THIS IS IT Movie Dinner with Joe Jackson, $3000


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a

here is a another link:

P,S. i think, this might put off some of the general public who might otherwise have gone to see it. I'm really disappointed of joe's antics.
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SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a

here is a another link:

oh dear.
shimar: okay i thought that was a bit off the limit..:p

But yeah..

oh dear.... what are they doing.. dont they feel shame??
You just made my day with this... absolutely hilarious...

Does this beautiful little child:

deserve for their father to SELL THEM?


Just let them do what they want, their hardly going to be famous doing anything else but selling someone's name.

The only thing he has is the name Jackson and it got his son further than him, the only thing he is viewed as is a child beating money making failure.

The only reason this new TV show will do well if it does is because people want to see how the family are coping after Michael's death, that's something else Joe doesn't realise yet, whatever he does Michael will be haunting him for years because he doesn't quite match up to Michael's standards.
I'd pay $3000 to NOT have dinner with him.

The man terrifies me lol
You can take Joe Jackson out of the steel works but you cant take the working class imbecile out of Joe Jackson,
Just let them do what they want, their hardly going to be famous doing anything else but selling someone's name.

The only thing he has is the name Jackson and it got his son further than him, the only thing he is viewed as is a child beating money making failure.

The only reason this new TV show will do well if it does is because people want to see how the family are coping after Michael's death, that's something else Joe doesn't realise yet, whatever he does Michael will be haunting him for years because he doesn't quite match up to Michael's standards.

i understand your point, but i think what joe and other family members are doing will make the general public weary/hesitant of buy MJ products and thereby limiting the amount of revenue generated in the long run. That's what i don't like. At the same time this should show the general public that what Mj said was the truth, i.e. joe only saw him as his cash cow
i understand your point, but i think what joe and other family members are doing will make the general public weary/hesitant of buy MJ products and thereby limiting the amount of revenue generated in the long run. That's what i don't like. At the same time this should show the general public that what Mj said was the truth, i.e. joe only saw him as his cash cow

what Mj said was the truth, i.e. joe only saw him as his cash cow[/QUOTE]
Well yeh it was always the truth he didn't have to say it it's his nature.

Hopefully this show will be a shambles, I always thought The Jackson's had more about them than reality shows but I guess not....
It's sounds like a cool evening, but who'd wanna pay $3000 to have dinner with Joe?
Honestly, aren't they overestimating his worth a little?

SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a

here is a another link:

P,S. i think, this might put off some of the general public who might otherwise have gone to see it. I'm really disappointed of joe's antics.

once again...Joe is disgusting....selling Michael....the guy is like a damn piranha...