"This Is It" is a PR-desaster thanks to the single. Thanks Sony!

oh yeah and do you guys remember the poll from billboard.com regarding "hold my hand" from akon and michael?

80% people were in favor of the song and would buy the song and a possible album, 5% weren't, and 15% couldn't tell coz they couldnt hear the song yet (sony made sure that websites took it down as soon as it was uploaded somewhere)

and now this recent poll. no comment, but sony really had it coming and i think they really invited this situation to appear with all the $$ in their eyes. it must have went as simply as this:

"ok so what songs do we have from michael?"

"well we got 50 from the estate, one of them has the name >this is it
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i think making a thread on this is a little overboard. the song rocks. i wake up in the morning without getting it out of my head. it's ok now. it's a Mike Jackson song, and Anka and others should be thankful. Mike's name has saved a lot of peoples' bacon.
Get over it people, they aren't scrapping a single and releasing a new one or doing anything else of the like.

That poll says that 10% of respondents will buy the album. What percentage of people buy albums nowadays anyway? You've got 100k routinely being sold to a population of over 300 million. Of course a certain percentage won't be buying CDs to begin with, but I'd have to believe that people are overreacting to the 10% number.

I also don't really understand this whole legacy thing. Sorry, but the stuff that will define his legacy musically is all pretty much over. You may see some releases as the years pass, but MJ is going to be remembered for all that he accomplished while he was alive. One song, no matter how good or bad, is not going to change anything in the long run. Nor, likely, is another entire album of unreleased songs.
MJ's legacy is never going to be destroyed. People aren't stupid, they know MJ didn't want this released as as someone on Twitter said Michael Jackson could sing Humpty Dumtpy and people would buy it in their droves.
MJ's legacy is never going to be destroyed. People aren't stupid, they know MJ didn't want this released as as someone on Twitter said Michael Jackson could sing Humpty Dumtpy and people would buy it in their droves.

True - I plan to support the movie & the CD anyways.
I can understand why people are angry but hasn't this kinda stuff been happening to MJ forever? I mean if we boycott every thing new that comes from MJ because someone or some people decide to tell the world that MJ stole it or they do something to where they get some share in it than well, every thing would be boycotted. People will make things up or will do everything in their power to make it so that even Michael's most dedicated fans wouldn't buy anything new from him just so they could say crap about him.
Seriously? How is the movie a disaster cause of the single what you all expected a track like rock my world or some shit I don’t mean to come at any body in a wrong matter but I’m so fed up I want a few people gunned down. Second many of you are going to still go see this movie watching the greatest entertainer rehearse his songs on a damn graveyard yes I said it the same mothafuckas who putting this movie, single etc out are the same ones who controlled him. I know the truth and it will get out the industry is filled with demons as for his estate please I’m even going to go there either. P.S FUCK SONY GRIMMY ASS HASBEEN HAVING MOTHAFUCKAS Racism BITCHES
We will be fine as long as we as fans keep putting positive messages out there about MJ. We must drown out the negativity, but we must stick together. Yes, we will disagree on some things but we do agree on ONE thing and that is, WE LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON. Let's spread the love.
Seriously? How is the movie a disaster cause of the single what you all expected a track like rock my world or some shit I don’t mean to come at any body in a wrong matter but I’m so fed up I want a few people gunned down. Second many of you are going to still go see this movie watching the greatest entertainer rehearse his songs on a damn graveyard yes I said it the same mothafuckas who putting this movie, single etc out are the same ones who controlled him. I know the truth and it will get out the industry is filled with demons as for his estate please I’m even going to go there either. P.S FUCK SONY GRIMMY ASS HASBEEN HAVING MOTHAFUCKAS Racism BITCHES
Step away from the computer. It'll be okay. I am upset too. But let's keep spreading positive messages about Michael.
Of course Sony profits, they are the manufacturer & label.

Manufacturer and label of what, which recordings/material are you referring to?

I thought you meant new stuff, so I was talking about any new material that Michael has written after his departure from the Sony label, not this current song, or anything archived from the past whilst he was under the Sony deal.

