"This Is It" is a PR-desaster thanks to the single. Thanks Sony!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
current poll at www.cnn.com

Will you be paying for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" song, album or movie?

yes: around 10,000
no: around 100,000
don't know yet: around 10,000

sorry, cnn is currently having problems loading now that i wanted to check back for the exact numbers, but this is what i just saw there.

can't sony do it right at least one time? everytime there's something nice surrounding michael, management fails and creeps turn up and make everything sour.
current poll at www.cnn.com

Will you be paying for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" song, album or movie?

yes: around 10,000
no: around 100,000
don't know yet: around 10,000

sorry, cnn is currently having problems loading now that i wanted to check back for the exact numbers, but this is what i just saw there.

can't sony do it right at least one time? everytime there's something nice surrounding michael, management fails and creeps turn up and make everything sour.

I am definitely boycotting this soundtrack.

I will instead buy the "Number Ones" as gift to family.

The whole debacle has been disgusting. Anka calling MJ a thief & MCClain throwing MJ under the bus to cover his & Branca's mistake is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!
my advice would be to kill the song completely and release a "killer track" (i'm sure michael MUST have something GOOD produced with ne-yo, akon, t-pain and the others that were chit-chatting about producing w/ michael in the months before he passed) instead. new track-listing and new song at the end of the movie.

but all this may be too late since production for the album may have already started some time ago. this really stinks and leaves a sour feeling in my mouth when i look at this whole mess: they don't release the clear-version of the song to the internet, don't do a legal background check for the song, fail to make the 2 disc soundtrack interesting. our only hope now is that the movie can deliver. fortunately, kenny ortega has the say here, so the day should be hopefully saved.

but til 27th oct it's still a long way, enough time for the media to fall all over michael and for mcclain and anka making disgusting remarks about michael and sony failing to make a clear statement what went wrong here.
I am happy with the track as well. It should go well with the movie. They aren't going to release anything "killer" or recent because I would hope they are planning to come out with an album. Of course that might not happen for a long time.
SONY always manage to make Michael look bad. Even after his death, they cant even make things right. Its embarrasing. I wanna boycot because I cant stand SONY, but I want to spread Michaels legacy and continue to buy his songs and stuff. I just think all this promotion after his death has been more about money than about the music itself and even after his death he cant rest in peace without having people calling him thief and whatnot, it makes me so sad, this is a song from the 80's, why call him a thief now. MJ making this song is not new news, Paul Anka must've known earlier he made this song. Its not a ripoff, its Michaels original song, Safire did a COVER for it, and if anyone's to blame its NOT Michael, he cant even defend himself in this matter and people are doing anything to make him look bad. Holy shit..
It's a nice song made great by MJ's vocal talent. It will make a more fitting closing credits track than an uptempo song, agreed, but weren't we told that MJ was DEFINATELY going to be performing 2 new songs at the concerts AND releasing new music to coincide with the tour? Why did Sony even have to remix an old demo, change the title and pass it off as 'new' just to make it appear related to the concerts?
Perhaps a press conference with an apology to cool things around, but damage is done already
current poll at www.cnn.com
can't sony do it right at least one time? everytime there's something nice surrounding michael, management fails and creeps turn up and make everything sour.

What does that tell you, these people who have surrounded Michael throughout his career, know exactly what they're doing, it's not a matter of them failing, failing Michael yes, but not themselves I mean, they do what's right for them and always have done.
I am sick of the drama! 100,000 people is NOTHING in comparison to 6 billion people in this world (1 billion are MJ fans) and billions more love his music.

What damage has been done? The movie and song has already broken records.

The movie would of been a block buster WITHOUT the song! The song was thrown in last minute to support the movie, that's it!

Fans on this forum and other forums always overreact. Remember everything in your eyes is microscoped, the general public don't see it that way. Fans read every article, watch every poll, in almost all languages lol etc etc And then you stress, stress, stress because of it. Fans always get it wrong too and end up being "shocked" by the outcome of success. You all worry over nothing and think the worst and it never happens!

