The 'Why?' Game!

There's a few, but not many.

Why do people order a diet drink with their tousands of calories meal? :scratch:
:lol: good question

why do they have to teach math in schools?
Because they want to annoy with it :bugeyed

Why are Oreo's so yummy?
I don't know :D maybe cuz you live near the Pole? :lol:

why do I have to be sick?
LOL probably explains it... :p

Because everyone gets sick in the winter :(

Why am I finding it so hard to study right now? lol
yeah but i's spring here...I've been healthy as a horse all winter and now when the weather is nice I had to get sick :rant:

cuz studying sucks :D

why do I hate math?
Because you have nothing to do right now

why do people spend so much time online these days?
because most of us are addicted to the internet and ofcourse mj!
whay do we ask these questions!?
Because not all of them can be like Dumbo :D

Why do we get lazy sometimes?
Cuz we are sinners? :mello: :lol: don't know

why does music relax me?
Because it's music :D

Why do we get angry over little things sometimes?
Because we are all a bunch of stressy heads!

Why do so many women have little respect for themselves these days and think it is a good idea to expose themselves?
dunno...keep wondering that myself

why does my tummy hurt? :(
Ate too much? ;)

Why can't I decide what to do this weekend?
Cuz you're not sure what you wanna do :D

why do people hide from the truth?
Because they're afraid of truth.
Why some people are evil?
Cuz they are hurting and they think that by being evil they can drown their sorrow :D

why is the sun red when it rises or sets?
cuz they are embarrassed too :p

why are some people mean?
Because they are bitter inside

why do people who come off drugs or alcohol get so self congratulary yet people who have never taken anything are humble?
I don't know, if they have the facilities to wash I guess there is no excuse :/

Why do some people pay too much attention to what is in the media?