I'm sure there will be a tussle over everything though :)
Seriously? How is the movie a disaster cause of the single what you all expected a track like rock my world or some shit I don’t mean to come at any body in a wrong matter but I’m so fed up I want a few people gunned down. Second many of you are going to still go see this movie watching the greatest entertainer rehearse his songs on a damn graveyard yes I said it the same mothafuckas who putting this movie, single etc out are the same ones who controlled him. I know the truth and it will get out the industry is filled with demons as for his estate please I’m even going to go there either. P.S FUCK SONY GRIMMY ASS HASBEEN HAVING MOTHAFUCKAS Racism BITCHES

you got it wrong, i'm not referring to the movie as a pr-desaster, but much more the album and the single. first everyone talks about the album being consisted of a best of cd and a live cd, then sony comes up with 4 songs on disc 2 and a poem, which is nice, but seriously, what kind of strange release is this for a movie that has broken several pre-sale records worldwide?

then they release a single that is over 20 years old, AND the release the wrong version, meaningly the unclear orchestral version, while there is a crystal clear version without the sucking fade-out at the end.

then they dont do a legal background check and now there is some creep who claims that michael has stolen (literally) this song from his studio and that mcclain acknowledged to him that "michael isn't able to write a great song like this just himself". this creep makes big cash with the "this is it" movie at cinema, dvd and blu-ray, coz the song is going to be there every single time the movie will be seen/sold or screened on TV. and everytime the album is sold, he gets royalties too, so it's a big payday for him.

and thats already the only thing that pisses me off, that creepy people will get rich again through him even though they haven't done anything good for michael in over 20 years. sony could have easily avoided this, but they just had the $$ on their eyes and now they get what they asked for. let's see how strong sony is in terms of damage control.
This is ridiculous!! a CNN.com Poll? Now tell me how many Michael or music fans will go to CNN. No one I know eeven heard of this poll. At least 20 people I know will be buying this cd and going to the movie more than once. People in Hong Kong or Europe don't even know this poll existed. People in South America dont even care. They all want is to see MIchael for ths last time. I know it will be painful, but We need to just see him this once, alive. I know that he was murdered and many knows that, but at least We will see him.
Yes I will support anything that will take his Legacy higher and Give to the Children. No Illegal stuff or no bootleg for me.
CNN and other polls can go to hell. That is their job to bring out polls. It is a way of measuring their viewership..The media is smart.
SONY always manage to make Michael look bad. Even after his death, they cant even make things right. Its embarrasing. I wanna boycot because I cant stand SONY, but I want to spread Michaels legacy and continue to buy his songs and stuff. I just think all this promotion after his death has been more about money than about the music itself and even after his death he cant rest in peace without having people calling him thief and whatnot, it makes me so sad, this is a song from the 80's, why call him a thief now. MJ making this song is not new news, Paul Anka must've known earlier he made this song. Its not a ripoff, its Michaels original song, Safire did a COVER for it, and if anyone's to blame its NOT Michael, he cant even defend himself in this matter and people are doing anything to make him look bad. Holy shit..

I agree
The way I am looking at this CNN poll is not a reflection on Michael, but a reflection on what people know that others *SONY* are trying to make as much money as they can on the heels of Michael's passing because there is mass global interest right now.

Don't you think that the This Is Not It campaigners are furiously voting on that poll?!?!

I think a lot of people will still go see the movie, but not necessarily buy the album because Sony really is ripping off MJ's fans and giving us a single demo with a lot of baggage to it.

Aren't there any intelligent music execs at Sony anymore?!? I swear, you'd think they were a brand new record company the way that they are handling Michael. Well, I guess 50% blame also goes to McClain's goof.

ETA: Just checked the poll for 'Greatest pop star to ever live' and MJ is still at 59% YES and 41% NO.
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Calm down peepz. Sony is annoying, but it doesn't matter. People will always love Michael. I saw this comment underneath the lyrics of an MJ song and it made me smile -

daisha 08/06/09,14:35
i love michael jackson i wish he was 9 like me

I didn't realise 9 yr olds used the internet.. eek!
of course it's also CNN sensationalism-style of asking the questions "will you spend money on this is it the single, album and movie?"

of course some wont spend it on the album but still go to see the movie. in fact, the movie screenings are already sold out worldwide, so asking about the movie is irrelevant anyways. it's just the way CNN is asking and trying to diminish MJs legacy by posing questions in a way to get a result that THEY want.
I am sick of the drama! 100,000 people is NOTHING in comparison to 6 billion people in this world (1 billion are MJ fans) and billions more love his music.

What damage has been done? The movie and song has already broken records.

The movie would of been a block buster WITHOUT the song! The song was thrown in last minute to support the movie, that's it!

