there's something 'sexy' about mike being a single dad

Hell yeah! Seeing any father being great with their kids makes me melt but Michael was just on another level. Such an amazing father. I wish more men could be like him.

As for that pic...HOT!
do you agree that there was something really appealing and hot about michael being a single dad? it made him more sophisticated and 'mature' and just cool i guess

a picture aid you in your visual

That pic of MJ is sexy!!! :D
Yes I know what you mean, but I found Michael sexy as a teen, in his 20's, in his 30's, in his 40's, in his 50's....
Totally appealing. I've seen pictures of him holding one his babies - it is breathtaking. I have two children of my own and have seen many men with their children and I have never seen the look on any of their faces that I see in Michael's. He was totally in awe of the creation that they are. So totally sexy - - - and so totally Michael. Love him More JM
I agree with this post and that picture is just....yum. I love how sexy he looks in those jeans and that smile. No words.....
Totally agree. But everything about Michael is sexy!!!

I never really had a father in my life, and he showed me not all dads are useless!

Me too. I grew up without a father around. It's quite admirable that Michael was such a good, loving, attentive single father to his children. I guess they aren't all bad.

Love to you guys. I have Daddy issues too. =/

But yes - So so so friggin' sexy. To see a guy be so tender and nurturing, not giving a crap about "gender roles", being unafraid to take on diapers and carry Strawberry Shortcake backpacks =) I have a serious thing for middle aged rocker daddies with little girls. LoL. That may sound creepy, I promise you it's not. =D
lol. i dont need any visual aid to help me realize that.

YES. I had thought on that many times before. Him being able to take care of his own three children while being MICHAEL JACKSON, and still being able to take them out with him even with all the media, and being so busy, he still spent sooo much time with them. all that just turned me on. he is such a man.
he is such a man.

God bless you. You know what's up. I wish people wouldn't let society decide for them what "manliness" is. I CANNOT stand men who pretend they're indifferent towards things because they think it makes them strong. What they're really trying to be is tough. And strong and tough are *not* the same thing. Michael was the strongest man I've ever known - ever. And yet, he wasn't "tough" - as in hardened. He wasn't guarded and inaccessible. He was simply expressive - whether it was love, hate, joy, sadness, fear or excitement - he didn't try to suppress it or alter it - he allowed himself to feel and allowed others to know what he felt - *that* is strength. You can always spot a real man by the way he treats his mom, animals, and children. MJ aaaall the way. =)
I think its very special for a man to have such a wonderful relationship with his children. Makes me wish as a child that I had that kind of relationship.

It is VERY SEXY also..:clapping:
yes daddies are sexy...
as for him being mature, I agree I liked him more than in his earlier days when he didn't have kids, some fans like the young cute Michael but I think there's something riveting about a grown mature man
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God bless you. You know what's up. I wish people wouldn't let society decide for them what "manliness" is. I CANNOT stand men who pretend they're indifferent towards things because they think it makes them strong. What they're really trying to be is tough. And strong and tough are *not* the same thing. Michael was the strongest man I've ever known - ever. And yet, he wasn't "tough" - as in hardened. He wasn't guarded and inaccessible. He was simply expressive - whether it was love, hate, joy, sadness, fear or excitement - he didn't try to suppress it or alter it - he allowed himself to feel and allowed others to know what he felt - *that* is strength. You can always spot a real man by the way he treats his mom, animals, and children. MJ aaaall the way. =)


I love this thread!
Totally agree!

God he is amazing.
An amazing parent, he was both father & mother for his three children. I admire that so much!
I'm a daddy's girl, I love & adore my father (both my parents actually), but I have to admit that I don't know how he would've managed to raise me without my mom.
Michael could've written a book about parenting, because he did a wonderful job raising his kids. They are his legacy and I know they'll make daddy proud!
yes daddies are sexy...
as for him being mature, I agree I liked him more than in his earlier days when he didn't have kids, some fans like the young cute Michael but I think there's something riveting about a grown mature man

Not only grown & mature - but he's still fit and sexy - - a mature man could be well lets just say not "all that" but MJ WOW he sure still has it..
Real attractiveness (I'm too shy to say sexiness...heh) in a man for me moves beyond physical appearance. It is how they treat others around them. How gentle they are. How sensitive they are towards others feelings. How they treat their mother. Their values. I've never been into "tough guys". I like a good guy.

