This Is It Tour Audition Tape?

Re: Audition Tape?

:wild: I really hope he sings Why you wanna trip on me. :wild:
Re: Audition Tape?

i onlii pray that that the whole shirt thing is added in there...omg ...mj ripin that shirt off struttin the stage...heaven!
Re: Audition Tape?

o_@ Can't believe it will happen in two months, it's crazy!
Re: Audition Tape?

the guy on the far left looks like Nick Bass, MJ picked him :)

OMG, if they picked him and DIDN'T pick the guy on the far right with the long black hair......Then I don't know WHAT they were looking for really. :lol: :lol: Because the one on the far right was AMAZING!! He has a great stage presence and his timing was perfect, his moves were really clear and clean, and he had an AMAZING energy when he was dancing. Reminds me of the kind of energy MJ has when he dances. He's like "on fire" when he dances. :yes: The one on the far left didn't even get the piruets done properly. So...I really hope the guy on the far right got picked. He would deserve it...unless they had to do something else too and he really blew it or unless he has a really bad personality and attitude or there was something else that would prevent him from getting picked even though he did an amazing job on that one. I think the one on the far left was the second weakest of that group after the guy who was second from the left. Both of them messed up the shirt routine too. Unless both of them were supposed to have the shirts hanging on their hands like that. :lol: I mean, maybe there was other criteria too why they'd pick certain dancers, but if you just used that....I think the guy on the far right was clearly the best. I wonder what his name is. He was really amazing! :yes: Wish him all the best in case he didn't get picked. But I would be really amazed if he didn't. Unless there were some that were even more amazing.
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Re: Audition Tape?

OMG, if they picked him and DIDN'T pick the guy on the far right with the long black hair......Then I don't know WHAT they were looking for really. :lol: :lol: Because the one on the far right was AMAZING!!

lol - Me and my Sister said the same, one on the right was great dancer.
Re: Audition Tape?

lol - Me and my Sister said the same, one on the right was great dancer.

I mean, they are ALL great dancers...but if you compare those four...the one on the far right was on FIRE when he was dancing. There was POWER in his movement. He wasn't "just" dancing. He was "living" the dance. There was just something "more" in his dancing. He was somehow more energetic than the others. Or the energy went until his toes and his fingertips in his movements CONSTANTLY...with the others it kind of came and went. He was "one" with the music and it looked really effortless. It looked like he had FUN dancing and being on stage. I really liked him. So I hope he made it. :yes:
Re: Audition Tape?

i onlii pray that that the whole shirt thing is added in there...omg ...mj ripin that shirt off struttin the stage...heaven!

It sure looked like part of the routine ... they all did the movements the same way.
**enter Paris Hilton**
Thatz Hott !!

I think the shirt move is quite homo-erotic
It sure excited me :zformation: Me likey !!
Re: Audition Tape?

I think the shirt move is quite homo-erotic

Uhm...HUH??? :scratch::doh: And it would be homo-erotic...because..... ? Because it's guys taking their shirt off....and if there are gay guys in the audience they might like it? :scratch:So when ever MJ ripps his shirt off on stage...that is homo-erotic too? :mello::doh:

I'm sorry but I don't think I will ever get some people...:lol:
Video Of The Boys Auditions!

From KoP:
This video was supposedly shot during the boys auditions, 4 dancers can be seen performing a medley including "Smooth Criminal", "Dangerous", and "Why You Wanna Trip On Me".

According to the YouTube user who uploaded this video, 2 of these dancers were booked for the concerts.

Re: Video Of The Boys Auditions!

Great video Dangerous and thanks for posting but it has been posted three times already ;)
makes me appreciate Michael all the more. those guys are really good. i've seen that routine so many times. but every time i look at it when MJ performs it, i can't take the focus off of him. like Katherine Hepburn said. he's magic.

with those guys, as talented as they are, i keep switching my focus. lol. but they are def good enough for that tour.

as always, MJ knows what he's doing.

lol...looks like they're freestyling at the end there, with the shirts. lol. soon as they did that, i evnvisioned going from seeing the stage to seeing the street.
Re: Video Of The Boys Auditions!

From KoP:

I've already posted a video of the two dancers telling a dance camp they can't make it this summer because they will be on Michaels tour. But it's been taken off.