Did you think about who took part in the poll? Who knows who these people are, if there opinions are even worthy and who cares! A few thousand general random participants is nothing in comparison to the millions of crazy Michael lovers! His fan base is so big, with that alone, it is enough to make this all a success!

Everyone needs to chill.
I am sick of the drama! 100,000 people is NOTHING in comparison to 6 billion people in this world (1 billion are MJ fans) and billions more love his music.

What damage has been done? The movie and song has already broken records.

The movie would of been a block buster WITHOUT the song! The song was thrown in last minute to support the movie, that's it!

Fans on this forum and other forums always overreact. Remember everything in your eyes is microscoped, the general public don't see it that way. Fans read every article, watch every poll, in almost all languages lol etc etc And then you stress, stress, stress because of it. Fans always get it wrong too and end up being "shocked" by the outcome of success. You all worry over nothing and think the worst and it never happens!

Did you think about who took part in the poll? Who knows who these people are, if there opinions are even worthy and who cares! A few thousand general random participants is nothing in comparison to the millions of crazy Michael lovers! His fan base is so big, with that alone, it is enough to make this all a success!

Everyone needs to chill.

Well said ! :punk:
By the way I WILL BUY THE ALBUM as I plan to support MJ's legacy.

Michael in life has made history and holds almost every record in music and entertainment history. Everything we get now is a treat and fans should just enjoy it. He has nothing to prove, he holds all the records.

Sony weren't smart no but it's not about a new single, it was only released to support the movie so all this drama, guys who cares. Your all reading too much into it.
All I'm gonna say is this:

you ungreatful gits!!

Be thankfull that your getting something previously unreleased and stop griping at e erything.
Those polls on CNN are not scientific. They even provide that disclaimer. You can vote as many times as you want so there is no validity to them.

I like the song and will purchase the album. This mini drama about the song will probably blow over soon because the issue was resolved in less than 4 hours. The tabloids may try to milk it but most people don't get their news from tabloids. The mainstream media seems to look at this as a one and done story with no legs.
I am sick of the drama! 100,000 people is NOTHING in comparison to 6 billion people in this world (1 billion are MJ fans) and billions more love his music.

What damage has been done? The movie and song has already broken records.

The movie would of been a block buster WITHOUT the song! The song was thrown in last minute to support the movie, that's it!

Fans on this forum and other forums always overreact. Remember everything in your eyes is microscoped, the general public don't see it that way. Fans read every article, watch every poll, in almost all languages lol etc etc And then you stress, stress, stress because of it. Fans always get it wrong too and end up being "shocked" by the outcome of success. You all worry over nothing and think the worst and it never happens!

Did you think about who took part in the poll? Who knows who these people are, if there opinions are even worthy and who cares! A few thousand general random participants is nothing in comparison to the millions of crazy Michael lovers! His fan base is so big, with that alone, it is enough to make this all a success!

Everyone needs to chill.

Very nicely put :) Fans are getting overly worried about this. Who do you think looks at these polls and sees them as the written truth anyway?!?
Everyone needs to calm down. The song is good. Michael's vocal is great. We wanted new music and since none of us had heard him sing this song before, it's new to us, regardless of when it was made. And as for the crap from yesterday, it was a one day story that in uncharacteristic MJ-camp fashion, they cleared up and fixed within hours. The song is all over the internet and according to Nielson which measures the play of songs on the radio in the US, the song was the 21st most played song yesterday. We'll get more music, fresher music in time, we all know that, so how about we all just enjoy the appetizer that is THIS IS IT and hope it makes a good chart run. People want to do something constructive?, request the song at radio...