I was taken by what Michael said in the Shmuley book..."I am in love with innocence."
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God bless you. You know what's up. I wish people wouldn't let society decide for them what "manliness" is. I CANNOT stand men who pretend they're indifferent towards things because they think it makes them strong. What they're really trying to be is tough. And strong and tough are *not* the same thing. Michael was the strongest man I've ever known - ever. And yet, he wasn't "tough" - as in hardened. He wasn't guarded and inaccessible. He was simply expressive - whether it was love, hate, joy, sadness, fear or excitement - he didn't try to suppress it or alter it - he allowed himself to feel and allowed others to know what he felt - *that* is strength. You can always spot a real man by the way he treats his mom, animals, and children. MJ aaaall the way. =)

Very true!
Totally agree. But everything about Michael is sexy!!!

I never really had a father in my life, and he showed me not all dads are useless!

i second that...

Prince, Paris and Blanket are so lucky for having such a wonderful dad like Mike :wub:
do you agree that there was something really appealing and hot about michael being a single dad? it made him more sophisticated and 'mature' and just cool i guess

a picture aid you in your visual

I'm a heterosexual male, so I can't comment on the sexy part, but I can say it's saddening for the children to grow up without a mother and the exact opposite of "mature" on MJ's part to do it that way. Think of the kid's first and how difficult and challenging it was already having a superstar for a father. It was so difficult and hard that MJ felt he had to cover their faces to protect them from the world.

Add the absence of a mother into the mix.
He showed me and the world how loving he was as a father.His kids came first in every aspect.If he wasn't doing this tour,he would have just be a dad and watched his children growup while probably helped new and old artist with songs and carryon his business affairs.I know he wanted his kids to see what the fuss was all about with their dad and the love he had for his fans. For us single gals, He was a dream come true,especually those with kids who were looking for the perfect man to be a step dad to their kids.Michael was still looking for that special woman but he just couldn't find her but he had impressed me with his genuine love and kindness and also he was protective of his kids.He did have that swagger that would make him get that title of Sexy Baby Daddy. To look at that smile when he is with his Children says it all. ALL FOR LOVE. I would have loved to be his wife like other women who would have wanted to Marry him just to witness this 1st hand.I would have loved to see him at age 65 with his kids grownup in their teens and twenties.. What could have been if certain people hadn't stop the light from giving off that special glow.

My friends, when you come across other folks speak of Michael Jackson as he was a Myth because they heard from other people that he was a legend that didn't exist,Tell them he lived and show pics and play his Music and show his TV appearances and Short Films and Videos,Play his interviews ect.. maybe these people will get the hint. He was a true Legend,A Trailblazer,A Visionary,An Icon and a Hero.
Spread the Word to the World. The Greatest Entertainer That Ever Lived.
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do you agree that there was something really appealing and hot about michael being a single dad? it made him more sophisticated and 'mature' and just cool i guess

a picture aid you in your visual

I love this thread thank you for making it, Michael is so sexy period damn I miss him

I agree 100%. I always admired and respected him being a single dad. I am so glad he had the chance to be a dad like he always wanted.
Probably not the right thread, seen as we're talking about single Mike :p

But i was watching a history concert last night, and I must say there was something really sexy about seeing Mike with a gold wedding band on his finger! Nothing to do with who he was married to or anything like that - obviously. Just the way it looked, it must just be a jewellery thing :wub: or maybe cause he was totally gorgeous in that era also.

Who knows! But it looked good :p

Still, the single dad thing :wub:
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Woww, this was such a great threath!
Michael is so unique... always!
Michael's sexiness comes from the INSIDE.......his PURE HEART and it radiates from inside out..... he's like a light that attracts or draw everyone to him.....
Oh *cringe* @ my misspelling. I meant "attractiveness". Had to edit my post above. :)

Yes, that quote is from that Shmuley book. Of course, assuming MJ really said that. I don't think audio of that portion was published. But it's really sweet.