But here's the two guys, Nick Bass and Misha Gabriel, Both guys were on Justin Timberlakes last tour.

i think the guys had to do 2 familar dance routines and then create one themselves to show their creativity , which btw i LOVE!!!
At the beginning (first 5ish seconds), the beats sound familiar from another MJ song, but I can't think of it. Knowing MJ's history, probably something from the Dangerous album. He's always sampling beats from the Dangerous album.

Michael knowns he can't be out danced by his own dancers. And they were quick and sharp. So obviously MJ is keeping up with them. It makes me happy to know MJ's dancing will be that precise and fierce again, like it was before this decade.

WYWTOM...that was hot, not gonna lie. I want to see that on stage. And hopefully MJ join in for at least a few seconds. Need some pro-shots of that!

New moves for Dangerous and SC, I like them.
Well, don't think you have to worry! I do not think MJ will take his shirt off in that manner!

Why not? I can see Michael taking off is shirt and I hope he does. He was shirtless in YANA. He ripped his shirt off in DD.

I think that Michael knows that the youngins like to take their shirts off and he is incorporating fresh moves into his already classic dance moves to bring them up to date. I like it. Michael has always kept up with the latest moves.

I remember when I used to watch Michael's videos and be totally amazed and how he always seemed to know what the latest dance moves were on the streets. He always knew.

Although I've read it in the first post :rofl: I didn't realise all the 3 songs for me it was one :D LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL After the second time watching I have sorted it out LOOOOOOOOOOL

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: BUT THIS IS AMAZING!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:


The dance fascinates me, especially the long spinn in the middle and the end when the dancers were ripping off their shirts :wild: hope MJ wil participate :D:wub:

FUN to watch, greatt dancers!:popcorn:
Why not? I can see Michael taking off is shirt and I hope he does. He was shirtless in YANA. He ripped his shirt off in DD.

I think that Michael knows that the youngins like to take their shirts off and he is incorporating fresh moves into his already classic dance moves to bring them up to date. I like it. Michael has always kept up with the latest moves.

I remember when I used to watch Michael's videos and be totally amazed and how he always seemed to know what the latest dance moves were on the streets. He always knew.

not everybody wants to see a 49 year old man take his top off, even if it is Michael lol
Why not? I can see Michael taking off is shirt and I hope he does. He was shirtless in YANA. He ripped his shirt off in DD.
Yeah, and many people wish he wouldn't have! Besides, that was 14 (and 21 years) years ago... I doubt that as a 50 year old he wants to be seen posing chickenbreasted next to a couple of mid-twenty year old dancers with six packs... but whatever... we'll see! ;) Not saying though that he won't rip his shirt in the spur of the moment... but certainly not as part of a choreography!

Edit: Oops, Sidewalk.. didn't see your post... but I see you got my point! ;)
I like the group moonwalk during Smooth Criminal. Not so wild about the shirt ripping part, lol.
I figured it out. Smooth Criminal started with beats from the beginning of Dangerous live at the 1999 concerts.
Re: Audition Tape?

OMG, the Why You Wanna Trip On Me choreography is HOT!!!!!!!!!! :wild: :wild: :wild: I hope they will perform that at the O2!!!! :clapping: (Well, PREFERABLY Michael participating on the same choreography (read: taking shirt off) as well....AHEM!!! ;) :lol: :lol: )

I really like that guy on the right, with the kind of beige shirt and long hair!!! I hope he made it. His timing is perfect, his moves are SOOO CLEAN and I love the energy!!! He has "stage presence". The one I liked the least was the second from the right. He was a great dancer but he some how lacked energy in his moves in my opinion. And the one on the far left same thing...The second from the right was pretty great too. But the one on the far right was the best one in my opinion. :yes: It will be interesting to see all the dancers on stage and all the choreographies. Then again....I won't be able to see much from the "ceiling" at the back where I'll be sitting. So I can basically just enjoy the music at the concerts and can only imagine what the performance is like. :(

My oponion is that he really failed The Smooth Criminal Dance :p but that´s just what I think
if the dancers do those routines imagine WHAT MIKE WILL DO !! It gets me the chills from now because of excitment !!!