P.S. Who cares about a CNN.com poll anyway? The THIS IS IT album is going to debut at number 1 all over the world, as is the movie. The people who go to CNN.com and answer those polls probably aren't exactly MJ or R&B/Pop fans anyway so fuck em!
Everyone needs to calm down. The song is good. Michael's vocal is great. We wanted new music and since none of us had heard him sing this song before, it's new to us, regardless of when it was made. And as for the crap from yesterday, it was a one day story that in uncharacteristic MJ-camp fashion, they cleared up and fixed within hours. The song is all over the internet and according to Nielson which measures the play of songs on the radio in the US, the song was the 21st most played song yesterday. We'll get more music, fresher music in time, we all know that, so how about we all just enjoy the appetizer that is THIS IS IT and hope it makes a good chart run. People want to do something constructive?, request the song at radio...

P.S. Who cares about a CNN.com poll anyway? The THIS IS IT album is going to debut at number 1 all over the world, as is the movie.The people who go to CNN.com and answer those polls probably aren't exactly MJ or R&B/Pop fans anyway so fuck em!
They also don't have much of a life, lol.
my advice would be to kill the song completely and release a "killer track" (i'm sure michael MUST have something GOOD produced with ne-yo, akon, t-pain and the others that were chit-chatting about producing w/ michael in the months before he passed) instead. new track-listing and new song at the end of the movie.


BTW, it's NEVER too late for a company as big as Sony. The loss could be considered a tax write-off & they can put something on the radio, in the snap of a finger.

Sony's done this before - they have the ability to pull the song out of production RIGHT NOW off the CD & release a hot new single.

The CD comes out Nov 28, so they have time.
^ October 28th isn't it? It's probably too late to pull it now.

BTW, it's NEVER too late for a company as big as Sony. The loss could be considered a tax write-off & they can put something on the radio, in the snap of a finger.

Sony's done this before - they have the ability to pull the song out of production RIGHT NOW off the CD & release a hot new single.

The CD comes out Nov 28, so they have time.

It's unlikely that Sony will profit from any of the new material, so it's not in their interests to do that. Unless it's co-written with anyone else who is connected to Sony. Otherwise, I think new arrangements will need to be made for the new material.

Sony will be tripping out stuff from Michael's back catalogues for years as well though.
Given how quickly they mass produce the X Factor winner's single after the live result and get it on the shelves in a matter of hours, it would be possible to completely change the Tracklist, even now, although probably at a huge cost.
Of course Sony profits, they are the manufacturer & label.

It's unlikely that Sony will profit from any of the new material, so it's not in their interests to do that. Unless it's co-written with anyone else who is connected to Sony. Otherwise, I think new arrangements will need to be made for the new material.

Sony will be tripping out stuff from Michael's back catalogues for years as well though.
Nope - if they act fast that is.

They can recall all the CDs back & make new ones immediately.

we all love michael's classics, doesnt matter if its from the 80s, 90s or early 00s, but to release a song thats was recorded in 2008/2009 (according to all the producers that were chit-chatting over the last months before his death prove that there should be quite many songs around) wouldnt hurt for today's terms.

ditching the song completely and killing it off the this is it album and movie will furthermore avoid mcclain (he said he arranged some of the background sounds) and this other creep, who claims he is such a genius, to receive any royalties from the song.

if they stick with "this is it" (the single) then these 2 creeps will cash in big time with the release of the album and the movie. is that really what some of the fans here want? or do you just don't care anymore at this point?

and you know, about saying f*ck all those 100,000 people on CNN:

the readers on CNN were actually already quite pro-michael, when he passed and CNN conducted a poll "do you think MJ was the biggest entertainer of all time", a similar amount of people voted and the result was 65% pro michael and just 35% against and now its more like 90 to 10.

i actually wont look at the poll anymore and hope cnn changes it in a few hours, it just hurts from my point of view as a fan of many, many years. i just hope the movie will be the big success, i just feel so bad for michael now, he deserves much better than all this.
Given how quickly they mass produce the X Factor winner's single after the live result and get it on the shelves in a matter of hours, it would be possible to completely change the Tracklist, even now, although probably at a huge cost.

Correct - this can be done. They can scrap the single, but they have to move fast.