fears and pain. This we know from MICHAEL'S WORDS and in some cases from seeing him daily. The movie you will see will be predominantly of Michael in the last 2 days (as those were shot in HD) of rehearsals just before his death when Michael was trying to make a special effort because he had been confronted by Kenny/Randy/Travis regarding his condition and their unhappiness with his ability to consistently perform & missing rehearsals due to not feeling well, and their fears he would not be ready. Therefore, it will not be an accurate and entire picture of Michael and his condition in the few months and ultimately last weeks.

7. Despite the supposed leaked autopsy, we believe that Michael weighed much less than 136lbs at the time of his death. We can safely speak for all of the "followers" that none of us believe he was "healthy" as this latest report claims. We do not mean he was sick, we mean he was too frail for the effort he was trying to make and there were many things that were contributing to his frailty, including lack of sleep, not eating enough, prescription drug use. Karen Faye can also corroborate as she did indeed prepare Michael for his final resting. A few of us spoke with her at the cemetery on this very day. She is in agreement that Michael weighed 108lbs.

8. We are working hard creating the campaign and website and pulling together all of the elements so it is ready for all fans to partake as soon as possible. We hope that as mamy as possible will take action especially during the TII premieres in their cities, as we will suggest.

For those who are criticising us for not answering everyone's myriad of questions on the facebook page or here on forums: we would need to spend all day here correcting those fans who have twisted what we've said, or assumed things that are not true but are now being believed as true by other fans because they assume it's fact after reading it here, etc. etc. etc. We choose to focus on the campaign for those who believe us and want to participate, instead of answering all of the nay-sayers and those who never have and probably never will believe us no matter what we say. That is a lost cause we do not want to be a part of.

9. We are not promoting conspiracy theories here. We fully acknowledge Michael ultimately died from lethal doses of Propofol and benzodiazepines as reported by the coroner. We wholeheartedly blame Dr. Murray's gross negligence and criminal practice. However, we are contending that additional factors constituted a serious case of neglect which largely contributed to Michael's passing. His drastic weight loss, stress and fears, and his drug use were evident, the failure of those around him to STOP the greedy tour machine and HELP a man clearly in desperate need of help need to be exposed. Anything else is speculation which will need to be proven or not and it belongs to another level of research that we are not trying to expose here. Even if some of these conspiracy theories will be proven at some point, this does not take away from the fact that MJ needed help. We prefer to work with what we know for sure and what we can prove, at this moment.

10. To clear one untruth circulating about Michael's children - Michael's children were never at tour rehearsals with Michael. He wanted the shows to be a surprise for them. Yes they would sometimes accompany him to his doctor visits and of course shopping. But never to the tour rehearsals, where he spent much of his days. They were not with Michael 24/7, sadly, and we can imagine they missed him very much. He would very often try to make it home to put them to bed. This was Michael...

Love and hugs to everyone and especially those who have been so supportive on This Is Not It facebook page and our personal pages. We appreciate you. We all loved Michael. We should all love each other.

This Is Not It