Fans on this forum and other forums always overreact. Remember everything in your eyes is microscoped, the general public don't see it that way. Fans read every article, watch every poll, in almost all languages lol etc etc And then you stress, stress, stress because of it. Fans always get it wrong too and end up being "shocked" by the outcome of success. You all worry over nothing and think the worst and it never happens!

Did you think about who took part in the poll? Who knows who these people are, if there opinions are even worthy and who cares! A few thousand general random participants is nothing in comparison to the millions of crazy Michael lovers! His fan base is so big, with that alone, it is enough to make this all a success!

Everyone needs to chill.

oh so very well said!!! :yes2: .......... I like you! :happy:
cnn poll...on Michael Jackson...hahaha..now come on I do not take this seriously at all....Michael could stand there and fart the Star Spangled Banner and people will buy it....all those who say they will not...well I dont think they are being completely honest with themselves.....Once a Michael fan....always a Michael fan....no matter what ....no matter if Sony does suck...it is still Michael....and we have always supported him no matter what and I KNOW we always will.....so who really cares some CNN poll......bahh
I am sick of the drama! 100,000 people is NOTHING in comparison to 6 billion people in this world (1 billion are MJ fans) and billions more love his music.

What damage has been done? The movie and song has already broken records.

The movie would of been a block buster WITHOUT the song! The song was thrown in last minute to support the movie, that's it!

Fans on this forum and other forums always overreact. Remember everything in your eyes is microscoped, the general public don't see it that way. Fans read every article, watch every poll, in almost all languages lol etc etc And then you stress, stress, stress because of it. Fans always get it wrong too and end up being "shocked" by the outcome of success. You all worry over nothing and think the worst and it never happens!

Did you think about who took part in the poll? Who knows who these people are, if there opinions are even worthy and who cares! A few thousand general random participants is nothing in comparison to the millions of crazy Michael lovers! His fan base is so big, with that alone, it is enough to make this all a success!

Everyone needs to chill.

Yeah I agree with this post. I'm disapointed just because I've been waiting years to hear a new MJ song that is really good, and this song isn't really anything amazing. The movie looks like it's going to be awesome and it's breaking records.

And this poll? How often do people get polled to see how many people in America are going to see a movie? What percentage of Americans went and saw Spider-Man? Or The Dark Knight? It's not like voting or a political position on an issue.

A lot of people are seeing the movie and paying for it, and I'm freaking going insane waiting to see it and already paid for it.
10% of americans will buy the CD or watch the TII movies and maybe 20%

Thats between 30 000 000 and 60 000 000 of people. Thats a lot, a LOT.

Thats a good pool for me. Dont know how people thinks about it.
has anyone called Branca/McClain's office? the phone number was floated around here last night and then someone posted that they were taking responsibility for calling them. I just want to know what they (Branca/McClain) have to say for the crappy way they've handled the first big PR move for their biggest client ever.
First I just want to state that America does not = The world. Most people who voted on CNN are American so whatever the results of that poll are they're irrelevant in the bigger picture because This Is It is probably gaurenteed to get huge sales world wide. (Oh also I'm not being anti-American by the way, my boyfriend is American, I love America I was just pointing out that Michael has always been huge in pretty much every country on this planet.)

Also I don't think boycotting Sony is the way to sort this out. Yes Sony are complelte idiots (we all knew this) they put a song out that knew nothing about and are now paying the repercussions. We all also know that the only reason they are putting out yet another greatest hits album is to rake in even more money. However, to not support this is to indirictly not support Michael. It's his name on that CD, if we - his most loyal fans- are boycotting the CD that doesn't bode well for the sales of it, and at the end of the day, we want Michael to be back at number one again don't we?

I totally agree that we shouldn't have to buy songs we already own and mostly likely, due to all the greatest hits albums that have been released, have quite a few copies of. This whole thing is totally ridiculous and when it comes down to it, it's just about Sony making money. But still, like I said before, I want to support Michael, because as much as he himself hated Sony I think he'd like our support.

I am in two minds about this because really, sales don't matter. Michael will always be number one to us. I just love showing all the haters out there that Michael is still, and always will be King :)
I didn't realise 9 yr olds used the internet.. eek!

OT, I never thought of that either.. I went to visit my cousin last year who was 8 years old at that time, 9 years now, and she knows more about the internet than I do. Crap! When I was 8 years old I didnt even know what a computer was, let alone ever seeing one in real life. All I knew was sandboxes and dolls.. Todays kids are so interacted globally and with media. Its amazing.